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general2811's Wishlist

  1. More information about "AI Translation (PRO)"


    AI Translation (PRO)

    AI Translation plugin is the best powered-AI translation solution for Rust Servers. Enjoy the power of AI by automatically translating all your language files, or the messages exchanged by players in the chat!
    ALL languages, without exception, are accepted.

    !! Important: The plugin requires the use of OpenAI's API, which includes fees for each request (see the dedicated section for more details) !!
    Free Version :
    A free version (but limited) is available.
    👌 Easy to Use with Minimal Configuration
    There is almost no setup required; everything is straightforward to handle.
    🔑 Open AI & Request Costs
    You need to register for the OpenAI API to retrieve a token. Signing up and getting the token is very simple and takes just a few seconds. Translating language files will only cost a few cents for about a hundred files. It's difficult to quantify the cost of translating chat; expect around $1 for thousands of translated messages (this is a purely theoretical value).
      ⚠️ Something to consider if your language files are long: It is possible that some files may arrive incomplete. To solve this issue, you need to increase the token limit of your model (in the configuration). The limit depends on the OpenAI model used, but generally, you can go up to 4096. More information on tokens can be found here.
    📞 Support Available
    I am available for all your questions, whether it's support here or on Discord (d.0ne_)
    ⬇️ More information at the bottom of the page. ⬇️

    🔧 Commands
    ait.translateplugin <plugin> <lang1> <lang2>: Requires the plugin to have a default language file (in English). Specify all desired languages in ISO639-1 format.
    Example: "ait.translateplugin MyPlugin fr ru" ait.translateallplugins <lang1> <lang2>: Operates the same way but will do so for all plugins.
    aitranslationpro.chat.use: permission that allows users to see the translation in the chat
      OPEN AI API Registration (2mn):
    1 - Visit the OpenAI Website:
    Go to OpenAI's official website. Click on the "API" section in the navigation menu. 2 - Create an Account:
    If you don’t already have an OpenAI account, you will need to create one. Click on the "Sign Up" button. Fill in your details such as email, name, and password. Follow any additional prompts to complete the registration process. 3 - Verify Your Email:
    Check your email for a verification link from OpenAI. Click on the link to verify your email address. 4 - Log in to Your OpenAI Account:
    Once your email is verified, log in to your OpenAI account. Navigate back to the API section. 5 - Apply for API Access:
    Depending on OpenAI's current policies, you might need to apply for API access. Fill out any required forms or surveys. Submit your application. 6 - Access the API Dashboard:
    Once approved, you can access the API dashboard. This dashboard is where you can manage your API usage. 7 - Generate an API Token:
    In the API dashboard, look for an option to create a new API token. Click on "Create Token" or a similar button. Follow the prompts to generate a new token. 8 - Secure Your Token:
    Once your token is generated, make sure to copy it and store it securely. Never share your API token publicly as it gives access to your OpenAI account.
  2. More information about "CustomLinkPanel"



    You probably know this! Players want it to be as easy as possible. Would they join if they had to write something off... right? That's why I was looking for a solution to increase my social media presence and it has paid off, no matter if traffic on my website, YouTube or TikTok. It has increased extremely since I wrote this plug-in!

    - /website
    - /discord
    - /youtube
    - /tiktok
    - /instagram
    - /facebook

    { "Commands": { "discord": { "Title": "DISCORD INVITE LINK", "Link": "https://discord.gg/qu9USUhj7Q", "Description": "Join our Discord!", "Active": true }, "youtube": { "Title": "YOUTUBE CHANNEL", "Link": "https://www.youtube.com/@rustflash4816", "Description": "Check out our YouTube channel for Rust videos!", "Active": true }, "website": { "Title": "WEBSITE", "Link": "https://rustflash.de", "Description": "Visit our website!", "Active": true }, "instagram": { "Title": "INSTAGRAM", "Link": "https://www.instagram.com/flashticker__/", "Description": "Follow us on Instagram!", "Active": true }, "tiktok": { "Title": "TIKTOK", "Link": "https://www.tiktok.com/@rustflash", "Description": "Check out our TikTok!", "Active": true }, "facebook": { "Title": "FACEBOOK", "Link": "https://www.facebook.com/", "Description": "Like us on Facebook!", "Active": true }, "justwiped": { "Title": "JUST WIPED", "Link": "https://just-wiped.net/rust_servers/1827741", "Description": "Find our server on Just Wiped!", "Active": true } } }  
    load, run, enjoy 💝

