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Personal NPC 1.8.4

   (7 reviews)

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7 minutes ago, Covfefe said:

Can we get an autofarm button instead of Kill since we can easily kill the pnpc by typing /pcnpc, but auto farm is a pain the butt to get working right. 

Have you seen the config file?

    "Shortcut buttons": [

You can set it up here.



17 minutes ago, beetle said:

Have you seen the config file?

    "Shortcut buttons": [

You can set it up here.

Yeah but every time I click the arrow the buttons never come out. Is there any way to make those buttons always show?



Nevermind, it was because I changed pnpc to slave in my cs file.




I can't get the auto farm to work, but my bot will farm if i click on the tree


It keeps saying no resources nearby when i use the button to auto farm


  "Control setup": {
    "Which button will assign tasks to the bot, kill/get/collect, etc. (MIDDLE_MOUSE, SECOND_MOUSE, E, RELOAD, SPRINT)": "SECOND_MOUSE",
    "Range of the task assignment button": 99.0,
    "Display 3D arrows over a target?": true,
    "Arrow display duration": 2,
    "Distance between owner and bot to recover": 3.0,
    "Distance between bot and collectable entity to pickup": 2.0,
    "Distance between bot and item to pickup": 2.0,
    "Distance between bot and loot container to loot": 2.0,
    "Distance between bot and tree/ore to gather": 3.0,
    "Distance between bot and seat to mount": 3.0
  "GUI customization": {
    "How many seconds to update the GUI?": 3.0,
    "Panel layer (Hud, Overlay, Overall, Hud.Menu, Under)": "Overlay",
    "Send commands to local chat? (required for hardcore mode, where global chat is disabled)": false,
    "Panel position adjustment": {
      "type": "RectTransform",
      "anchormin": "1 1",
      "anchormax": "1 1",
      "offsetmin": "-170 -104",
      "offsetmax": "-10 -10"
    "1 panel color": "#7f8c8d",
    "2 panel color": "#bdc3c7",
    "Health bar color": "#2ecc71",
    "Shortcut buttons": [
        "Text on button": "Auto-Farm",
        "Executable chat commands": [
          "pnpc auto-farm enable"
        "Text on button": "Auto-Pickup",
        "Executable chat commands": [
          "pnpc auto-pickup enable"
        "Text on button": "Auto-Combat",
        "Executable chat commands": [
          "pnpc combat"
  "Bot settings by permission": {
    "personalnpc.bot1": {
      "Bot spawn delay": 10.0,
      "The name of the bot to be selected through the command when spawning": "bot1",
      "Bot name": "%OWNER_NAME%'s Slave",
      "Bot appearance (0 - random)": 0,
      "Maximum health": 420.0,
      "Bot speed (slowest, slow, normal, fast)": "normal",
      "Enable infinite ammo for the bot?": false,
      "Enable display of the bot on the map? (frankenstein icon)": true,
      "Drop active item on death?": false,
      "Start kit": [
          "Item name": "",
          "Item shortname": "tshirt",
          "Item skin": 836113516,
          "Item amount": 1,
          "In which container to place? (belt, main, wear)": "wear"
          "Item name": "",
          "Item shortname": "mask.balaclava",
          "Item skin": 1126892904,
          "Item amount": 1,
          "In which container to place? (belt, main, wear)": "wear"
          "Item name": "",
          "Item shortname": "spear.stone",
          "Item skin": 0,
          "Item amount": 1,
          "In which container to place? (belt, main, wear)": "belt"
          "Item name": "",
          "Item shortname": "stonehatchet",
          "Item skin": 0,
          "Item amount": 1,
          "In which container to place? (belt, main, wear)": "belt"
          "Item name": "",
          "Item shortname": "stone.pickaxe",
          "Item skin": 0,
          "Item amount": 1,
          "In which container to place? (belt, main, wear)": "belt"
      "Functions setup": {
        "Can a bot loot crates?": true,
        "Can the bot mine trees and stones?": true,
        "Can the bot pick up resources? (wood, sulfur and metal ore, stones)": true,
        "Should the bot protect the owner?": true,
        "Should the bot defend itself?": true,
        "Can the bot travel by car/copter and other vehicles?": true,
        "Can the bot pick up dropped items?": true,
        "Recover the owner from a wounded state": {
          "Can the bot recover the owner if he is in a wounded state?": true,
          "Recover time": 3.0
        "Can the bot attack other people's buildings?": false,
        "Can a bot attack its owner's buildings?": false,
        "Can the bot collect resources within a radius of 50 meters? (/pnpc auto-pickup)": true,
        "Can the bot farm resources within a radius of 50 meters? (/pnpc auto-farm)": true
      "Gather setup": {
        "Shortname of items that can harvest trees": [
        "Shortname of items that can mine stones and ore": [
