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  1. More information about "Zombie Hunter"


    Zombie Hunter

    Unlock another (Frightening) lane of economic gameplay in Rust with the Zombie Hunter plugin: purchase a license, hunt Zombies, cash out rewards, and profit, with full customization and Discord integration.
    Zombies can spawn automatically at FP Monuments. Or setup your own custom points via command.
    Works with Kits.
    Requires Economics or Server Rewards to handle cash out.
    With “Zombie Hunter” you open a new lane of Economic gameplay for your server.
    Set a License fee in order to be able to "Legally" cash out Zombie Brains (License is optional) to sell for monetary gain.
    Outfit your Zombies, You are able to set whatever outfit or clothing you like, as well as skin, weapon and skin id for that Zombie. Once the Zombie is taken down players can Sell Brains with Economics or Server Rewards.
    Spawn in the Zombie hunter NPC, With Marker Manager Enabled, the cash out location will be displayed on the map.
    Output all Sales to Discord to track your Economy and make Adjustments as needed to The Zombie Hunter NPCS “Bonus Buy” & “Discount Buy” as needed to suit your taste.
    Skill Tree can be used to grant extra XP on Zombie Kills.
    NOTE - You can add as many zombie types as you wish. Zombie Brains doesn't have to be your currency, feel free to tweak this to your liking!
    /SPAWNZOMBIEHUNTER – Requires Admin Permission – Will spawn a Zombie Hunter NPC in your Position.
    /REMOVEZOMBIEHUNTER – Requires Admin Permission – Will remove the Zombie Hunter NPC you are looking at.
    /BUYZL – With Sufficient funds, the player can purchase a Zombie Hunter License (Configurable to be disabled and bypassed)
    /AZ - Will Setup  a custom spawn point in data for Zombies to spawn at.
    BUYZL is configurable, target your players id and sell them the license via shop.
    Usage "BUYZL playerid"
    { "Spawn Zombies On Plugin Reload?": true, "Amount to Spawn On Plugin Reload(Must be less than Max Active Bounties)?": 3, "Discord Webhook URL": "", "Enable Skill Tree Xp Gain?": true, "Require License for Xp Gain?": false, "Enable Monument Spawns?": true, "Enable Custom Spawns?": false, "Clear Custom Spawns File On Wipe?": false, "Chat Icon": 0, "Maximum Active Zombies": 3, "Drop Zombie Brains In Pouch?": true, "Base Item for the Zombie Brains?": "blood", "Brains Marketable to the Zombie NPC?": true, "Console Command to Purchase a Zombie License? (For GUI Shops)": "buyzl", "Chat Command to Purchase a Zombie License?": "buyzl", "Require a Zombie License To Cash In Drops to the Zombie Hunter NPC?": true, "Price to Purchase a Zombie Hunter License?": 10000, "Lose Zombie Hunter License on Death?": true, "Clear Licenses on Wipe?": false, "Dynamic (Bandit Camp) Spawn Of The Zombie Hunter NPC Enabled?": true, "Economy Plugin - 1 Economics - 2 Server Rewards": 1, "Maximum Amount of Like Drops Sold at a Time": 3, "NPC Interaction Cooldown In Seconds": 3, "NPC Kit Enabled?": false, "NPC Kit Name?": "", "Amount of Time In Seconds Between Zombie Spawns": 621, "Amount of Time In Seconds for a Zombie to Despawn": 1240, "Enable Spawn SFX?": true, "Enable Despawn SFX?": true, "Announce to Chat When Zombie is Active?": true, "Announce to Chat When Zombie is Claimed?": true, "Enable Marker Manager from UMOD, To Mark Zombies?": true, "Enable Marker Manager from