  3. More information about "Raidable Bases Mega Pack"


    Raidable Bases Mega Pack

    Mega Pack Include 200+ bases :
     Resort Base design (include Raidable ) https://codefling.com/bases/raidable-premium-resort  
     Raidable Base Pack 1
     Raidable Base Pack 2
     Raidable Base Pack 3
     Raidable Sky Base
     Raidable Shelters
     Raidable Ships

    Raidable Halloween Bases


  4. More information about "ServerSync"



    This plugin takes server synchronization to the next level! You can sync your permissions and groups from a master server, without having to worry about players not getting ranks or permissions on another server in your network.
    The plugin needs to have one master server. Only enable the "Set Server As Master" option in the config file for one of your servers. Once the server is set as master, any changes made on that master server will be uploaded/removed from the database. This is useful so that if you're running a Tip4Serv or Tebex store, you only have to execute that command on one server and not all of them.
    Highly suggest that you enable all the sync settings, however in some edge cases, you should disable the "Sync on Server Quit/Stop" if you have a massive amount of permissions and groups and users. Currently working on this functionality right now and improving performance.
    This plugin will only support a MySQL database.
    ss.servercheck - Checks the status of the master/slave mode ss.uploadgroups - Uploads all groups and group permissions into the database. This also uploads the title, rank, and parent of the groups. ss.uploadplayers - Uploads all players and player permissions into the database. ss.uploadall - Uploads groups and players ss.downloadgroups - Downloads all groups and group permissions from the database. This also downloads the title, rank, and parent of the groups. ss.downloadplayers - Downloads all players and player permissions into the database. ss.downloadall - Downloads all groups and players ss.wipedata - Clears the database of all data ss.wipedata <table> - Wipes the specific table's data. The allowed values are: serversync_groups serversync_group_permissions serversync_players serversync_player_groups serversync_player_permissions  
    { "Debug Settings": { "Debug Enabled?": "false", "Enable Verbose Debugging? (READ DOCUMENTATION FIRST!)": "false" }, "Plugin Settings": { "Enable logging => logs/PermissionSync (true / false)": "true", "Chat Prefix": "<color=#e67e22>[PermissionSync]</color> ", "Set this server as the MASTER server? (Only One Server Should Be Set As MASTER)": "true" }, "Sync Settings": { "Enable Automatic Sync?": "true", "Sync on Server Start?": "true", "Sync on Server Quit/Stop?": "true", "Sync Groups?": "true", "Sync Group Permissions?": "true", "Sync Players?": "true", "Sync Player Groups?": "true", "Sync Player Permissions?": "true" }, "MySQL Settings": { "IP Address": "", "Port": "3306", "Database Name": "DatabaseName", "Username": "username", "Password": "password" } }  
  5. More information about "XSkinMenu"



