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Everything posted by ThePitereq

  1. ThePitereq

    Message spam in console

    Probably yes. Just change false to true and it should no longer spam.
  2. ThePitereq

    Monument Quarries

    Hey. Sent response to your problem on Discord.
  3. ThePitereq


    Hey. It's not an error, it just replaced an command. You can change it in configuration file by chaning/removing the /s command.
  4. Hey. Sorry for long waiting, hard times right now. Just made update that you can pickup it by hitting it with an hammer.
  5. Pump can be placed up to desired height, I think it's enough to place on top of the foundation. If you want to place it anywhere you can disable pump ground check.
  6. Yeah, will add that as an option in next update.
  7. ThePitereq

    EXC and some settings

    It shows no-fuel, because they work all the time. You need to select your desired output in control room and it should give you the configured output even if it shows no-fuel. For me it works without any problems. I am trying to response as fast as possible. I am mostly unvailable on weekends and I respond after them. I'm sorry that it takes so long, but I am not available on website all the time. On each plugin you have link to my discord where I am online most of the day and you can get response in max few hours. (excluding weekends) If you need some help with configuration, because it still won't work you can contact me through discord that's available on top of each plugin description
  8. ThePitereq

    EXC and some settings

    hey, what exactly doesn't work? To make then basically work you need to enable Static Quarries - Enable and Excavator Quarry - Enable
  9. Um, if i understand you correctly, make shortname to box.repair.bench and skinId to 2795785961
  10. ThePitereq

    How to disable Shop?

    If you set permissions to shop then i tihnk you can leave only stock markets. I didn;'t though about that when designing UI, when I'll make a bunch of UI updates i'll make it work a lot better. Sell to server is disabled by default, you need to add manually all itmes so i tihnk it's no big deal.
  11. Hmm, can update it to work with user stats too.
  12. There is no tc requirement as i remember in plugin. Why it should write message like that?
  13. Ah, Forgot that there is some problems with pick-up on foundations, Will try to fix that on next version asap. Thanks for reminding!
  14. ThePitereq

    Buy request bug

    Hey. Do you have latest version? I've made few fixes related to that.
  15. it's custom item, idk what's your economy on server. this is virtual quarries plugin, not smelting plugin.
  16. Tick is also configurable, by default it's 60 seconds
  17. You just need to increase min/max output per tick in the config
  18. for pumpjack. quarry and sawmill you use that https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2978692874 For gold quarry you use regular crude oil I don't have any problerms iwth adding fuel to quarry..
  19. hey, send config
  20. ThePitereq


    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object There shuld be full error somewhere. Can you send it please? On direct console output or in oxide logs, cant remember now.
  21. Hey. In main config file in stock configuration seartch for "Blacklisted Category Item Shortnames", you can add there category names also. they are case sensitive, all default categories are started with uppercase like Construction or Items
  22. ThePitereq

    Virtual Quarries

    the popup time override is ready and will be available in next version of PopUpAPI. I don't understand what you want to do. Search? For what? let's make the search so that not 2 things fall stone and sulfur, but one at a time but with a chance You just set Maximal Resources Per Node to 1 and on stone change "Include Always": true, to false then you can easilyt change output chances and/or items.
  23. ThePitereq


    Hey. Doesn it disappear without any actions? Just after 3 seconds? I've placed it and drove like half a map without any problems.


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