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9 hours ago, Evgeniy Popov said:

1. Also, I don’t understand why, when adding a product with a skin, the skins are not displayed in the store interface? I buy a product - it is with a skin, but there are black icons in the store
2. How can I change the currency output format so that the number in thousands is displayed in full, without the letter k at the end?

3. Is it possible to translate into other languages the name of the goods in the store and the name of the folders (categories) of goods? Translation is currently available only for the stock market - only categories

1. Oh, I forgot about that one. Will be fixed in 1.0.1.
2. Where would you want this format?
3. Names are set through configuration files. For now it's imposible to set their names. This change would require updates in everyones configs so i'll keep it to future updates.

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9 hours ago, Morceli said:

Is it possible to have the sale of resources take into account fractional values such as 0.0012? Currently, I sell 6 pieces of wood for 0.01 RP at a shopping center, but in Shoppy Stock, I can't set the shopping center to buy packs of 6 units for a certain value. If I enter a quantity that doesn't add up to 1 RP, it shows 0 RP, and it doesn't even register the sale if the value is less than 1 RP. I believe that blocking the sale for a minimum quantity would solve this problem, or if it were possible to set a minimum number of units for a certain value. I'm sorry if this is difficult to understand.

In this case, in order to display 1 RP and register the sale, you would need to sell 625 pieces of wood.

Can I choose whether custom categories can appear before others? If not, could there be such an option? Or even an option to have a category with all the items purchased by the server, not just using that mark button (sometimes people are blind and certainly many will not see that).

I think it would be possible to support values after coma, but then then the balance would look a lot bigger.
I can add option that will not sell things if the sum value is below 1.
I think i can add option that will overwrite category index in stock market, but it will just place them at the first place, so if you want to sort everything you will need to input all categories there.


Posted (edited)

40 minutes ago, ThePitereq said:

1. Oh, I forgot about that one. Will be fixed in 1.0.1.
2. Where would you want this format?
3. Names are set through configuration files. For now it's imposible to set their names. This change would require updates in everyones configs so i'll keep it to future updates.

Instead of an amount, for example, 3.5k, so that everywhere you can write like 3.500, remove the letter k in the end

Can you please add another option to the plugin to describe the product? So that each product can be added a description, at least one or two lines.



Edited by Evgeniy Popov


33 minutes ago, ThePitereq said:

Acho que seria possível sustentar valores depois do coma, mas aí o saldo ficaria bem maior.
Posso adicionar uma opção que não venderá coisas se o valor da soma estiver abaixo de 1.
Acho que posso adicionar uma opção que substituirá o índice de categoria no mercado de ações, mas apenas os colocará em primeiro lugar, portanto, se você quiser classificar tudo você precisará inserir todas as categorias lá.

The selling feature could prevent selling items for 0 coins, as it currently just disappears and doesn't count for anything. Perhaps adding an alert message when the quantity is too low to sell would be great.

Regarding categories, it would be interesting to have the ability to choose their order. Users could choose between a basic list or a personalized one, where they would have to input the categories manually. This would provide more freedom to create a customized marketplace.

  • Like 1


8 minutes ago, Evgeniy Popov said:

Instead of an amount, for example, 3.5k, so that everywhere you can write like 3.500, remove the letter k in the end

Can you please add another option to the plugin to describe the product? So that each product can be added a description, at least one or two lines.



I can add option to remove formatting but there will be no warranty of correct balance display if it's too big.
Idk where can i add that description. It needs to be responsive because not every item will have description.



Posted (edited)

39 minutes ago, ThePitereq said:

I can add option to remove formatting but there will be no warranty of correct balance display if it's too big.
Idk where can i add that description. It needs to be responsive because not every item will have description.


I just have a very valuable currency on the server, and there are no large amounts, the maximum is 4 digits (up to 9.999) (in Economics plugin)

or at least change the letter k at the end to your own к (I can change the letter in the plugin, but after the update everything will be reset)

Edited by Evgeniy Popov


1 hour ago, ThePitereq said:

I think it would be possible to support values after coma, but then then the balance would look a lot bigger.
I can add option that will not sell things if the sum value is below 1.
I think i can add option that will overwrite category index in stock market, but it will just place them at the first place, so if you want to sort everything you will need to input all categories there.

we need less than 1 because if we selling wood then 20k wood would be 20k in money

Main thing is we need an admin option so if someone tries to sell somethign higher than we allow then it will always revert to default 

1 gun for sale for 500 points is fine - but 1 wood for 500 points is not 🙂  - u see the difference


Posted (edited)

40 minutes ago, TomHud said:

we need less than 1 because if we selling wood then 20k wood would be 20k in money

Main thing is we need an admin option so if someone tries to sell somethign higher than we allow then it will always revert to default 

1 gun for sale for 500 points is fine - but 1 wood for 500 points is not 🙂  - u see the difference

Okay, but it will be not added now, because it required a lot of testing. Changing whole plugin to different variable can cause 1000 more problems than there currently is.


