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Everything posted by ThePitereq

  1. ThePitereq

    Language files

    I just checked and all messages seems to be linked to correct players so there should be no problems with translating. With which one exactly you have problems?
  2. Hey, hmm. Do you get any error on data cleanup after an wipe? I've been testing this feature on this wipe and everything worked smoothly.
  3. ThePitereq

    Language files

    Hey. Unfortunatelly it;s not possible to translate vending map marker names as they are broadcasdted globally.
  4. Hey. Yes, i have it on my to-do list. I am currently working on full rework of Meteor Events where this feature will be implemented. I don't want to make even bigger mess in current code by adding things one by one, when this needs to be implemented totally different (to work as regular rust radiation)
  5. I've wrote here when i've posted update where you can pick up the submersible pump with an ahmmer. As i remember you need to enable it in config. You must hit the pump with an hammer. BEcause anticheat blocks you from picking it up.
  6. RoadBradley.json this should work but not sure
  7. Hey. Just add another "update" section to config. YOu can add infinite amount of upgrades. Check example config in plugin desc.
  8. I think so. I also want to implement "timed listings" that you will place only for certain period of time. Can add options to taxes also.
  9. hm, currently there is no down limit, but i think I can make that in next update.
  10. I mean, the problem is in 99% not in my plugin. My plugin assigns image to key name of item shortname and id to skinId, there is no way that button background got changed by that. Maybe you did something wrong during set-up?
  11. if it's the tome of skill points (3) i don't know what can be wrong. It looks as it should. Ant there should be no way of breaking the welcome plugin. Maybe you've cleared server's sv.data or something? I don't know how can i help you, sorry. You can talk with welcome panel plugin owner also, but from my side it looks like it should work as it is.
  12. Send me the config of shoppy stock where those scrolls appears.
  13. All what i can say is that background of your panel button uses the same item.shortname and item.skinId as your scroll item in shop. Oxide recently changed complier, didn't read about it a lot. The message might be related to that.
  14. ThePitereq

    Error in consol

    Hm, so your plugin loads only on server start and this error pop-ups? weird. It shouldn't happen.
  15. I don't have anything for that unfortunately. It's weird that it placed images in places like that. As i can see from regular plugin configuration there is no image in this place so it looks really weird. Tbh don't know how can i help you.
  16. ThePitereq

    Error in consol

    Weird error, it's common or one-time? It shouldn't be possible to cause errors like that.
  17. ThePitereq

    performance issues

    I've also found this issue after this force wipe. Performance always wasn't the best because of rockets being carriers of meteorites, but the plugin rewrite with better meteor falling method is on the way.
  18. Hmm, buttons had the same position in icon database. If it's placeholder, not an real output item just change the skinId in shop. It should fix your issue, If it's not, then it's weird that buttons use id's assigned for items.
  19. I plan to update all UIs to be super-responsive and improve performance a lot. It's a lot of work but it's planned thing
  20. Hey' it's Harmony modification which modifies the server code. I am not able to put permission there.
  21. hey. Most of the options is present but can look and add few of them as well if they will seem to be good and not impact peformance.
  22. hey ,it's planned in next update. Should be ready max end of the week. You can assign permission for each player individually.
  23. It isn't allowed to pickup with remover tool, because it would duplicate the item and give you both the water pump and the generator (submersible pump).


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