UMOD, To Mark NPC Location?": true, "Zombie Tiers": [ { "Zombie Name": "Low Tier Zombie", "Skill Tree Xp Value": 100, "Zombie Clothing Options": [ { "Shortname": "gloweyes", "Skin": 0 }, { "Shortname": "hat.boonie", "Skin": 818908416 }, { "Shortname": "attire.hide.skirt", "Skin": 807540775 }, { "Shortname": "tshirt", "Skin": 876665516 }, { "Shortname": "burlap.gloves", "Skin": 827694932 }, { "Shortname": "wood.armor.pants", "Skin": 0 } ], "Zombie Total Health": 150, "Zombie Damage Scaling": 1, "Weapon to Equip?": "longsword", "Weapon Skin ID": 924880337, "Zombie Drop Name": "Low Tier Zombie Brain", "Zombie Drop Skin": 3254396871, "Is the Drop Marketable to the Zombie Hunter NPC?": true, "Sale Price?": 1000, "Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": -10, "Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 5, "Zombie Optional Drops": [ { "Shortname": "humanmeat.spoiled", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 3, "Amount Max": 10, "Chance to Drop": 20 }, { "Shortname": "ammo.shotgun.slug", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 5, "Amount Max": 30, "Chance to Drop": 30 }, { "Shortname": "radiationremovetea.advanced", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 1, "Amount Max": 2, "Chance to Drop": 40 } ] }, { "Zombie Name": "Mid Tier Zombie Target", "Skill Tree Xp Value": 200, "Zombie Clothing Options": [ { "Shortname": "hat.gas.mask", "Skin": 0 }, { "Shortname": "tshirt", "Skin": 965885061 }, { "Shortname": "attire.hide.pants", "Skin": 2960205521 }, { "Shortname": "burlap.gloves.new", "Skin": 0 }, { "Shortname": "jacket", "Skin": 834233801 }, { "Shortname": "gloweyes", "Skin": 0 } ], "Zombie Total Health": 225, "Zombie Damage Scaling": 1.5, "Weapon to Equip?": "longsword", "Weapon Skin ID": 924880337, "Zombie Drop Name": "Mid Tier Zombie Brain", "Zombie Drop Skin": 3254397311, "Is the Drop Marketable to the Zombie Hunter NPC?": true, "Sale Price?": 2000, "Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": -5, "Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 15, "Zombie Optional Drops": [ { "Shortname": "humanmeat.spoiled", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 3, "Amount Max": 10, "Chance to Drop": 30 }, { "Shortname": "scrap", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 120, "Amount Max": 230, "Chance to Drop": 30 }, { "Shortname": "maxhealthtea.advanced", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 10, "Amount Max": 15, "Chance to Drop": 40 } ] }, { "Zombie Name": "High Tier Zombie Target", "Skill Tree Xp Value": 300, "Zombie Clothing Options": [ { "Shortname": "gloweyes", "Skin": 0 }, { "Shortname": "pants", "Skin": 2228727332 }, { "Shortname": "attire.hide.vest", "Skin": 0 }, { "Shortname": "mask.bandana", "Skin": 2839354901 }, { "Shortname": "attire.hide.poncho", "Skin": 2949395842 }, { "Shortname": "hat.boonie", "Skin": 2963365014 }, { "Shortname": "shoes.boots", "Skin": 1669982744 } ], "Zombie Total Health": 325, "Zombie Damage Scaling": 2, "Weapon to Equip?": "longsword", "Weapon Skin ID": 924880337, "Zombie Drop Name": "High Tier Zombie Brain", "Zombie Drop Skin": 3254397772, "Is the Drop Marketable to the Zombie Hunter NPC?": true, "Sale Price?": 3200, "Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": -3, "Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 20, "Zombie Optional Drops": [ { "Shortname": "metal.refined", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 