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  1. More information about "Static Lootables"

    $12.69 $6.35

    Static Lootables

    Ever wondered why Rust has so many desks, toilets, boxes and even washing machines but you've never been able to see the hidden secrets inside? Now you can!
    With Static Lootables you can turn those boring props into loot containers filled with all sorts of goodies. Loot containers that aren't normally supposed to be looted. For best experience, have the UI scale set to 1.
    Lootables are being refilled based on each individual configuration set.
    Compatible with Static Lootables:

    Prefab creator that directly works with Static Lootables in order to create custom lootable definitions for your servers!
    This plugin provides more than there already is.
    See it in action here.
      or get it as a bundle! -> 
    This plugin now has an integrated editor that allows anyone with the permission to customize the loot that can be found in-game in defined static lootables.
    Scroll to the bottom of this page to see it in action.
    Modify lootables using all the tools in-game.                                                                 Update global settings to your liking on the fly.    
    ImageLibrary (Required) QuickSort ZoneManager  
    StaticLootables.admin: Use the MMB when not holding any item to privately print the name of the object in front of you to chat. StaticLootables.editor: Allows players with the permission to use the /sledit command, which gives them the power to create/update/delete lootables using the editor.  
    Highly customizable and intuitive system. ZoneManager inclusion / exclusion (per lootable prefab OR global settings). Parented filtering. Locked container system. Hacking system. Interaction icons (with template), customized text and opening container effects. Individual lootable container refilling rates. Consistent support & open to suggestions. Very user-friendly editor for server owners to modify or customize lootables. Unique System: create lootables that only apply on one or more prefabs. Integrated API for manipulating lootable definitions.  
    Get the default loot-tables
    They will be updated in the future. Add StaticLootables.json to your oxide/config folder.
    Updated on 23th of October, 2021 #13 (OLD): StaticLootables.json
    Updated on 9th of July, 2023 (NEW): StaticLootables.json
    To create your own custom icons, you can use this template: staticlootables_template.zip 
    Please make sure you maintain the margins as weird artifacts will show up if the icons are touching the edges of the icon, in-game.
    Lootable Objects
    Supermarket Cash Register (locked, 500 HP) Toilets Cardboard Boxes Lockers (closed models are locked, 50 HP) File Cabinets (locked, 50 HP) Desks (locked, 250 HP) Kitchen Fridges Electrical Boxes Washing Machine Trash Bag Gas Pumps Toolboxes (locked, 100 HP) Plant Pots Type-writers Kitchen Cooker (Underwater Labs) Pickup Truck (Rusty), Sedan A (Junkyard), Compact Car C (all locked, 75 HP), can be accessed anywhere but Junkyard Barge Coal Metal Crate (B) (locked, 500 HP; hackable, 120s, code resets every 300m) NEW Pallet Stacks (A-through-C) NEW Bin  NEW Vodka Bottle Your suggestions are welcome!
    If there are any ideas in regards to prefabs or possible loot to find in them, use the Discussion tab to let me know about it so I add it for everyone to use.
    This is how Hackable containers work and why they're an OP mini-game:
    Hacking one will give you the PIN which will allow you to use with the container for a couple of hours 'till it becomes obsolete and resets. If one has hacked a container, the next hack will double in the amount of time taken. X3 for the third hack, and so on. The PIN can be shared within the team so they can come back every a couple a minutes and loot the hacked box. Press R when looking at an unlocked hacked container to pull up the PIN dialog.  
    Be creative!
    Here's to clarify how config properties work and what they mean.
