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Everything posted by Smithy

  1. Smithy


    ver 1.3.9 source code has ver 1.2.2 in it.
  2. Smithy


    I don't have the plugin (yet) but would like to see a VIP option and a cooldown
  3. No, the rust server and sql server are on different boxes. The rust server is on and sql is on
  4. Im getting the following error back from PlayerRanks (14:56:40) | [PlayerRanks] Couldn't connect to SQL. Please check config credentials and ensure that SQL host is whitelisting Rust server IP. I have the Oxide.MySql dll loaded and if I use MySql client on the same machine and same user as the rust server is running using the following commmand mysql -h -P 3306 -u rust -p It connects correctly. I have checked multiple times that the password is correct and from within MySql as per above, I can create new tables. The end of my PlayerRanks.json file looks like this "MySQL": { "useMySQL": true, "autoWipe": false, "sql_port": 3306, "sql_host": "", "sql_db": "PlayerRanks", "sql_user": "rust", "sql_pass": "password_here", "tablename": "playerranksdb", "LBtableName": "playerranksLeaderdb" } Using MariaDb ver 5.5.5-10.11.6 Any idea what I might be doing wrong ?
  5. I was referring to the line in the config that looks like this "Allow the following roles (Role IDs) to use ALL commands.": [1234567890], mainly to indicate that I had all commands enabled in case that mattered. Not a problem with the logging of chat. I currently use a simple plugin to log that, it just would have been nice to have something that could send chats. All good anyway. I'll wait to see what extras come up. The plugin as it stands already offers many nice tools
  6. Im not sure if the /run command is meant to show the response. I tried /run fps and /run env.time I see the output on the rcon console but not in the discord channel so the command was sent, just no reply sent back to discord. Is that meant to show ? Also if I enter text in discord without the / or ! prefix, should the text be sent in chat ? Should chat messages in game be sent to discord ? I have the ALL commands set to a role id Im in. Perhaps Im missing turning another option on. The discord.config.json file has not been altered and I have the 3.0 version of the discord dll in place.
  7. I used the /warmode.setplayer name pve on a player that had PVP set, and after their screen was still saying PVP but everyone else sees them as PVE.
  8. Smithy

    PVE vs PVE

    looking forward to it thanks
  9. Smithy

    PVE vs PVE

    Hi, Great plugin...I love it ! The problem I have found is that if a PVE player hits a wall of another PVE player, that wall cannot be upgraded for a period of time. This isnt a bigie on PVE vs PVE but if it happens on PVP (I htink I tested on that) then you could end up with a PVP going after another PVP with a PVE friend being used to prevent a base from being able to get repaired and without risk of being killed.
  10. Smithy

    How is output calulated ?

    Correct... The default permissions were still in place and I didnt realise I was affecting them (I was admin + I had the VIP permissions.... All figures calculate correctly now. Thanks. P.S. A great plugin. Well worth it.
  11. Smithy

    How is output calulated ?

    I have the followin section in my config for personal quarry { "ShortName": "diesel_barrel", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 1, "How many seconds can quarry work on one consume of this fuel?": 60.0, "Resource production interval on this fuel (seconds)": 60.0, "Gathering resources on this fuel": [ { "Custom name (empty = default)": "", "ShortName": "stones", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 754, "Amount max": 754, "Probability [0.0-100.0]": 100.0, "Do not use permission rates": false }, this is in the Production section. I make sure the output is empty, I add 1 barrel of diesel and start the quarry. Its all processed in 60 seconds as expected, but the output of the stone is 1658. This is approximatly 2.2 times more than I would have expected. This seems to happen for all items produced. Eg in the same production I have 3 items that should have produced 150 but they all produced 330 (again about 2.2 times more than I would have expected). In the controls for the above diesel with stone output it also says 754 consumed every 60 seconds and producing every 60 seconds. Have I missed something ?
  12. Smithy

    Airdrops not available at GE

    yeah...thats wierd coz they havent been working for months..seem to be working now. All I need now is to figure out how to put down functional pumpjacks. The never seem to behave for me. Maybe they're working now too.
  13. Smithy

