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Everything posted by Nferno

  1. Nferno

    help pls

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.1.4
  2. Nferno

    help pls

    Updated today with version 1.1.4 fixing issues with player inventories and pool lists.
  3. Nferno


    Thank you for the error log, a new version (1.1.4) is now available.
  4. Nferno


    Sorry for the late reply, I will have a look at this for you as soon as I can.. I was not aware imgur stopped working. The decay currenlty works by taking it down to the point it stops farming and you need to create new hardware to start the process again, they shouldnt have to pick up the rig at all.. are you able to provide more details if this is the case?
  5. Nferno

    Kings & Mercs

    Thanks for the heads up, I'll take a look at what the cause is.. may be new updates causing issues.. meanwhile you can always contact me via discord aswell for quicker responses.
  6. Nferno


    Introduction video added!
  7. Nferno


    Version 1.1.0


    About Prime Prime is a plugin that allows the players to accumilate coins and then spend them at the dedicated vending machine at Outpost for items,weapons & armour. Coins gathered depends on a Risk VS Reward setup with Prime items providing BUFFS as the player progresses and buys bigger/better gear. Includes a lottery system,gambling, powerful Stones to collect & upgrade and all fully configurable! Hardcore Mode Activation When hardcore is active a Prime Vending Machine will spawn at Out Post allowing players access to Items to earn Prime Coins and Buffs ranging from increase in coins, incoming damage reduction, output damage increase. Players will only be able to progress thier Prime accounts by using items purchased from this vending machine, however if hardcore is NOT active.. players are free to use normal items and weapons to progress accounts and still have lottery active. With hardcore set to 'false' there is no vending machine, no items and no HOF.. you will also not be able to aquire stones. Stones: Requires Green Berries With each tier increase the stones provide a buff in coin yield starting at a base rate of 5% and maxing out at 75%, along with this in the later tiers the stones also provide the user with a increase in damage output.. however the stone needs to be in your inventory.. so it can be taken from you or lost. GREEN -[ Emerald I (5%) , Emerald II (10%), Emerald III (15%), Emerald IV (20%), Emerald V (25%) ] - Hidden Perks = Metabolism & Environment Buffs PURPLE - [ Mystic I (30%) , Mystic II (35%) , Mystic III (40%), Mystic IV (45%), Mystic V (50%) ] - Hidden Perks = Increase in Lottery Chance RED/BLACK - [ Unstable I (55%), Unstable II (60%), Unstable III (65%), Unstable IV (70%), Unstable V (75%) ] - Hidden Perks = Increase in Outgoing Damage by X% Fusion : In order to create the next type of stone youll need x2 Tier 5 Stones The higher the type and tier of the stone the more likely of a failure will occur in ther proccess resulting in the stones exploding..and you losing them..having to restart the process again. Config : Setting up Vending costs & Reward System The config file covers everything from: - Prime item costs at the vending maching - Coins rewarded for each individual task from smashing a barrel to killing an NPC - Coins rewarded for looting - Stone Drop Chance - Amount of Berries required to polish stones - Personal ID for chat (set to server icon) - Lottery chance % Plus much more Discord - Nferno#7163
  8. Nferno

    Kings & Mercs

    You would like a higher number of the server population to have King & Merc roles? Its possible but it would increase overall server level creep as there will be groups with x2 health or x2 damage, also the others without powers would be overwhelmed/outnumbered. Thoughts?
  9. Nferno


    Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed
  10. Nferno


    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress Changed Fixed In to 1.1.1
  11. Nferno


    Pushed an update that should deal with the error you had.
  12. Nferno


    Can you give more detail? Do you mean you want to be able to steal items that are already in the game? Or you want to be able to steal items that I have created? If so what would be the purpose if the custom items?
  13. Nferno


    Can you please give more details in your request?
  14. Nferno

    Kings & Mercs

    I am sure that when the player comments in chat it has the tag next to their name already.
  15. Nferno

    Loot Breaker

    Good morning. Are you referring to the monument radius and adding a visual que as to boundries for said monument?
  16. Nferno


    Update: # New config option to turn PVP/Hacking off # Fixed bug with Tier 1 not registering on initial OnEntityDismount # Optomised performance (Image Library) # Added Economics & Server rewards option within config
  17. Nferno


    Not in its current state, however I could include in next update if its requested as an option.
  18. Nferno


    Version 1.1.5


    Allows players to have their own personal crypto currency farming rig, craft and maintain the hardware durability with tiered levels but be careful.. other players can attempt to hack your rig and steal all your hard earned currency!. Quick Overview: - Customizable crafting recipes needed for the GPU's and PSU - Fully configurable stats including reward(currency), durability lose rate, Tier output, hack duration & PVP Bubble size. - 3 GPU's that have a Tier 1, 2 or 3, the farming rate depends on the tier. - 1 PSU that also has 3 tiers, the power requirement goes up with each GPU tier meaning your power supply will not be able to handle the requirements. - Durability for each piece of hardware meaning if you don't maintain and look after your rig, it will breakdown and stop farming...requiring hardware replacements. PVP : Players are able to 'hack' each others rigs, all they need is a laptop(targeting computer) in their inventory and they can go to another players base to try and steal their crypto. Once a rig has been found a PVP bubble will activate and both parties (hacker & owner) will get a notification that the event has begun, if the owner has not killed the hacker by time the "hacker timer" has reached 0..the hacker steals the owners crypto balance. Chat Commands: - "/crypto" - Gives the player a crypto rig to place in their base, each player is limited to 1. - "/hack" - Will start the hacking event at a players base enabling a PVP bubble and timer. - "/clearbubble" - Admin use only if they feel the need to remove the PVP event early. Config Access: Change these variables to desired amounts for a more personalised experience. Discord - Nferno#7163
    Beautifully thought out XP system along with UI and player features, keeps players happy and busy all through wipes. Highly customizable and configurable even allowing you to create your own Skills and trees! Active dev that takes in user requests and ideas, if you have ever considered adding an extra layer to your server I highly recommend this gem.
  19. Nferno

    Loot Breaker

    Version 1.0.2


    Overview: This plugin adds an additional twist to PVP within monuments by giving items within player inventories a chance to perma break on death meaning the looter might not get that shiny gun they were hoping to get. Each monument has a tier structure and the tiers break chance % can be modified to suit your playstyle , or if there are certain items you dont want to be apart of the item table you can add them to the white list. # Note - This will only affect items that have a condition/durability bar. Newly Added: Configurable option to set the Loot Breaker to the entire map rather than just Monuments! White listed: - Option to set up a white list that disregards items placed into list that have a condition (shortnames). Chat Command: - "/breakitems" - Test the plugin by breaking every item in your inventory that has a condition. Permissions: - "lootbreaker.exempt" - Use this permission if you want exemption from the plugin. Config Access: - The break chance is by % , changing these numbers below will set a new % rate for that monument tier. - Ability to set the monuments register size, currently set at 100m
  20. Nferno

    Kings & Mercs

    Version 1.1.2


    Overview: A simple plugin that randomly sets one player as the "King" and another as the "Mercenary", players in server will be notified of who obtained these roles. - King gets a health increase of 200% - Mercenary gets a damage increase of 200% When a player kills either the King or Mercenary they will obtain the title and buff, but a player cannot be both. If either kill the other a new player at random is chosen to take on the role along with a server notification of the player name and new role. If the player with a role has not died after an hour a new player is chosen to take on the role. Chat Command: - "/checkroles" - Gives an update on who the current King and Merc are. Config Access: Change these variables to desired amounts for a more personalised experience


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