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FeniexGaming's Wishlist

  1. More information about "Loading Messages"


    Loading Messages

    Loading Messages is a high-performance plugin that features customizable loading panel messages with adjustable display times and icons.

     Custom Messages for Queued and Loading Players  Language Support - Display messages in local languages  Loading Messages on Respawn and Teleport Loading Screens  Configurable Display Time per Message  High Performance Plugin!

    Loading Messages has three main message types:
    Queued - When a player is in the server queue Joining - When a player is joining the server Loading - The loading screen displayed when a player is teleporting or in a pending gamemode state Each custom type allows for options including icon ID, next message display time & message content.
    Loading Messages can use the following rich text tags -  color, b, u, and i

    To display local languages set:  "Use Language Support": true in you configuration. Custom languages will only be displayed after the first time a user connects to the server.
    Add multiple languages in the configuration listing:
    "Lang Messages": { "es-ES": { "Queue Messages": [ { "iconID": "0", "NextMessageTime": 5.0, "Message": "Estás en la cola" }, { "iconID": "0", "NextMessageTime": 5.0, "Message": "Por favor espera" }, { "iconID": "0", "NextMessageTime": 5.0, "Message": "Reporta tramposos usando f7" } ] } }  

    You can see a list of most of the icons by going to https://fontawesome.com/icons.

  2. More information about "Personal Recyclers"


    Personal Recyclers

    This plugin allows for your players to receive or purchase personal recyclers that they can place inside of their base.
    The primary benefit of this plugin vs other similar plugins, is that this plugin will restrict usage of the recyclers to only a user or their team (configurable), and has commands built in that will allow players to purchase it directly via payment gateways like Tebex etc.

    It will also work with the VIP Token plugin, allowing for a token to be purchased and traded in game, providing the consumer with a redeemable recycler.
    The plugin itself is fairly straight forward - players type the command into chat, which will provide them with a recycler item. This item is a reskinned box, and will be placed using the box prefab, but once deployed, it will spawn a recycler in with the same positioning as the box, then despawn the box. Recyclers can also be picked up using a hammer or toolgun by pressing mouse 3.

    Automatically clears data on map wipe. Allows players to keep their unredeemed recyclers between wipes (configurable). Prevents other players from accessing the recycler (configurable). Team mate support (configurable). Configurable starting amount of recyclers. Additional recycler(s) are accrued upon a map wipe, if the player had not redeemed their recycler (configurable). External payment gateway support, allowing for you to sell individual recyclers to your players. VIP Tokens support. Check below for the configuration example. Can pick up own recyclers using your hammer/toolgun and mouse 3. Recyclers will lost max condition each time they are picked up to prevent players from deploying them while grinding the roads (configurable).  
    personalrecycler.use personalrecycler.admin personalrecycler.place  
    personalrecycler.use commands
    /recyclers - will print out how many recyclers a player has left to redeem. /redeemrecycler - will spawn a recycler in the players inventory and deduct a recycler from their redeemable count. /crecycler - Will pickup the targeted recycler (requires a hammer to be wielded) if the player has permission. Players with this permission will automatically get the configured number of starting recyclers upon using the commands for the first time, and will have have recyclers added to their redemption pool at the start of each wipe (configurable).
    personalrecycler.admin commands
    /addrecycler <player name> - will increase the amount of redeemable recyclers a player has by 1. /clearrecyclers <player name> - will remove all of the saved recycler IDs from the data file, making all of their recyclers publically accessible. /clearrecyclerdata - removes all of the saved recycler IDs from the data file, making all recyclers publically accessible. (Console command) subtractrecycler <target> <optional: amount> - removes recyclers from the players available recyclers pool.  
    This plugin allows for you to add a command to a payment gateway such as Tebex, or via  my VIP Tokens plugin. 
    The command is structured as below:
    addrecycler <Steam ID> <quantity> Most payment gateways required the player to log in with their steam ID. An example command using tebex would be:
    addrecycler {id} 1 This would add 1 recycler for the steam ID of the account that logged into Tebex.
    You can also add this as a VIP Token. See configuration options below:
    "recycler": { "name": "Personal Recycler", "days_to_add": 0, "vip_group": null, "vip_description": "Allows you to place a personal recycler that only you can access.", "remove_tokens_on_wipe": false, "token_item": { "name": "Recycler Token", "skin": 2544601457, "item_shortname": "radiationresisttea.pure" }, "_command": { "command": "addrecycler {id} 1", "message": "You redeemed a recycler token.", "public_message": null, "hook": false } } As you can see, the command follows Tebex's variable style, using {id} to capture the players steam ID. 
    If you require help setting this up with VIP Tokens, or need any assistance with anythign else, feel free to send me a PM.
  3. More information about "Server Hud"