    General Settings
    Distance: The maximum distance between the player and container. ItemAmountMultiplier: The multiplier for the amount of the items found in containers. LootableHealthMultiplier: The multiplier of the (maximum) health of locked lootable containers. ShadowOpacity: The white glow behind the text which highlights the text more in the dark. ShowLockedLootableApproximateCount: Shows the amount next to the health bar of containers. (e.g ~2 ITEMS APPX.) DamageMultiplierMinimum: The minimum damage dealt to the locked containers by melee weapons. Maximum does the same but for maximum. DamageCUIRefreshRate: The refresh rate for the CUI when containers are being hit at a high rate (with a jackhammer for example). Recommended 0.5. EnforcedFilters: It disallows all definitions from being lootable if their path contain the parent names in this array. EnforcedInZone: It only allows definitions to be lootable only within the zone(s) defined in this array. EnforcedNotInZone: It only allows definitions to be lootable when they're out of the zone(s) defined in this array. Interaction Settings
    Icon: The icon of the interaction definition. Text: The text of the interaction definition. OpenEffect: The (usually sound) effect of the interaction definition. Definition Settings
    PrefabFilter: The prefab name used by the definition to set this definition as lootable. InteractionIndex: The index of the interaction defined in the Interactions array. It starts at 0. ContainerSize: The slot count of the container non-relative to the contents defined in the contents array. AllowStack: Can items in the container stacked. Mainly used if you have 2 or more slots that have the same kind of item. Liquid: Marks the container as liquid. If this is set to true, no matter the contents defined, only liquid objects (water, salt water, blood?) can get in. Lock: Health: The maximum health of a container. Set to null if you wanna disable it. (e.g "Lock": null) Hack: Wait Time: The time in seconds! players have to wait for the initial hacking attempt. Code Resetting Rate: The time in minutes! until the hack resets the PIN and goes down an increment for how many times has been hacked used for the Wait Time multiplier. Rule: Refill Rate: The rate in minutes! until the container gets wiped from the server & memory is being freed for server resource reasons. OnlyIfParentFilter: It allows all definitions to be lootable if their path contain the parent names in this array. OnlyIfNotParentFilter: It disallows all definitions from being lootable if their path contain the parent names in this array. OnlyIfInZone: It only allows definitions to be lootable only within the zone(s) defined in this array. OnlyIfNotInZone: It only allows definitions to be lootable when they're out of the zone(s) defined in this array. Contents: ShortName: The short name of the item definition. CustomName: The in-game name of the item. SkinId: The skin of the ID. UseRandomSkins: Use the RandomSkins array to create more variety on what skinned items are used. SkinId: The skin of the ID. RandomSkins: The skin ID array used in replacement of SkinID when UseRandomSkins is true. MinimumAmount: The minimum range used for the item amount randomisation. MaximumAmount: The maximum range used for the item amount randomisation. ConditionMinimumAmount: The minimum range used for the item condition / durability randomisation. ConditionMaximumAmount: The maximum range used for the item condition / durability randomisation. SpawnChanceTimes: How many times in the SpawnChanceScale will it be likely for the item to be spawned. SpawnChanceScale: The scale of the odds for the item to be spawned. Contents: It's recursive, has the exact same content structure as this property.  
    Download the config which can be found above on this page. Put it in the oxide/config folder. Put StaticLootables.cs file in oxide/plugins. You're good to go! FOR BEST ENTERTAINMENT, USE THE DEFAULT SETTINGS OF THE PLUGIN.