    XSkinMenu - beautiful menu of skins for your server.
    - Optimization of the interface for different monitor resolutions.
    - Storing player data in - oxide/data/XDataSystem/XSkinMenu
    - There is a lang ru/en/uk/es.
    - Sound effects when interacting with the menu.
    - Setting up item categories.
    - Setting skins for each item.
    - Blacklist of skins. You cannot change the skin of an item if it has a skin from the black list. [ For example: fire gloves, fire ax ]
    - The ability to change skins for items in inventory, when crafting, when removing a skin and on installed items/constructions.
    - The ability to change the skin of items/constructions installed by a friend.
    - The ability to change the skin on the active item. [ The item the player is holding ]
    - Automatic change of skins after entering the player's inventory. [ You can customize skins once and run with them ]
    - Ability to change skins for items after the player respawns.
    - Ability to display selected skins on the main page.
    - The player can customize the menu/skins.
    - Custom menu/skins customization by permishenes.
    - Console commands for easy setting of items and skins.
    - Setting up UI layers for easy interaction with the menu.
    - Convenient removal of skins through the UI. [ Both admin and player ]
    - Logs for loading/reloading skins in the server console. [ Can be disabled in config ]
    - Setting default skins.
    When a player enters the server and he is not in the data, the skins specified in the config will be automatically selected for him. You can force the same skins for all players. For example skins of your project. To prevent the player from choosing a different skin, simply do not give permission for it. - Automatic reload of images after wipe. [ To fix a common problem with dark squares in images after a wipe. ]
    - The ability to customize Admin/Vip skins. Access to them is by permission only.
    [ They are not available to ordinary players. If the player picks up an item with a skin that they don't have access to, the item will simply reset its skin. ]
    - The ability to move item skins from regular to VIP, from VIP to regular, etc. in the UI.
    - The ability to add/remove collections of skins from the Steam workshop.
    - Button to enable/disable UI admin functionality. [ For comfort. ]
    - UI button for easy transition from the XSkinMenu menu to the XBuildingSkinMenu menu. [ And vice versa. ]
    - Display item/skin pages. [ Can be disabled in the config. ]
    - The ability to use skins with a spray can.
    - The ability to enable/disable sound effects in the menu.
    - The ability to change item skins when picked up by the player.
    - The ability to select UI configuration:
    Default menu. Comfort menu. Comfort menu. [ + ] - Skin kits. [ Default and personal. ]
    - Default kits are customized in the config. Personal kits are created by the player himself. [ Sets can be completely disabled. ]
    - Ability to delete personal kits.
    - The ability to see all the skins of the kit.
    - Three ways to apply skin kits:
    Only change the skins in the inventory. Only install skins in the menu. Change the skins in the inventory + Install skins in the menu. - Ability to zoom in on skins. [ It's easy to see the skin. ]
    - Displaying the name of skins.
    - Skin search. [ Name or ID ]
    - Ability to add a skin/collection via UI.
    - Item redirection. [ Item -> DLC, DLC -> DLC, DLC -> Item ]
    - Ability to allow players to use skins from their Steam inventory if those skins are on the Admin/VIP list.
    xskinmenu.use - access to the menu. xskinmenu.setting - access to settings. xskinmenu.craft - access to changing the skin when crafting. xskinmenu.entity - access to change the skin of installed items/constructions. xskinmenu.item - access to change the skin on the active item. xskinmenu.inventory - access to change skins in the inventory. [ When the player selects a skin from the menu. ] xskinmenu.give - access to automatically change skins for items that enter the player inventory by any means. xskinmenu.pickup - access to automatically change skins on items picked up by the player. xskinmenu.skinchange - access to skin selection/removal of selected skins. [ On the menu. ] xskinmenu.spraycan - access to the use of skins through a spray can. xskinmenu.playeradd - access to add skin/collection via UI. xskinmenu.defaultkits - access to default skin kits. xskinmenu.customkits - access to personal skin kits. xskinmenu.kitN - number of personal sets. [ Settings in config. ] xskinmenu.adminskins - access to Admin skins. xskinmenu.vipskins - access to VIP skins. xskinmenu.admin - access to admin functionality. Commands