    Server Hud

    You can add any plugin event in the UI (if it has hooks, usually specified in the plugin description) Has ingame UI menu for configure your Hud The time format is adjusted to the player (depending on his language in the game), it checks which time format is used for this language You can also enable an additional menu that opens on the arrow. You can add various buttons to this menu, for example, to open a store, your server menu, etc. Almost all elements are customizable [for example: visibility of each element, Logo, Icons, Color e.t.c (check config down below)]



    /h setup - open UI for ingame config

    /h - show all Server Hud UI commands
    /h open - open Server Hud UI
    /h events - open Events Bar
    /h close - close Server Hud UI
    /h hide - hide Server Hud UI
    Q: Where i can find a base icon for creating my events icons?
    A: Take a base icon below this message and using f.e photoshop for create you personal event icon!

    Q: Where i can find a ready to use icons?
    A: Here some links to ready to use icons packs(1 free, 2 paid):
    string API_PlayerHudState(string id)
    CanHudChangeState(BasePlayer player, string currentState, strint nextState)
    { "Auto reload [If you change the config and save the file the plugin will reload itself]": true, "Main setup": { "Overall layer [you will see the hud in your inventory]": false, "Size ALL [0% - inf]": 100, "Logo [HUD interact button]": "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455399756607549/logo.png", "Events background opacity [0% - 100%]": 100, "Background opacity [0% - 100%]": 100, "Position": { "Align [TopLeft | TopRight | BottomLeft | BottomRight": "TopLeft", "Left | Right - offset": 40, "Top | Bottom - offset": 25 }, "Server name": "Your Server Name", "Active players": { "Icon": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455395813965934/active.png", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": true }, "Sleep players": { "Icon": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455395138670652/sleep.png", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": true }, "Queue players": { "Icon": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455393972654171/line.png", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": true }, "Time": true, "Player position [hide permisson - hud.streamer]": { "Enable": true, "true - grid | false - x,z coordinates": true, "Color": "cyan" }, "Economy plugin [Economics | ServerRewards]": { "Currency": "$", "Value color": "#10ff10", "Enable": true }, "Info messages": { "Update interval [in seconds]": 60, "Align [BottomCenter | TopCenter | TopRight]": "BottomCenter", "Width [in px]": 260, "Offset [top | bottom]": 0, "Offset [right]": 15, "Outline color": "#000", "Overall [you will see messages in your invenotory]": true, "Enable": true, "Messages": [ "Welcome to Your Server Name", "Good luck" ] }, "Additional menu": { "Auto close timer [seconds | 0 - disable]": 60, "Auto close after command use": true, "Open/Close button color": "yellow", "Commands background opacity [0% - 100%]": 100, "Enable": true, "Commands": [ { "Background image": "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455392420761671/command.png", "Icon [optional]": "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455395813965934/active.png", "Command": "chat.say Hello there", "Text": "Say Something", "Outline color": "#000", "Is Console": true }, { "Background image": "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455392420761671/command.png", "Icon [optional]": "", "Command": "/shop", "Text": "Say Something", "Outline color": "#000", "Is Console": false } ] } }, "Base Events": [ { "Name": "Bradley", "Active color": "#10ff10", "Icon": "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455316654850049/bradley.png", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": true }, { "Name": "PatrolHeli", "Active color": "#10ff10", "Icon": "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455315073597530/heli.png", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": true }, { "Name": "CH47", "Active color": "#10ff10", "Icon": "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455317485342803/ch47.png", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": true }, { "Name": "Cargo", "Active color": "#10ff10", "Icon": "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455317086879794/cargo.png", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": true }, { "Name": "AirDrop", "Active color": "#10ff10", "Icon": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455316143161374/airdrop.png", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": true } ], "Custom Events": [ { "Hook OnEventStart": "OnConvoyStart", "Hook OnEventStop": "OnConvoyStop", "Name": "Convoy", "Active color": "#10ff10", "Icon": "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455318030598154/convoy.png", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": false }, { "Hook OnEventStart": "OnSputnikEventStart", "Hook OnEventStop": "OnSputnikEventStop", "Name": "Sputnik", "Active color": "#10ff10", "Icon": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455315488854016/sputnik.png", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": false }, { "Hook OnEventStart": "OnArmoredTrainEventStart", "Hook OnEventStop": "OnArmoredTrainEventStop", "Name": "ArmoredTrain", "Active color": "#10ff10", "Icon": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455315841155173/train.png", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": false }, { "Hook OnEventStart": "OnHarborEventStart", "Hook OnEventStop": "OnHarborEventEnd", "Name": "Harbor", "Active color": "#10ff10", "Icon": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455318332592219/harbor.png", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": false } ] }
  4. More information about "Daily Rewards"

