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Shouldn't be possible for the current version to do that.


        void ConfirmSalvage(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg)
            var player = arg.Player();
            if (player == null) return;

            var id = Convert.ToUInt32(arg.Args[0]);
            var item = player.inventory.AllItems()?.FirstOrDefault(x => x.uid == id);
            if (item != null)
                CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "EpicSalvager_SalvagerMenu");

                var tier = GetBuffTier(item.name);
                int amount;
                if (!config.scrapper_settings.scrapper_value.TryGetValue(tier, out amount)) return;
                var payment = ItemManager.CreateByName(config.scrapper_settings.currency_shortname, Math.Max(amount, 1), config.scrapper_settings.currency_skin);
                if (payment == null) return;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.scrapper_settings.currency_name)) payment.name = config.scrapper_settings.currency_name;
                NextTick(() =>
                PrintToChat(player, $"You received {amount} {CurrencyName}.");
            else PrintToChat(player, "Invalid item.");

This is the method responsible for it here. Just under where the payment is created with ItemManager, it checks the config settings for the currency name, and as long as the field isn't empty, it will assign the name to it and give it to the player.


Does the player get a chat message saying "You received x SV comps" when they salvage them?

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6 hours ago, jaybee3 said:

Ran into a slight issue today.

One of our players salvaged an item they had enhanced and it gave back "Blood" not the usual "SV Comps" as we've called them. Both items were Operators C rank (Hoodie and some pants)

If you split a stack, the split one will show as blood. In that image there are 2 stacks making me think that it's been split.

I've used this plugin for a couple months and haven't seen this happen.

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25 minutes ago, ChristopherS said:

If you split a stack, the split one will show as blood. In that image there are 2 stacks making me think that it's been split.

I've used this plugin for a couple months and haven't seen this happen.

Yeah could be the way stacks are handled. I don't really handle stacks using this plugin as most servers run some form of stack manager.

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Posted (edited)

@imthenewguy- Yeah I've tried to replicate right now (we're on 1.1.1 still but only difference is the Math.Max(amount, 1), in the payment creation - so should behave the same). It always returned SV Comps to inventory (along with the message to chat).

It looks much more likely to be what @ChristopherSis saying and they've split the stack and it's split into Blood and SV Comps.

Shouldn't effect gameplay too much as you can still pay for your enhancements with the item named either way. Rust even recognises the Blood as SV Comps when it returns SV Comps (it says +1 (100) SV Comps), when you've got 99 Blood in your inventory. Presumably looks at item amount or item + skin amount in inventory instead.

False alarm. Will definitely double check before flagging things (even if the player has 200+ hours this wipe alone lol)!

Edited by jaybee3
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Marsdon Rhekhu


Hey there ! Can we set a global position for the EL Button ?

I have seen there is a data file for every player's individual positions. Unfortunately they are all wrong 😞



3 hours ago, Marsdon Rhekhu said:

Hey there ! Can we set a global position for the EL Button ?

I have seen there is a data file for every player's individual positions. Unfortunately they are all wrong 😞

Ill make a command to reset all icon positions to use config value.

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Any chance we could have perm based % chance rates (e.g. craft and drop). Even if it was just a flat multiplier to all rather than toggleable by individual drops, think it would be interesting to add it to skill tree (as part of a tree or level rewards) as EL is now their end game progression and with a perm that allows them to take their EL to next wipe they're all fully invested!



11 hours ago, jaybee3 said:

Any chance we could have perm based % chance rates (e.g. craft and drop). Even if it was just a flat multiplier to all rather than toggleable by individual drops, think it would be interesting to add it to skill tree (as part of a tree or level rewards) as EL is now their end game progression and with a perm that allows them to take their EL to next wipe they're all fully invested!

Added to the next release.