    /skin - open the skins menu. /skinkit - open the skin kits menu. /skinentity - change the skin of an installed item/construction. [ The player must approach the object and write a command. ] /skinitem - change the skin on the active item. [ The player must hold the object in his hands and write the command. ] skinimage_reload - reload all images. skinimage_stop - stop loading/reloading images. xskin2 add2 000000 ... - add several(maximum 15) skins, without specifying a shortname. xskin2 remove2 000000 ... - remove several(maximum 15) skins, without specifying a shortname. [ Automatic shortnames detection. ] xskin add <item shortname> <skinID> - add a new skin to the list of item skins. xskin remove <item shortname> <skinID> - remove a skin from the list of skins of an item. xskin list <item shortname> - see a list of item skins. xskin clearlist <item shortname> - clear the list of item skins. xskin_c addcollection 000000 - add a collection of skins from the steam workshop. xskin_c removecollection 000000 - remove a collection of skins from the steam workshop. [ There is a check for repetition and emptiness of lists ] API
    private void AddToBlacklist(ulong skinID, string pluginName) - to add the skin to the blacklist. private void AddToBlacklist(List<ulong> skinIDs, string pluginName) - to add a list of skins to the blacklist. Config
    { "API/image settings": { "Display images of items and skins by game methods. ( Set to false if you want to use the API and plugin ImageLibrary )": true, "Which API to use to upload images - [ True - regular images from the Steam Workshop (almost all existing skins) | False - beautiful images (all accepted skins by the developers, plus half from the Steam Workshop) ]": false }, "Steam settings": { "Steam API Key": "" }, "General settings": { "Generate/Check and add new skins accepted by developers or made for twitch drops": true, "Generate/Check and add new skins added by developers [ For example, a skin for hazmatsuit ]": false, "Propagate blacklisted skins to repair bench": true, "Forbid changing the skin of an item that is not in the config": false, "Change skins to items after player respawns": true, "Image load logs in the server console": true, "Image reload logs in the server console": true, "Enable default skin kits": true, "Enable personal skin kits": true, "1.1 Reset Admin skins from items if they are used by a player without permission": true, "1.2 Do not reset Admin skin if the player has it in the Steam inventory": true, "2.1 Reset Vip skins from items if they are used by a player without permission": true, "2.2 Do not reset Vip skin if the player has it in the Steam inventory": true, "List of commands to open the menu - 1": [ "skin" ], "List of commands to open the menu - 2": [ "skinkit" ], "List of commands to open the menu - 3": [ "skinentity" ], "List of commands to open the menu - 4": [ "skinitem" ], "Blacklist of skins that cannot be changed. [ For example: fire gloves, fire hatchet ]": [ 1742796979, 841106268 ], "List Admin skins": { "rifle.ak": [ 2428514763, 2431899986, 2802928155, 2551895055, 2957212973, 2976404884 ], "smg.mp5": [ 2468526014, 2966579723, 2590028692, 2354313222, 2558124512, 2432107615, 2351278756 ], "metal.facemask": [ 2976455803, 2972755707, 2960187815, 2963852242, 2462021937, 1658894467, 1539950759 ] }, "List Vip skins": { "hatchet": [ 2940068053, 2891473448, 1567848320, 1414450116, 1306286667, 1277610054, 1679923378 ], "pickaxe": [ 2940068876, 1672711156, 1624825406, 2637131316, 2837147224, 2775081117 ], "box.wooden.large": [ 1686318599, 1651859603, 1566044873, 1547157690, 1882223552, 2068573115, 2388451898 ] } }, "Default player settings": { "Change item skin in inventory after selecting skin in menu": true, "Change item skin in inventory after removing skin in menu": true, "Change skin on installed items/constructions [ /skinentity ]": true, "Allow friends to change the skin on items/constructions you installed [ /skinentity ]": true, "Change item skin when it is placed in the inventory by any means": true, "Change item skin only when pickup": false, "Do not reset item skin for which no skin is selected when it enters the inventory": false, "Change item skin when crafting": true, "Use skins with a spray can": true, "Enable sound effects in the menu [ Clicks ]": true, "[ True - Comfort menu | False - Default menu ]": false }, "Default skin kits setting": { "Blackout": { "metal.facemask": 2105454370, "metal.plate.torso": 2105505757, "hoodie": 2080975449, "pants": 2080977144, "shoes.boots": 2090776132, "coffeecan.helmet": 2120618167, "roadsign.jacket": 2120615642, "roadsign.kilt": 2120628865, "roadsign.gloves": 2530894213, "burlap.gloves": 2090790324, "jacket": 2137516645, "rifle.l96": 2473291137, "rifle.ak": 2128372674, "rifle.lr300": 2151920583, "rifle.bolt": 2363806432, "rifle.semiauto": 2267956984, "smg.mp5": 2887642987, "smg.thompson": 2393671891, "smg.2": 2879438786, "crossbow": 2178956071, "bow.hunting": 2192571819 }, "Whiteout": { "metal.facemask": 2432948498, "metal.plate.torso": 2432947351, "hoodie": 2416648557, "pants": 2416647256, "shoes.boots": 2752873720, "coffeecan.helmet": 2503956851, "roadsign.jacket": 2503955663, "roadsign.kilt": 2469019097, "roadsign.gloves": 