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Everything posted by Razor

  1. Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  2. Razor

    RaidableBases and BotReSpawn

    Changed Status from Pending to Gremlins
  3. Razor

    plugin compatibility

    Changed Status from Pending to Gremlins
  4. Razor

    RaidableBases and BotReSpawn

    Raidable bases has modes mode easy = 0, hard = 1, and so on so thats the 0-4 so for easy 0 if you have Total amount of mode complete before ever has chance": 3 that means after 3 complete it will run the "raid chance (1-100)": 10 every time they do an easy, you set the chance higher if you want to have the chance of triggering a raid against the player more often. for npc trigger kills.. you can add in the npc type scientistnpc_full_mp5 do not forget when you add it to the config to add in a , at the end before you add it in.. here is an example with it added in at the end.. also after the npc of that type ammount killed will trigger the "Raid chance (1-100)": 20, set higher if want more of a chance for them to raid after x amount of that npc type killed. "Npc kills settings": { "scientistnpc_heavy": { "Total amount of Npc killed before chance can happen": 30, "Delay before chance happens": 320.0, "Raid chance (1-100)": 10, "Cooldown minutes before chance can happen again": 1440, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "medium" ] }, "scientistnpc_oilrig": { "Total amount of Npc killed before chance can happen": 15, "Delay before chance happens": 320.0, "Raid chance (1-100)": 20, "Cooldown minutes before chance can happen again": 1440, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "medium" ] }, "scientistnpc_cargo": { "Total amount of Npc killed before chance can happen": 10, "Delay before chance happens": 320.0, "Raid chance (1-100)": 10, "Cooldown minutes before chance can happen again": 1440, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "medium" ] }, "scientistnpc_excavator": { "Total amount of Npc killed before chance can happen": 18, "Delay before chance happens": 320.0, "Raid chance (1-100)": 20, "Cooldown minutes before chance can happen again": 1440, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "medium" ] }, "scientistnpc_patrol": { "Total amount of Npc killed before chance can happen": 30, "Delay before chance happens": 320.0, "Raid chance (1-100)": 10, "Cooldown minutes before chance can happen again": 1440, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "easy" ] }, "scientistnpc_junkpile": { "Total amount of Npc killed before chance can happen": 30, "Delay before chance happens": 320.0, "Raid chance (1-100)": 10, "Cooldown minutes before chance can happen again": 1440, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "easy" ] }, "scientistnpc_cargo_turret_any": { "Total amount of Npc killed before chance can happen": 10, "Delay before chance happens": 320.0, "Raid chance (1-100)": 20, "Cooldown minutes before chance can happen again": 1440, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "medium" ] }, "scientistnpc_full_any": { "Total amount of Npc killed before chance can happen": 30, "Delay before chance happens": 320.0, "Raid chance (1-100)": 20, "Cooldown minutes before chance can happen again": 1440, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "medium" ] }, "scientistnpc_roam": { "Total amount of Npc killed before chance can happen": 60, "Delay before chance happens": 320.0, "Raid chance (1-100)": 20, "Cooldown minutes before chance can happen again": 1440, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "easy" ] }, "scientistnpc_full_mp5": { "Total amount of Npc killed before chance can happen": 30, "Delay before chance happens": 320.0, "Raid chance (1-100)": 20, "Cooldown minutes before chance can happen again": 1440, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "medium" ] } } },
  5. Razor

    Npc Random Raids

    Example "Spawn kits for the npcs": [ "npc-military-black-1", "npc-military-black-2", "npc-military-black-3" ],
  6. Razor

    plugin compatibility

    for the drugs in config of autofarm "CallHookOnCollectiblePickup": true, see if that fixes the issue. ill look into the sprinkler.
  7. Razor

