Hi there. I've changed one of the command names because "rules" conflicts with another mod I use that I can't customise the command of. It's now set to this:
"rules": {
"Command": "trules",
"Message": "<size=18><color=#ffe969>SERVER RULES:</color></size>\n<size=16>1. No Racism or Bigotry of Any Kind\n2. No Advertising\n3. No Cheats or Macros\n4. No Base Raiding\n5. No Attacking Other Players\n6. Don't be a dick\n7. Join Discord: https://discord.gg/uAuHaxe2ve</size>\n\n<size=10>Type <size=12><color=#12bfcd>/trules</color></size> to acknowledge and hide this message</size>"
However when I try to call the command with /trules , it says it doesn't exist (see attached picture).
Any idea please?