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Covfefe's Wishlist

  1. More information about "Arctic Base Event"


    Arctic Base Event

    An event for the Arctic Research Base monument with a plot to rescue both a scientist and a pilot that have been captured by the security group who has been ordered to capture and deal with the attempted sabotage on the Arctic Base

    Welcome to a frosty new adventure in the more recently added Arctic Research Base to so many of our islands! This monument will now have an event with a storyline requiring you and your friends to rescue the Pilot, and the Scientist from their captivity by the Arctic Base security service. You don't want to know what will happen to these two if you don't save them!
    Our new event begins with a notification (if enabled by default) for players to know that a sabotage is about to take place on the island. There is a plot to come collect biological samples from the burned corpse of one of the recently discovered NPCs, class: Sledge.
    The players will soon find out that the sabotage has failed and that two of our team have been taken captive by the Artic Research security team! Players will need to free them both from this no prisoners no hostages situation, and protect the scientist while he finishes his portion of the mission.
    Once the Scientist or Pilot are released, snowmobiles will arrive bringing NPCs, tasked simply with killing the Scientist so he will not be able to carry out his task of reverse engineering a way to continue to combat everything they throw at us!
    Once the Scientist has completed his task, and the Pilot has been released and has prepped the escape helicopter, their evacuation can take place. The will get into their minicopter and begin their departure. Before you leave and as thanks, the Pilot is going to open up a warehouse full of supplies for you!
    Once you reach this point in the event, there are several options with different amounts of loot within the stash. If you are able to protect the Scientist, and they are able to evacuate with the pilot, then we can better find things of value on comms with the team as they leave and the looting will be most efficient!
    Be ready, this minicopter is an actual piece of... well it's Rusty! Let the pilot have some extra time if needed to make sure it is running smoothly before they take off. Here and now the security team will send everything they have at you and your friends. Protect the group from the attacks!
    In the configuration for the plugin you can change timers, NPC settings and numbers, snowmobile and crate numbers, the Scientists health, and the loot tables! As always the configurations are extensive and the creativity is in your hands to customize this plugin to your liking.
    Can you and your friends help make sure this sabotage takes place, and these rebels make it off the island?
    Dependencies (optional, not required)
    True PVE PveMode GUI Announcements Notify Discord Messages AlphaLoot CustomLoot NTeleportation Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic Kits  
    Chat commands (only for administrators)
    /abstart - start the event
    /abstop - end the event
    Console commands (RCON only)
    abstart - start the event
    abstop - end the event
    Plugin Config
    en - example of plugin configuration in English ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian  
    void OnArcticBaseEventStart() – called when the event starts
    void OnArcticBaseEventEnd() – called when the event ends
    void OnArcticBaseEventWinner(ulong winnerId) – called at the end of the event, where the winnerId is the player who did more actions to complete the event
    My Discord: KpucTaJl#8923
    Join the Mad Mappers Discord here!
    Check out more of my work here!
  2. More information about "Mount Bradley: ONE GRiD"


    Mount Bradley: ONE GRiD

    A 'one grid' custom map designed for high performance. The mountain in the middle provides unique landscape, while also containing 2 entrances that lead to the bradley APC.

    This map is constantly supported and updated for the current version of the game with all updates!

    – If you need support, join my brand new discord server @ discord.gg/TJxwpKT2Ge
    – The password for the editor is included with the map. (you're allowed to edit the map for your own use)
    - Prefabs: 2803 (high performance)

    > Detailed terrain work – This map was made entirely manual.
    > 4 islands that players can build on.
    > 2 custom barges that players can build on, marked with X on the map.

    > Cobalt Bunker - Blue Keycard Puzzle (contains the bradley apc, has 2 entrances in the mountain)
    > Military Settlement - MLRS, scientists, blue keycard puzzle
    > Improvised Hangar - Green Keycard Puzzle
    > Tugboat Docks - contains Tugboat spawns
    > Bandit Fishing Village - Safe zone

    > 2 bridges over the rivers.
    > 2 buildable barges on the water marked with X.
    > Waterfalls

    > Nuclear Missile Silo
    > Sunken HQM Quarry
    > Lighthouse
    > Oxum's Gas Station (motorbikes will spawn here)
    > Underwater Lab
    > Small and Large Oil Rig
  3. More information about "Mini Map Bundle 1 (3-Pack)"


    Mini Map Bundle 1 (3-Pack)

    This pack includes 3 of my mini custom maps ranging 1500 - 1600 in size and all custom mini monuments. The pack is designed to offer great value over buying them individually.
    This bundle offers you them all at $85.99.

