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  1. i used oxide umod
  2. but after that there is issue on HarmonyInstance how i can fix that and when you help me of that can you add team can only see that bullets and the other player can't saw that bullet
  3. i got this issue when i change that to HarmonyLib Error while compiling BulletsFix: The type or namespace name 'HarmonyInstance' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) | Line: 19, Pos: 24 and if you can fixed that can you add team only can see the bullets and rockets ?
  4. please look at discord @Ryuk_
  5. can you fix that to oxide works with plugin
  6. Error while compiling BulletsFix: The type or namespace name 'Harmony' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) | Line: 7, Pos: 7
  7. xAlloshFN

    Auto Wipe

    and how that will be works
  8. xAlloshFN

    Auto Wipe

    did that works with Custom Maps ?
  9. fix it pls
  10. SpawnHeli.cs have that but i want that works with Tugboat
  11. thanks i will wait for that
  12. did there way to i can use that with out it ? @kaysharp
  13. xAlloshFN


    i have issue with zonemanager when i use the pogo 20 sec i see that removed how i can fix that
  14. xAlloshFN


    u will find it in config PresetName


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