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Posted (edited)

Hello ! First of all ,this is such a great plugin ,i rly love it ! 
Question :
Farmers, - Increases the wearers farming yield. - this is planted yield ?
Foragers, - Increases the wearers collection yield. -this is wild pickables ? 
It doesnt work ,with idk 150 % i still get 10 cloth,1 pumpkin and so on

Edited by copcopekcro


1 hour ago, copcopekcro said:

Hello ! First of all ,this is such a great plugin ,i rly love it ! 
Question :
Farmers, - Increases the wearers farming yield. - this is planted yield ?
Foragers, - Increases the wearers collection yield. -this is wild pickables ? 
It doesnt work ,with idk 150 % i still get 10 cloth,1 pumpkin and so on

Maybe check if you have another plugin conflicting with it. That is odd.


Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, imthenewguy said:

Maybe check if you have another plugin conflicting with it. That is odd.

I dont have ,iam on test server ,0 plugins only this one ..
I think farmers set is working ..
Foragers dont work


Edited by copcopekcro


Found the issue and have patched it for next release.

  • Like 1
Kai Morisoli


Hello, I don't understand the spawning system in crates... are new items spawned or it modify existing items? The chanche 1.0 is 1x multiplier or 1%?? You have to add some infos in the cfg to keep things clear... if it is % or multiplier, min and max values. I know i will manage to find it out but some basic infos are great to not make confusion... BTW i have found 2 items in like 3 hours without buffs... i like the idea of super rarity but i don't understand if it is working correctly on the server. Added all permissions (beside admin) to default group and using the old but gold MagicLoot plugin.



2 hours ago, Kai Morisoli said:

Hello, I don't understand the spawning system in crates... are new items spawned or it modify existing items? The chanche 1.0 is 1x multiplier or 1%?? You have to add some infos in the cfg to keep things clear... if it is % or multiplier, min and max values. I know i will manage to find it out but some basic infos are great to not make confusion... BTW i have found 2 items in like 3 hours without buffs... i like the idea of super rarity but i don't understand if it is working correctly on the server. Added all permissions (beside admin) to default group and using the old but gold MagicLoot plugin.

It is triggered when players loot the crate, not when loot is populated on crate spawn.
"Containers and their chance for an enhanced item to spawn" is % chance when looted that it will spawn, rolled only once (the first time a player loots the crate).

  • Like 1
Kai Morisoli


1 hour ago, imthenewguy said:

It is triggered when players loot the crate, not when loot is populated on crate spawn.
"Containers and their chance for an enhanced item to spawn" is % chance when looted that it will spawn, rolled only once (the first time a player loots the crate).

Thank you, that makes sense... this is why they are so hard to find at 1%. Raised al 1% to 3% to see if we encunter more than one all two hours.

james dykeman


Is it possible to add or mix more options ? Say I want I want a miners set that each item has a 4% mining bonus but I'd also like to give it a 1% woodcutting bonus  2% Reduces durability loss on all equipped items 2% Reduces damage taken from animals and 3% Increases healing received... Is there any way you can add these options ?   I'm not using the UI to make items I'm just spawning items manually spawning them in using Guardedcrate raidablebases and   extraloot to fill crates and barrels.   EX.   config...    Can you make this happen ? 

"Enhancement information": {
    "Miners": {
      "enabled": true,
      "item_blacklist": null,
      "item_whitelist": null,
      "tierInfo": {
        "s": {
          "chance_weight": 0,
          "min_value": 0.0,
          "max_value": 0.0
        "a": {
          "chance_weight": 0,
          "min_value": 0.0,
          "max_value": 0.0
        "b": {
          "chance_weight": 0,
          "min_value": 0.0,
          "max_value": 0.0
        "c": {
          "chance_weight": 100,
          "min_value": 0.04,
          "max_value": 0.04
      "static_skins": {},
      "setInfo": {
        "1": {
          "setBonus": {
            "Lumberjacks": {
              "modifier": 0.01,
              "Permissions [permission / title]": null
            "Reinforced": {
              "modifier": 0.02,
              "Permissions [permission / title]": null
            "Tamers": {
              "modifier": 0.02,
              "Permissions [permission / title]": null
            "Medics": {
              "modifier": 0.03,
              "Permissions [permission / title]": null



Unfortunately with the way it's coded, no. The only thing you can do is assign whatever set bonuses you want to whatever set, but the sets can't be mingled.

