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Skills 1.32.6

$24.95 $15.95
   (8 reviews)
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2 Screenshots

  • 111.6k
  • 1.8k
  • 155.25 kB

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About Skills

Plugin adds a system of 18+ different skills



  • Beautiful user interface
  • Universality (plugin working with different economic plugins)
  • Customization (all interface you can set up in configuration)
  • Performance


  • skills - open interface
  • giveallskills name/steamid - give the player every skills at the maximum stage
  • giveskill name/steamid [SkillType] [Stage] [ID - for None] - give the player the skill with the stage
  • skills.convert.olddata - convert from old data
  • skills.wipe - wipe skills
  • removeskill name/steamid [SkillType] [ID - for None] - remove a player's skill
  • skills.permissions.wipe – use it to manually remove permissions from player data


  • skills.bypass - bypass for skills
  • skills.wipe - using the command "skills.wipe"


Skills Types

  • Wood
  • Stones
  • Metal
  • Sulfur
  • Attack
  • Secure
  • Regeneration
  • Metabolism
  • ComponentsRates
  • StandUpChance
  • CraftSpeed
  • FastOven
  • Kits (works only with the Kits by Mevent plugin)
  • None
  • Cloth
  • Butcher
  • Scrap
  • RecyclerSpeed
  • TransferWipe
  • MixingTableSpeed
  • Gather
  • CraftRates



  • Where can I see an example of a config?


  • How do I set an image to the background?
1. Enter a link to the image in the "Image" field
2. Set "Save Image Color" to true
3. Reload Image Library (oxide.reload ImageLibrary)
4. Reload Skills (oxide.reload Skills)

!ATTENTION: The image must not exceed 3 MB

Example: https://pastebin.com/cDxiBVrh
  • How to use BankSystem to store the economy
  "Economy": {
    "Balance add hook": "Deposit",
    "Balance remove hook": "Withdraw",
    "Balance show hook": "Balance",
    "Plugin name": "BankSystem"
  • How to use ServerRewards to store the economy
  "Economy": {
    "Balance add hook": "AddPoints",
    "Balance remove hook": "TakePoints",
    "Balance show hook": "CheckPoints",
    "Plugin name": "ServerRewards"
  • How to use "Required skills stages"? Config example:
"Required skill stages": [
    "Type": "CraftSpeed",
    "ID": 0,
    "Stage": 1,
    "Require the presence of this skill? (otherwise only the stage will be checked)": true



CanSkillLearn(BasePlayer player, string skillType, int skillID, int stage)

OnSkillLearned(BasePlayer player, string skillType, int skillID, int stage)


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