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Everything posted by Gd.Kenni

  1. The node name is its ID. You don't have to call it A1, you can use anything like the item name as the ID. This is your own logic. If you want to start a tree, you don't specify a parent, otherwise you specify a parent (ID).
  2. A first node has no parent, as in my example, so if you can't unlock it, either you don't have the resources, or the branch before this node contains a node that hasn't been unlocked. Refer to the configuration generated when the plugin is launched It's not possible for my plugin to interfere with the official techtree, I'm not modifying anything in the basic game.
  3. Gd.Kenni

    Won't load with Carbon Ext

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  4. The blueprint can be learned from the official tree, the research table and the custom techtree. But it must be an item and not a url. "Name": "A1", "Parent": "", "Image URL or Item": { "Type": "Item", "Value": { "Item ID": 1608640313, "Skin ID": 0 } }, I don't understand your problem, I think it's just a matter of understanding the configuration.
  5. If you learn about a blueprint from the research table or the official techtree, the item will be unlocked in the plugin tree. The bps check is performed in the background so as not to affect the opening of the display. A blueprint learned by the research table will be directly taken into account. A blueprint learned by the official techtree will have to be verified when the display is opened. Rust 2025-02-25 19-19-34.mp4
  6. Gd.Kenni


    I don't understand, send me a message on discord : gd.kenni
  7. Gd.Kenni


    Ok Oxide compatibility is added to the plugin on my side but the Carbon Aliases dll will be required. I've asked him for updates, I'll upload the new version when he updates his dll.
  8. Gd.Kenni


    It was originally an Oxide plugin that I migrated to Carbon. I'll look into making it Oxide Compatible too.
  9. Gd.Kenni


    Thank you! Yes it's a Carbon plugin and is currently not Oxide compatible.
  10. Gd.Kenni


    It's not intended to replace the default tree, but I've added the fact that you can learn a blueprint if it's an item you've added to the tree. So logically, it's now possible to recreate a blueprint tree.
  11. Gd.Kenni


    Okay, so if I understand correctly, you also want a reward when each tree is completely unlocked (i talk my plugin). If that's it, I can implement it
  12. Gd.Kenni


    The plugin is not designed to recreate the Rust techtree; you can assign chat commands, console commands and economic rewards, but this requires the reward to be unlocked on the plugin's techtree. If you want a special feature, I can try to integrate it but I need to know exactly what behavior to ask for. Does this answer your question?
  13. Gd.Kenni


    Version 1.3.10


    This plugin lets you create a customizable techtree. It's not designed to replace the default Rust techtree, but it does allow you to recreate it to 98%, unlocks plans and can be used to distribute rewards or unlock features in other plugins. If you use Oxide, Carbon Aliases if required ! Else ignore this. Feature TechTree customizable TechTree by Workbenchlevel Multiple rewards (ChatCommand / ConsoleCommand / Economics) Item custom support Unlock blueprints Reward if tree is all unlocked Adaptable size with scrolling No command to open Press the Use key R on the Workbench to open the Tech Tree Permissions techtree.use techtree.unlock.free techtree.unlock.instant Information Default data files are created on plugin load Helper Grid files are created on plugin load General Settings { "Settings": { "Wipe Player Data at Wipe": true, "Time For Unlock Node": 1.0, "Selected Theme": "Default", "Use Permissions ?": false, "Use Economics ?": false, "Unlock Blueprint If Item ?": true, "Grid Settings": { "height": 20, "width": 30 }, "Level Of Zoom": 1.5 } } Techtree Data ID: ID of the node. Parent: Parent node required to unlock this node. Image URL or Item: Image used, via URL or in-game item (ID/Skin). Type: Type of Image (URL or Item). Value: Url (string) if URL or ItemID and SkinID if Item. Grid Position: Node position on the grid (x, y). Ingame Name: In-game name for this node. Short Description: Short description of the node. Additionnal Description: List of descriptions. Price: Cost to unlock this node. Curency: Resource needed to pay the price (ID/Skin). Rewards: List of rewards obtained after unlocking. Type: Type of reward (ChatCommand, ConsoleCommand or Economics). Value: Value or command associated with the reward (string). "TechTree": [ { "ID": "A2", "Parent": "A1", "Image URL or Item": { "Type": "Url", "Value": "https://imgur.com/SRGgaKX.png" }, "Grid Position": { "x": 1.0, "y": 8.0 }, "Player Info": { "Ingame Name": "Name A2", "Short Description": "A short description", "Additionnal Description": [ "<color=#32CD32><b>First info</b></color>", "<color=#FFD700>additionnal info</color>", "Warning: <color=#DC143C>a other additionnal info</color>" ] }, "Price": 300, "Curency": { "Item ID": -804769727, "Skin ID": 2816495176 }, "Rewards": [ { "Type": "ChatCommand", "Value": "say Congratulations on unlocking A2!" }, { "Type": "ConsoleCommand", "Value": "c.grant user playerID perm.use" }, { "Type": "Economics", "Value": "6500" } ] }, ], "Extra": { "Reward On All Node Unlocked": [ { "Type": "ChatCommand", "Value": "say Congratulations, you all unlocked!" }, { "Type": "Economics", "Value": "20000" } ] } Image configuration exemple With URL : "Image URL or Item": { "Type": "Url", "Value": "https://imgur.com/SRGgaKX.png" }, With ITEM : "Image URL or Item": { "Type": "Item", "Value": { "Item ID": -1966748496, "Skin ID": 0 } }, Lang { "CLOSE": "CLOSE", "UNLOCKED": "UNLOCKED", "UNLOCK": "UNLOCK", "CANT AFFORD": "CAN'T AFFORD", "OPEN": "[R] OPEN", "NO PERM": "You don't have permission." }
  14. Gd.Kenni

    Admin Pass

    What kind of administration needs to know the player's code? If you need to intervene, a simple “ent unlock” command is more than enough, isn't it?
  15. Gd.Kenni

    Loot Editor

    Would it be possible to add an option in the config file so that an item spawn is mandatory? For example, if I add the scrap, it will necessarily be in a crate If there was this option, it would be perfect
  16. Version 1.2.0


    Penitentiary is a beautiful custom Rust monument inspired by the Prison Simulator video game. Prefab: ~ 4200 1 red door with fuse 2 green doors 1 desk with credit card 1 Chinook drop point __________ This monument is thought Vanilla pvp but can very well be used for Pve or Rp after some minor modifications. Electricity operational, which can be controlled. 36 cell. Some parts of the monument are radioactive. No NPCs. Changes can be made if requested. __________
    Very good plugin


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