        "Setting up mining rates": {
          "stones": 2.0,
          "wood": 5.0
        "Radius to collect/gather resources in auto-mode": 150.0
      "Damage and interactions setup": {
        "Bot damage rate": 2.0,
        "Bot recive damage rate": 0.5,
        "Can players damage the bot?": false,
        "Can the bot damage players?": false,
        "Can turrets target and kill a bot? (all turrets will not be able to damage the bot)": false,
        "Prevent bot owner turrets from aiming and killing the bot? (bot owner's turrets will not be able to damage the bot)": true,
        "Blacklist of objects that the bot will ignore when owner selecting a target (short prefab name)": [
      "Black list of items that cannot be put into the inventory of the bot": [],
      "List of prefabs that the bot will ignore if they attack it": [
        "assets/prefabs/deployable/bear trap/beartrap.prefab"
  "Bot install by item": [
      "Item name": "Slave",
      "Item shortname": "furnace",
      "Item skin": 2741314889,
      "Bot info": {
        "Bot spawn delay": 10.0,
        "The name of the bot to be selected through the command when spawning": "bot1",
        "Bot name": "%OWNER_NAME%'s Slave",
        "Bot appearance (0 - random)": 0,
        "Maximum health": 150.0,
        "Bot speed (slowest, slow, normal, fast)": "normal",
        "Enable infinite ammo for the bot?": false,
        "Enable display of the bot on the map? (frankenstein icon)": true,
        "Drop active item on death?": false,
        "Start kit": [],
        "Functions setup": {
          "Can a bot loot crates?": true,
          "Can the bot mine trees and stones?": true,
          "Can the bot pick up resources? (wood, sulfur and metal ore, stones)": true,
          "Should the bot protect the owner?": true,
          "Should the bot defend itself?": true,
          "Can the bot travel by car/copter and other vehicles?": true,
          "Can the bot pick up dropped items?": true,
          "Recover the owner from a wounded state": {
            "Can the bot recover the owner if he is in a wounded state?": true,
            "Recover time": 3.0
          "Can the bot attack other people's buildings?": false,
          "Can a bot attack its owner's buildings?": false,
          "Can the bot collect resources within a radius of 50 meters? (/pnpc auto-pickup)": true,
          "Can the bot farm resources within a radius of 50 meters? (/pnpc auto-farm)": true
        "Gather setup": {
          "Shortname of items that can harvest trees": [
          "Shortname of items that can mine stones and ore": [
          "Setting up mining rates": {
            "stones": 2.0,
            "wood": 5.0
          "Radius to collect/gather resources in auto-mode": 100.0
        "Damage and interactions setup": {
          "Bot damage rate": 2.0,
          "Bot recive damage rate": 0.5,
          "Can players damage the bot?": false,
          "Can the bot damage players?": false,
          "Can turrets target and kill a bot? (all turrets will not be able to damage the bot)": false,
          "Prevent bot owner turrets from aiming and killing the bot? (bot owner's turrets will not be able to damage the bot)": true,
          "Blacklist of objects that the bot will ignore when owner selecting a target (short prefab name)": [
        "Black list of items that cannot be put into the inventory of the bot": [],
        "List of prefabs that the bot will ignore if they attack it": [
          "assets/prefabs/deployable/bear trap/beartrap.prefab"
  "How many seconds will the bot update the information? (affects the performance and operation of the bot)": 0.01,
  "Spawn a backpack with his items when a bot dies? (otherwise his corpse will spawn)": false,
  "List of prefabs that the bot can loot (useful if the bot attacks loot instead of looting it)": [




5 hours ago, Covfefe said:

I can't get the auto farm to work, but my bot will farm if i click on the tree


It keeps saying no resources nearby when i use the button to auto farm


/pnpc auto-pickup - displays information about the auto-pickup function
     /pnpc auto-pickup (wood, metal, sulfur, stone, all) - selection of resources for pickup, if you need to remove a resource from the list, you need to re-enter it
     /pnpc auto-pickup enable - enable auto-pickup of resources
     /pnpc auto-pickup disable - disable auto-pickup of resources
/pnpc auto-farm - displays information about the auto-farm function
     /pnpc auto-farm (wood, metal, sulfur, stone, all) - selection of resources for farm, if you need to remove a resource from the list, you need to re-enter it
     /pnpc auto-farm enable - enable auto-farm resources
     /pnpc auto-farm disable - disable auto-farm resources


As mentioned on the description page for this plugin, it must be configured in order for Auto Series to work.