2469031994 }, "Forest Raiders": { "metal.facemask": 2551475709, "metal.plate.torso": 2551474093, "hoodie": 2563940111, "pants": 2563935722, "shoes.boots": 2575506021, "coffeecan.helmet": 2570227850, "roadsign.jacket": 2570233552, "roadsign.kilt": 2570237224, "roadsign.gloves": 2575539874 }, "Desert Raiders": { "metal.facemask": 2475428991, "metal.plate.torso": 2475407123, "hoodie": 2503910428, "pants": 2503903214, "shoes.boots": 2510093391, "coffeecan.helmet": 2496517898, "roadsign.jacket": 2496520042, "roadsign.kilt": 2496523983, "roadsign.gloves": 2510097681, "rifle.ak": 2525948777, "smg.thompson": 2537687634, "rifle.semiauto": 2522121227 } }, "Permissions settings. Maximum number of personal skin kits": { "xskinmenu.kit12": 12, "xskinmenu.kit9": 9, "xskinmenu.kit6": 6, "xskinmenu.kit3": 3 }, "GUI settings": { "Layer UI - [ Overlay - above inventory | Hud - under inventory (to view installed skins without closing the menu) ]": "Overlay", "Refresh UI page after skin selection": true, "Refresh UI page after skin removal": true, "Display selected skins on homepage": false, "Display button to reset, all selected skins": true, "Display pages": true, "Display the button - Comfort menu [ + ]": true, "Close the menu by tapping on an empty area of the screen": false, "Icon - Kits": "assets/icons/clothing.png", "Icon - XBuildingSkinMenu": "assets/icons/construction.png", "Icon - Zoom": "assets/icons/add.png", "Material_background_0": "assets/icons/greyout.mat", "Color_background_0": "0 0 0 0", "Color_background_1": "0.517 0.521 0.509 0.95", "Color_background_2": "0.217 0.221 0.209 0.95", "Color_background_3": "0.1 0.1 0.1 0.975", "Color_background_4": "0.257 0.261 0.249 1", "Active category color": "0.53 0.77 0.35 0.8", "Inactive category color": "0 0 0 0", "Category button color": "0.517 0.521 0.509 0.5", "Settings buttons color": "0.517 0.521 0.509 0.5", "Button color (icons)": "1 1 1 0.75", "Item/skin block color": "0.517 0.521 0.509 0.5", "Selected skin block color": "0.53 0.77 0.35 0.8", "Active next/reset button color": "0.35 0.45 0.25 1", "Color of inactive next/reset button": "0.35 0.45 0.25 0.4", "Next/reset active button text color": "0.75 0.95 0.41 1", "Text color of inactive next/reset button": "0.75 0.95 0.41 0.4", "Active back button color": "0.65 0.29 0.24 1", "Back button color": "0.65 0.29 0.24 0.4", "Active back button text color": "0.92 0.79 0.76 1", "Back button text color": "0.92 0.79 0.76 0.4" }, "Menu settings": { "Enabled parameter icon": "assets/icons/check.png", "Disabled parameter icon": "assets/icons/close.png", "Enabled parameter color": "0.53 0.77 0.35 0.8", "Disabled parameter color": "1 0.4 0.35 0.8" }, "Category settings - [ Item shortname | Default item skin ]": { "weapon": { "gun.water": 0, "pistol.revolver": 0, "pistol.semiauto": 0, "pistol.python": 0, "pistol.eoka": 0, "shotgun.waterpipe": 0, "shotgun.double": 0, "shotgun.pump": 0, "bow.hunting": 0, "crossbow": 0, "grenade.f1": 0, "smg.2": 0, "smg.thompson": 0, "smg.mp5": 0, "rifle.ak": 0, "rifle.lr300": 0, "lmg.m249": 0, "rocket.launcher": 0, "rifle.semiauto": 0, "rifle.m39": 0, "rifle.bolt": 0, "rifle.l96": 0, "longsword": 0, "salvaged.sword": 0, "mace": 0, "knife.combat": 0, "bone.club": 0, "knife.bone": 0 }, "construction": { "wall.frame.garagedoor": 0, "door.double.hinged.toptier": 0, "door.double.hinged.metal": 0, "door.double.hinged.wood": 0, "door.hinged.toptier": 0, "door.hinged.metal": 0, "door.hinged.wood": 0, "barricade.concrete": 0, "barricade.sandbags": 0 }, "item": { "locker": 0, "vending.machine": 0, "fridge": 0, "furnace": 0, "table": 0, "chair": 0, "box.wooden.large": 0, "box.wooden": 0, "rug.bear": 0, "rug": 0, "sleepingbag": 0, "water.purifier": 0, "target.reactive": 0, "sled": 0, "discofloor": 0, "paddlingpool": 0, "innertube": 0, "boogieboard": 0, "beachtowel": 0, "beachparasol": 0, "beachchair": 0, "skull.trophy": 0, "skullspikes": 0, "skylantern": 0 }, "attire": { "metal.facemask": 0, "coffeecan.helmet": 0, "riot.helmet": 0, "bucket.helmet": 0, "deer.skull.mask": 0, "twitch.headset": 0, "sunglasses": 0, "mask.balaclava": 0, "burlap.headwrap": 0, "hat.miner": 0, "hat.beenie": 0, "hat.boonie": 0, "hat.cap": 0, "mask.bandana": 0, "metal.plate.torso": 0, "roadsign.jacket": 0, "roadsign.kilt": 0, "roadsign.gloves": 0, "burlap.gloves": 0, "attire.hide.poncho": 0, "jacket.snow": 0, "jacket": 0, "tshirt.long": 0, "hazmatsuit": 0, "hoodie": 0, "shirt.collared": 0, "tshirt": 0, "burlap.shirt": 0, "attire.hide.vest": 0, "shirt.tanktop": 0, "attire.hide.helterneck": 0, "pants": 0, "burlap.trousers": 0, "pants.shorts": 0, "attire.hide.pants": 0, "attire.hide.skirt": 0, "shoes.boots": 0, "burlap.shoes": 0, "attire.hide.boots": 0 }, "tool": { "fun.guitar": 0, "jackhammer": 0, "icepick.salvaged": 0, "pickaxe": 0, "stone.pickaxe": 0, "rock": 0, "hatchet": 0, "stonehatchet": 0, "explosive.satchel": 0, "hammer": 0, "torch": 0 }, "transport": { "snowmobile": 0 } } }


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