    Click one of the map icons below to have a detailed look.
    Please Checkout with the bundle buy now button 
  4. More information about "Raidable Bases Pack (110 Bases)"


    Raidable Bases Pack (110 Bases)

    This is a configuration file designed by us, featuring 110 custom bases across five different difficulty levels, ranging from Easy to Nightmare.
    (This package does not include loot tables. If you need bases + loot tables, you may want to check out the higher-tier package:  110 Raibable Bases + Loot Tables package)

    Warning: The Raidable Bases plugin requires the Copy Paste plugin to function. You must install both for this bases pack to work.
    🔗Raidable Bases (Paid): https://codefling.com/plugins/raidable-bases
    🔗Copy Paste (Free): https://umod.org/plugins/copy-paste
    This Raidable Bases package includes:
    (In addition to the bases, it includes a well-configured config file that can be uploaded to /serverfiles/oxide/config, but its usage is optional.
    It also contains 5 different profile configs that can be uploaded to /oxide/data/RaidableBases/Profiles. These are also well-configured and optional to use.
    The usage of both is entirely up to you.)
    - 30 Easy Bases
    - 30 Medium Bases
    - 30 Hard Bases
    - 10 Expert Bases
    - 10 Nightmare Bases
    (If you do not have a custom configuration and are not a professional in server configurations, choose this option. However, if you already have your own configuration and profile settings and do not wish to use the optional configs we provide—in other words, if you only need the bases—use the second installation guide instead.)
    Step 1: Place the Config File
    From the extracted ZIP files, locate the config folder and find the RaidableBases.json file. Move it to the following directory:
    📂 /serverfiles/oxide/config
    Step 2: Place the Bases
    From the extracted ZIP files, locate the copypaste folder and move it to the following directory:
    📂 /serverfiles/oxide/data
    Step 3: Place the Profiles Folder
    From the extracted ZIP files, locate the profiles folder and move it to the following directory:
    📂 /serverfiles/oxide/data/RaidableBases
    Why Are Profiles Important?
    The profiles folder contains crucial settings that allow you to:
    ✔ Enable/disable the dome
    ✔ Enable/disable NPCs
    ✔ Adjust the number of lootable items

    These are just a few examples—there are dozens of important settings that directly affect how raid bases function. The config file alone is not enough—these files play a major role in customizing your raid bases.
    I strongly recommend reviewing each difficulty setting (Easy to Nightmare) inside the profiles folder and adjusting them based on your needs.
    Step 4: Restart the plugin via RCON: 
    o.reload RaidableBases  
    (Use this installation method if you do not want to use our configurations and instead prefer to use your own config files and your own /oxide/data/RaidableBases/Profiles configurations.)
    In this case, you only need to add the bases. To do this, use the following commands in RCON:
    Step 1:
    You can add bases one by one or in bulk.
    After executing the commands in RCON, the bases will be registered inside the Profiles configuration.
    If you do not want to deal with these adjustments, it is recommended to use Installation Guide 1 instead.
    A- Example RCON commands:
    rb.config add "Easy Bases" fullwipedeasy1 rb.config add "Hard Bases" fullwipedhard1
    B- Commands to Integrate Raid Bases in Bulk via RCON:
    rb.config add "Easy Bases" fullwipedeasy1 fullwipedeasy2 fullwipedeasy3 fullwipedeasy4 fullwipedeasy5 fullwipedeasy6 fullwipedeasy7 fullwipedeasy8 fullwipedeasy9 fullwipedeasy10 fullwipedeasy11 fullwipedeasy12 fullwipedeasy13 fullwipedeasy14 fullwipedeasy15 fullwipedeasy16 fullwipedeasy17 fullwipedeasy18 fullwipedeasy19 fullwipedeasy20 fullwipedeasy21 fullwipedeasy22 fullwipedeasy23 fullwipedeasy24 fullwipedeasy25 fullwipedeasy26 fullwipedeasy27 fullwipedeasy28 fullwipedeasy29 fullwipedeasy30 rb.config add "Medium Bases" fullwipedmed1 fullwipedmed2 fullwipedmed3 fullwipedmed4 fullwipedmed5 fullwipedmed6 fullwipedmed7 fullwipedmed8 fullwipedmed9 fullwipedmed10 fullwipedmed11 fullwipedmed12 fullwipedmed13 fullwipedmed14 fullwipedmed15 fullwipedmed16 fullwipedmed17 fullwipedmed18 fullwipedmed19 fullwipedmed20 fullwipedmed21 fullwipedmed22 fullwipedmed23 fullwipedmed24 fullwipedmed25 fullwipedmed26 fullwipedmed27 fullwipedmed28 fullwipedmed29 fullwipedmed30 rb.config add "Hard Bases" fullwipedhard1 fullwipedhard2 fullwipedhard3 fullwipedhard4 fullwipedhard5 fullwipedhard6 fullwipedhard7 fullwipedhard8 fullwipedhard9 fullwipedhard10 fullwipedhard11 fullwipedhard12 fullwipedhard13 fullwipedhard14 fullwipedhard15 fullwipedhard16 fullwipedhard17 fullwipedhard18 fullwipedhard19 fullwipedhard20 fullwipedhard21 fullwipedhard22 fullwipedhard23 fullwipedhard24 fullwipedhard25 fullwipedhard26 fullwipedhard27 fullwipedhard28 fullwipedhard29 fullwipedhard30 rb.config add "Expert Bases" fullwipedexp1 fullwipedexp2 fullwipedexp3 fullwipedexp4 fullwipedexp5 fullwipedexp6 fullwipedexp7 fullwipedexp8 fullwipedexp9 fullwipedexp10 rb.config add "Nightmare Bases" fullwipednight1 fullwipednight2 fullwipednight3 fullwipednight4 fullwipednight5 fullwipednight6 fullwipednight7 fullwipednight8 fullwipednight9 fullwipednight10 Step 3: Restart the plugin via RCON:
     o.reload RaidableBases  
    We do not use a dome, NPCs, or arena walls around raid bases on our servers, and in the ZIP file we provided, these features are also disabled by default. If you want to enable them, you will need to adjust the settings accordingly.

