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BotReSpawn 1.3.6

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ah you said you were "going" to buy, so assumed you would be starting on the current fixed version



Just a quick question for anyone that knows.. the permission "botrespawn.allowed - Required for non-admin use" is this for the default group? and what is it for? thanks

  • Administrator



You can't use the commands to create profiles or view the UI unless you are admin, or have that permission.



3 minutes ago, Steenamaroo said:


You can't use the commands to create profiles or view the UI unless you are admin, or have that permission.

well I just ryied that permission and it says no such command evenn in my admin menu (i'm the owner) doesnt show that command at all  added the image to show no permission for that plugin.  I even tried it manually in consile and still nothing




Are you sure that you have the plugin even running?


  • Administrator


Yup - It sounds like the plugin isn't installed, or isn't loaded.
If you're sure it's installed, do oxide.reload BotReSpawn, and watch console to confirm it loads without issue.



Rust game: $40
A single mod: $40

Please tell me how this makes sense?
What happens to all the little servers who could have actually been okay with spending $10? Wouldn't you make more money from many servers rather than some? I know of at least 5 servers that that would have loved to support you guys for at least half the price but not the price of the entire game.
It's also too bad that this new version has a ton of bugs and doesn't even run smoothly. Best of luck.

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  • Moderator


5 minutes ago, Penanon said:


I am just a little guy, renting a server for players to have fun, at my cost, but the pricing to have the same mods as the day before the wipe, is just too much for me to bear. I am not running a server to charge players to play, I am donating my time and cost to provide a fun environment. 

To charge as much as the core game itself is far too steep. You are providing a mod (a great mod) but with all due respect, you are not providing an entire game.

Unfortunately, I can now no longer provide the same gaming experience for players as I could on December 1. Therefore, as I cannot afford to foot this bill, I have to shut my server down.

I wish you could have seen a better way through this.

Steen owes all of us nothing in terms of the free version.  If your server is dependant on a free plugin, you are taking a risk. Even with paid ones there are risk.  I have several paid ones where the web site disappeared and the author fell off the face of the earth.  And some where the underlying code of Facepunch made the mechanics the plugin used disappear.  It happens.

If without BotSpawn you don't have a viable server, then in fact you are stating it is what your server is (a botspawn server).  If you choose to shut down over the price of a single plugin, that is on you.

There are literally hundreds of free plugins out there, that add to the game play of Rust.  There is a lot you can do on a budget.  I would suggest you explore your options.  I run a mix of over 100 free and paid plugins to make my server interesting. My servers are all free, I don't ask for donations, I provide fun for my friends.  I am a tiny operator.  I pick and choose plugins based on my budget and value I see in them.  BotSpawn has provided hundreds of hours of fun for me and my players.  And will continue to do so as BotReSpawn.  Thus I moved to the paid version.  With the paid one Steen is committing to support it through the current and coming changes to AI (and more are coming).  I don't begrudge Steen getting a payday for good plugin.  I also know there is a lot more to do, and a lot of work looming in the future.  I am looking forward to BotReSpawn's future support.

  • Like 6


I am also poor server owner of small PVE feel sad for me pls. No $ gains, Big Gs all at a loss for my peoples. My 1-5 active ppls lol. true story

I did the maths:
Server been around 74 weeks. Has BotSpawn since day 1. I would have payed $40 for BotSpawn day 1, PVE essential. Hashtag PVE essential. That'd be about $0.54 USA per week, $0.077 cents per day. Worth. Payed. But won't use yet. Will watch the support section until I trust it enough to use it, and just.. idk.. add more zombie hordes for now. Done. Recommend other penny pinchers do their maths. Recommend mister Steen consider a water down version of this for free BotSpawn. Raidable Bases model, gets ppl to pay for the pay version. Can testify.

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Posted (edited)

But where does it end? If all mods had to be paid for what would the start up cost be for a single server at these prices?
As it stands, we would have to pay $140 for just raidable bases and this mod alone to enjoy our server as we had been previously.
I understand ElmoKilljoy is basing it off of how long the server's been around in the past but this is rough for anyone starting out and for those that want a short term server for a group of friends.
My math is more along the lines of 100 small servers like that paying $10-20 for $1000-$2000 as opposed to 50 who will pay it for $2000. Obviously I have no idea what the actual number would be. But I know for sure a lot more people would be supportive than charging the same price as a full game that has been gradually worked on for so many years with a big team of artists and developers and coders. You're saying the work on this mod is the same quality and level of entertainment?

Edited by Kaedyss
Swedish Chef

Posted (edited)

34 minutes ago, Kaedyss said:

You're saying the work on this mod is the same quality and level of entertainment?

no. youre clutching at straws here..

Rust has been around for 8 years, and had god know how many people working on it. sold i dont know how many copies.. (6 or 9 million copies? total guess. i dont know. its more than 5 mil) thats a couple hundered million dollars. for you maths geniuses who have calculated the fortune steen is getting.. how far do you think that money goes when you grow up and start paying bills?

it seems like you guys are just coming here to vent.. like toddlers, and not reading the posts before.. otherwise you would understand that:

. the timing is unfortunate, facepunches changes mean BotSpawn doesnt work anymore. 


. lucky for us BotReSpawn was pretty much finished!

you whiny bitches are complaining about $20 more than you think it should have been.. i do realize half of you are kids, and may have limited pocket money etc and are genuinely and rightly upset that you cant have what you had last month. but who goes onto the forum and cries about it like that?

embarrassing yourselves in a public forum.  


Edited by Swedish Chef
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  • Administrator


Just a friendly reminder, everyone is free to their opinion. They're rightfully frustrated so please let them express themselves without feeling obligated to attack them.

Let's keep things chill. Thank you!

