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  1. DeadGirl


    Hmm, must just be me then. Ironically, I have spent about the last hour looking at your BotRespawn plugin looks really cool... considering giving that a shot and just removing the other NPC plugins I have to see if that helps with conflicts. Thanks for looking into that for me.
  2. DeadGirl


    Hey Ever since force wipe my zombies no longer drop their melee weapons. I've tried sifting through plugins to see if any have updates I missed that might interfere now but can't seem to find anything. Is it still working for you by chance? Thanks!
  3. DeadGirl

    Dividing Loot

    I'm confused, sorry. So if I set up the "Difficulty_loot" and put a probability on everything of less than 1, but boom at 1, there still is a chance that boom won't make it into the raid?
  4. DeadGirl

    Dividing Loot

    Heya I am having a tough time getting all the loot I want to spawn in... I'm thinking it has to do with how I have it dividing loot. For example with a nightmare raid I'll have 100% chance of spawning rockets, c4, so on... but only sometimes does that actually happen. I am looking at a raid and each box has only 9 slots filled in every box so I'm thinking it's deciding there isn't enough space left after those 9 slots so whatever makes it in makes it in and the rest of the loot I've selected doesn't. Which I don't get cuz in my head if I have it set to spawn 130 loot items for example and 12 boxes with 48 slots why would it only fill the first 9 slots and then stop? I have to be missing something silly.. Here is a snip from my Nightmare config: "Minimum Amount Of Items To Spawn (0 = Use Max Value)": 130, "Amount Of Items To Spawn": 180, "Amount Of Items To Spawn Increased By Item Splits": false, "Divide Loot Into All Containers": true, How can I fix this? I see the part where you say if you set divide loot to true you have to scale the loot up or down and maybe I'm not understanding exactly how that works. Thank you! I'm sure it gets old explaining the same thing over and over lol.
  5. DeadGirl


    Well, I just raided a base (raidable bases) where the heavy scientist put a military flame thrower in his inventory upon death... is that vanilla where they give military flame throwers do you know?
  6. DeadGirl


    Loaded in the update and it's working perfectly You're awesome. Thank you again.
  7. DeadGirl


    No drops from the heavy scientists, yay! 2 of them had LRs in their inventories upon death which I don't remember seeing before but hey that's fine
  8. DeadGirl


    I'd love it if we could include melee/tools as well! I live on the macabre side of things so I'll always have zombies/murderers on my maps and getting a chainsaw here and there would be great. I've done a bit more messing with all the settings and they do seem to be dropping guns again. Oddly enough though even scientists I don't have "enabled" are also dropping their weapons at Arctic Research. The whole reason I am using this plugin was because I was using NPCDropGun but didn't want Heavies to drop these primo weapons (m249s, military flame throwers, so on). I haven't tested yet to make sure that they aren't anymore but will go do that now.. I played around a little yesterday with creating kits for them and totally messed them all up. Created 3 to cycle through for the zombies but they ended up having a wild amount of stuff on their bodies/belts/clothing when they died. I think when I add a kit to scarecrows for example it just puts clothes on top of the ones they already had instead of wiping what they already had but that's probably in your settings to change it and I just have been overwhelmed lmao. So I deleted all the kits, and at least now the NPCs are dropping guns here and there as I wanted One day I'll give the kits a go again. This plugin was probably a ton of work! Thank you for doing this for us. And thank you for helping me even though it's a free plugin!
  9. DeadGirl


    Will they still drop weapons if wipe belt is set to 100%? Or do their wipe chances have to be less than 100% for the weapon drop % to make a difference? I unloaded other plugins that mess with NPC profiles (raidable bases, zombiehorde, and NPCmovingcontrol) but still can't get them to drop any weapons apart from scientist on cargo.
  10. DeadGirl


    I haven't been able to get any regular scientists or scarecrows to drop their weapons even if I have it at 100. EXCEPT the ones at oil rig. I haven't set any custom kits yet. Any advice?
  11. DeadGirl

    Identical Skins in Loot

    Hi Nivex, love the plugin! The only issue I've been having is not being able to load out different skins for same items. My config looks like this, but it continues to stack for example 3 of the same skinned door instead of putting a different skin on each one and placing them in different box slots: "Loot Items": { "Use Identical Skins For Stackable Items": false, "Use Identical Skins For Non-Stackable Items": false, "Use Random Skin": true, "Use Workshop Skins": true, "Use Imported Workshop Skins File": true, "Use Approved Workshop Skins Only": false I know I've seen duplicate items with different skins in other servers, any advice for me? Thank you! Also, a player pointed out to me that when you eco raid and light something on fire, then switch to a gun, the fire stops doing any damage. Not sure if that's by design or even fixable just figured I'd throw that out there
  12. DeadGirl

    Initial setup

    Hi.. This will be my first time buying a custom map (though, I do have experience creating and using them). Is there a help file to get set up? Is "BetterNPCs" required as well?


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