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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, MeinRust said:

Our players asked if it would be possible to get information about the cooking ingredients that you need for the recipes. Because sometimes it is quite difficult to see what kind of cooking ingredient it is.

For example, hover the mouse pointer over the ingredient and you will get the name of the cooking ingredient.



Unfortunately the mouse over part is a client side thing so it isn't something I can add to the UI. The only possible thing would be to add a button that pops up with the name of it above the UI and disappears shortly after when clicked.


46 minutes ago, TwoShoes said:

Wondering if you'll be adding a way for players to sell their made foods so other players can buy them?

Also a way for players that have backpack that save during wipe to have there ingredients save as well, The ingredients bag saves but not the items inside (backpacks plugin by LaserHydra) Thank you


The ingredients bag method I use is a little simpler than some of the backpacks plugin.

The logic is as follows:

  1. Ingredients bag button (or soon to be-added chat command) is pressed.
  2. The plugin creates a small wooden box way below the player.
  3. The plugin goes through the data file and creates new items based on the info from the data file, and spawns them in the box.
  4. The player is then forced to loot the box.
  5. When looting ends, the box goes through each of the items and saves them to the data file, then deletes the items/box.


The only thing I could do would be to add a config option to prevent the player ingredient storage data from being wiped on a new save, which would be easy enough. This would be agnostic to the backpack though, so all players who accumulate ingredients into a bag will get to keep them.


Also I won't be adding any trade options to this plugin, as there are a number of market/trade plugins available already, as well as in game. The meals can technically be sold via a vending machine xD

Edited by imthenewguy
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1 hour ago, imthenewguy said:

Unfortunately the mouse over part is a client side thing so it isn't something I can add to the UI. The only possible thing would be to add a button that pops up with the name of it above the UI and disappears shortly after when clicked.

Believe that would be the best option, we have solved it with our skill system and think that is your idea too.
At the top right an icon, as soon as the user clicks on it, a window opens and the user receives the item name

Info Icon: https://i.imgur.com/YY0dWs0.png - You may need it for your Plugin.



1 hour ago, imthenewguy said:


Unfortunately the mouse over part is a client side thing so it isn't something I can add to the UI. The only possible thing would be to add a button that pops up with the name of it above the UI and disappears shortly after when clicked.



The ingredients bag method I use is a little simpler than some of the backpacks plugin.

The logic is as follows:

  1. Ingredients bag button (or soon to be-added chat command) is pressed.
  2. The plugin creates a small wooden box way below the player.
  3. The plugin goes through the data file and creates new items based on the info from the data file, and spawns them in the box.
  4. The player is then forced to loot the box.
  5. When looting ends, the box goes through each of the items and saves them to the data file, then deletes the items/box.


The only thing I could do would be to add a config option to prevent the player ingredient storage data from being wiped on a new save, which would be easy enough. This would be agnostic to the backpack though, so all players who accumulate ingredients into a bag will get to keep them.


Also I won't be adding any trade options to this plugin, as there are a number of market/trade plugins available already, as well as in game. The meals can technically be sold via a vending machine xD

Hmm I would love to know about how to add them to a vending machine that would be awesome and a command to save ingredients would be nice as its a bitch to find ingredients ... By the way wtf is an Offle?



16 minutes ago, TwoShoes said:

Hmm I would love to know about how to add them to a vending machine that would be awesome and a command to save ingredients would be nice as its a bitch to find ingredients ... By the way wtf is an Offle?

You have to use a separate machine for each item, otherwise the skins will get mixed up if the items were all blood.

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9 minutes ago, MeinRust said:

You have to use a separate machine for each item, otherwise the skins will get mixed up if the items were all blood.

Yeah I was testing this out while waiting for a responce this is cool 



2 hours ago, TwoShoes said:

Hmm I would love to know about how to add them to a vending machine that would be awesome and a command to save ingredients would be nice as its a bitch to find ingredients ... By the way wtf is an Offle?

Offle was a mistype. Have corrected it to Offal in the plugin. Added the option for ingredients to be saved between wipes if they are in the bag.