For example, if you want to use the automatic tree collection feature, which is what you want to do now

        "Text on button": "Auto Farm Wood",
        "Executable chat commands": [
          "pnpc auto-farm wood",
          "pnpc auto-farm enable"

This is how it should be done.



1 hour ago, beetle said:
/pnpc auto-pickup - displays information about the auto-pickup function
     /pnpc auto-pickup (wood, metal, sulfur, stone, all) - selection of resources for pickup, if you need to remove a resource from the list, you need to re-enter it
     /pnpc auto-pickup enable - enable auto-pickup of resources
     /pnpc auto-pickup disable - disable auto-pickup of resources
/pnpc auto-farm - displays information about the auto-farm function
     /pnpc auto-farm (wood, metal, sulfur, stone, all) - selection of resources for farm, if you need to remove a resource from the list, you need to re-enter it
     /pnpc auto-farm enable - enable auto-farm resources
     /pnpc auto-farm disable - disable auto-farm resources


As mentioned on the description page for this plugin, it must be configured in order for Auto Series to work.

For example, if you want to use the automatic tree collection feature, which is what you want to do now

        "Text on button": "Auto Farm Wood",
        "Executable chat commands": [
          "pnpc auto-farm wood",
          "pnpc auto-farm enable"

This is how it should be done.

Damn, I thought the auto-farm feature meant it will farm anything around it, any type of material.



If I want to move the entire GUI lower, which values do I change?



Can you make it so that the bot farms from the closest resource to the farther? When I make my bot farm wood or stone, it runs sooo far away past so many trees and nodes. It doesn't make sense.



On 9/10/2022 at 11:47 AM, Covfefe said:

If I want to move the entire GUI lower, which values do I change?

    "Panel position adjustment": {
      "type": "RectTransform",
      "anchormin": "1 1",
      "anchormax": "1 1",
      "offsetmin": "-170 -104", 
      "offsetmax": "-10 -10"

try to change offsets (https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#ui-position)

  • Like 1


10 hours ago, walkinrey said:
    "Panel position adjustment": {
      "type": "RectTransform",
      "anchormin": "1 1",
      "anchormax": "1 1",
      "offsetmin": "-170 -104", 
      "offsetmax": "-10 -10"

try to change offsets (https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#ui-position)


I understand that but do I increase or decrease the anchor values? to get things to move down?


Posted (edited)

15 hours ago, Covfefe said:


I understand that but do I increase or decrease the anchor values? to get things to move down?

use offsets to move the menu, don't touch the anchors, here is some official guide https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#ui-position

Edited by walkinrey


I just wanna know if the bot still getting stuck at some point? is it fixed? how about the bot that suddenly stop and frozen due to limit of gathering resources? any known issues so far?


Posted (edited)

save your money - its not as good as you think.

I posted a review stating so a few weeks back and it has not been approved.This is not good news when reviews on plugins are held back because they may tell the truth.

Edited by TomHud
  • Like 2

Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, TomHud said:

save your money - its not as good as you think.

I posted a review stating so a few weeks back and it has not been approved.This is not good news when reviews on plugins are held back because they may tell the truth.

Thanks for save! "if you're statement was not approved then there something going on in the system then... that is not a good thing...

Edited by nol
  • Administrator

Posted (edited)

Hi @TomHud.
I don't handle reviews myself but I know they are subject to moderation.

Reviews lacking detail or information don't get approved.
It doesn't matter if they are positive or negative - If the review simply says "Great work!" or "Bad plugin", it's not going to make it through.

If your review lacked detail, maybe try again with a bit more information?
If you feel your review already had plenty of detail please let me know and I'll look into - Perhaps something else happened.

Edit : I should say, I believe this was a reactionary policy so there are old public reviews which wouldn't get through if they were submitted today.

Edited by Steenamaroo
  • Like 3


3 hours ago, nol said:

I just wanna know if the bot still getting stuck at some point? 

he is not stuck anywhere if the navmesh on the map is good

3 hours ago, nol said:

how about the bot that suddenly stop and frozen due to limit of gathering resources? any known issues so far?

what do you mean, auto-farm function or something else? all is working good, this plugin is tested on more than 40 servers 



16 hours ago, TomHud said:

save your money - its not as good as you think.

