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Everything posted by damnpixel

  1. And how do you do that?
  2. yes we use both One possibility would be if you could decide for yourself which currency is displayed. Or even both currencies at the same time?
  3. How i can Change from ServerRewards to Economics Plugin? I Cant find any point in the Config
  4. (08:59:42) | Failed to call hook 'changeskin' on plugin 'EasySkin v1.0.0' (IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.) at Oxide.Plugins.EasySkin.changeskin (BasePlayer player, System.String command, System.String[] args) [0x00026] in <a5cc240394e046d4b0d26ba7c470cc22>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.EasySkin.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x000c0] in <a5cc240394e046d4b0d26ba7c470cc22>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <23ba99f131254889867c71f0bd137b1d>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <157a94ee66ab4a7991faecd1eb84be3b>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <157a94ee66ab4a7991faecd1eb84be3b>:0 Any solutions? EDIT::::: Found a mistake. The player did not have an item in his hand when entering the command
  5. damnpixel

    Give Kit On Spawn

    "Give Kit On Spawn true/false": true, "KitName": "Starter_Kit", But the Kit have no Skins. Can you fix that?
  6. Try again and get back to me. Now it works. Thank you
  7. Your new fix wont work (20:38:51) | Error while compiling: MushroomEvent.cs(1115,24): error CS1061: Type `Network.Server' does not contain a definition for `write' and no extension method `write' of type `Network.Server' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
  8. You get the selected kit but it is not skinned. Is there a fix
  9. damnpixel

    Restrict Items

    "Disabled Vanilla Recipes" Thank you I didn't see that. that helps me thank you thank you
  10. damnpixel

    Restrict Items

    Any way to Restricted Items from Recycler?
  11. damnpixel


    Can you make the Plugin work with ExtractionRareMinerals?
  12. We miss the ability to disable Furnance Config, Charcoal Config, Air Wolf Config, Supply Drop Config and Recycler Config. As good as the plugin is. As long as you can't disable these things, it's useless. Custom Recyclers and such no longer work properly. Is there a solution?
  13. Any Solution yet? (Sabby Last visited December 26, 2022) not nice -.-
  14. damnpixel

    harvest animal

    Example: assets/rust.ai/agents/wolf/wolf.ragdoll.prefab Set PrefabShortName - wolf.ragdoll wolf.corpse works. Thank you ^^
  15. damnpixel

    Change from PvP to PvE

  16. Hello? Need Suport or Plugin Update!!
  17. damnpixel

    harvest animal

    Hello. Is it possible to also extract minerals when harvesting an animal and not just when killing it?
  18. (12:35:24) | Failed to run a 0.04 timer in 'MetalDetector v0.2.0' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Plugins.MetalDetector+<AddProgressBar>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__1 (Oxide.Plugins.MetalDetector+Configuration+DropItem dropItem) [0x0004d] in <edd68aa61d8342a0ac2b200bf6fa5a64>:0 at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].ForEach (System.Action`1[T] action) [0x00024] in <fb001e01371b4adca20013e0ac763896>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.MetalDetector+<AddProgressBar>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x000c8] in <edd68aa61d8342a0ac2b200bf6fa5a64>:0 at Oxide.Core.Libraries.Timer+TimerInstance.FireCallback () [0x00018] in <bae5f1223fce49c493b01571c99dce02>:0 Please Update your Plugin
  19. damnpixel

    Change from PvP to PvE

    Any way change Stats from PvP to PvE
  20. Okay shit witch one? I will try to find out and let you know
  21. Unfortunately this is not possible. The loading bar when picking up is displayed but the pump stops.
  22. damnpixel


