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Everything posted by SlayersRust

  1. Okay I tested and placed the correct name into the ZoneLeaderboard config and it keeps saying this in console when loading. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Here is what it looks like in ZoneManager. And here is your config for zoneleaderboard. I didnt use the ID because DynamicPVP plugin changes the ID each time but leaves the name the same. "Name": "DynamicPVP", "Radius": 230.0, "Radiation": 0.0, "Comfort": 0.0, "Temperature": 0.0, "SafeZone": false, "Location": "2205.77 13.18 -1149.34", "Size": "0 0 0", "Rotation": "0 0 0", "Id": "0355276249", "ParentID": null, "EnterMessage": "<color=#D0342C>WARNING</color>: You are now entering a <color=#D0342C>PVP</color> Zone! <color=#D0342C>**Backpacks Drop in PVP Zone and NO Teleport or Trade**</color>", "LeaveMessage": "Leaving <color=#D0342C>PVP</color> Zone and Returning to <color=#00c04b>PVE</color> Zone.", "Permission": null, "EjectSpawns": null, "Enabled": true, "Flags": "" } ] } { "General Options": { "Combat Zone ID": "", "Combat Zone Name": "DynamicPVP", "Leaderboard Type (Top 10 or Top 5)": "Top 10", "Sort By (Kills, Deaths, or Ratio)": "Kills", "Include Offline Players": "true", "Include Suicides": "false" } } What appears to be the issue is when I do "o.reload ZoneLeaderboard" it also will automatically unload DynamicPVP before your plugin so the zone does not exist yet. When ZoneLeaderboard is loaded already after the fact dynamicpvp is then loaded and creates the zone. I do not know how to make this plugin stop reloading I think its a part of how ZoneManager and DynamicPvp operate. Do you have any idea how to fix this??
  2. Yes that would work. But I even tested without DespawnConfig Plugin loaded and I was still seeing the dropstopper spam from players in caves, raidable bases and even in normal areas of the map for some reason. It happened less often with despawnconfig unloaded but still happening sometimes. So unsure the cause of this
  3. Thanks so much! I’ll try it out today
  4. [DropStopper] Server deleted Item.tool.instant_camerax1.94110128 at (-167.26, 10.28, 295.27) before it could be saved! [DropStopper] Server deleted Item.torch.torch.skullx1.94110126 at (-167.26, 10.28, 295.27) before it could be saved! [DropStopper] Server deleted Item.pickaxex1.94110132 at (-167.26, 10.28, 295.27) before it could be saved! Zombie[6012397] was killed by HeyZeus[76561198015710019] at (-1403.38, 20.18, -619.35) [DropStopper] Server deleted Item.hatchetx1.94110134 at (-167.26, 10.28, 295.27) before it could be saved! [DropStopper] Server deleted Item.pistol.revolverx1.94110158 at (-167.26, 10.28, 295.27) before it could be saved! [DropStopper] Server deleted Item.bow.huntingx1.94110163 at (-167.26, 10.28, 295.27) before it could be saved! [DropStopper] Server deleted Item.crossbowx1.94110144 at (-167.26, 10.28, 295.27) before it could be saved! I'm seeing lots like this now but I teleport to the areas and don't see anything out of the ordinary. I noticed one time it was a player in a cave throwing stuff on the ground. But other than that seems to happen anywhere. I use "Kits" Plugin for Rust. Here is a wooden shack where the items were just thrown on the floor and it got a dropstopper console msg.| We use a plugin called DespawnConfig that removes items dropped much faster than usual I think this could be why so many msges https://umod.org/plugins/despawn-config Here is DespawnConfigs config its a free plugin if you want to do some testing After I unloaded DespawnConfig Plugin I was still getting spammed these messages and turns out it was at one of Nivexs Raidable Bases. So not sure what its doing but Nivex replies often if you need to msg him [DropStopper] Server deleted Item.pumpkinx20.94178652 at (-185.39, 7.14, 305.00) before it could be saved! [DropStopper] Server deleted Item.torch.torch.skullx1.94178656 at (-192.22, 7.42, 304.02) before it could be saved! [DropStopper] Server deleted Item.tool.instant_camerax1.94178658 at (-192.97, 7.57, 303.40) before it could be saved! [DropStopper] Server deleted Item.pickaxex1.94178662 at (-195.89, 8.09, 300.95) before it could be saved! [DropStopper] Server deleted Item.hatchetx1.94178664 at (-207.37, 9.37, 282.53) before it could be saved! [DropStopper] Server deleted Item.pistol.revolverx1.94178688 at (-207.37, 9.37, 282.53) before it could be saved! [DropStopper] Server deleted Item.bow.huntingx1.94178693 at (-207.37, 9.37, 282.53) before it could be saved! [DropStopper] Server deleted Item.crossbowx1.94178674 at (-207.37, 9.37, 282.53) before it could be saved! The last image just on the beach is related to this spam [DropStopper] Server deleted Item.water.catcher.smallx1.94046703 at (-498.21, 2.46, 1403.40) before it could be saved! Hope some of this helps DespawnConfig.json
  5. Really excited for buying this and setting it up! But will wait until we have some betterchat title features so my players won't miss it for long from our current plugin on our 12 servers.
