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Welcome Panel 4.3.6

   (77 reviews)
Message added by David,

To report issues with plugin or simply get in touch with me, please use support section on site or create ticket on my discord

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Please allow at least 24 hours for response on site tickets as we all live in different time zones.  Not available during weekends.

15 Screenshots

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This area is intended for discussion and questions. Please use the support area for reporting issues or getting help.

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Yes, in the config. next_button and back_button



21 minutes ago, Kobani said:

Yes, in the config. next_button and back_button

There's no indication for actual size though, no? I opened an actual support request instead as that makes more sense.


"next_button": {
      "Color": "0 0 0 0.4",
      "Material": "assets/icons/iconmaterial.mat",
      "Image": "https://rustplugins.net/products/welcomepanellite/1/next.png",
      "Anchor Min": "0.97 0.005",
      "Anchor Max": "1 0.053",
      "Offset Min": "0 0",
      "Offset Max": "0 0",
      "Fade": 0.0,
      "Text (not for panels)": "",
      "Text Alignment (not for panels)": 4,
      "Text Font (not for panels)": "robotocondensed-bold.ttf"
    "back_button": {
      "Color": "0 0 0 0.4",
      "Material": "assets/icons/iconmaterial.mat",
      "Image": "https://rustplugins.net/products/welcomepanellite/1/back.png",
      "Anchor Min": "0.935 0.005",
      "Anchor Max": "0.965 0.053",
      "Offset Min": "0 0",
      "Offset Max": "0 0",
      "Fade": 0.0,
      "Text (not for panels)": "",
      "Text Alignment (not for panels)": 4,
      "Text Font (not for panels)": "robotocondensed-bold.ttf"



Posted (edited)

The abillity to create multiple pages seems to not work on Carbon anymore, can you please look into this? Code is as follows, I have looked into the documentation, and tried every possible variation of using [] and {} as instructed to no avail. The latest config differs from the documentation quite a bit as well and came default with [] unlike as seen in the documentation. But given this same version worked fine on Oxide a few months ago, I'd say it's definitely an issue with Carbon, perhaps with Oxide as well after an update, but I cant confirm that. Judging by the overall lack of anyone having mentioned it, I'd say it's specific to Carbon. 

