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Gay Sparkly T-Rex

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Everything posted by Gay Sparkly T-Rex

    Once the addon was updated it works perfectly! Also dev is super fast to fix any issues that arise!
  1. Gay Sparkly T-Rex


    Suggestion for future update: Make each players vault a seperate data file, this will make it easier to delete inactive players vaults Make a command so players could get additional vault space without needing to get a new permissions... example being a player has 6 vault spaces but Im able to put into server rewards where a player purchases additional vault spaces and SR would run the command giving the buying the additional vault spaces. Something like BackPackPro but for vaults
  2. Thank you
  3. Gay Sparkly T-Rex

    Seeds Unknown

    had perfect seeds and wanted to bring them back to next wipe.... went to pull them out and ALL OF THEM SAID UNKNOWN SEED! LIKE WTF
  4. Its half supported but Im asking for full support for DynamicPVP (the addon you linked)
  5. Gay Sparkly T-Rex

    Dynamic PVP

    So recently started making a new server and am using DynamicPVP which makes diffrent areas of the map allow PVP based on either monumnet or based on event type. Dynamic PVP allows owners to set zone IDs for static monuments but not for events... Im guessing as there could potentially be more then 1 bradly or downed helicopter on a server. So the issue Im running into is the events dont allow me to set a unique zone id thus they change thus I cant seem to exclude players from being punished inside these zones.. any help would be greatly appreciated!
  6. So how does this addon have higher hook times then even BotReSpawn? And I have a ton more NPCs with im pretty sure more logic? Also a server with 0 players online in the past 12 hr still had hook times of 92.12s according to RA. This addon had hook times 4 to 5x higher then even the next addon... just seems silly high for some drones that fly and drop grenades.
  7. Gay Sparkly T-Rex

    High Hook Timea

    Im having SUPER high hook times... RustAdmin is saying that this addons hook time is +90s... keep in mind AlohaLoots hook time is only about 20s... even BotReSpawn is only 3s-5s
  8. Gay Sparkly T-Rex

    Turrets NOT on

    If the event runs more then 1 time in a restart the turrets dont spawn on.... I have this event run every 2ish hours and the first time after a restart the addon works great and gives players a run for there money... however if the event runs again in the same restart the turrets will spawn but wont power on. Only change from default .cs I made was to change the turret weapon from AK to M249
  9. Can we get a chat command to allow players to toggle this on and off? Soimetimes I want to shoot 1 rocket and not 10 when I have perms to shoot 10.... maybe something like /dn 0 - off /dn 4 - allows 4 if you have permissions to launch that many?
  10. Hey NachiTo could you accept my friend request on discord when you get a moment? I cant seem to find any nodes on the map what so ever... some help with this would be awesome!
  11. So would just setting the stack size to 1 fix this issue in the meantime until FP actually fixes or gives yous a way to fix it properly?
  12. Here in this example Rust says I just gathered my 12th Obsidian but clearly only have 8 in my inventory... its not every time but sometimes it dosent give you a whole stick so the addon bugs out. Ive attached screenshots to show what I mean... also have had another player verify this isnt just me.
  13. config has been checked with Jason Validator and no issues there... Ive even provided my config if you wish to check it against what ever website you wish. My issue is that the addon gives a gem icon in your inventory but its a 0 item.... the best way I can think to show you is make a server and set the gather rate to 1/2 vanilla and go pick a pumpkin... youll get +0 pumkin seed in your inventory but cant do anything with it.... this is what this addon is doing for the first type of each gem someone gathers
  14. so you get it kut its like you get 1/2 a stone so you cant recycle or smelt them
  15. Set the notifications to false and reloaded the addon but the notifications are still popping up { "Notifications": { "Item Crafted Notification": { "Show": false, "X": 480, "Y": 124 }, "XP Gained Notification": { "Show": false, "X": 480, "Y": 124 } },
  16. Hi so I went thru and noticed some items arnt giving a whole gem thus making them unrecyclable. I will attach my config, could you look into this? ExtractionRareMinerals.json
  17. It can be added to normal loot tables I have no issues with default smelt rate and does indeed smelt Being able to have more then 1 smelting possibility was a suggestion, not a bug Soooo Im not really sure what bugs your talking about Now to why I was really here: Suggestion to add skinIDs to recycleable/smeltable output as I would love to be able to recycle one of the gems and give another addons skinned medpen (medpen with a skin ID)
  18. possible to get the smelting formated like recycling is so that we can put more then 1 item for smelt chance for things like the metal ore pieces?
  19. yes, something that owners/admins could toggle on/off when setting up the addon.... becuase the center of the monument isnt alawys the center of the raidus
  20. possible to add a d-draw circle that owners can turn on/off to see the radius when configuring your addon? Would make things a million times easier then guess and checking.
  21. Hey @Papa I dont know if you ever got this working but I removed your "custom loot" as the animals are still farm-able after there death and was able to see level 4 bears spawning immediately. My only suggestion of this config would be to up the animals to 15 or 20 to see a few more. LegendaryBeasts.json
  22. Where as I didnt see anything? Unless your saying its a tool tip in which I find a lot of players disable... I also have it disabled.
  23. Maybe instead of having to hold shift add a conformation UI that states you are about to remove a quarry/pumpjack... click yes to confirm or click no to cancel....
  24. Problem solved... Solution: When transfering from the old 1.0 format to the new 2.0 format under the permissions I used the old multi word for pumpjack and miningquarry and it wasnt making the addon happy XD I noticed when comparing my config to the default config on the addons main page XD Sorry


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