  6. Okay as soon as I get home tonight or tomorrow I’ll test the new update I’m currently traveling
  7. Yes we have 240+ Plugins from Codefling, Lone Design, Umod, Chaos Code, Game 4 Freak and more put together over the last 8 years. We have many events plugins etc. We use Raidable Bases which utilizes copy paste plugin to spawn large bases with a lot of loot etc. Events like Convoy, Cargo Convoy, Trainyard Event, Airfield Event etc. Our plugins config is default like this| { "Display item location on screen: (Default=true)": true }
  8. [DropStopper] Server deleted before it could be saved! Having this spammed in console is it normal?
  9. How do I get this in console? [DropStopper] Server deleted before it could be saved! Is it normal?
  10. I use it but I'm not in-game, I was doing everything from my console
  11. Says permission does not exist for dropstopper.excluded oxide.grant group god dropstopper.excluded Permission 'dropstopper.excluded' doesn't exist
  12. Another config option I find the best leaderboards have is the ability to entirely stop the tracking of certain categories not just remove them from the config but they keep tracking anyways. Disabling them entirely to improve performance can be very useful. say if I didn’t want to track say molotovs thrown and also didn’t want the plugin recording any information of it even if we have it removed from the config. if these is already a thing in your plugin please ignore
  13. My players favorite part of our current Leaderboards Plugin "Player Challenges" that I just don't want to give up is BetterChat Titles for players who top certain leaderboard positions. I'd be willing to switch to this system for my 12 Rust Servers in my network if there was something like this in Ultimate Leaderboards Plugin for whenever someone reaches "Top Kills" for example they can get the "Assassin" better chat title in game-chat. https://umod.org/plugins/player-challenges This is how my current Leaderboards plugin does it pretty cool! And whenever someone passes them on the leaderboard the titles switch. It scans them only once an hour to update the leaderboards betterchat titles once an hour so its not too heavy on performance. Animal kills [Hunter] Bow kills [Archer] Clothes crafted [Tailor] Headshots [Assassin] Plants Gathered [Farmer] Players healed [Medic] Players killed [Murderer] Melee kills [Fighter] Revolver kills [Gunslinger] Rockets fired [Rocketeer] Ore gathered [Miner] Blade kills [Swordsman] Structures built [Architect] Structures repaired [Handyman] Explosives thrown [Bomb-tech] Weapons crafted [Gunsmith] Wood gathered [Lumberjack] Quests completed [Adventurer] PVP Kill distance [Sniper] PVE Kill distance [Deadshot] APC Kills [TankHunter] Helicopter Kills [HeliHunter] NPC Kills [BotHunter] Each different category can be toggled on/off in the config. By default as soon as somebody tops the leader board they will be issued the appropriate tag.
  14. Could you maybe add a short cooldown for triggering the Vendor Messages? A player could use a clicker and essentially lag the server by spamming the message to themselves I believe. Maybe have it so the message can only be sent every 5 seconds?
  15. When I use the other Vendors it sends my custom message telling players to use /License to spawn vehicles but with the Stables and Ranch Horse Vendors players do not get the set message for some reason. Here is my Language File { "VendorReplyAirwolf": "<color=#d0342c>[Airwolf Vendor Disabled!]</color> Spawn Vehicles with <color=#34b233>/License</color> to see all spawnable options!", "VendorReplyBoat": "<color=#d0342c>[Boat Vendor Disabled!]</color> Spawn Vehicles with <color=#34b233>/License</color> to see all spawnable options!", "VendorReplyStables": "<color=#d0342c>[Horse Vendor Disabled!]</color> Spawn Vehicles with <color=#34b233>/License</color> to see all spawnable options!" }
  16. Thanks for looking into this, the players really love the plugin so far! Great work Next plugin you make you should think of some sort of zombie wave military tunnel plugin like cod zombies
  17. Calling hook OnSamSiteTarget resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: DARKO - True (Boolean), SAMSiteAuth - True (Boolean), TruePVE - True (Boolean), BalloonHeistEvent (False (Boolean)) Could you fix this? This hook should return true i think on all plugins
  18. "NpcHealthMultiplier": 4.0, This does not seem to change their Health. The NPCS health stays at 150 no matter what I set it to in the config. I purchased on Lone Design
  19. Quick question! I just purchased your plugin. Can the Airstrikes damage random players bases? I run a PVE Server and want to make sure players bases cannot be damaged by any Airstrikes. If it does I'll turn them off. "JetSettings": { "AirStrikeTimer": 300.0, "JetsInboundMessageDelay": 270.0
  20. So to better understand this will it recover a players corpse body bag with their loot and bring it back to the surface automatically? Also will it recover the new rust in game backpacks not the plugin one we don’t let those drop on our servers. im looking for a plugin that recovers any body bags that fall through the terrain for players
  21. Placing turrets on ceiling they go inside themselves. The turret looks glitched when placing upside down on ceiling and places inside of itself. You also cannot use the remote turret because all you see is inside of the turret itself when you hook it up to a computer station
  22. Okay what is the max amount for each default NPC in the default configuration so I can make them less?
  23. Glitched rock you can climb into and build to exploit R1 Map location


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