200, "Amount Max": 500, "Chance to Drop": 30 }, { "Shortname": "scrap", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 440, "Amount Max": 600, "Chance to Drop": 30 }, { "Shortname": "supertea", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 1, "Amount Max": 1, "Chance to Drop": 40 } ] } ], "NPC Weapon": "rifle.ak", "NPC Weapon Skin": 3047277939, "NPC Clothing Options": [ { "Shortname": "pants", "Skin": 2630171764 }, { "Shortname": "hoodie", "Skin": 2630170972 }, { "Shortname": "shoes.boots", "Skin": 547978997 }, { "Shortname": "coffeecan.helmet", "Skin": 1894381558 }, { "Shortname": "roadsign.jacket", "Skin": 1894379005 }, { "Shortname": "roadsign.kilt", "Skin": 1894376712 } ] }  
    { "NoPerms": "[<color=#4E7334>Zombie Hunter</color>] You do not have permission to run this <color=#312E8C>Command</color>!", "NoBrains": "[<color=#4E7334>Zombie Hunter</color>] :coffeecan: You have no <color=#4E7334>Zombie Brains</color> on you that I can pay you for. \nBe safe out there, please come back soon!\n\n:exclamation:", "ZombieHunterCooldownMessage": "[<color=#4E7334>Zombie Hunter</color>] :angry: Wait <color=#a642b5>{0}</color> second(s)!, I think I heard a <color=#4E7334>Zombie</color>...", "EconomicsMessage": "[<color=#4E7334>Zombie Hunter</color>] :eyes: \n\n I can afford to give you <color=#85bb65>$</color><color=#038C7F>{0}</color> for your <color=#038C7F>{1}x</color> <color=#a642b5>{2}</color>(s).", "SrMessage": "[<color=#4E7334>Zombie Hunter</color>] :eyes: \n\n I can afford to give you <color=#038C7F>{0}</color> <color=#cd5c5c>RP</color> for your <color=#038C7F>{1}x</color> <color=#a642b5>{2}</color>(s).", "SaleDisabled": "[<color=#4E7334>Zombie Hunter</color>] <color=#038C7F>Sales</color> are Disabled in the Config, Enable and Try again.", "NoZombieHunterLicense": "[<color=#4E7334>Zombie Hunter</color>] :eyebrow: Are you out there Hunting Zombies without a <color=#038C7F>License</color>? \nUse <color=#038C7F>/BuyZL</color> to purchase one.", "AlreadyHasLicense": "[<color=#4E7334>Zombie Hunter</color>] You already have a <color=#312E8C>Zombie Hunter License</color>.", "BuyZombieHunterLicenseSuccess": "[<color=#4E7334>Zombie Hunter</color>] <color=#312E8C>Zombie Hunter License</color> Obtained. \nYou were charged {0}<color=#3e9c35>{1}</color>, Stay Safe, <color=#312E8C>{2}</color>!", "InsufficientFunds": "[<color=#4E7334>Zombie Hunter</color>] You don't have enough funds to purchase a <color=#4E7334>Zombie Hunter License</color>. \nIt costs <color=#038C7F>{0}</color><color=#a642b5>{1}</color>.", "Despawn": "[<color=#4E7334>Zombie Hunter</color>] The <color=#038C7F>{0}</color> has <color=#312E8C>escaped</color> our hunting parties.", "ZombieSpotted": "[<color=#4E7334>Zombie Hunter</color>]\n\n A <color=#038C7F>{0}</color> has been seen attacking a local near <color=#038C7F>{1}</color>.", "ZombieEliminated": "[<color=#4E7334>Zombie Hunter</color>] The <color=#038C7F>{0}</color> was <color=#4E7334>Eliminated</color> by <color=#312E8C>{1}</color>!", "ZombieDrop": "[<color=#4E7334>Zombie Hunter</color>] The <color=#038C7F>Zombie</color> dropped a pouch! Open it and deliver the <color=#038C7F>Zombie Brain</color> to the Zombie Hunter for your Reward!", "Revoked": "[<color=#4E7334>Zombie Hunter</color>] Your <color=#038C7F>Zombie License</color> has been <color=#038C7F>Revoked</color> be wary of Death next time!" }  
  2. More information about "Radtown Event"