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2 hours ago, MeinRust said:

Believe that would be the best option, we have solved it with our skill system and think that is your idea too.
At the top right an icon, as soon as the user clicks on it, a window opens and the user receives the item name

Info Icon: https://i.imgur.com/YY0dWs0.png - You may need it for your Plugin.

Made the icons clickable to show the ingredient names.




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19 minutes ago, imthenewguy said:

Offle was a mistype. Have corrected it to Offal in the plugin. Added the option for ingredients to be saved between wipes if they are in the bag.

you are the man (if you identify as other than man Im sorry)


Posted (edited)

wait huh? Im confused 
Allows the player to open up their ingredient bag without the item. Puts items directly into the players ingredient bag when collected without the item.
without what item the bag its self? you already can open the bag without an item in it unless thats just what you changed?? still confused 

Edited by TwoShoes


You used to be required to craft an ingredient bag to put in your inventory to store and access the ingredients that you pickup.  Now, with the permission, you do not need to have an "ingredient bag" taking up a slot in your inventory and can just access it with the /ibag command.

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Hi @imthenewguy
I already addressed the topic of “QuickSort” on November 29th, 2021 and now I wanted to bring it up again.I don't know which dev to contact now for this problem, because the plugins QuickSort, Backpack & Cooking do not work perfectly together, because the backpack plugin as well as your cooking plugin use "coffinstorage" for storage containers.

That's why we excluded the coffinstorage in QuickSort, but thereby also deactivated the function for the backpack plugin.

So I have 2 questions:

Question 1:
Could you change StorageContainer e.g. to "assets/content/structures/excavator/prefabs/excavator_output_pile.prefab" or to "assets/bundled/prefabs/ui/lootpanels/lootpanel.vendingmachine.customer.prefab" ?

We have already tried both prefabs and unfortunately with the excavator_output_pile it only works for the admins, the players cannot open the bag. 

Question 2:
What API do you need to exclude QuickSort for your plugin? I would then take care of getting an API that would allow you to exclude the QuickSort plugin.

Rust Admin


Is it possible to add the player name to the givemeal command?  I want an npc to hand out meals.

givemeal <player> chicken dinner



2 hours ago, MeinRust said:

Hi @imthenewguy
I already addressed the topic of “QuickSort” on November 29th, 2021 and now I wanted to bring it up again.I don't know which dev to contact now for this problem, because the plugins QuickSort, Backpack & Cooking do not work perfectly together, because the backpack plugin as well as your cooking plugin use "coffinstorage" for storage containers.

That's why we excluded the coffinstorage in QuickSort, but thereby also deactivated the function for the backpack plugin.

So I have 2 questions:

Question 1:
Could you change StorageContainer e.g. to "assets/content/structures/excavator/prefabs/excavator_output_pile.prefab" or to "assets/bundled/prefabs/ui/lootpanels/lootpanel.vendingmachine.customer.prefab" ?

We have already tried both prefabs and unfortunately with the excavator_output_pile it only works for the admins, the players cannot open the bag. 

Question 2:
What API do you need to exclude QuickSort for your plugin? I would then take care of getting an API that would allow you to exclude the QuickSort plugin.

I will change the config to allow for the owner to set the container prefab in the config, instead of "small" or "large".
So long as it uses the StorageContainer class it should work.

Regarding API, would only need a call before the sort happens asking if it can happen.
IE: CanQuickSort(uint id) or CanQuickSort(StorageContainer), where if we return false (or a non-null value of it's written that way), it cancels the request.



1 hour ago, Rust Admin said:

Is it possible to add the player name to the givemeal command?  I want an npc to hand out meals.

givemeal <player> chicken dinner

Will add a console command to do that.

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Rust Admin


On 1/13/2022 at 10:29 PM, imthenewguy said:

Will add a console command to do that.

would also be great to have a configurable command for the /market.  There are other plugins that already have 'market' as the default. Thanks!

Rust Admin


On 1/13/2022 at 10:29 PM, imthenewguy said:

Will add a console command to do that.

Hey there!  Any idea when you think this will be available?  ❤️



2 hours ago, Rust Admin said:

Hey there!  Any idea when you think this will be available?  ❤️

When I have enough content to warrant a release or a major bug rears its head.


