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Found 5 results

  1. Mevent

    Server Panel

    Version 1.1.3


    ServerPanel adds a player information menu to your server, where you can both share important and useful information with your players and integrate your plugins into it! Features User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive GUI for easy navigation and interaction. Economy Integration: Supports various economy plugins for seamless financial management. Dynamic Menu Categories: Organize functionalities into customizable categories for better user experience. Extensive Configuration Options: Almost every aspect of the plugin can be customized, including messages, colors, sizes, fonts, tion. Auto-Open Menu: Automatically displays the menu upon player connection, configurable per server settings. Block Settings: Control access to the menu during building, raiding, or combat situations to enhance gameplay balance. Multiple Economy Head Fields: Display various economic metrics such as balance, server rewards, and bank information. Permission Management: Fine-tune permissions for different user roles to control access to features. Localization Support: Easily translate and customize all messages for different languages. Performance Optimized: Designed to minimize server lag while providing rich functionality. Customizable Hooks: Integrate with existing economy systems using customizable hooks for adding, removing, and displaying balances. Editor Position Change: Admins can now change editor positions with a simple click, choosing between left, center, or right alignments. Command Enhancements: Commands are now processed with multiple arguments separated by "|", enabling bulk command processing. Commands /info – open menu /sp.install (or) /welcome.install – open installer menu Permissions serverpanel.edit – allows players to edit the plugin settings and open the edit menu serverpanelinstaller.admin - required to access the plugin installation functions Video Showcase Templates Template V1 Template V2 Template V3 Template V5 Editor Installer TEST SERVER Join our test server to view and experience all our unique features yourself! Copy the IP Address below to start playing! connect FAQ Q: Why can't I open the menu? A: Make sure that the plugin is installed and activated on your server. If the problem persists, contact the server administrator. Q: How do I enable Expert Mode? (disables automatic template updates) A: In the data file "Template.json", turn on the "Use an expert mod?" option: "Use an expert mod?": true, P.S. “Template.json” is located in the "oxide/data/ServerPanel" directory (if you use Oxide) or in the "carbon/data/ServerPanel" directory (if you use Carbon)
  2. Version 1.0.2


    Displays the name of the zone the player is in. You can customize text, text color, background color, etc. This plugin takes information about zones from zonemanager, all information is saved in a config file, after which you can customize information about these zones, which will be displayed Commands: /rzinfo - update zone information Config file: { "Settings outside the zone": { "Id": "0", "Name": "Outside", "AnchorMin": "0.649 0.041", "AnchorMax": "0.695 0.081", "Color_Background": "0.1 0.1 0.8 0.8", "Color_Text": "1 1 1 1", "TextSize": "16", "TextPlaceHolder": "Outside" }, "Default settings for the new zone": { "Id": "0", "Name": "Default", "AnchorMin": "0.649 0.041", "AnchorMax": "0.695 0.081", "Color_Background": "0.1 0.8 0.1 0.8", "Color_Text": "1 1 1 1", "TextSize": "16", "TextPlaceHolder": "Default" }, "Zones list": [] }
  3. Version 1.1.11