If it's a problem now all i can do what's fast is an small command addon, that will multiply everyone's balance by value in command argument, so it can stay on integers.

Edited by ThePitereq


is the shop able to sell any sort of commands - i want to give a user a permission if they buy something 

Is this possible and if so how ?



4 minutes ago, TomHud said:

is the shop able to sell any sort of commands - i want to give a user a permission if they buy something 

Is this possible and if so how ?

Yes, in the Command tab you can input multiple commands
Here's example:

      "unbreakabletools-0": {
        "Command (if set, ignore item)": [
          "oxide.grant user {userId} neverwear.tools",
          "servermessage 2 '{userName}'"
        "Shortname": "",
        "Skin ID": 0,
        "Amount": 1,
        "Item Name": "",
        "Display Name": "Unbreakable Tools [Permanent]",
        "Is Blueprint": false,
        "Icon URL (if skin not 0)": "",
        "Price": 100000,
        "Required Permission": "",
        "Daily Buy Max": 1,
        "Wipe Buy Max": 1


  • Like 1


excellent will try this 



why am i getting this - it even tells me with onscreen prompts to /redeem shop so i checked the config in sloppyshop and its 

"Stock Market - Refund Storage Name": "shop",


but i get error below when i type /redeem shop (infact in chat it says shop not found)

I have removed all configs etc and started afresh with a copy of your last update.


Loaded plugin ShoppyStock v1.0.1 by ThePitereq
Failed to call hook 'AddItem' on plugin 'RedeemStorageAPI v2.0.0' (KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.)
  at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].get_Item (TKey key) [0x0001e] in <fb001e01371b4adca20013e0ac763896>:0 ents, 0 slprs                                                                               1kb/s in, 4kb/s out
  at Oxide.Plugins.RedeemStorageAPI.AddItem (System.UInt64 userId, System.String name, Item item, System.Boolean popUp) [0x00000] in <6844d8ea37cb4070b9381a2ab10e5224>:0
  at Oxide.Plugins.RedeemStorageAPI.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x0015c] in <6844d8ea37cb4070b9381a2ab10e5224>:0
  at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <23ba99f131254889867c71f0bd137b1d>:0
  at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <157a94ee66ab4a7991faecd1eb84be3b>:0
  at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <157a94ee66ab4a7991faecd1eb84be3b>:0
[ShoppyStock] Player TomHudÔäó (76561198061302358) returned x1000 Wood from bank.



On 4/16/2023 at 2:19 PM, TomHud said:

why am i getting this - it even tells me with onscreen prompts to /redeem shop so i checked the config in sloppyshop and its 

"Stock Market - Refund Storage Name": "shop",


but i get error below when i type /redeem shop (infact in chat it says shop not found)

I have removed all configs etc and started afresh with a copy of your last update.


Loaded plugin ShoppyStock v1.0.1 by ThePitereq
Failed to call hook 'AddItem' on plugin 'RedeemStorageAPI v2.0.0' (KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.)
  at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].get_Item (TKey key) [0x0001e] in <fb001e01371b4adca20013e0ac763896>:0 ents, 0 slprs                                                                               1kb/s in, 4kb/s out
  at Oxide.Plugins.RedeemStorageAPI.AddItem (System.UInt64 userId, System.String name, Item item, System.Boolean popUp) [0x00000] in <6844d8ea37cb4070b9381a2ab10e5224>:0
  at Oxide.Plugins.RedeemStorageAPI.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x0015c] in <6844d8ea37cb4070b9381a2ab10e5224>:0
  at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <23ba99f131254889867c71f0bd137b1d>:0
  at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <157a94ee66ab4a7991faecd1eb84be3b>:0
  at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <157a94ee66ab4a7991faecd1eb84be3b>:0
[ShoppyStock] Player TomHudÔäó (76561198061302358) returned x1000 Wood from bank.

Do you have "shop" redeem inventory in your RedeemStorage API config?
It seems that it's missing. I'll add an message about missing storage in next RedeemStorageAPI update.



was set for market changed it now - cheers



Hi when i go to the shop then bank listing it opens the bank where i can store items

I can only store certain items - wont let me store metal frags or anything else

where do i edit to allow this in the bank ?