Posted (edited)

Would you add a few more Buffs?

BleedingResist - The user no longer bleeds.
PoisonResist  - 
RadiationResist - Is immune to radioactivity
BulletResist - The user takes less damage from bullets "players, helicopters, tanks, NPCs"
StabResist - Thus, the damage the player takes is reduced when stabbed by the cactus or by a spear.
ElectricShockResist - The player no longer takes shock damage.
VehicleResist - The player no longer gets damage when a train, car, heli hits him.
perfectrepair - condition loss is completely removed when repairing.
Suicide - If the user eats the food, the player dies instantly. The player takes very high damage and dies as a result. "Radioactivity?"
Permissionbuff - If the user eats the food, he gets permission for the time that you can set yourself in the config.

"candy cane": {
      "enabled": true,
      "base_shortname": "fish.cooked",
      "imageURL": "https://imgur.com/345345.png",
      "description": "Im sure the crew enjoy this as well.",
      "skin": 27081321999,
      "ingredients": [
          "displayName": "sugar",
          "quantity": 10
      "buff_duration": 600,
      "cookTime": 30,
      "buffType": 40, 
      "coolDown": 0.0,
      "permission": "instantexperiment.use", -  If the admin implemented a permission here and set the buff type to "permission", the user will get the permission for the time.
      "BuffModifier": 2.0

Expand buffs
Wealth - add more entities., All NPCs, LootContainer, , Animals, Ore
Possibly as with the animals, the user could add the entities independently in the config.

  "Animals that are considered part of the Animals gather source": [
  "Entities that should count as a source for the Wealth buff type.": [

BuffType: BarrelSmasher - all roadsign support. Or create an extra buff for it.

We would be very happy if you would look at the topic of meal stacking again.

Would you also allow buffs for cooking ingredients that you have to craft when you eat them?
Our users need to craft an herbal elixir which they in turn need for a HealTrank, but if the user would eat the herbal elixir nothing happens even if the herbal elixir has a buff type. The buff only works if we take the herbal elixir from the ingredients list, so it would just be a simple meal.

However, if we remove the herbal elixir from the ingredients list, it will no longer appear in the recipe.

"Ingredient information": {
"Kräuter Elexier": {
      "enabled": true,
      "base_shortname": "black.raspberries",
      "skin": 276000000,
      "gathered_from": 19,
      "dropWeight": 0,
      "max_count": 0,
      "imageURL": "URL",
      "market_enable": false,
      "market_buy_price": 10.0,
      "market_sell_price": 5.0,
      "market_quantity": 0
"Recipes information": {
"Kräuter Elexier": {
      "enabled": true,
      "base_shortname": "black.raspberries",
      "imageURL": "URL",
      "description": "",
      "skin": 276000000,
      "ingredients": [
          "displayName": "Bohnenkraut",
          "quantity": 100
          "displayName": "Honig",
          "quantity": 100
      "buff_duration": 600,
      "cookTime": 20,
      "buffType": 2, 
      "coolDown": 0.0,
      "BuffModifier": 20.0


Edited by MeinRust


Thank you for the suggestions. A lot of good ideas in there 🙂

Dragoness Faye


Just started testing this plugin for use on our server today and am loving it so far, I do have one question though, sorry if it's already been asked. Would it be possible to use RP in place of scrap or economics in the farmers market?

Rust Admin


2 hours ago, Mirabel said:

Just started testing this plugin for use on our server today and am loving it so far, I do have one question though, sorry if it's already been asked. Would it be possible to use RP in place of scrap or economics in the farmers market?

It says it right in the config:

"What currency should we use for farmers market transactions [scrap, economics or serverrewards]"

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Dragoness Faye


6 minutes ago, Rust Admin said:

It says it right in the config:

"What currency should we use for farmers market transactions [scrap, economics or serverrewards]"

Ahh okay, I was going off the description which only lists scrap or economics as an option, might need updating.



Updated the description 🙂

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Dragoness Faye


13 minutes ago, imthenewguy said:

Updated the description 🙂

Awesome! Thank you ❤️



Hello, would it be possible to add an option to resell in batch?? because selling individually is so long and it doesn't do much good for my fingers.

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