    Airdrops not available at GE

    After putting in diesel, the giant excavator is already running so it can't be turned on. This seems to prevent the airdrops from clockng up their percentage and hence you get no airdrops. Is there a config option I have missed or is this expected behaviour ?
  14. I messed up again. Had a stale RustEdit dll. All working great now. Thanks for the map. Its got tons of great areas on it.
    An excellent plugin that has replaced 3 previous plugins and made for much simpler in-game configuration. There were a few minor issues initially, but the developer wes VERY fast at resolving them.
  15. I have stack sizes set mostly to 5x with some higher, but it seems some items (eg clothes, tshirt, snow jacket, weapon attachments like scopes) only stack to 1 no mater what I set. Any idea what might be going wrong ? Other items like stone,wood etc all stack correctly.
  16. Smithy

    Minor issue with plugin

    Thanks, thats fixed it, but now I seem to have found another issue (or my players have). Place a small water catcher down and it doesn't seem to be able to catch more than 1ml. I also tried to "give" water to it from a water jug. Same thing...only 1 ml. If I unload TotalControl then it all works. I can transfer water to it. Is this a bug or have I got a wierd config ? I have changed bits in the GUI but I havent manually altered the config. file.
  17. Smithy

    Minor issue with plugin

    Hi Mat, skip looking in to it. I have no idea what it was as it was doing it on 3 servers, but now after wipe, it's all good. What I have found is what I suspect is a debug message that got left in the plugin. In line 986 theres this code void OnLootEntity(BasePlayer player, BaseEntity entity) { if (entity is StorageContainer crate) { //AJC PrintToChat($"{entity}"); The line I commented out has been putting messages on the players screen every time they open a container showing the entity name and ID I suspect that wasn't meant to be left there.
  18. Smithy

    Minor issue with plugin

    I don't know if this is just me, but I have found that when I use /tc, when I click the close button, the window closes, but my keyboard ceases to respond to almost everything. Movement controls (WASD) pressing number to select an inventory slot etc stop responding. If I press ESC then ESC again, then I have control back. Not a bigie, but it did catch me off guard initially. To reproduce, just type /tc then click close and try to move using the keyboard (mouse still responds). Apart from that, A great plugin. Make life a lot easier admining.
  19. I have this line in my config "Ignore 'All plugins have the latest version' discord message": true, which in prevous versions stopped sending messages to discord when all plugins were up to date. Now when they're all up to date, I get the following in discord pvp2 BotAPP — Today at 6:17 AM 12 May 2024 14:16 Theres no message content just the date and time, but I wasnt expecting a message at all. Is this something waiting to be fixed ?
  20. Smithy

    Time icon missing

    Further hunting, I found this in the config settings here "Time Settings": { "Updating the time every minute of game time (may cause performance issues)": false, "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.ibb.co/qFvCYt1/image.png", "Settings Image": "https://i.ibb.co/qFvCYt1/image.png", "Panel Settngs": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": false, "Size": true }, I set both the "Image" and "Settings Image" as you see above (one was different, I dont recall which one) and this fixed the clock image
  21. Smithy

    Time icon missing

    Hi, I just downloaded the plugin and all the images work except the time image. It shows as below. Also, I noticed in your source, one extension was pngg which I suspect should be png but changing it didnt seem to do anything.
  22. Smithy

    Feature Request

    Good spot. I hadnt seen that one. I'll give it a try and see how it goes. I'll let you know how my testing goes.
  23. Smithy

    Feature Request

    I use BradleyDrops plugin as well as BotReSpawn. BradleyDrops allows me to have multiple levels of bradleys get spawned ranging from easy ones to elite (and any custome ones I create). With BotReSpawn, it treats a bradley as a bradly regardles of what type it is (I realise the type is created by BradleyDrops) and as such, regardless of whether its an easy or elite type, BotReSpawn spawns the bots off of the bradley config. Is it possible to have it so that I could customise which config BotReSpawn processes based on the type that BradleyDrops creates ? This would make it so that an easy bradley could have easy respawns and an elite bradly could have elite respawns.
  24. Happening on my server. Happy help ith any testing


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