    Radtown Event

    This plugin adds a high-risk, high-reward element to the newly introduced Radtown Monument. This dynamic event spawns a hazardous shipping container filled with valuable loot but surrounded by dangerous radioactive material. The challenge is twofold: not only must players manage the intense radiation levels, but they must also defend the container from relentless attack drones that aim to destroy it.
    Key Features:
    Valuable Loot: The container holds rare and powerful resources, making it a highly coveted prize.
    Multiple drone attack waves: Drones attack in mul
    Intense Radiation: High levels of radiation require careful planning and protective gear to approach safely.
    Drone Defense: As players attempt to claim the loot, AI-controlled drones will attack the container. Players must defend it until the crate unlocks.
    Catastrophic Explosion: If players fail to protect the container or take too long, it will trigger a massive explosion, devastating the area and killing any nearby players.
    Configuration options:
    Drone wave count, drone count per wave Drone health and damage Container health Crate Loot and much more ...  
    This plugin enhances the Radtown Monument with intense, timed gameplay, rewarding those who can outlast both the environment and the drones—but punishing failure with explosive consequences!

    radtownevent.admin - Required to run admin commands  
    radtown start - Start the event radtown stop - Stop the event  
    Developer Api:
    void OnRadtownEventContainerDelivered() // Called when the container has been delivered and the event is ready to start void OnRadtownEventStart() // Called when the locked crate inside the container has been hacked void OnRadtownEventEnd(bool success) // Called when the event is over. Success is false when the container exploded  
    { "Time between events (minutes)": 60, "Crate hack time (seconds; drone waves will spawn until the crate is fully hacked)": 600, "Container health": 8000, "Time before despawn after event has been completed (seconds)": 300, "Time before despawn if event is not started (minutes)": 30, "Make event zone visible": false, "Drone wave configuration": [ { "Wave number": 1, "Preparation time before drones spawn (seconds)": 5, "Maximum number of concurrent drones": 3, "Explosive drone configuration": { "Number of attack drones to spawn (0 to disable)": 20, "Drone health": 100, "Damage per shell": 40, "Target players": false }, "Kamikaze drone configuration": { "Number of kamikaze drones to spawn (0 to disable)": 0, "Drone health": 100, "Damage on explosion": 60, "Target players": false } }, { "Wave number": 2, "Preparation time before drones spawn (seconds)": 20, "Maximum number of concurrent drones": 4, "Explosive drone configuration": { "Number of attack drones to spawn (0 to disable)": 20, "Drone health": 150, "Damage per shell": 50, "Target players": false }, "Kamikaze drone configuration": { "Number of kamikaze drones to spawn (0 to disable)": 30, "Drone health": 150, "Damage on explosion": 60, "Target players": false } }, { "Wave number": 3, "Preparation time before drones spawn (seconds)": 20, "Maximum number of concurrent drones": 5, "Explosive drone configuration": { "Number of attack drones to spawn (0 to disable)": 40, "Drone health": 200, "Damage per shell": 40, "Target players": true }, "Kamikaze drone configuration": { "Number of kamikaze drones to spawn (0 to disable)": 40, "Drone health": 200, "Damage on explosion": 60, "Target players": false } }, { "Wave number": 4, "Preparation time before drones spawn (seconds)": 20, "Maximum number of concurrent drones": 8, "Explosive drone configuration": { "Number of attack drones to spawn (0 to disable)": 40, "Drone health": 250, "Damage per shell": 70, "Target players": true }, "Kamikaze drone configuration": { "Number of kamikaze drones to spawn (0 to disable)": 40, "Drone health": 250, "Damage on explosion": 80, "Target players": true } }, { "Wave number": 5, "Preparation time before drones spawn (seconds)": 20, "Maximum number of concurrent drones": 8, "Explosive drone configuration": { "Number of attack drones to spawn (0 to disable)": 40, "Drone health": 250, "Damage per shell": 70, "Target players": true }, "Kamikaze drone configuration": { "Number of kamikaze drones to spawn (0 to disable)": 40, "Drone health": 250, "Damage on explosion": 80, "Target players": true } } ], "Locked crate loot table": { "Enabled": false, "Minimum items": 4, "Maximum items": 8, "Item list": [ { "Short name": "scrap", "Min amount": 12, "Max amount": 48, "Chance (1 = 100%)": 1.0, "Skin id": 0, "Custom name": "" } ] } }  
  3. More information about "30 - Raidable Bases Pack - Boom Pack1"


    30 - Raidable Bases Pack - Boom Pack1

    30 Raid Pack 

    Unlock 30 meticulously crafted Raidable Bases for Rust, each uniquely designed with its own flair, perfect for players who crave variety and a new challenge every time!
    [ATTENTION] Art in bases may include semi nude pictures
    Number of bases per difficulty: 
    Easy: 11 Medium: 5 Hard; 9 Expert: 4 Nightmare: 1
      In main config file /config/raidablebases.json set parameter below to true to keep pre defined skins and keep the vibe of the bases
    "Ignore If Skinned Already": true,  
    Rename bases or just add bases with these commands (note that your profiles may vary):

