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DeutscherRitterPlatz's Wishlist

  1. More information about "Sentry Turrets"


    Sentry Turrets

    Sentry turrets
    The original and most advanced plugin that allows players to deploy their own NPC turrets, similar to those found at outposts. These turrets can be strategically placed anywhere, giving players enhanced control and defense capabilities. With a custom, user-friendly UI, players can easily manage their turrets, which are capable of targeting both ground and air threats. Fully customizable, this plugin adds a unique tactical element to your server, offering both protection and immersion.
    Plugin config variables
    { "Turrets profiles": [ { "Key name, for command": "default", "Item display name": "Sentry Turret", "Skin Id": 1587601905, "Is weapon required?": false, "Can players put own weapons?": true, "Items blacklist": [ "lmg.m249", "minigun" ], "Can get damage": true, "Required power": 0, "Authorize friends and team members": false, "Authorize tc members": false, "Amount of ammo for one spray (set to 0 for no-ammo mode)": 1, "Amount of ammo for one air spray (set to 0 for no-ammo mode)": 1, "Range (normal turret - 30)": 55, "Air Range (set to 0 to disable air mode": 100, "Air Fire Rate Every N seconds (Default every 1 second)": 1.0, "Give back on ground missing": true, "Health (normal turret - 1000)": 1500.0, "Aim cone (normal turret - 4)": 2.0 } ] } Commands:
    sentryturrets.give <name or steamID> <amount> <profile key> - give turret to player
    Need help or custom plugin for your server?
    Contact me using Discord: metangerine
  2. More information about "XFastButtons ( Custom Buttons )"

    $18.99 $17.09

    XFastButtons ( Custom Buttons )

    XFastButtons - custom buttons for your server.
    - Optimization of the interface for different monitor resolutions.
    - Storing player data in - oxide/data/XDataSystem/XFastButtons
    - There is a lang ru/en/uk/es.
    - Sound effects when interacting with the menu.
    - Various settings for buttons. [ Font, Text, Command, Image, Color, Size, Coordinates, Parent Layer ]
    - A handy list of buttons under the slots.
    - Easy and fast selection of coordinates. [ AnchorMin, AnchorMax, OffsetMin, OffsetMax ]
    - Customize the list of server images. [ For server logo, etc. ].
    - Customize the image list. [ For button creation by the player. ].
    - Customize the list of button colors. [ For button creation by the player. ].
    - The player can hide server/my buttons using the settings menu.
    - The player can create his own buttons and place them on the screen as he wishes.
    - Ability to limit the number of buttons created by a player.
    - Ability to create buttons with commands (chat and console) that have multiple arguments. [ /kit vip, /home 1, /sethome 1 - etc. ]
    - Ability to edit already created buttons.
    - Ability to delete created buttons.
    - Ability to undo changes. [ Convenient preview while editing/creating a button. ].
    - Ability to create any number of server(admin) buttons by permissions.
    - Ability to hide/show buttons when the player interacts with containers or mounted prefabs(chair, transport, etc.) [ Configure in config. ].

    - By default, the plugin has a few customized buttons, a list of images, and a list of colors.
    xfastbuttons.settings - access to basic settings. xfastbuttons.use - access to create/edit/delete buttons. [ Regular players cannot create/edit/delete server(admin) buttons in any way! ] Config
    { "General setting": { "Maximum number of buttons a player can create": 6, "Maximum number of individual buttons a player can create": 5, "List of containers - buttons will react to open/close container. [ Leave the list empty to extend this to all containers. Or set null to disable this feature. ]": null, "List of mountable prefabs (chair, transport, etc) - buttons will react to interaction with the prefab. [ Leave the list empty to apply this to all prefabs. Or set null to disable this feature. ]": [ ......... ], "List of server buttons - [ You can only configure parameters - Text, Command, Color, Font ]": [ ......... ], "List of server buttons by permissions - [ You can only configure parameters - Text, Command, Color, Font ]": { ......... }, "List of individual server buttons - [ You can configure all parameters ]": [ ......... ], "List of individual server buttons by permissions - [ You can configure all parameters ]": { ......... } }, "GUI setting": { "Color_background_1": "0.517 0.521 0.509 1", "Color_background_2": "0.217 0.221 0.209 1", "Close button (icon) color": "1 1 1 0.75", "Server image list - [ These images are not available to players ]": { ......... }, "Image list - [ These images are available for players to select ]": { ......... }, "List of button colors": [ ......... ] } }
  3. More information about "Sky Base"


    Sky Base

    Sky Base is a plugin that allows your players to get away from standard houses and build themselves a real base in the sky. The plugin is perfect for any server, both PvE and PvP.