"Text Lines": [
      "<size=14><color=#00ff01>/ad</color> : This command toggles Auto Door Closing on and off.</size>",
      "<size=14><color=#00ff01>/backpack</color> : This command opens your backpack.</size>",
      "<size=14><color=#00ff01>/bandit</color> : This command teleports you to bandit camp.</size>",
      "<size=14><color=#00ff01>/bgrade</color> : This command toggles what tier you build with.</size>",
      "<size=14><color=#00ff01>/br</color> : This command toggles the ability to repair your entire base in one hit of a hammer.</size>",
      "<size=14><color=#00ff01>/bskin</color> : This command opens the Building Skins GUI.</size>",
      "<size=14><color=#00ff01>/buyraid</color> : This command opens the GUI to purchase a Raidable Base.</size>",
      "<size=14><color=#00ff01>/callheli</color> : This command allows you to summon heli, in exchange for scrap.</size>",
      "<size=14><color=#00ff01>/craft</color> : This command opens the Custom Crafting GUI, many amazing things in there! more will be added.</size>",
      "<size=14><color=#00ff01>/crafts.setwb</color> : This command sets the workbench you're looking at as a Custom Crafting workbench.</size>",
      "<size=14><color=#00ff01>/down</color> : This command downgrades your base to the designated tier.</size>",
      "<size=14><color=#00ff01>/hit</color> : This command toggles the hit indicators on and off.</size>",
      "<size=14><color=#00ff01>/hitbar</color> : This command toggles the on-screen HP bar for the NPC/Player you're currently attacking.</size>",
      "<size=14><color=#00ff01>/home</color> : This command allows you to set a teleport point inside your base, and teleport to it respectively.</size>",
      "<size=14><color=#00ff01>/hover</color> : This command toggles your Mini/Helicopter to hover at a consistent height.</size>",
      "<size=14><color=#00ff01>/info</color> : This command reopens this very information Panel.</size>",
      "<size=14><color=#00ff01>/license</color> : This command shows you how to purchase a license to spawn your own personal vehicle.</size>",
      "<size=14><color=#00ff01>/movebar</color> : This command allows you to move the XP bar for SkillTree.</size>",
      "<size=14><color=#00ff01>/n</color> : This command opens the Notification Panel.</size>",
      "<size=14><color=#00ff01>/outpost</color> : This command teleports you to Outpost.</size>",
      "<size=14><color=#00ff01>/pass</color> : This command opens our custom Battlepass!</size>",
      "<size=14><color=#00ff01>/players</color> : This command opens the Players UI.</size>",    
      "<size=14><color=#00ff01>/pouch</color> : This command opens the SkillTree Pouch, provided you invested in the Pouch skill.</size>",
      "<size=14><color=#00ff01>/profile</color> : This command opens your Profile UI, or The Profile of the designated player.</size>",
      "<size=14><color=#00ff01>/raidme</color> : This command alllows you to summon NPC raiders that attempt to raid your base.</size>",
      "<size=14><color=#00ff01>/rjrewards</color> : This command can only be used right after SmoothRestart, and grants you rewards for rejoining.</size>",
      "<size=14><color=#00ff01>/sajoin</color> : This command Enters you into the Survival Arena Event. You will be safely returned to your location with your items after.</size>"
        "<size=14><color=#00ff01>/saleave</color> : </size>",
        "<size=14><color=#00ff01>/sb</color> : </size>",
        "<size=14><color=#00ff01>/score</color> : </size>",
        "<size=14><color=#00ff01>/sd</color> : </size>",
        "<size=14><color=#00ff01>/shop</color> : </size>",
        "<size=14><color=#00ff01>/sym</color> : </size>",
        "<size=14><color=#00ff01>/st</color> : </size>",
        "<size=14><color=#00ff01>/tips</color> : </size>",
        "<size=14><color=#00ff01>/tpr</color> : </size>",
        "<size=14><color=#00ff01>/tree</color> : </size>",
        "<size=14><color=#00ff01>/tugboat</color> : </size>",
        "<size=14><color=#00ff01>/up</color> : </size>"


Edited by hazmatwearer001


Hey i bought your plugin and wondering if it's possible to add another close button? 

Jorge Anso


Hello, can any help me know how I can make my logo bigger like in this image and in this position?




Could you add support for clickable links? <a href=" "> </a> does not seem to work.



What plugin is it compatible with the rewards add on?


Screenshot 2024-04-30 113148.png


Posted (edited)

3 hours ago, G_SAPLING said:

What plugin is it compatible with the rewards add on?

it's just placeholder for now but I recently made rewards plugin which works with welcome panel, it will be available on codefling in few days. 

Edited by David
  • Love 1


Okie dokie sounds like a plan thank you for letting me know




20 minutes ago, David said:

it's just placeholder for now but I recently made rewards plugin which works with welcome panel, it will be available on codefling in few days. 

Last question I'm having trouble putting the plug in called WipeCountdown integrated with WPWipeCycle is there a way to add it I looked all over the place

Screenshot 2024-04-30 153615.png



34 minutes ago, G_SAPLING said:

Last question I'm having trouble putting the plug in called WipeCountdown integrated with WPWipeCycle is there a way to add it I looked all over the place

Screenshot 2024-04-30 153615.png

I fixed it I should have read more on your website thank you so much for helping me out with the other problem I'm definitely gonna get the rewards plug in when it comes



I've been trying to add an image to every separate tab not to the "Text Background Image":  is there a special code because I tried everything but it keeps breaking the plug in I'm just trying to add in tutorial image for other players inside the square on this image

Screenshot 2024-04-30 224840.png

  • Like 1

Posted (edited)

Image failed to download! Error: HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests - Image Name: https://i.imgur.com/24HEwjx.png_0 - Image URL: https://i.imgur.com/24HEwjx.png

it comes up, I'm confussed....


Edited by JustANoob


When I try to use the scrollbar, "ScrollView Height": 800, no more text is displayed. Do I have to change anything else to make it work?

  • Like 1


keeps saying "kits addon is not installed or not loaded" but i have Kits plugin on my server and its working fine? what am i missing here?




SocialLinks addon is not installed or not loaded fix ?



1 hour ago, Youknowmarcus said:

SocialLinks addon is not installed or not loaded fix ?




