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Everything posted by Krungh Crow
Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.1
Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
yes i will add that feature in next update working on better npc implementations and will update when ready (should be soon)
Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed
- 3
Version 1.6.5
BradleyGuards minigame will make more fun of the boring Bradley. Spawning bombs molotovs and a Tank Crew Features : Minigame with Scientist NPC spawning after Bradley gets destroyed and various events during its attack phase It will throw random Bombs and Molotov when attacked. Hardmode will throw the Bombs and Molotov towards player instead around the Bradley When destroyed the Bradley does a close range Last Ditch Effort if the Driver is still alive and gets a last air support As of version 1.1.1 napalm support will be set to target player instead of Bradley position Give the NPC the choice of using some predefined outfits or use the vanilla Scientist Outfits Predefined weapon or a different weapon through config if using outfits Crew will be Despawned upon plugin unload or reload Compatible with NPCKITS Support for BetterNpcNames (v1.0.2 and higher) Support for Kits Permission system Warnings : backup your configs before plugin updates This is not compatible with BradleyControl Plugin !!!!! (since version 1.0.5) Version 1.4.0 has new options for MLRS and Convoy Bradleys "External Plugins": { "Armored Train : Can trigger Events": false, "Convoy : Can trigger Events": false, "SatDish/Harbor Event : Can trigger Events": false, "BradleyDrops : Can trigger Events": false, "BetterNpcNames : Driver Title": "Pilot", "BetterNpcNames : Guard Title": "Commander", "BetterNpcNames : Gunner Title": "Grunt" }, "Last Ditch Effort MLRS rocket Amount": 15 Permissions : BradleyGuards.ShowMessages (to show interaction messages) BradleyGuards.ShowKillMessages (to show messages after bradley is destroyed) Commands : (new in V1.0.5) /bginfo : Shows the available commands/version/author Logfiles : Log files are found in the oxide.logs folder Will log the Player and info regarding the spawns after destroying the Bradley Configuration : Example config below : { "Global NPC dont target": true, "External Plugins": { "Armored Train : Can trigger Events": false, "Convoy : Can trigger Events": false, "SatDish/Harbor Event : Can trigger Events": false, "BradleyDrops : Can trigger Events": false, "BetterNpcNames : Driver Title": "Pilot", "BetterNpcNames : Guard Title": "Commander", "BetterNpcNames : Gunner Title": "Grunt" }, "Bradley Settings": { "Change Values": true, "Bradley Health": 2222, "Bradley Max Fire Range": 100, "Bradley Throttle Responce": 1.0 }, "Bradley Loot": { "Change Values": true, "Bradley Max crates after kill": 4 }, "Bradley Canon": { "Change Values": true, "Bradley Canon Fire delay": 0.3, "Bradley Canon Firerate": 0.25 }, "Bradley Machinegun": { "Change Values": true, "Bradley Machinegun Bullet Damage": 15, "Bradley Machinegun Firerate": 0.06667 }, "Event Settings": { "Bradley Crew Max Spawn Distance": 10, "Bradley Crew Max Roam Distance": 20, "Bradley Crew Body to Bags": true, "Max throwing range of a Grenade": 25.0, "Max Grenades per trigger": 1, "Max throwing range of a Molotov": 25.0, "Max Molotovs per trigger": 1, "Use Firerockets (instead of Molotovs)": false, "Hard Mode : Throws towards player (Grenades)": true, "Hard Mode : Max Grenades per trigger": 1, "Hard Mode : Max radius of a Grenade on player": 15.0, "Hard Mode : Throws towards player (Molotovs)": true, "Hard Mode : Max Molotovs per trigger": 1, "Hard Mode : Max radius of a Molotov on player": 15.0, "Napalm Support": true, "Napalm Support Area Radius": 25.0, "Napalm Support Rocket Amount": 3, "Napalm Support Rocket Height": 150, "Last Ditch Effort Rocket Amount": 0, "Last Ditch Effort Grenade Amount": 5, "Last Ditch Effort MLRS rocket Radius": 15, "Last Ditch Effort MLRS rocket Amount": 15, "Last Ditch Effort Hard Mode : targets player location": true }, "Tank Crew Driver": { "Tank Driver Health": 450.0, "Tank Driver Lifetime (minutes)": 1.0, "Tank Driver Damage multiplier": 1.0, "Tank Driver Spawn Chance 0-1": 1.0, "Tank Driver Spawn Amount": 5, "Tank Driver Use Outfit": true, "Tank Driver Use other gun with outfit": false, "Tank Driver gun short prefabname": "smg.mp5", "Tank Driver gun skin id": 0, "Tank Driver Use kit (clothing)": false, "Tank Driver Kit ID": "" }, "Tank Crew Guards": { "Tank Guards Health": 800.0, "Tank Guards Lifetime (minutes)": 1.0, "Tank Guards Damage multiplier": 1.0, "Tank Guards Spawn Chance 0-1": 1.0, "Tank Guards Spawn Amount": 3, "Tank Guards Use Outfit": true, "Tank Guards Use other gun with outfit": false, "Tank Guards gun short prefabname": "smg.mp5", "Tank Guards gun skin id": 0, "Tank Guards Use kit (clothing)": false, "Tank Guards Kit ID": "" }, "Tank Crew Gunners": { "Tank Gunners Health": 600.0, "Tank Gunners Lifetime (minutes)": 1.0, "Tank Gunners Damage multiplier": 1.0, "Tank Gunners Spawn Chance 0-1": 1.0, "Tank Gunners Spawn Amount": 3, "Tank Gunners Use Outfit": true, "Tank Gunners Use other gun with outfit": false, "Tank Gunners gun short prefabname": "smg.mp5", "Tank Gunners gun skin id": 0, "Tank Gunners Use kit (clothing)": false, "Tank Gunners Kit ID": "" } } Localization : English language file included to use a diffrent language just make a new file in the language folder. { "BradleyDriver": "<color=yellow>Bradley Driver : </color>Damnit i