    $34.95 $21.95

    Daily Rewards

    Daily Rewards is a strong tool for Rust admins who want to keep their players engaged until the end of the wipe. You can provide your gamers with distinct daily rewards for logging in with this plugin. This way, you not only liven up gameplay, but also encourage longer playtime. With Daily Rewards, don't lose the chance to draw in new players and keep returning ones!  🎁 🎮

    🌟 Features of Daily Rewards
    Beautiful and user-friendly interface Daily rewards for logging Motivating players to stay in the game longer Retention of players until the end of the wipe Compatibility with many plugins Edit rewards and config via in-game interface (no JSON editing required) By default, the plugin supports English, Russian, and Chinese languages Cooldown time before receiving an award Saving rewards in the plugin's inventory Do not receive rewards from inventory while in the build block, raid block, or combat block  
    🎮 Commands
    daily – open daily rewards interface dailyrewards.wipe – wipe of player data dailyrewards.top [format: csv, empty (default)] [limit (10 is default)] – get a list of players with the day their award. dailyrewards.manage – manage daily reward settings dailyrewards.manage playtime set <steam_id> <amount> – sets the playtime for the specified player. dailyrewards.template [fullscreen/inmenu] [target_template] – sets the interface template for daily rewards.
    Parameters: [fullscreen/inmenu]: Type of interface template to set. Valid values: fullscreen or inmenu. [target_template]: For the inmenu template, you must specify the template number (1 or 2).  
    🛡️ Permissions
    dailyrewards.use – allows you to open the DailyRewards menu dailyrewards.edit - allows you to enable edit mode  
    🎥 Video
    📚 FAQ
    Q: Where can I see an example of a config?
    A:  Config
  5. More information about "Wipe Schedule"

    $29.95 $21.95

    Wipe Schedule

    The ultimate solution for RUST server owners. Our plugin gives you complete control over scheduling server events, allowing you to create unique schedules that automatically adapt to your needs.

    🌟 Features of Wipe Schedule
    Handy built-in editor: Manage events directly in-game through an intuitive and user-friendly interface. Customizable calendar commands: Set up custom commands, so players can easily open the calendar and view upcoming events. Multi-language support: Localize the plugin for your audience by translating all interface text into any language. Customization flexibility: Add events with individual descriptions, dates, and times — perfect for wipes, tournaments, or special server events. Easy integration: Quick and easy installation with Server Panels. Recurring events: Say goodbye to the hassle of manually scheduling events every week! Create events that automatically repeat on a set schedule:|
    ☑️ Weekly events.
    ☑️ Repeats every X days.
    ☑️ Monthly and annual events. Complex combinations: Combine different repeat types to build unique and fully customizable schedules.  
    🎮 Commands
    /wipe: Open the calendar interface (for players)  
    📬 Video Overview
    🧪 Test Server
    Join our test server to experience all our unique features firsthand!
    Copy the IP address below to start playing!
    📚 FAQ
    Q: Where can I see an example of a config?
    A:  Config


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