    Nice thank you
  23. damnpixel

    Pickup rewards not working

    Changeg. Sorry
  24. damnpixel

    Pickup rewards not working

    Yes 3.1.0 here my settings. { "Settings": { "General": { "Default_Notification_Type": 0, "Disable_All_Notifications": false, "TakeMoneyfromVictim": false, "LogToFile": false, "LogToConsole": false, "HappyHour_BeginHour": 19, "HappyHour_EndHour": 22, "Player_Kill_Reward_CoolDown_Seconds": 0, "View_Reward_Values": true, "ChatIcon": 0 }, "RewardCurrency": { "UseScrap": false, "UseEconomics": true, "UseServerRewards": false }, "Allies": { "UseFriendsPlugin": true, "UseClansPlugin": true, "UseRustTeams": true }, "Plugins": { "UseGUIAnnouncementsPlugin": false, "UseZoneManagerPlugin": false, "UseNoEscape": false }, "Announcements": { "ChatMessageFormat": "<color=#CCBB00>{0}</color><color=#FFFFFF>{1}</color>", "GUI_Announcement_Banner_Colour": "Blue", "GUI_Announcement_Text_Colour": "Yellow" }, "Multipliers": { "UseDynamicDistance": false, "DynamicDistance": 0.0099999997764825821, "HappyHour": 1.0, "RaidableBases": 2.0 }, "Rewards": { "ActivityReward_Seconds": 600, "ActivityRewardAmount": 0.0, "WelcomeMoneyAmount": 10.0, "Use_Permissions": true, "OpenReward": true, "KillReward": true, "PickupReward": true, "HarvestReward": true }, "UI": { "MainCommandAlias": "Rewards", "ButtonColour": "0.7 0.32 0.17 1", "ButtonColour2": "0.4 0.1 0.1 1", "Reward_Small_Increment": 1.0, "Reward_Large_Increment": 10.0, "Multiplier_Increment": 0.1, "BackgroundImage": "https://www.wallpapertip.com/wmimgs/16-169722_transparent-background-sticky-note-clipart.png" } }, "Distance_Multipliers": { "Distance_010": 1.0, "Distance_025": 1.0, "Distance_050": 1.0, "Distance_100": 1.0, "Distance_200": 1.0, "Distance_300": 1.0, "Distance_400": 1.0 }, "Group_Multipliers": { "Default": 1.0 }, "Permission_Multipliers": { "Default": 1.0 }, "Weapon_Multipliers": { "gun.water": 1.0, "pistol.water": 1.0, "candycaneclub": 1.0, "snowball": 1.0, "snowballgun": 1.0, "rifle.ak": 1.0, "rifle.ak.ice": 1.0, "grenade.beancan": 1.0, "rifle.bolt": 1.0, "bone.club": 1.0, "knife.bone": 1.0, "bow.hunting": 1.0, "salvaged.cleaver": 1.0, "bow.compound": 1.0, "crossbow": 1.0, "shotgun.double": 1.0, "pistol.eoka": 1.0, "grenade.f1": 1.0, "flamethrower": 1.0, "grenade.flashbang": 1.0, "multiplegrenadelauncher": 1.0, "knife.butcher": 1.0, "pitchfork": 1.0, "hmlmg": 1.0, "knife.combat": 1.0, "rifle.l96": 1.0, "rifle.lr300": 1.0, "lmg.m249": 1.0, "rifle.m39": 1.0, "pistol.m92": 1.0, "mace": 1.0, "machete": 1.0, "grenade.molotov": 1.0, "smg.mp5": 1.0, "pistol.nailgun": 1.0, "paddle": 1.0, "shotgun.waterpipe": 1.0, "pistol.python": 1.0, "pistol.revolver": 1.0, "rocket.launcher": 1.0, "shotgun.pump": 1.0, "pistol.semiauto": 1.0, "rifle.semiauto": 1.0, "smg.2": 1.0, "shotgun.spas12": 1.0, "speargun": 1.0, "spear.stone": 1.0, "longsword": 1.0, "salvaged.sword": 1.0, "smg.thompson": 1.0, "spear.wooden": 1.0 }, "RewardTypes": { "Kill": { "NPCs": { "BotReSpawn": 0.0, "ZombieHorde": 0.0, "Scientist": 0.0, "OilRig": 0.0, "Excavator": 0.0, "CompoundScientist": 0.0, "BanditTown": 0.0, "MountedScientist": 0.0, "JunkPileScientist": 0.0, "ScareCrow": 0.0, "MilitaryTunnelScientist": 0.0, "CargoShip": 0.0, "HeavyScientist": 0.0, "TunnelDweller": 0.0, "Airfield": 0.0, "Trainyard": 0.0, "UnderwaterDweller": 0.0, "DesertScientist": 0.0 }, "Animals": { "simpleshark": 5.0, "boar": 1.0, "chicken": 1.0, "wolf": 1.0, "stag": 1.0, "polarbear": 1.0, "bear": 1.0, "zombie": 1.0, "horse": 1.0, "shark_unused": 5.0 }, "Vehicles": { "patrolhelicopter": 5.0, "bradleyapc": 5.0, "ch47.entity": 0.0, "ch47scientists.entity": 0.0, "TrainEngine": 0.0, "MagnetCrane": 0.0, "MotorRowboat": 0.0, "RHIB": 0.0, "Snowmobile": 0.0, "RidableHorse": 0.0, "TrainCarUnloadable": 0.0, "TrainCar": 0.0, "SubmarineDuo": 0.0, "BaseSubmarine": 0.0, "VehicleModuleStorage": 0.0, "Sled": 0.0, "BaseVehicle": 0.0, "BasicCar": 0.0, "ScrapTransportHelicopter": 0.0, "VehicleModuleSeating": 0.0, "BaseVehicleModule": 0.0, "VehicleModuleCamper": 0.0, "VehicleModuleTaxi": 0.0, "VehicleModuleEngine": 0.0, "ModularCar": 0.0, "MiniCopter": 0.0, "Kayak": 0.0 }, "MountedWeapons": { "sam_site_turret_deployed": 1.0, "flameturret.deployed": 1.0, "autoturret_deployed": 1.0, "guntrap.deployed": 1.0 }, "Players": { "Players": -10.0, "Suicide": -10.0, "Sleepers": -10.0 } }, "Harvest": { "Flesh": { "yellowperch.item": 1.0, "smalltrout.item": 1.0, "smallshark.item": 1.0, "sardine.item": 1.0, "salmon.item": 1.0, "orangeroughy.item": 1.0, "herring.item": 1.0, "catfish.item": 1.0, "anchovy.item": 1.0, "wolf.corpse": 1.0, "stag.corpse": 1.0, "frankensteinpet_corpse": 1.0, "horse.corpse": 1.0, "shark.corpse": 1.0, "chicken.corpse": 1.0, "boar.corpse": 1.0, "polarbear.corpse": 1.0, "bear.corpse": 1.0, "player_corpse": 1.0, "BotReSpawn": 1.0, "ZombieHorde": 1.0, "Scientist": 1.0, "OilRig": 1.0, "Excavator": 1.0, "CompoundScientist": 1.0, "BanditTown": 1.0, "MountedScientist": 1.0, "JunkPileScientist": 1.0, "ScareCrow": 1.0, "MilitaryTunnelScientist": 1.0, "CargoShip": 1.0, "HeavyScientist": 1.0, "TunnelDweller": 1.0, "Airfield": 1.0, "Trainyard": 1.0, "UnderwaterDweller": 1.0, "DesertScientist": 1.0 }, "Ore": { "stone": 1.0, "metal": 1.0, "sulfur": 1.0 }, "Tree": { "Tree": 1.0 } }, "Open": { "oil_barrel": 1.0, "loot_barrel_1": 1.0, "loot_barrel_2": 1.0, "crate_normal_2": 1.0, "foodbox": 1.0, "vehicle_parts": 1.0, "underwater_labs_crate_food_1": 1.0, "crate_tools": 1.0, "crate_underwater_basic": 1.0, "crate_underwater_advanced": 1.0, "crate_normal": 1.0, "crate_normal_2_medical": 1.0, "crate_basic": 1.0, "crate_elite": 2.0, "crate_normal_2_food": 1.0, "supply_drop": 1.0, "underwater_labs_crate_ammunition": 1.0, "underwater_labs_crate_normal_2": 1.0, "underwater_labs_crate_normal": 1.0, "underwater_labs_crate_elite": 1.0, "underwater_labs_crate_tools": 1.0, "underwater_labs_crate_food_2": 1.0, "underwater_labs_tech_parts_2": 1.0, "underwater_labs_vehicle_parts": 1.0, "underwater_labs_crate_fuel": 1.0, "underwater_labs_tech_parts_1": 1.0, "underwater_labs_crate_medical": 1.0, "codelockedhackablecrate_oilrig": 2.0, "codelockedhackablecrate": 2.0, "crate_mine": 1.0, "loot_component_test": 1.0, "loot-barrel-2": 1.0, "loot-barrel-1": 1.0, "heli_crate": 1.0, "diesel_barrel_world": 2.0, "trash-pile-1": 1.0, "visualshelvestest": 1.0, "bradley_crate": 2.0, "tacklebox": 1.0, "missionstash": 1.0, "missionlootbox_basic": 1.0, "logstash": 1.0, "stocking_small_deployed": 1.0, "stocking_large_deployed": 1.0, "presentdrop": 1.0, "giftbox_loot": 1.0, "wagon_crate_normal": 1.0, "wagon_crate_normal_2": 1.0, "wagon_crate_normal_2_medical": 1.0, "wagon_crate_normal_2_food": 1.0, "minecart": 1.0, "loot_trash": 1.0, "invisible_vehicle_parts": 1.0, "invisible_foodbox": 1.0, "invisible_crate_tools": 1.0, "invisible_crate_normal_2_medical": 1.0, "invisible_crate_normal_2_food": 1.0, "invisible_crate_normal_2": 1.0, "invisible_crate_normal": 1.0, "invisible_crate_elite": 1.0, "invisible_crate_basic": 1.0, "hiddenhackablecrate": 1.0, "present.small.item": 1.0, "present.medium.item": 1.0, "present.large.item": 1.0, "lootbag.small.item": 1.0, "lootbag.medium.item": 1.0, "lootbag.large.item": 1.0, "silveregg.item": 1.0, "goldegg.item": 1.0, "bronzeegg.item": 1.0 }, "Pickup": { "diesel_collectable": 2.0, "stone-collectable": 1.0, "wood-collectable": 1.0, "hemp-collectable": 1.0, "metal-collectable": 1.0, "sulfur-collectable": 1.0, "mushroom-cluster-5": 1.0, "mushroom-cluster-6": 1.0, "potato-collectable": 1.0, "berry-blue-collectable": 1.0, "berry-green-collectable": 1.0, "berry-red-collectable": 1.0, "berry-white-collectable": 1.0, "berry-yellow-collectable": 1.0, "pumpkin-collectable": 1.0, "corn-collectable": 1.0, "halloween-wood-collectable": 1.0, "halloween-sulfur-collectible": 1.0, "halloween-stone-collectable": 1.0, "halloween-metal-collectable": 1.0, "halloween-bone-collectable": 1.0, "berry-black-collectable": 1.0, "green_berry.entity": 1.0, "blue_berry.entity": 1.0, "pumpkin.entity": 1.0, "potato.entity": 2.0, "hemp.entity": 1.0, "corn.entity": 1.0, "yellow_berry.entity": 1.0, "white_berry.entity": 1.0, "red_berry.entity": 2.0, "black_berry.entity": 1.0 } } } All work fine but Pickup works not


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