    The plugin uses a standard construction system, which makes it easier to use and configure the plugin. To start building an air base, the player needs to craft the desired object using the /craftdrone command.
    1 sky ceiling equals 1 foundation.
    In order to make the ceiling airy, just hit the ceiling with a mallet. To improve the ceiling, a drone of the same range as the roof is required.
    The plugin has a fully customizable crafting system where you can determine for yourself what resources are required to craft all drones.
    Video Tutorial
    Chat Commands 
    /craftdrone - Allows you to open the drone crafting system (Permission: "skybase.use")
    Plugin Config
    Example of plugin configuration in English Example of plugin configuration in Russian  
    Ideas for updates that may be implemented in the future
    Current ideas for the future of this plugin. These are things that I want to implement possibly. You can also write to us in Discord to suggest ideas or to vote for any that I share here.
       Add plugin support for notifications and also add notifications via the built-in gui rust</li>    Creating ready-made building patterns
    Check out more of my work here CASHR's library.
    Come see our whole teams work Mad Mapper Library.
    Come by the Mad Mapper Discord for support, feedback, or suggestions!
  4. More information about "Extra Life"


    Extra Life

    Allows players that has a certain item (with custom skin supported) to avoid death when health drops to 0 and instead regain a configureable amount of health.
    The item is consumed upon usage.
    The "Extra-Life" can be given with a chat command or sold via shops that support custom skinid items.
    If the item you set in the config is in the inventory, it will not die but will be revived. FAQ:
    Q: The bag function does not work.
    A: in config change `Block Backpack Drop` true
    Chat Commands:
    in game - /el "ya mang" 10 "Revival 100 Token" console - el "ya mang" 10 "Revival 100 Token"  
    Admin Permission: extralife.admin (using give item) Config:
    { "General Settings": { "Prefix": "[Extra-Life]", "SteamID": "0", "Commands": [ "extralife", "el" ], "SoundEffect": "assets/prefabs/tools/medical syringe/effects/inject_self.prefab", "Image Remove Time": 3.0, "block Revival Zone (ZoneManager Require)": [] }, "Revival Settings": { "Revival 100 Token": { "Shortname": "metal.fragments", "Skin": 2986119719, "If Revival Heal Amount": 100.0, "Block Active Drop": true, "Block Backpack Drop": false }, "Revival 50 Token": { "Shortname": "stones", "Skin": 2986119719, "If Revival Heal Amount": 50.0, "Block Active Drop": true, "Block Backpack Drop": false }, "Revival 10 Token": { "Shortname": "wood", "Skin": 2986119719, "If Revival Heal Amount": 10.0, "Block Active Drop": true, "Block Backpack Drop": false } }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 4 } }  
  5. More information about "Extra Tea"


    Extra Tea

    Additional tea support.
    You can buff and debuff Damage, Loot, and Defense.
    extratea.admin StatusType:
    0 - damage, 1 - defend, 2 - loot Config:
    { "General Settings": { "Prefix": "<color=#00ffff>[ Extra Tea ] - </color>\n", "SteamID": 0, "Commands": [ "tea", "t", "extratea" ], "Use Custom Status Framework?": true, "Custom Status Framework Color Settings": { "Damage": { "Background Color": "CF3333", "Text Color": "EA8513", "subText Color": "FFFFFF" }, "Defend": { "Background Color": "23B1EB", "Text Color": "95ADF9", "subText Color": "FFFFFF" }, "Loot": { "Background Color": "9D9F67", "Text Color": "EAF101", "subText Color": "FFFFFF" } }, "CSF UI Refresh Time (sec)": 1.0, "Debug": false }, "Extra Tea Settings": { "Damage Bonus 10%": { "statusType": 0, "shortname": "maxhealthtea.advanced", "skinId": 2973733237, "Chance": { "min": 0.1, "max": 0.1 }, "lefttime": 30 }, "Defend 10%": { "statusType": 1, "shortname": "maxhealthtea.advanced", "skinId": 2973733569, "Chance": { "min": 0.1, "max": 0.1 }, "lefttime": 30 }, "Loot Bonus 10%": { "statusType": 2, "shortname": "maxhealthtea.advanced", "skinId": 2973733412, "Chance": { "min": 0.1, "max": 0.1 }, "lefttime": 30 } }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 0 } }  


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