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Posted (edited)

I know my comment was harsh but I had the exact same visceral reactions as anyone. Sry

1 hour ago, Kaedyss said:

But where does it end? If all mods had to be paid for what would the start up cost be for a single server at these prices?
As it stands, we would have to pay $140 for just raidable bases and this mod alone to enjoy our server as we had been previously.
I understand ElmoKilljoy is basing it off of how long the server's been around in the past but this is rough for anyone starting out and for those that want a short term server for a group of friends.

We should be lucky they aren't all charging for their hard work then.. We know the cost of running a server will shadow the one-time costs of those plugins. Those $140 only account for 3% of my overall costs, and I know that's different for everyone. And if you're starting out, it's a Big hit. I've been there, hell, I'm perpetually there, never breaking 10 players, so maybe from that angle it's too steep a price for me.. But we must consider what we're willing to do to give players a completely different experience than PVP Rust. Players still only payed $40. We carry the maintenance and plugin costs. Mr Steen (or is it Mister Maroo? Mister Namaroo?) pays the greatest price in the work he put in for free until now. PVE is a Much smaller market with much fewer players to gain, which is dominated by a few servers, so the risk is steep, and always has been. Having to pay $40 was upsetting off the bat for me too but I keep my eyes on the prize: a player that enjoys the server. $40 to get there is worth for me.

Edited by ElmoKilljoy
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1 hour ago, Death said:

Just a friendly reminder, everyone is free to their opinion. They're rightfully frustrated so please let them express themselves without feeling obligated to attack them.

Let's keep things chill. Thank you!

I'd like to speak to your manager!


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4 hours ago, Solarix said:

Are you sure that you have the plugin even running?


Yes the plugin is running 



4 hours ago, Steenamaroo said:

Yup - It sounds like the plugin isn't installed, or isn't loaded.
If you're sure it's installed, do oxide.reload BotReSpawn, and watch console to confirm it loads without issue.

The plugin is 100% running 




OK I fixed it I had to complete stop the plugin and start it to see the command not just reload



I had to wait to load the plugin as it lags my server for about 30 seconds for it to load I had to wait for the server to die down some 



Thanks Steen for the years of free use of BotSpawn. It's been a great plugin and i can't believe it was free for all this time. Happy to purchase BotReSpawn and looking forward to some new features.

  • Like 1


1 hour ago, ElmoKilljoy said:

Having to pay $40 was upsetting off the bat for me too but I keep my eyes on the prize: a player that enjoys the server. $40 to get there is worth for me.

Extremely well put and thank you so much for your kind and mature response. Yes, I am venting because myself and a few other server owners are hurt that we cannot accommodate to the new terms in which we can have a server our players and ourselves can enjoy. I'm really going to miss it.
Thanks again.

  • Sad 1


I'm fairly neutral on the new plugin and price tag. All things considered, it kind of sucks that no warning was given beforehand, even if it was a week of warning, people could mentally prepare/budget better. I feel like the plugin could have been a tad cheaper for the first day or two, so previous owners could get the plugin without breaking the bank. BotReSpawn was also released in a pretty worse for wear state. Lots of features not working, or downgraded from the last plugin. The UI is nice, but it sucks having to go in through every menu just to add spawns. Re adding the text based UI would be very nice. As well as adding back the option for population limits. Or at least making a clearly accessible spawnpoint count. 

I do, however, respect Steen as a dev and as a community leader, and have hope that the plugin will get better with time. 

  • Like 1
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"Biomes": {
    "BiomeArid": {
      "type": 2,
      "Spawn": {
        "AutoSpawn": true,
        "BotNames": [
          "코볼트 군인"
        "BotNamePrefix": "사막부대",
        "Keep_Default_Loadout": false,
        "Kit": [
        "Day_Time_Spawn_Amount": 0,
        "Night_Time_Spawn_Amount": 60,
        "Announce_Spawn": false,
        "Announcement_Text": "",
        "BotHealth": 400,
        "Stationary": false,
        "UseCustomSpawns": false,
        "ChangeCustomSpawnOnDeath": false
      "Behaviour": {
        "Roam_Range": 200,
        "Aggro_Range": 20,
        "DeAggro_Range": 90,
        "Peace_Keeper": true,
        "Bot_Accuracy_Percent": 90,
        "Bot_Damage_Percent": 130,
        "Running_Speed_Boost": 0,
        "AlwaysUseLights": false
      "Death": {
        "Spawn_Hackable_Death_Crate_Percent": 0,
        "Death_Crate_CustomLoot_Profile": "",
        "Death_Crate_LockDuration": 10,
        "Corpse_Duration": 15,
        "Weapon_Drop_Percent": 0,
        "Min_Weapon_Drop_Condition_Percent": 50,
        "Max_Weapon_Drop_Condition_Percent": 100,
        "Wipe_Belt_Percent": 0,
        "Wipe_Clothing_Percent": 100,
        "Allow_Rust_Loot_Percent": 100,
        "Respawn_Timer": 5
      "Other": {
        "Chute": false,
        "Suicide_Timer": 5,
        "Die_Instantly_From_Headshot": false,
        "Instant_Death_From_Headshot_Allowed_Weapons": [],
        "Disable_Radio": true

The night time I set is 20.
However, the npc of the configuration does not spawn even at night.
Why is the above configuration not working?
is this a bug?
or something is wrong with my configuration?



Damage percentage and accuracy percentage do not apply. An NPC equipped with an L96 rifle always kills a player with one shot.

Also, NPCs are constantly moving, making the server's frame rate very low. NPCs are always walking, running, and wandering around, even when there are no players around. This has significantly lowered server frames.

p.s. The old BotSpawn had NPCs that didn't move when no players were around. It is also necessary this time.

  • Confused 1

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