    HUD Panel System is the feature-packed HUD interface players can fully customize to their specific needs and play style. Display important server stats and ongoing events while enabling your players to create their own unique experience with the endless customization options this plugin provides! An API is included to make integration to other plugins seamless! Features: Beautiful HUD and other user interface Support for third-party plugins (you can modify your own and others' plugins) The player can customize the HUD (interface) Great customization options in the config All HUD titles can be changed Convoy plugin support Armored Train plugin support Showcase FAQ Q: How do I make the buttons hide when I click on the logo? A: In the logo settings, specify the command to hide the buttons (panelsystem.buttons). Example: https://pastebin.com/Ksggh718 Commands: /panel hide - hide panel /panel show - show panel API: private void OnEventChangeStatus(string key, bool spawned, bool ignorePlayers = false) Panel Anchors: UpperLeft UpperRight API Using Example: Plugin Code public class EmptyPlugin : RustPlugin { [PluginReference] private Plugin PanelSystem; private void OnServerInitialized() { EventChangeStatus("UserNotify", true); } private void Unload() { EventChangeStatus("UserNotify", false); } private void EventChangeStatus(string key, bool spawned) { PanelSystem.Call("OnEventChangeStatus", key, spawned); } } PanelSystem config { "Enabled": true, "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/asflpJe.png", "Permission": "", "Type": 7, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "UserNotify" } Config: { "Work with Notify?": true, "Display type (Overlay/Hud)": "Overlay", "Panel Anchor": "UpperRight", "Logotype": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/eeuY1WI.png", "Command": "", "AnchorMin": "0 0", "AnchorMax": "1 1", "OffsetMin": "-100 -110", "OffsetMax": "-10 -20" }, "Players Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/Ik9YSZS.png", "Settings Image": "https://i.imgur.com/Ltn0Jr1.png", "Panel Settngs": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": false, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Image Size": 35.0, "Title Font Size": 12, "Value Font Size": 16, "Up Indent": 40, "Side Indent": 145, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Image Size": 30.0, "Title Font Size": 10, "Value Font Size": 14, "Up Indent": 40, "Side Indent": 145, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Image Size": 25.0, "Title Font Size": 8, "Value Font Size": 12, "Up Indent": 40, "Side Indent": 145, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 } }, "Sleepers Settings": { "Enabled": false, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/J2QIswN.png", "Settings Image": "https://i.imgur.com/84eMeAq.png", "Panel Settngs": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": false, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Image Size": 35.0, "Title Font Size": 12, "Value Font Size": 16, "Up Indent": 40, "Side Indent": 145, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Image Size": 30.0, "Title Font Size": 10, "Value Font Size": 14, "Up Indent": 40, "Side Indent": 145, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Image Size": 25.0, "Title Font Size": 8, "Value Font Size": 12, "Up Indent": 40, "Side Indent": 145, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 } }, "Time Settings": { "Updating the time every minute of game time (may cause performance issues)": false, "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/ZI5vJk9.png", "Settings Image": "https://i.imgur.com/MhfhTLP.png", "Panel Settngs": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": false, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Image Size": 35.0, "Title Font Size": 12, "Value Font Size": 16, "Up Indent": 50, "Side Indent": 145, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Image Size": 30.0, "Title Font Size": 10, "Value Font Size": 14, "Up Indent": 50, "Side Indent": 145, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Image Size": 25.0, "Title Font Size": 8, "Value Font Size": 12, "Up Indent": 50, "Side Indent": 145, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 } }, "Settings Button": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/zrGBH8Q.png", "Color": { "HEX": "#4B68FF", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, "AnchorMin": "0 0", "AnchorMax": "1 1", "OffsetMin": "20 -60", "OffsetMax": "55 -25" }, "Buttons Setting": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Commands for hiding/unhiding buttons": [ "panelsystem.buttons" ], "Buttons": [ { "Enabled": true, "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/RScZfCg.png", "Permission": "", "Lang Key (oxide/lang/**/PanelSystem.json)": "BtnShop", "Command": "chat.say /shop" }, { "Enabled": true, "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/84ixNM9.png", "Permission": "", "Lang Key (oxide/lang/**/PanelSystem.json)": "BtnStats", "Command": "chat.say /stats" }, { "Enabled": true, "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/hIyouiW.png", "Permission": "", "Lang Key (oxide/lang/**/PanelSystem.json)": "BtnBank", "Command": "chat.say /bank" } ], "Settings Image": "https://i.imgur.com/mJih52U.png", "Panel Settngs": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": false, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Image Size": 35.0, "Font Size": 16, "Up Indent": 205.0, "Side Indent": 25, "Margin": 5.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Image Size": 30.0, "Font Size": 14, "Up Indent": 205.0, "Side Indent": 25, "Margin": 2.5, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Image Size": 25.0, "Font Size": 12, "Up Indent": 205.0, "Side Indent": 25, "Margin": 0.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 } }, "Events": [ { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/kxeEFQG.png", "Type": 2, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "CH47" }, { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/zjzI25y.png", "Type": 4, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 2, "Default Inactive Color ID": 3 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "Bradley" }, { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/PclffR9.png", "Type": 3, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 3, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "Helicopter" }, { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/NKNIqxz.png", "Type": 5, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "Airdrop" }, { "Enabled": false, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/lsEIGc5.png", "Type": 8, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "CargoShip" }, { "Enabled": false, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/Mkan1Ac.png", "Type": 10, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "Convoy" }, { "Enabled": false, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/LkmaOCm.png", "Type": 11, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "ArmoredTrain" }, { "Enabled": false, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/GbJGvQM.png", "Type": 12, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "WipeBlock" }, { "Enabled": false, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/CukDURt.png", "Type": 13, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "Sputnik" }, { "Enabled": false, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/p4rxub9.png", "Type": 14, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "SpaceEvent" }, { "Enabled": false, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/mm8nhlg.png", "Type": 16, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "AirEvent" }, { "Enabled": false, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/asflpJe.png", "Type": 7, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "UserNotify" }, { "Enabled": false, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/CukDURt.png", "Type": 13, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "Sputnik" }, { "Enabled": false, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/p4rxub9.png", "Type": 14, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "SpaceEvent" }, { "Enabled": false, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/mm8nhlg.png", "Type": 16, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "AirEvent" } ], "Economics": [ { "ID": 1, "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/Q21Pwq9.png", "Plugin name": "Economics", "Balance show hook": "Balance", "Panel Settngs": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Font Size": 20, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Font Size": 18, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Font Size": 16, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Default Color ID": 6 }, { "ID": 2, "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/DhSC8z0.png", "Plugin name": "ServerRewards", "Balance show hook": "CheckPoints", "Panel Settngs": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Font Size": 20, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Font Size": 18, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Font Size": 16, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Default Color ID": 7 } ], "Settings Interface": { "Icons On String": 4, "Size": 50.0, "Margin": 5.0 }, "Events Interface": { "Side Indent": 56.0, "Up Indent": 25.0, "Size": 35.0 }, "Hide Settings": { "Enabled": false, "Command": "panel", "Show Logo?": true }, "Colors": [ { "HEX": "#FFFFFF", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#000000", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#FFFFFF", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 60.0 }, { "HEX": "#FF6060", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#F6003B", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#0FF542", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#DCDCDC", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#4B68FF", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#0FF542", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#F68E00", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#F68E00", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#F6003B", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#F68E00", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#4B68FF", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#F68E00", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#0FF542", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#F68E00", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#0FF542", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#F68E00", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#F6003B", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#F6003B", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#F68E00", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#F68E00", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#0FF542", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#4B68FF", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 } ], "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 5 } }
  4. Version 1.0.3