    Easy Bases:
    rb.config add "Easy Bases" Boom-Easy-Art Boom-Easy-BewareOfBob Boom-Easy-Cottage Boom-Easy-ElectricFence Boom-Easy-Fishing Boom-Easy-Glencoe Boom-Easy-Manik Boom-Easy-Pumpkin Boom-Easy-Saloon Boom-Easy-Tie Boom-Easy-WoodyTower Medium Bases:
    rb.config add "Medium Bases" Boom-Medium-Bricks Boom-Medium-HomerHouse Boom-Medium-OnAir Boom-Medium-Pyramid Boom-Medium-Xipil Hard Bases:
    rb.config add "Hard Bases" Boom-Hard-Brutal Boom-Hard-Caretaker Boom-Hard-Disfear Boom-Hard-Dragon Boom-Hard-Enterprise Boom-Hard-JoesGarage Boom-Hard-Molecule Boom-Hard-TheCube Boom-Hard-Triskelion Expert Bases:
    rb.config add "Expert Bases" Boom-Expert-Camelot Boom-Expert-Demonology Boom-Expert-Squaw Boom-Expert-Trimurti Nightmare Bases:
    rb.config add "Nightmare Bases" Boom-Nightmare-Virus

    Please note that the links to images provided are public and might break or become unavailable over time due to changes on the hosting platform. If an image does not load, it could be because the link has expired or the image has been removed.

    All bases made by Boom 

  4. More information about "30 Raidable Bases Pack 4 (Easy To Nightmare)"


    30 Raidable Bases Pack 4 (Easy To Nightmare)

    This Pack is NOT Included in the 100 Raidable Bases Pack  All in One!!!
    This New pack includes 30 different raidable bases, ready to use with the "Raidable Bases" plugin.
    They are tested and running very well and were built in Rust.
    Difficulty level goes from Easy to Nightmare.
    Each Tier are 6 Bases.
    To install, put in "oxide/data/copypaste" and rename the files to your liking from your profile settings.
  5. More information about "Vehicle Buy"

    $15.95 $11.95

    Vehicle Buy

    VehicleBuy - The Ultimate Vehicle Plugin for Rust
    Immerse yourself in the world of Rust with the VehicleBuy plugin! This powerful tool allows authorized players to easily access the /vehiclebuy command, which opens an intuitive interface for purchasing a variety of vehicles. With multiple payment options, including Items, Economics, and Server Rewards, you can enjoy a smooth gaming experience. Additionally, the Buy Cooldown feature helps maintain balance in the game.
    Upon purchasing a vehicle, players receive a unique gift: a skinned crate for land vehicles or a lifebuoy for water vehicles, which can be conveniently stored in their inventory.

    🌟 Features of VehicleBuy
    User-Friendly Interface: Access vehicle purchases through an easy-to-navigate GUI. Flexible Payment Methods: Choose from various payment options to suit your preferences. Customizable Settings: Administrators can adjust prices and fees as needed. Convenient Vehicle Recall: Use the /callback command to quickly retrieve your vehicle. Easy Re-packaging: Re-package vehicles using the /pickup command or by hitting them with a hammer.  
    🎮 Commands
    /vehiclebuy: Open the vehicle purchase interface (for players) /callback "VehicleName": Retrieve your purchased vehicle /pickup: Re-package your vehicle or hit it three times with a hammer Admin Command: (VehicleName.add SteamID): Spawn vehicles directly into players' inventories vehiclebuy.template [fullscreen/inmenu]: Customize your UI templates with options for fullscreen or in-menu displays (only server console)  
    🛡️ Permissions
    vehiclebuy.use: Allows players to use the /vehiclebuy command and access the vehicle purchase interface. vehiclebuy.free: Grants players the ability to acquire vehicles for free, bypassing the payment requirements. vehiclebuy.pickup: Permits players to use the /pickup command to re-package their vehicles. vehiclebuy.recall: Allows players to use the /callback command to retrieve their vehicles.  
    📬 Video Overview
    old overview:
    🧪 Test Server
    Join our test server to experience all our unique features firsthand!
    Copy the IP address below to start playing!
    📚 FAQ
    Q: Where can I see an example of a config?
    A:  Config


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