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KD Gaming 5x's Wishlist

  1. More information about "Skin Controller"

    $39.99 $31.99

    Skin Controller

    Skin Controller is meant to bring together a ton of skinning options for your player all in one place! Easy for the player, easy for the server owner.

    - Supports backpacks - Saving of outfits (A list of skins for doors, weapons, clothing, etc*) - Add infinite items in an outfit - Skin stacks of items - Skin your whole inventory with one click - Skin items in containers that you're looking at with one command - Skin all the deployed items in your base with one command - Search items in the skin list to easily find the skin you're looking for - Auto skin items when crafted and picked up - Auto imports all accepted workshop skins - Manual imports of non-accepted workshop skins and collections - Infinite outfit saves, you can limit the amount of outfit saves someone has via perms. - Server owners can toggle whether they want players to be able to skin items on pickup and craft - If server owners allow skinning on craft and pickup, players can toggle that on and off for themselves - Set your own custom commands for all available types of commands - Blacklist skins COMMANDS
    /skin or /sb (Configurable) - Opens the skin menu /skinc (Configurable) - Skins the items in the container that you're looking at /skinbase (Configurable) - Skins all the deployed items in your base /skinitem (Configurable) - Skins the item you're looking at /addskin - Command for admins to add workshop skins to the skinbox /addcollection - Command for admins to add collections of workshop skins to the skinbox PERMISSIONS
    skincontroller.addskins skincontroller.use skincontroller.skinoncraft skincontroller.skinonpickup skincontroller.skinbase skincontroller.skinitem skincontroller.skincontainer To set the amount of outfits someone can save, go into the config, there will be a setting where you can set custom permission and how many outfits each outfit can save Need support or want updates about what is coming to the plugin? Join the support discord here https://discord.gg/RVePam7pd7
  2. More information about "Battlemetrics | Alt Finder | Ban searcher"

    $9.99 $7.99

    Battlemetrics | Alt Finder | Ban searcher

    This bot provides quick and easy access to searching players for linked alt accounts all simply through Discord.

    This bot makes it easy for your admins to search for players that might have game banned alts, eac bans, battlemetrics bans, etc*
    This will also work great if you don't want to give your staff access to IP's but still want them to be able to check for linked alts.

    The bot offers VPN and GEFORCE detection so random accounts do not get linked.
    Every command is also protected behind role permissions so not just anyone that you don't specify can use this command.

    - Alt finder - Battlemetrics ban checker - EAC Ban checker - EAC Banned friends finder - COMING SOON! Full server scanner. Will scan your whole server for any players with EAC banned alts.
    The bot is very simple to setup and provides a easy to read documentation on hot to setup and host the bot.

    Pictures for each thing are attached above!

    This command runs off your BattleMetrics API key, so it will only have access to what you have access to.

    Any questions, please feel free to join my support server and I'll be more than happy to help you!
  3. More information about "Raid Limits"


    Raid Limits

    This plugin allows you to set how many times per day players can raid bases. It is a very straight forward plugin with lots of features to customize it for your server such as scheduled reset times, custom UI, and protection options.
    Limit number of raids that players can perform daily Scheduled reset times, even when server is offline Option for "free" raids against your attackers when defending your base Limit sync with teams and clans Assign bonus raid points to individuals Damage thresholds for raids Configurable messages Customizable UI Works with Simple Status Works with Clans Works with protection plugins (configurable)
    A full readme including permissions, command, and config options is available in this google doc link.
    Like all of my plugins - this plugin is sold as is. I will be happy to take feature requests into consideration but make no guarantees about which ones get implemented. Please refer to the feature list before you make your purchase 🙂
  4. More information about "Editable Staff Banners"


    Editable Staff Banners

    Editable discord profile banners 

    1200x480 Resolution PSD

    Editable text for name and rank
  5. More information about "Fireworks Artist"


    Fireworks Artist

    Bring Your Fireworks to Life!
    The Firework Artist plugin lets you take your Rust celebrations to the next level by turning your favorite images into custom firework displays. Whether it’s for a special event, a server-wide celebration, or just to show off your creativity, this plugin adds a unique and personal touch to your fireworks.
    Turn Images into Fireworks: Upload any image and watch as it’s transformed into a vibrant firework pattern. The plugin breaks down the image into a grid, selecting key points to recreate using firework “dots” in the sky. Each dot represents a portion of the image. Color Matching: The plugin analyzes the colors in your image and matches them to the available firework colors. Easy Customization: Adjust the detail, speed, and look of your fireworks with a few simple settings. You have full control to make sure everything runs smoothly. Simple Commands: Players can easily upload images and apply them to fireworks with straightforward chat commands. Permission Control: Decide who can create custom fireworks on your server. Optimized Performance: Firework Artist is designed to run efficiently, processing images in a way that minimizes impact on your server’s performance. Limit the number of custom fireworks in a radius to help prevent frame drops. Commands
    /fil <image_url> Uploads an image from the specified URL and applies it to the firework you’re looking at.
    Usage Example: /fil https://example.com/image.png Note: The command will only work if the player has the necessary permission and if the command is enabled in the configuration. fireworkartist.togglecommand (Console Command) Toggles the ability to use the /fil command on or off useful if you only want people to do fireworks shows at the end of wipe (as an example) can only be run in the server console or by a player with permission. Permissions
    fireworkartist.use Grants the player permission to use the /fil command to create custom fireworks.  
    fireworkartist.admin Players with this permission can run the fireworkartist.toggle command Demo
    High definition fireworks
    The plugin allows you to control how detailed each firework is. Increasing the number of "dots" in a firework can have an impact on client FPS, but with the right tuning you can get very detailed fireworks.
    Example (config set to 1000 dots)


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