    * The annoying flicker has been fixed in the live version, this was recorded while testing.
  2. More information about "Badlands"



    Nuclear war, what could be worse than that. War is a harbinger of death. I present to your attention a map in the post-nuclear world. Nuclear bombs were dropped long ago on this once beautiful island, radiation destroyed most of the living world, craters formed and a handful of people were able to take refuge in shelters. You are one of the lucky ones who have been in the shelter for a long time, you were born in the shelter and do not know what is happening on the surface.
    In the craters formed after the missile strike, they served as excellent places for the construction of cities and factories, the remaining technologies allowed the surviving population to develop. On this map you will find many custom monuments in an unusual style, and the music plugin from KpucTaJl will add to you the atmosphere of the old world. Monorails run along the entire outskirts of the island, which fit very well into the atmosphere.
    Remember, the wasteland does not spare anyone, good luck! I express my gratitude to STAR for providing the DELTA monument.
    Description 2
    Size: 4000к
    Prefab Count: ~60к
    Operation of the "SoundRustEdit" plugin
    In some moments there is a radio that plays and the music changes, there are 12 different songs from the Fallout game in the plugin
    How can I view the map?
    You can do this in our Discord server by submitting a request for an invitation to our servers. There you will be given the rights of an “administrator” and without any difficulties you will be able to fly around the map and fully familiarize yourself with it.
    Discord Server: https://discord.gg/UpUXuxs4Vx
    Custom monuments:
    Sunctuary Vault 103 Concord City Camp in Pit Vault 118 General Atomics Robotics Opencast Mine Large Dam Rad Farm Radar Vault Tec Barge Village Junk Town Olivia Station Open Air Cinema Diner Starline Restaurant Mobile Station Red Rocket (2 options) Monorails and railway tracks Many islands, for those who like to live far from the mainland Places to build (some can only be accessed by air transport) Monuments from Facepunch:
    Launch Site Nuclear Missile Silo Outpost Ferry Terminal Junkyard Water Treatment Plant Train Yard Airfield Military Tunnel Power Plant Giants Excavator OilRig (2) Harbor Bandit Camp Sewer Branch Lighthouse Fishing Village Ranch The Dome Satellite Dish Roadsite Monument Underground Tunnels Arctic Research Base Underwater Lab Required Dependencies:https://github.com/k1lly0u/Oxide.Ext.RustEdit

    This map is constantly supported and updated for the current version of the game with all updates!
  3. More information about "AMAZON (custom map)"


    AMAZON (custom map)

    The map partially follows the landscape of the Amazon River. A new unusual gaming experience, since almost the entire central part of the map is forest and water. It’s easy to get lost in this forest, but it’s also easy to hide your base. The water that surrounds many islands allows you to use a boat as a means of quickly moving around the map. On the river, just like on the edges of the map, heaps of trash appear that can be looted. Also on the sides of the river there are large islands on which the main prefabs are located. The road and railway cross the river on bridges and run along the perimeter of the island. A zipline will help you quickly move from one bank to another if there is no transport. Ore stones spawn in the forest. Custom locations that help create a jungle atmosphere near the river.

    Size: 4000 Prefab: ~13к All locations are connected with the road Ring railway Ring road Unique custom locations Magnificent and realistic landscape Lot of  places to explore Subway and train are connected by tunnel Advanced subway network Custom Monuments:
    Paradise Beach Fishermen`s House Abandoned village Radio tower Main Bridge Fallen rocket Monument Rust:
    Radtown [new] Harbor 1 and 2 Missle Silo Ferry Terminal Trainyard Abandoned MIlitary Base Launch Site Arctic Research Base Satellite Dish+ Airfield Bandit Camp Outpost Giant Excavator Pit Junkyard Military Tunnel The Dome  Lighthouse Ranch Large Barn Water Treatment Fishing Village 1,2,3  Underwater Lab Oil rig and Large Oil Rig Railway Sewer Branch HQM, Sulfur, Stone Quarry  Roadside Monument  Mining Outpost  Supermarket Gas Station Please rate ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐  the map. Thank you!
    The map is password protected, if you want to make changes or you have any questions please write to me in discord.
    Litum on - 
  4. More information about "Atlanta: The Walking Dead"