@author how the ScrollViewHeight works? When i put to any number above 0, it doesnt show anything



I would like a button only visible to admins





On 5/14/2024 at 4:50 AM, frontier said:

keeps saying "kits addon is not installed or not loaded" but i have Kits plugin on my server and its working fine? what am i missing here?


Me too



@David Is there a way to Indent text so it's properly lined up vs. just adding a bunch of spaces to separate text?

\t doesn't work on line items for some reason even though it works in other plugins I use. Could be plugin specific though. Not sure.





I see the following when loading the plugin:


Loaded plugin WelcomePanel v4.3.5 by David [193ms]

Image failed to download! Error: SSL CA certificate error - Image Name: https://rustplugins.net/products/welcomepanellite/2/rustlogo.png_0 - Image URL: https://rustplugins.net/products/welcomepanellite/2/rustlogo.png

Image failed to download! Error: SSL CA certificate error - Image Name: https://rustplugins.net/products/welcomepanellite/2/home_button.png_0 - Image URL: https://rustplugins.net/products/welcomepanellite/2/home_button.png

Image failed to download! Error: SSL CA certificate error - Image Name: https://rustplugins.net/products/welcomepanellite/2/rules_button.png_0 - Image URL: https://rustplugins.net/products/welcomepanellite/2/rules_button.png

Image failed to download! Error: SSL CA certificate error - Image Name: https://rustplugins.net/products/welcomepanellite/2/wipe_button.png_0 - Image URL: https://rustplugins.net/products/welcomepanellite/2/wipe_button.png

Image failed to download! Error: SSL CA certificate error - Image Name: https://rustplugins.net/products/welcomepanellite/1/richtext.png_0 - Image URL: https://rustplugins.net/products/welcomepanellite/1/richtext.png

Image failed to download! Error: SSL CA certificate error - Image Name: https://rustplugins.net/products/welcomepanellite/2/steam_button.png_0 - Image URL: https://rustplugins.net/products/welcomepanellite/2/steam_button.png

Image failed to download! Error: SSL CA certificate error - Image Name: https://rustplugins.net/products/welcomepanellite/1/enableaddons.png_0 - Image URL: https://rustplugins.net/products/welcomepanellite/1/enableaddons.png

Image failed to download! Error: SSL CA certificate error - Image Name: https://rustplugins.net/products/welcomepanellite/2/kits_button.png_0 - Image URL: https://rustplugins.net/products/welcomepanellite/2/kits_button.png

Image failed to download! Error: SSL CA certificate error - Image Name: https://rustplugins.net/products/welcomepanellite/2/shop_button.png_0 - Image URL: https://rustplugins.net/products/welcomepanellite/2/shop_button.png

Image failed to download! Error: SSL CA certificate error - Image Name: https://rustplugins.net/products/welcomepanellite/1/multiplepages.png_0 - Image URL: https://rustplugins.net/products/welcomepanellite/1/multiplepages.png




On 7/29/2024 at 2:18 AM, RR_Tappi said:

I would like a button only visible to admins



Is there a way to create a button only visible to admins ???



This welcome menu is really the best, but I think it has its shortcomings. First of all, it should be able to work with all kit plugins, shop plugin and dailyrewards plugins. Secondly, the number of tabs should be increased. It is currently limited to 10 tabs. Also, buttons should be customizable, such as boxing, etc.



21 minutes ago, TaoXi_Honey said:

Q1: i want buy new License Keys For cp.rustplugins.io,But I couldn't find the place to purchase it on io, so I went to cp.rustplugins.net and bought a key. When can I sync it to cp.rustplugins.io?


Q2: I only purchased Welcomepanel v4 on rustplugins.net, and my Discord account is [email protected] The Discord name is daizi_1999. How can I contact you for support?


On 5/7/2024 at 5:31 PM, JustANoob said:
Image failed to download! Error: HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests - Image Name: https://i.imgur.com/24HEwjx.png_0 - Image URL: https://i.imgur.com/24HEwjx.png

it comes up, I'm confussed....


if ImageLibary have to many requests at same time (mostly when server restarts) it take a time to process all requests .... if u want to eliminate to minimum i highly recommend put images directly on server and change all links to local image on your server. 

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