I posted a review stating so a few weeks back and it has not been approved.This is not good news when reviews on plugins are held back because they may tell the truth.

That's normal Tom, 100% of negative reviews are not published. I've spent thousands on this site and every single one of my negative reviews have never been approved. It's probably the only really bad thing about CodeFling. Such a shame, no integrity.

  • Like 2
  • Administrator

Posted (edited)


It's much more likely there's an issue with how you compose your reviews.
How you've composed this response adds weight to that idea, for me.

You can talk to staff for more information if your reviews are consistently unsuccessful.


Edited by Steenamaroo

Posted (edited)

I just realize one of my review wasn't posted yet due to some negativity (different seller), as I mention in that review that  the seller does'nt really support me at all even after sending more messages, no respond untill now, sept 13 was the 1st time i ask for a support, did not get one until now... he just updated a new version but something is not working as well, i feel disappointed about the system.

Edited by nol
  • Administrator

Posted (edited)

Hi @nol.
If there's a non responsive author and issues which need to be addressed, please let us know.
You can use site report function, or the live chat system, or DM one of us, or ping one of us in discord if that's easier.

Regarding the review, it may still be pending or it may have been rejected for some reason.
Let us know what the asset is when you contact us. 👍

Edit - Sorry for derailing your comments section @walkinrey

Edited by Steenamaroo


just came back to this after not using it for a while.

Its needs more work - it does work sometimes but other times u are looking at your bot standing still and doing nothing even though you told it to go farm.This is annoying and can drive you mad because even telling it to go farm it will not move.

Suggestions on the drop down menu - have a button that Says Go farm all (which includes wood / sulphur metal and stone) 

This will allow the bot to roam and find any resources and farm.

Another button maybe for each indiv item just incase u just want wood

Another button to restart the bot for when it stand s there looking at you and does nothing.This is the main issue and needs an easy fix to make it start moving its a£$%


At moment i am watching my bot swing the pickaxe in the air hitting nothing at all.Its stuck in a loop






5 hours ago, TomHud said:

Its needs more work - it does work sometimes but other times u are looking at your bot standing still and doing nothing even though you told it to go farm.This is annoying and can drive you mad because even telling it to go farm it will not move.

I do not experience such phenomenon.



5 hours ago, TomHud said:

Suggestions on the drop down menu - have a button that Says Go farm all (which includes wood / sulphur metal and stone) 

This will allow the bot to roam and find any resources and farm.

Another button maybe for each indiv item just incase u just want wood

Another button to restart the bot for when it stand s there looking at you and does nothing.This is the main issue and needs an easy fix to make it start moving its a£$%

By looking at the configuration files, you will notice that you can create them yourself.


5 hours ago, TomHud said:

At moment i am watching my bot swing the pickaxe in the air hitting nothing at all.Its stuck in a loop

Distance between bot and tree/ore to gather

Is this setting properly configured?


Posted (edited)

settings are default i not changed them 

Also are you claiming you have never had the bot just stand there doing nothing ?

I think we both have different plugins 🙂


Edited by TomHud

Posted (edited)

Bot rates are messed up - here is my config



So if it set it to 10x then 

1 stone node = 10000

1 metal node = 6000

1 sulfur node = 3000


So i get the bot to collect one of each using middle mouse command and here is what it collected.



As you can see they clearly do not add up - No idea how it got 67k stone when it should have been 10k

Edited by TomHud


21 hours ago, TomHud said:

have a button that Says Go farm all (which includes wood / sulphur metal and stone) 

you can do it in the config

21 hours ago, TomHud said:

Another button to restart the bot for when it stand s there looking at you and does nothing.This is the main issue and needs an easy fix to make it start moving its a£$%

click follow

21 hours ago, TomHud said:

Another button maybe for each indiv item just incase u just want wood

you can also do it in the config as you want

21 hours ago, TomHud said:

At moment i am watching my bot swing the pickaxe in the air hitting nothing at all.Its stuck in a loop

if you are expecting problems like this you need to change the distance between gather resources in the config, this is all fully changable

11 hours ago, TomHud said:

As you can see they clearly do not add up - No idea how it got 67k stone when it should have been 10k

do you have any other plugins which affect gather rate?

  • Like 1

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