    Atlanta: The Walking Dead

    The world has changed. The island in the ocean has become a haven for evil spirits, the surviving inhabitants call them the Walking Dead. Once the blooming and fragrant city of Atlanta was the center of this island, now it is a dead city with its inhabitants. There are very few people left who are opposed by the walking dead, but every day there are more and more of them, the dead people turn into zombies and there is no stopping it. I present to your attention my new map with incredible detail of monuments and their features, the plug-ins included will give even more atmosphere of the lost world of the zombie apocalypse. On the map you will find a large number of roads, railways, tunnels and rivers. You will also love the many unique places to build bases for your players. I tried very hard to create this map, I hope you like it, Thank you. Good luck surviving in Atlanta!
    Attention: The Train Home plugin shown in the video does not come with the map, it is sold separately
    Prefab Count: ~71к prefabs Size: 4500 A lot of interesting locations to explore Marketplaces, Helicopter Salesman and recycler have been added to fishing villages Railway A large number of places for the construction of foundations in the form of unusual rocks, caves, landscape, underwater and icebergs Custom ways to overcome distances on boats and tugboat Custom plugin Event Prison Alert (by KpuctaJL) Custom plugin Map Skinner (by Adem) Custom plugin Npc Moving Control (by Adem) Realistic zombies on the map The atmosphere of the zombie apocalypse This map is constantly supported and updated for the current version of the game with all updates!
    How can I view the map?
    You can do this in our Discord server by submitting a request for an invitation to our servers. There you will be given the rights of an “administrator” and without any difficulties you will be able to fly around the map and fully familiarize yourself with it.

    Custom Monuments:
    Atlanta City Alexandria Woodbury Prison Police Department Harrison Hospital Railway Depot Herschel Farm Hilltop Strange Swamp Lonely Wandered Nomads Camp Gang of Survivors Convoy Desert Gas Station Ore Mine Farmers Camp Laundry Motel Old Cave Monument Train Home Custom point Zipline  interesting places to build a base marked X Monument Facepunch:
    Launch Site Ferry Terminal Missile Silo  Junkyard Harbor 1 and 2 Arctic Research Base Satellite Dish Airfield Bandit Camp Outpost Giant Excavator Pit Water Treatment Military Tunnel The Dome Ranch Fishing Village 1,2,3 (Modified version) Lighthouse Underwater Lab Railway HQM, Sulfur, Stone Quarry Roadside Monument RadTown Water Well
  5. More information about "Boston: New Land"


    Boston: New Land

    In the near future, the planet decided to rid itself of a large population, a factory and other infrastructure that poses a danger to its environment. Gravity, water level and climate have changed. An epidemic broke out, which took the lives of the remnants of the population and turned them into mutants (NpcMovingControl plugin). Those who survived went into habitation under the water, sometimes swimming out for a breath of fresh air (the UnderwaterGuard plugin), they guard the flooded monuments very much, which contain excellent loot, but to get to it, you need to make great efforts. On this map you will find many beautiful monuments, in the air, on the ground, under water. Also on the map there are several custom places to build your base in the form of unusual rocks, terrain terrain, icebergs and caves, they are marked X. And now several decades have passed since the latest events on this island and it has become a New Land for new settlers in the form of players on your server, I hope everyone will survive, good luck playing on this map.
    Prefab Count: ~50к prefabs Size: 4000 A lot of interesting locations to explore Marketplaces and recycler have been added to fishing villages Railway Optimal FPS A large number of places for the construction of foundations in the form of unusual rocks, caves, landscape and icebergs Custom plugin NpcMovingControl, who disguises scientists and zombies, as well as controls them in his radius (by Adem) Custom plugin UnderwaterGuard (by Adem) This map is constantly supported and updated for the current version of the game with all updates! How can I view the map?
    You can do this in our Discord server by submitting a request for an invitation to our servers. There you will be given the rights of an “administrator” and without any difficulties you will be able to fly around the map and fully familiarize yourself with it.
    Custom Monuments:
    Boston City Valley of Bridges Quarantine Zone Frozen Research Base Buttsville City Falcom Prisone The ISS Crash International Space Station Bills Farm Hydroelectric Power Station Graveyard of Ships Sunken Oil Rig Roadside Market Ore Deposits Bridge Many interesting places to build a base marked X Monument Facepunch:
    Launch Site Missile Silo  Junkyard Harbor 1 and 2 Arctic Research Base Satellite Dish Airfield Bandit Camp Outpost Giant Excavator Pit Train Yard Water Treatment Power Plant Military Tunnel The Dome Sewer Branch Ranch Fishing Village 1,2,3 (Modified version) Lighthouse Underwater Lab Railway HQM, Sulfur, Stone Quarry Roadside Monument Radtown Water Well


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