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  1. Would it be possible to make it so the NPCs that parachute do not shoot their guns until they hit the ground if they are marked invincible? Players want time to get positioned before getting destroyed and they cant fire back
  2. Hi any solution yet?
  3. KingSizeKevin

    Heli Signals

    I understand. The reason I suggest splitting them is because lesser skilled players feel pressured by the times, and the hyper competitiveness of "Who is the fastest time", but the signal being thrown is great for Global chat because it makes their neighbors aware of an incoming patrol heli. There is a big benefit to having them both optional as team or global chat. Thank you for the consideration.
  4. KingSizeKevin

    Heli Signals

    Suggestion: Can we make the chat announcements all optional to global or team chat? For example, I would like to announce to global chat when a player throws a singal, but only broadcast to the team their stats for taking down the heli. Can we make that optional instead of all chat messages to global or all chat messages to team?
  5. Is there holiday event support to track who collects the most candies? If not can that be added?
  6. I'm still having the same issue with 1.1.3
  7. With the new update, if players examine a horse at Ranch, they claim it, even though they did not put a saddle on it yet. I rolled back to an older version and it stopped doing that
  8. My servers are BattleZone.gg and we run a hybrid Vanilla PVP & PVE community. We consistently rank around #2 or 3 in our respective server categories. Our servers have been online since 2019 and I have put a lot of time and dedication in to building a unique community. Over the last year I have outsourced various little projects to paid developers but this solution is not working out for me anymore. We have reached a point where we need a dedicated partner to help facilitate all of our plugin and technical operational needs. Our servers are not heavily monetized and do not feature any P2W. It is an entirely organically built community. With that said, we want someone on our team who shares a vision for our server who can help tighten things up, deliver new custom features, and help us get to the next level. I don't need another plugin dev who just charges me for a plugin and I never see them again. I am looking for someone to join the team, who sees our ripe potential to become #1 in all of our respective categories, and take things to another level. I have a base amount I can allocate monthly and would like to allocate a much larger chunk if you are the person that can help us succeed. If our community grows, you will reap the benefits. If this sounds like the kind of relationship you would like to have with a server owner, please contact me so we can continue this discussion. Discord ID: rabidkevin Discord server: https://discord.gg/battlezone Website: https://battlezone.gg
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  9. KingSizeKevin

    Bug with Max Health Tea

    When a player uses a super syringe, it cancels the effect of the max health tea
  10. They just sit on the ground forever, never despawn, and no heli ever comes. Also getting the console save error spam but you are aware of that.
  11. When the plugin fails, it spawns a vanilla bradley, so just reloading plugin doesnt suffice
  12. Still get this error after updating to 1.3.0, it is referencing npc kits? (07:00:39) | Failed to call hook 'OnServerInitialized' on plugin 'CustomBradley v1.5.2' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Plugins.NPCKits+Patches+ScientistNPCDisplayNames.ScientistNPCFix (System.String& __result, ScientistNPC __instance) [0x00009] in <2b36e09905a549609f1b36ef7f1e2983>:0 at (wrapper dynamic-method) MonoMod.Utils.DynamicMethodDefinition.ScientistNPC.get_displayName_Patch2(ScientistNPC) at Oxide.Plugins.CustomBradley.<OnServerInitialized>b__22_3 (BasePlayer i) [0x0000d] in <2b36e09905a549609f1b36ef7f1e2983>:0 at System.Linq.Enumerable+WhereEnumerableIterator`1[TSource].MoveNext () [0x00037] in <8b0c76c7efa244bc95eeee75bf1314cd>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CustomBradley.OnServerInitialized () [0x000e0] in <2b36e09905a549609f1b36ef7f1e2983>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CustomBradley.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x0006a] in <2b36e09905a549609f1b36ef7f1e2983>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <206a0f2c6ee141f38e2ad549cde44d70>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000de] in <beb2b64691c64e2b95b99491bd85442c>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <beb2b64691c64e2b95b99491bd85442c>:0
  13. I dont know if this is related, but were getting intermittent signals thrown doing nothing. They just go on the ground and stay on the ground forever, and then do not save correctly (19:39:03) | Entity is NULL but is still in saveList - not destroyed properly? Heli Signal (Easy) (19:39:03) | Entity is NULL but is still in saveList - not destroyed properly? Heli Signal (Easy) (19:39:03) | Entity is NULL but is still in saveList - not destroyed properly? Heli Signal (Easy) (19:39:03) | Entity is NULL but is still in saveList - not destroyed properly? Heli Signal (Easy) (19:39:03) | Entity is NULL but is still in saveList - not destroyed properly? Heli Signal (Easy) (19:39:03) | Entity is NULL but is still in saveList - not destroyed properly? Heli Signal (Easy) (19:39:03) | Entity is NULL but is still in saveList - not destroyed properly? Heli Signal (Easy) (19:39:03) | Entity is NULL but is still in saveList - not destroyed properly? Heli Signal (Easy) (19:39:03) | Entity is NULL but is still in saveList - not destroyed properly? Heli Signal (Easy) (19:39:03) | Entity is NULL but is still in saveList - not destroyed properly? Heli Signal (Easy) (19:39:03) | Entity is NULL but is still in saveList - not destroyed properly? Heli Signal (Easy) (19:39:03) | Entity is NULL but is still in saveList - not destroyed properly? Heli Signal (Easy) (19:39:03) | Entity is NULL but is still in saveList - not destroyed properly? Heli Signal (Easy) (19:39:03) | Entity is NULL but is still in saveList - not destroyed properly? Heli Signal (Easy) (19:39:03) | Entity is NULL but is still in saveList - not destroyed properly? Heli Signal (Easy) (19:39:03) | Entity is NULL but is still in saveList - not destroyed properly? Heli Signal (Easy) (19:39:03) | Saved 98,295 ents, cache(0.28), write(0.08), disk(0.02).
  14. Still happening on the latest version. Player buys https://umod.org/community/building-workbench skill and gets the permission set on them. The plugin does not work for them. I do an o.reload skills And then the building workbench starts working for them.
  15. KingSizeKevin

    Players can loot horses

    They cant steal the horse, but they can open the inventory and steal the loot. Can you protect the container?


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