About Techtree
This plugin lets you create a customizable techtree. It's not designed to replace the default Rust techtree, but it does allow you to recreate it to 98%, unlocks plans and can be used to distribute rewards or unlock features in other plugins.
If you use Oxide, Carbon Aliases if required ! Else ignore this.
- TechTree customizable
- TechTree by Workbenchlevel
- Multiple rewards (ChatCommand / ConsoleCommand / Economics)
- Item custom support
- Unlock blueprints
- Reward if tree is all unlocked
- Adaptable size with scrolling
- No command to open
- Press the Use key R on the Workbench to open the Tech Tree
- techtree.use
- techtree.unlock.free
- techtree.unlock.instant
- Default data files are created on plugin load
- Helper Grid files are created on plugin load
General Settings
{ "Settings": { "Wipe Player Data at Wipe": true, "Time For Unlock Node": 1.0, "Selected Theme": "Default", "Use Permissions ?": false, "Use Economics ?": false, "Unlock Blueprint If Item ?": true, "Grid Settings": { "height": 20, "width": 30 }, "Level Of Zoom": 1.5 } }
Techtree Data
- ID: ID of the node.
- Parent: Parent node required to unlock this node.
Image URL or Item: Image used, via URL or in-game item (ID/Skin).
- Type: Type of Image (URL or Item).
- Value: Url (string) if URL or ItemID and SkinID if Item.
- Grid Position: Node position on the grid (x, y).
- Ingame Name: In-game name for this node.
- Short Description: Short description of the node.
- Additionnal Description: List of descriptions.
- Price: Cost to unlock this node.
- Curency: Resource needed to pay the price (ID/Skin).
Rewards: List of rewards obtained after unlocking.
- Type: Type of reward (ChatCommand, ConsoleCommand or Economics).
- Value: Value or command associated with the reward (string).
"TechTree": [ { "ID": "A2", "Parent": "A1", "Image URL or Item": { "Type": "Url", "Value": "https://imgur.com/SRGgaKX.png" }, "Grid Position": { "x": 1.0, "y": 8.0 }, "Player Info": { "Ingame Name": "Name A2", "Short Description": "A short description", "Additionnal Description": [ "<color=#32CD32><b>First info</b></color>", "<color=#FFD700>additionnal info</color>", "Warning: <color=#DC143C>a other additionnal info</color>" ] }, "Price": 300, "Curency": { "Item ID": -804769727, "Skin ID": 2816495176 }, "Rewards": [ { "Type": "ChatCommand", "Value": "say Congratulations on unlocking A2!" }, { "Type": "ConsoleCommand", "Value": "c.grant user playerID perm.use" }, { "Type": "Economics", "Value": "6500" } ] }, ], "Extra": { "Reward On All Node Unlocked": [ { "Type": "ChatCommand", "Value": "say Congratulations, you all unlocked!" }, { "Type": "Economics", "Value": "20000" } ] }
Image configuration exemple
With URL :
"Image URL or Item": { "Type": "Url", "Value": "https://imgur.com/SRGgaKX.png" },
With ITEM :
"Image URL or Item": { "Type": "Item", "Value": { "Item ID": -1966748496, "Skin ID": 0 } },
{ "CLOSE": "CLOSE", "UNLOCKED": "UNLOCKED", "UNLOCK": "UNLOCK", "CANT AFFORD": "CAN'T AFFORD", "OPEN": "[R] OPEN", "NO PERM": "You don't have permission." }