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Everything posted by Wrecks

  1. Wrecks


    Dont those blocks take damage differently? even when using vanilla items? say c4 on brad vs c4 on a wall
  2. Wrecks


    start small, 2, 3, etc till you find the sweet spot, if it is one shotting there maybe go to a test env to find out if something is altering damage besides mine
  3. Wrecks


    your scale is scaling the damage of explosive 200 times higher than normal
  4. Wrecks


  5. Wrecks


    at a scale of 3 it does not one shot bradley on my server
  6. Wrecks


    what is your current config
  7. Wrecks


    Start with a smaller scale to find the damage you want
  8. Version 1.0.8


    Are your players tired of getting surprised by AutoTurrets in Raid Bases? Or maybe you want to change up the PVP raid Strats a bit, and now you can with these EMP and Snapshot Grenades. Works with Raidable Bases. EMPS disable Tesla Traps and AutoTurrets that are powered within range. Snapshot pings traps within range for the using player. You can even make them sticky if needed Simply set your Custom Grenades in your loot table, and let the plugin handle the rest. The Extra Grenade properties relies on the SkinId upon throw/drop. DEMO COMMANDS /GIVEGRENADES - REQUIRES ADMIN - WILL SEND BOTH GRENADES TO YOUR INVENTORY CONFIG { "Snapshot Settings": { "Snapshot CustomName": "Snapshot Grenade", "Snapshot Skin ID": 3294746628, "Snapshot Radius": 20, "Ping Timer": 10, "Ping Batch Spacing (Helps with bases with a lot of Traps)": 0.2, "Enable Snapshot Stick?": false, "Enable Snapshot Sphere?": true }, "EMP Settings": { "EMP CustomName": "EMP Grenade", "EMP Skin ID": 3294872882, "EMP Radius": 10, "Reset Flag Timer": 15, "Enable EMP Stick?": false, "Enable Emp Sphere?": true } }
  9. Added added option
  10. Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug Changed Fixed In to 1.2.51
  11. Cool, i had an option there but i lost the code to it when i did the pool update lol, ill get it in on the next update.
  12. Did it work?
  13. Wrecks

    outpost spawn

    At this moment there isn’t besides the spawn command I have about 9 npc plugins and I make sure to spread them out across these zones in a spot that sort of makes sense. If I get around to finding a good spot I’ll see
  14. Wrecks

    Bounty Hunter

    Sounds good if data got bugged up that’ll usually do the trick. Heading to work so if you need me I’ll be back later today
  15. Wrecks

    Bounty Hunter

    If anything unload, delete the NPC data file, reload it spawn in; and reload to see if shows back up. Other than that something else is wrong
  16. Wrecks

    Bounty Hunter

    Are you on the latest one? I have it spawned in on my server via command
  17. Wrecks

    The Offering

    That’s kind of hard to accomplish as they can be offline when it’s completed
  18. Go to data, go to Bounty folder, look for playerData. While unloaded. Delete it. Reload it Do /btop to confirm
  19. Unload the Plugin.
  20. Wrecks

    Bot Purge Event

    Yes if you have command based items or xp to give , and yes
  21. Wrecks

    Bot Purge Event

    It’s just a custom item example on my server I sell custom items for eco and that was one of them at one point
  22. Wrecks

    Bounty Hunter

    ill have to add it to wipe options in the future
  23. Wrecks

    Bounty Hunter

    oh i see it now, you can delete the data folder that contains it for now
  24. Wrecks

    Bounty Hunter

    what are you trying to wipe
  25. Wrecks


    While unloaded.


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