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Everything posted by Razor

  1. DynamicPVP does not have a hook call to create a zone it does not look like.. Are you using TruePVE or nexgen? Add me on discord rust_razor
  2. Razor

    CustomLoot tutorial

    there should not be what do you have the chance set to for the guns?
  3. Solution is Fixed In to 1.4.5 And once fixed support Center posts are closed as there for support and open until resolved. If you would like to keep it a open TOPIC please repost this in the discussion thread as this is for support for open issues. Support requests constantly ping the devs when open that's why almost all devs once resolved will close the support ticket.
  4. Razor

    CustomLoot tutorial

    Sot trying to be rude but CustomLoot Is not a plugin created by me i just use there api to give people more options on creating loot so it would be a question really for CustomLoot if your having a hard time creating a profile using that plugin. i recently implement "Crate Loot Table File Name And Total Item Slots To Use": { "Default": 5 This will have a datafile you can edit edit and change the min/max and chance of the items that you want the npc to have a chance to drop "Item ShortName": "fogmachine", "Is Blueprint": false, "Chance": 80.0, "Min amount": 1, "Max Amount": 1, "SkinID": 0, "Display Name": "Fogger-3000"
  5. Razor

    Jet Event

    there currently is not any hooks ill add some in on next update.
  6. Razor

    Npc Random Raids

    Do you have truePVE blocking turrets from shootin npc?
  7. Razor

    Longer Response

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.3.3
  8. Razor

    Longer Response

    Posted update 1.3.3 Added config option GameTip display time in seconds": 2.0, Added extra variables to raid messages for min and seconds {1} {2} for warningRevengeGridNpc {2} {3} for warningRevengeGrid
  9. Razor

    Longer Response

    add me on discord i can make some modifications you can test out. rust_razor
  10. Razor


    No i sorry made the other plugin to separate the different features and usage style.
  11. Razor


    He probbably has npc random raids plugin.
  12. Razor


    Changed Status from Not a Bug to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.3.2
  13. Razor


    Do you have a discord add me rust_razor so i can have ya do some testing on option to set it so that wave can no progress to next wave until all the wave has been cleared
  14. its going to be a conflict as npc raiders can da damage to building blocks and Raidable bases are blocking it you can ignore the warning.
  15. Razor

    Which is which

    If not set to 100 when it hits number required if it does not happen it does not reset it will only resets if chance happenes so each time the finish a rb and there at that number for chance chance will try every time they do on intell happenes then resets
  16. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  17. Why do you have "Block raid in colider": { "Blocked": [ "", "", "", "" ] Try "Block raid in colider": { "Blocked": []
  18. Razor

    Which is which

  19. Razor

    Which is which

    No only when raid happens then resets
  20. Razor

    Which is which

    Yes 0 being easy raidable base
  21. Send me a copy of your config. did you try on land and not the beach?
  22. Razor

    Disable text in chat?

    I will look into making this an option.
  23. Razor


    Thanks for the suggestions ill see what i can implement also in the mean time you can set the damage amount per rocket in the config.
  24. Razor


    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug


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