    With AR Glasses , you can now make the boring old Sunglasses play a vital role in information when your players roam your Server. REQUIRES IMAGE LIBRARY TO LOAD IMAGES When equipped, the AR Glasses can trigger Preset Commands, and even Custom Commands, for example, set a custom image and command to a button, and have it run whatever you like. Preset commands are able to be set on Cooldown. When a Preset command is ran, it can send crucial data such as existing loot crates in the configurable range, but to combat this being OP, we introduce reducing the items condition and range, This is also configurable. LIST OF COMMANDS / PRESET BUTTONS Commands can be ran via chat or via AR Panel Button /arn - Shows NPCs within a specified range. /arl - Marks all loot containers within a specified range. /arp - Displays nearby online players. /arore - Highlights ore nodes within a specified range. /ara - Detects animals within a specified range. /ArServer - Shows current server statistics. /arglasses - Grants the player a pair of AR glasses. - IF PLAYER HAS PERMISSION /arinfo - Displays information about available AR commands and functionalities. For Suggestions Send a PM or contact me at { "UI Location (top right | top left | bottom right hotbar | default | custom)": "default", "Custom UI Position": { "Custom AR Button Anchor Min": "0.5 0", "Custom AR Button Anchor Max": "0.5 0", "Custom AR Button Offset Min": "-263.87 18.889", "Custom AR Button Offset Max": "-203.331 79.111" }, "AR Glasses Shortname": "sunglasses", "AR Glasses SkinID": 3182747023, "AR Panel Transparency": 0, "AR Text Size": 40, "AR Text Position": { "x": 0, "y": 2, "z": 0.8 }, "AR Command Cooldown": 30, "How Long to Keep Pings Visible in Seconds?": 60, "Decrease Ar Glasses Durability By This Much Per AR Command Use": 15, "Ore Detection Range": 80, "NPC Detection Range": 80, "Animal Detection Range": 80, "Loot Container Detection Range": 80, "Online Player Detection Range": 80, "Custom Button 1 Enabled?": false, "Custom Button 1 Command": "chat.say /info", "Custom Button 1 Image": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/qscxb6uxszldma7d5lazx/Placeholder.png?rlkey=ad60m0xd8zq89xrj7repwlb60&dl=1", "Custom Button 2 Enabled?": false, "Custom Button 2 Command": "chat.say /info", "Custom Button 2 Image": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/qscxb6uxszldma7d5lazx/Placeholder.png?rlkey=ad60m0xd8zq89xrj7repwlb60&dl=1", "Custom Button 3 Enabled?": false, "Custom Button 3 Command": "chat.say /info", "Custom Button 3 Image": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/qscxb6uxszldma7d5lazx/Placeholder.png?rlkey=ad60m0xd8zq89xrj7repwlb60&dl=1", "Custom Button 4 Enabled?": false, "Custom Button 4 Command": "chat.say /info", "Custom Button 4 Image": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/qscxb6uxszldma7d5lazx/Placeholder.png?rlkey=ad60m0xd8zq89xrj7repwlb60&dl=1", "Custom Button 5 Enabled?": false, "Custom Button 5 Command": "chat.say /info", "Custom Button 5 Image": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/qscxb6uxszldma7d5lazx/Placeholder.png?rlkey=ad60m0xd8zq89xrj7repwlb60&dl=1", "Custom Button 6 Enabled?": false, "Custom Button 6 Command": "chat.say /info", "Custom Button 6 Image": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/qscxb6uxszldma7d5lazx/Placeholder.png?rlkey=ad60m0xd8zq89xrj7repwlb60&dl=1", "Custom Button 7 Enabled?": false, "Custom Button 7 Command": "chat.say /info", "Custom Button 7 Image": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/qscxb6uxszldma7d5lazx/Placeholder.png?rlkey=ad60m0xd8zq89xrj7repwlb60&dl=1" }
  5. Version 1.0.0


    An unrealistically beautiful UI that will decorate your server. Your players will definitely like it. The design is made in Figma. Full support is guaranteed from my side. I will help you change the pictures if you need it. This is a plugin design, not a ready-made plugin. My Discord: .spacex


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