just washed it!", "BradleyGuards": "<color=yellow>Bradley Guard : </color>Stay away from our Bradley!", "BradleyGunner": "<color=yellow>Bradley Gunner : </color>Prepare to die!", "BradleyDriverBomb": "<color=yellow>Bradley Driver : </color>Catch this!", "BradleyGunnerFire": "<color=yellow>Bradley Gunner : </color>Fire in the hooole!", "BradleyNapalmSupport": "<color=yellow>Bradley Operator : </color>Support incomming!" } API : bool IsBradleyNpc(global::HumanNPC npc) OnBradleyNPCGotHit(global::HumanNPC npc, HitInfo info) OnBradleyNPCDeath(global::HumanNPC npc, HitInfo info) example call : object OnEntityDeath(global::HumanNPC npc, HitInfo info) { if (npc == null) return null; if (BradleyGuards.Call<bool>("IsBradleyNpc", npc)) { Puts($"Target : {npc} net.ID : [{npc.net.ID}] Event : BradleyGuards NPC"); } return null; } private void OnBradleyNPCGotHit(global::HumanNPC npc, HitInfo info) { Debugmsg("OnBradleyNPCGotHit works!"); BasePlayer player = info.InitiatorPlayer; if (npc.health < (npc._maxHealth * 0.8) && npc.health > (npc._maxHealth * 0.72)) { if (!Burned) Player.Message(player , npcmsg(MSG) , Chaticon); return; } } private void OnBradleyNPCDeath(global::HumanNPC npc, HitInfo info) { Debugmsg("OnBradleyNPCDeath works!"); BasePlayer player = info.InitiatorPlayer; Debugmsg($"{player.displayName} killed {npc.displayName}"); } Changes made in 1.0.5 !!! Updated/Cleaned/Organized the Documentation. Added lifetime for each individual Crew Added use of kits + checks (if incorrect kit name Crew will spawn with default scientist or heavy scientist outfit). Changed the Npc Naming so they can be shown correctly with AdminRadar Added prefix and chaticon to chat messages (language file changed so delete it before updating to avoid weird chat messages). Added max roam range for the Bradley Crew Bradley Crew will now despawn when plugin gets unloaded/reloaded Removed the death sound when a npc dies. Fixed : Bradley will now ignore scientists from junkpiles added cfg : Tank Crew Lifetime (minutes) added cfg : Damage multiplier for each driver/guards/gunners added cfg : Napalm Support Rocket Height added cfg : Use kit (clothing) (for each driver/guards/gunners) added cfg : Kit ID (for each driver/guards/gunners) added cfg : Bradley Crew max roam rangeFree- 236 comments
- 9 reviews
- 14
Changed Fixed In to 1.0.9
Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed
Looking good Might want to make the leave button color completely transparent x.x.x.0 as in alpha)
yes i try make it so that it can be changed visualy for server owners colors backgrounds and images. Tthis is my first big plugin so for me it is also a learning progress
Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
cant be disabled with current coding it does notify it is disabled i could add this to the plugin if u really want to dissable it you can go into the cs file and edit the UI buttons //elements.Add(new CuiButton { Button = { Command = "EcoGiveChas2", Color = $"{configData.BtnClr}" }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0.075 0.500", AnchorMax = "0.175 0.575" }, Text = { Text = $"Small Chassis \nOccasion for {configData.CostChas2Eco} Eco", Color = $"{configData.BtnTextClr}", FontSize = 11, Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter } }, mainName); add // so the plugin ignores the buttons using the eco commands. I will add this for the next update
Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
yes i am working on that part but not just scrap but a item u can fill in the config file so u can use any currency scrap blood glue etc etc but it will take some time to add this
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Commands not working on latest release?
Krungh Crow replied to Shark-A-Holic's Support Request in Support
Changed Status from No Response to Closed -
Commands not working on latest release?
Krungh Crow replied to Shark-A-Holic's Support Request in Support
do they give a chat message of any kind ? they work fine for me me running some errants now and i will check and try reproduce it. did u also check the config file ?for any changes always set use serverrewards to true and give the prices a 0 vallue then it wil prob be solved -
Commands not working on latest release?
Krungh Crow replied to Shark-A-Holic's Support Request in Support
Changed Status from Closed to Work in Progress -
Commands not working on latest release?
Krungh Crow replied to Shark-A-Holic's Support Request in Support
Changed Status from Pending to Closed -
Commands not working on latest release?
Krungh Crow replied to Shark-A-Holic's Support Request in Support
/garage itself is not a command you have to use the /givelift /garage ui /garage info commands. i will change it on the info i shall reverify this after i come back from errants i just verified the normal commands still work ingame /garage car2 3 4 /garage chas2 3 4 -
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yes it can be done you have to add something like this : "Chassis 2": { "buy": "0", "img": "", "cmd": ["garage chas2 $player.id"], "cooldown": "0", "sell": "0" so it will be using the garage chat command by removing the / infront of the chat command. then it will spawn it through the Garage plugins command. however for shop it would be easyer to just use the "spawn + itemshortname + $player.id" This will basicly do the same. Currently working on adding economics and rp to it once thats done i will make the ui some more appealling
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