    Npc Defenders

    Version 1.2.3


    Player gets item they can throw down to have some npc's help defend the area you throw the item in. Commands. defender <playerID> <Item config name> <amount> /defender <Item config name> <amount> /defender list - Shows all item names Permissions. npcdefenders.admin The default configured item is Little so to get this item you can /defender little { { "Defender Items": { "Defender Item SkinID And Config Options": { "Little": { "Defender Item SkinID": 2890862070, "Total Defenders": 1, "Defender Spawner Item Should FlashBang": true, "Total Time In Minutes Defender Will Stay": 5, "Defender Ignores Team Members": true, "Spawn Health Of The Defender": 100.0, "Weapion Damage Scale Default 1.0": 1.0, "Defenders aimConeScale default 2.0": 2.0, "Names To Give The Defenders": [ "Npc Defender" ], "Spawn Kits For The Defenders": [] }, "Small": { "Defender Item SkinID": 2890862657, "Total Defenders": 1, "Defender Spawner Item Should FlashBang": true, "Total Time In Minutes Defender Will Stay": 5, "Defender Ignores Team Members": true, "Spawn Health Of The Defender": 110.0, "Weapion Damage Scale Default 1.0": 1.0, "Defenders aimConeScale default 2.0": 2.0, "Names To Give The Defenders": [ "Npc Defender" ], "Spawn Kits For The Defenders": [] }, "Medium": { "Defender Item SkinID": 2890862798, "Total Defenders": 1, "Defender Spawner Item Should FlashBang": true, "Total Time In Minutes Defender Will Stay": 5, "Defender Ignores Team Members": true, "Spawn Health Of The Defender": 120.0, "Weapion Damage Scale Default 1.0": 1.0, "Defenders aimConeScale default 2.0": 2.0, "Names To Give The Defenders": [ "Npc Defender" ], "Spawn Kits For The Defenders": [] }, "Large": { "Defender Item SkinID": 2891395741, "Total Defenders": 1, "Defender Spawner Item Should FlashBang": true, "Total Time In Minutes Defender Will Stay": 5, "Defender Ignores Team Members": true, "Spawn Health Of The Defender": 130.0, "Weapion Damage Scale Default 1.0": 1.0, "Defenders aimConeScale default 2.0": 2.0, "Names To Give The Defenders": [ "Npc Defender" ], "Spawn Kits For The Defenders": [] }, "Xlarge": { "Defender Item SkinID": 2890862889, "Total Defenders": 1, "Defender Spawner Item Should FlashBang": true, "Total Time In Minutes Defender Will Stay": 5, "Defender Ignores Team Members": true, "Spawn Health Of The Defender": 150.0, "Weapion Damage Scale Default 1.0": 1.0, "Defenders aimConeScale default 2.0": 2.0, "Names To Give The Defenders": [ "Npc Defender" ], "Spawn Kits For The Defenders": [] } } }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 6 } }
  8. Razor

    Npc Random Raids

    See config Item profiles" name/types by default are easy medium hard expert nightmare
  9. Razor


    Sounds like you got a bad download re-download
  10. Razor


    there is no flat way other then to reward it all to the starting player.
  11. Razor


    if using rp its split between all the players on the tc that are online if rewardAll is true.
  12. Razor


    plugin uses the hotairbaloon stashes as normal stashes do not network update when attached to the planter. plus i half to work out how to not allow it to place things in the box that are blocked.
  13. Razor


    Currently not yet i will be looking into this in next update
  14. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  15. should be resolved in current version.
  16. Changed Fixed In to 1.2.6
  17. i will look into this this has been reported by one other player aswell.
  18. Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed
  19. let me know if they can still glitch the item and if so how there doing it now.
  20. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  21. i added another auth check and a log file to random raids and flair item so if it happens again you can see who tossed it at that location.
  22. let me look into this are you in building priv area when you throw it? or building blocked?
  23. are you using the raid item aswell? i am wondering if someone found a glitch to make them raid other peoples bases.
  24. post your config for me to see.
  25. Razor

    loot table

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug


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