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Everything posted by mrdecoder

  1. mrdecoder

    Raidable Bases

    i have it set on 3 maintained and 1 scheduled but it not spawn in anything
  2. the plugin does not have a option to block sams or traps , it simply gives ability to fill them all at once and to put all on and off so if you dont uses sams or traps then those commands simply not work, but yes i can make a update to shut these options off compleetly so it will not work even if someone tryed to use the commands ill make this week
  3. mrdecoder

    Raidable Bases

    what is wrong when the bases do not auto spawn ? im doing some tests, and all seem to be good but it not spawning in bases on is own /rbe works fine tho and also innough space
  4. ok uhm apparently there is a wallhack glitch with external walls put foundation down make a tp home ontop in corner then place external wall on tp spot and you can tp inside the external i need this fixed people using this glitch :@
  5. server.censorplayerlist "true"
  6. i know there is a cfg command to block usernames and stuff on battlemetrics maybe it works for this also?
  7. thanks @Mevent ill try out today
  8. i see on umod it has been fixed
  9. hi all im trying to get help all day on this but nobody knows or how to help and mevent is not responding i cant wait 3 months before he finaly fixes it so lets try here this is about his shop plugin inside he has console commands that should works but like alot of things in his plugin it does not atleast not through console im showing a small section of code that i would like to work [ConsoleCommand("UI_Shop")] private void CmdConsoleShop(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { var player = arg?.Player(); if (player == null || !arg.HasArgs()) return; switch (arg.Args[0]) { case "closeui": { _itemsToUpdate.Remove(player); _openedShops.Remove(player); break; } case "main_page": { int catPage, page; if (!arg.HasArgs(3) || !int.TryParse(arg.Args[1], out catPage) || !int.TryParse(arg.Args[2], out page)) return; var search = string.Empty; if (arg.HasArgs(4)) search = string.Join(" ", arg.Args.Skip(3)); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(search) && catPage == -1) catPage = 0; MainUi(player, catPage, page, GetShopByPlayer(player), search); break; } both of these commands not work in normal way so with help from other plugin makers we came up with this: [ConsoleCommand("openshopUI")] void OpenShopUI(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { if (!arg.IsRcon) MainUi(arg.Player(), 0, 0, GetShopByPlayer(arg.Player()), string.Empty, true); } this way i can do player.SendConsoleCommand("openshopUI"); to open the shop but sadly we cannot make it work for closing the shop this is where i need your help in i need a simple way to close the shop with a player.SendConsoleCommand
  10. mrdecoder

    all mlrs!!!

    hi cool plugin, one problem tho it seems to use this plugin with all mlrs on the server so any other plugin that is using mlrs or even if you have it on a bind, then it wont work anymore cause this plugin is blocking for example i have a bind for mlrs to wipe bases but i also have airstrikes that use mlrs simply for the fact that sams will shoot it down so damage to 0 but then i cannot use my bind anymore cause those also go on 0 then would be realy helpfull if you can add a fix for that
  11. hi uhm im looking for a special kind of limit plugin i already have one made before special for foundations (its on codefling) and i compleetly remaked a new version out of it witch works almost perfect but !!!! it has some glitches for example the counting of removing foundations do not always work this is cause system cant count good if you remove 2 at same time for example: limit is 100 foundations you build 100 foundations (wich triggers the limit) after it you remove 100 foundations and sometimes it wil staill say you used up 20 foundations or something like that so i need some sort of debug check !!! also ..... i also need this plugin to put limits on turrets, sams and tc working with clans ps: the base of this plugin as already made you can make a new one but maybe you can use ideas from one i already have who is up for the challange
  12. ill think about it
  13. Changed Status from Pending to Can't Reproduce
  14. all good now?
  15. i never tested it out with only fill but ill look into it and make sure its possible as for /turrets fill there are a couple reasons why it maybe not work there is no tc, but then it should normaly give message the other is that you or your team /clan did not place these turrets turrets that other placed you cannot fill and it wil also not give a message try do /turrets on and see how any turrets are turned on mrdecoder#9456
  16. what is the message that you get, when you do /turrets fill m249? for ammo you dont have to add 556 if you use normal ammo /turrets fill 50 should work for normal 5.56 ps check if you using the 1.0.2
  17. all weapons are allowed but all blocked ones will have a permission for example rocket launcher if (!player.IPlayer.HasPermission(AllowRocket)) { player.ChatMessage("<size=16><color=#AB2121>You dont have permission to use rocketlauncher</size></color>"); }
  18. im trying to change turret weapons on umod to use permissions instead of config private void OnServerInitialized() { foreach (var item in ItemManager.itemList) { var proj = item.GetComponent<ItemModEntity>()?.entityPrefab?.Get()?.GetComponent<BaseProjectile>(); if (proj != null) { bool isAllowed; if (!_config.Weapons.TryGetValue(item.shortname, out isAllowed)) { _config.Weapons[item.shortname] = false; proj.usableByTurret = false; continue; } proj.usableByTurret = isAllowed; } } SaveConfig(); foreach (var entity in BaseNetworkable.serverEntities) { if (entity is HeldEntity) OnEntitySpawned(entity as HeldEntity); } } my head hurts and cant think good so if someone can help me on this i would be very happy
  19. hi @Bill atm im very busy with IRL ill try adding new stuff asap as for Sentry Turrets atm if using any type of sentry turret plugin it will work with this plugin so if do /turrets fill 100 it will also fill 100 5.56 ammo in all the sentry turrets
  20. mrdecoder

    activity points

    somehow my players do not get points anymore for activity? any reason for this and how can i fix it ?
  21. haha @Monster i love you thanks for adding in the updates saves me changing the cs all the time i have some more small ideas maybe
  22. mrdecoder


    ok ill try
  23. mrdecoder


    ps i use betterloot
  24. mrdecoder


    "Enable talons": true, { "Talon name": "Coupon 25ХР", "Talon text": "Coupon for 25ХР\n\nExchange them and get XP to level up!", "Talon skin": 2313436184, "XP amount": 25, "Setting the chance of falling out of crates/barrels": [ { "Name crate/barrel": "crate_elite", "Drop chance": 80.0, "Minimum amount of talons": 1, "Maximum number of talons": 2 } ] }, { "Talon name": Coupon 50ХР", "Talon text": "Coupon for 50ХР\n\nExchange them and get XP to level up!", "Talon skin": 2313435802, "XP amount": 50, "Setting the chance of falling out of crates/barrels": [ { "Name crate/barrel": "crate_normal_2", "Drop chance": 50.0, "Minimum amount of talons": 1, "Maximum number of talons": 2 } ] }, i also tryed out boxes i dont use but also no luck and yes i also have other plugins that spawn other stuff in the boxes i had this problem also with xpromocoins so i had to use other plugin to spwan in the coins i can also do that with this one again but then i have to remake a plugin for each coupon
  25. mrdecoder


    no notes are spawned in my boxes and if i look in cs i can also not find any code that will use notes


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