16 minutes ago, TomHud said:

Hi when i go to the shop then bank listing it opens the bank where i can store items

I can only store certain items - wont let me store metal frags or anything else

where do i edit to allow this in the bank ?

you can store only items, that are allowed to be sold in server's sell market



kk how do i make it so i can sell these items in the servers sell market 

what file do i edit as i went though all the ones in Data folder and i do not see anything blocked




3 hours ago, TomHud said:

kk how do i make it so i can sell these items in the servers sell market 

what file do i edit as i went though all the ones in Data folder and i do not see anything blocked


Server Sell Items



i dont have a shop name file in that folder and my shop is called shop



Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, TomHud said:

i dont have a shop name file in that folder and my shop is called shop


This is the file of the Stock Market store, in order to sell items to the server, you must write down the items that can be sold to the server


Edited by Evgeniy Popov
  • Like 1


cheers no idea why its called RP 🙂 but thanks


Posted (edited)

7 hours ago, TomHud said:

i dont have a shop name file in that folder and my shop is called shop


so it seems your market is disabled?
Or maybe it's their codename? Maybe you've changed only shop display name?
The codename is taken from the key of shop in your oxide/config/ShoppyStock.json

Edited by ThePitereq


"Server Sell Items": {
    "wood": {
      "0": {
        "Display Name": "Wood",
        "Minimal Price": 0.2,
        "Maximal Price": 4.0,
        "Price Parent (shortname-skin)": "",
        "Price Parent - Price Boost Min": 0.0,
        "Price Parent - Price Boost Max": 0.0,
        "Default Sell Amount Calculation": 50000
      "metal.refined": {
      "0": {
        "Display Name": "metal.refined",
        "Minimal Price": 0.1,
        "Maximal Price": 0.2,
        "Price Parent (shortname-skin)": "",
        "Price Parent - Price Boost Min": 0.0,
        "Price Parent - Price Boost Max": 0.0,
        "Default Sell Amount Calculation": 150000
      "1567546863": {
        "Display Name": "Magic Wood",
        "Minimal Price": 1.0,
        "Maximal Price": 19.0,
        "Price Parent (shortname-skin)": "",
        "Price Parent - Price Boost Min": 0.0,
        "Price Parent - Price Boost Max": 0.0,
        "Default Sell Amount Calculation": 100
    "stones": {
      "0": {
        "Display Name": "Stones",
        "Minimal Price": 0.4,
        "Maximal Price": 5.0,
        "Price Parent (shortname-skin)": "",
        "Price Parent - Price Boost Min": 0.0,
        "Price Parent - Price Boost Max": 0.0,
        "Default Sell Amount Calculation": 50000


i keep getting an error and im only trying to add metal.refined to the list

Do i have to keep adding an `}` at the bottom of the txt file 

Someone show me where im going wrong here 


Posted (edited)

I have a player who sets the sale price of a pumpkin at 100 and the quantity is 20, and I have another player who sets the purchase price at 100 and the quantity is 20, and they didn't make the deal, they didn't receive the item or the currency

Edited by lengka


59 minutes ago, TomHud said:

"Server Sell Items": {
    "wood": {
      "0": {
        "Display Name": "Wood",
        "Minimal Price": 0.2,
        "Maximal Price": 4.0,
        "Price Parent (shortname-skin)": "",
        "Price Parent - Price Boost Min": 0.0,
        "Price Parent - Price Boost Max": 0.0,
        "Default Sell Amount Calculation": 50000
      "metal.refined": {
      "0": {
        "Display Name": "metal.refined",
        "Minimal Price": 0.1,
        "Maximal Price": 0.2,
        "Price Parent (shortname-skin)": "",
        "Price Parent - Price Boost Min": 0.0,
        "Price Parent - Price Boost Max": 0.0,
        "Default Sell Amount Calculation": 150000
      "1567546863": {
        "Display Name": "Magic Wood",
        "Minimal Price": 1.0,
        "Maximal Price": 19.0,
        "Price Parent (shortname-skin)": "",
        "Price Parent - Price Boost Min": 0.0,
        "Price Parent - Price Boost Max": 0.0,
        "Default Sell Amount Calculation": 100
    "stones": {
      "0": {
        "Display Name": "Stones",
        "Minimal Price": 0.4,
        "Maximal Price": 5.0,
        "Price Parent (shortname-skin)": "",
        "Price Parent - Price Boost Min": 0.0,
        "Price Parent - Price Boost Max": 0.0,
        "Default Sell Amount Calculation": 50000


i keep getting an error and im only trying to add metal.refined to the list

Do i have to keep adding an `}` at the bottom of the txt file 

Someone show me where im going wrong here 

it's in wrong place.

Keep the tabs and spaces clear and you will see the problem. You've placed metal.refined inside wood.
I also recomend some json verify online tool.

2 minutes ago, lengka said:

I have a player who sets the sale price of a pumpkin at 100 and the quantity is 20, and I have another player who sets the purchase price at 100 and the quantity is 20, and they didn't make the deal, they got an item or currency

Creating both sell and buy requests doesn't mean that the buy request will do something to slel request. there needs to be a player that will directly buy/sell something from/to player.

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