Marsdon Rhekhu


Hey 🙂 Thanks for the update !

My players found out there seems to be a problem with using the recycler. I tested it myself and I believe if you recycle the Epic Loot items piece for piece everything works fine. But if you throw them into a running recycling process they aren't recycled into Epic Scrap but into their "normal" materials ? Anyone has the same problem ?




Hello ... like the plugin so far ...but my players noticed one problem ... Problem is that when they die they lose enchants on items ... and on that item/s they cant put enchant again ...so that item/s are lost forever for upgrade ,and cant be sold ... Like they was never enchanted and cant be enchanted 



2 hours ago, copcopekcro said:

Hello ... like the plugin so far ...but my players noticed one problem ... Problem is that when they die they lose enchants on items ... and on that item/s they cant put enchant again ...so that item/s are lost forever for upgrade ,and cant be sold ... Like they was never enchanted and cant be enchanted 

Chances are you have another plugin that triggers on death and does something with the inventory, such as restoring loot upon death etc.
The only reason the item would stop working, is if it's name is changed. Left click the item in the inventory and check the name of it at the top. It usually has a prefix such as "Transporters" or "Miners", and a suffix like [s 0.12] or [c 0.05] etc. If those aren't present, the item won't work.



18 hours ago, imthenewguy said:

Chances are you have another plugin that triggers on death and does something with the inventory, such as restoring loot upon death etc.
The only reason the item would stop working, is if it's name is changed. Left click the item in the inventory and check the name of it at the top. It usually has a prefix such as "Transporters" or "Miners", and a suffix like [s 0.12] or [c 0.05] etc. If those aren't present, the item won't work.

so no plugin is triggering that plugin ... i dont have "restore upon death ,and similar ones, " Dont have any plugin what have anything with after death,etc   ... Item after death dont have name "Miner"Operator"or what ever enchant is .. Like i say ,when player die with "opetaror" face mask s 0.07" ,after death is just skin name of that same face mask ... and it cant be enchant again ,like its blocked ... 



6 hours ago, copcopekcro said:

so no plugin is triggering that plugin ... i dont have "restore upon death ,and similar ones, " Dont have any plugin what have anything with after death,etc   ... Item after death dont have name "Miner"Operator"or what ever enchant is .. Like i say ,when player die with "opetaror" face mask s 0.07" ,after death is just skin name of that same face mask ... and it cant be enchant again ,like its blocked ... 

Yes, so you have another plugin that is messing with it because that does not happen in vanilla. You will need to evaluate what plugins do things on death and work out what the conflict is. The easiest way I have found is to unload all plugins except EpicLoot:

  1. o.unload *
  2. o.load EpicLoot

You can then load a handful of plugins at a time and die, checking the results after each death.



Hey man, I had some ideas for a couple of feature requests:

  • More developed crafting options. Something where a player can use more Epic Scrap to make higher tier items either at item creation or by applying scrap to an existing Epic Item.
  • More options for Raidable Bases. Would be very handy if I could specify which tiers are available in the different difficulties of RB.

I hope you'll consider including these in the future.



On 12/2/2022 at 7:45 AM, Muktuk said:

Hey man, I had some ideas for a couple of feature requests:

  • More developed crafting options. Something where a player can use more Epic Scrap to make higher tier items either at item creation or by applying scrap to an existing Epic Item.
  • More options for Raidable Bases. Would be very handy if I could specify which tiers are available in the different difficulties of RB.

I hope you'll consider including these in the future.

same i love the tier ideal being able to set what tier spawns would be so nice but love the support on the plugin an really would love an easy way to change a gear set name but love it!!!


Posted (edited)

idk why the website double posted my post....

Edited by MelodyZE

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