    For example, to enable the dome, follow the steps below:
    Navigate to:
    Open the files inside the Profiles folder with a text editor.
    Locate the following settings:
    (This is already set to false because it is required for markers to appear on the map.)
    "Spawn Silently (No Notification, No Dome, No Map Marker)": false,
    "Create Dome Around Event Using Spheres (0 = disabled, recommended = 5)": 0,
    Change the value from 0 to 5 as shown below:
    "Create Dome Around Event Using Spheres (0 = disabled, recommended = 5)": 5,  
    In our setup:
    - Timed events and purchasable events are disabled.
    - After a wipe, easy bases will start spawning 30 minutes later.
    - Nightmare bases will begin spawning 48 hours (2 days) later.

    Imagine starting the game with just a torch in hand and immediately encountering a nightmare base on the shore.
    You’d likely quit the game right away—this setting is crucial for us to avoid such scenarios.
    Configuration Example: serverfiles/oxide/config

    "Maintained Events": {
    "Always Maintain Max Events": true,
    "Max Maintained Events": 30,
    "Enable X Hours After Wipe (0 = immediately)": {
    "Easy": 0.5,
    "Medium": 1.0,
    "Hard": 3.0,
    "Expert": 24.0,
    "Nightmare": 48.0
    If you need not only these bases but also the loot tables for the items that will spawn inside them, check out our one-of-a-kind, exceptional Raidable Base Loot Tables at the link below:
    🔗 https://codefling.com/customizations/raidable-bases-loot-tables-pack
    (Our loot tables are designed to cater to different server types, including Vanilla (1x) servers as well as 2x, 3x, 5x, 10x, and higher multipliers to match various loot requirements.)
    If you are satisfied with this package, you can support us by leaving a 5-star review on the site where you purchased it. Your feedback motivates us to continue improving and providing even better configurations for dedicated server owners like you.

    Please leave a review here: https://codefling.com/bases/raidable-bases-pack-110-bases?tab=reviews

    Thank you! ❤️

  5. More information about "Cargo Convoy Event"


    Cargo Convoy Event

    The Cargo Convoy plugin creates a Cargo Ship with three different levels of defensive escorts. In addition to this, the Cargo ship is equipped with a samsite, an autoturret, and a raidable door. If any of the escort ship's captains dies, that ship will stop. If the someone kills the Cargo ship's captain, the Cargo will stop, and if the PveMode plugin is enabled, they will become the owner of the event.
    Supports the PveMode plugin.
    Console Commands:
    ccstart (random difficult event started)

    { "Plugin version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 0 }, "Automatic event start": true, "Minimum time for event start": 3600.0, "Maximum time for event start": 7200.0, "Duration of the event": 3600.0, "Warning messages before event start": 300.0, "Warning messages before event end": 300.0, "Facepunch cargoship event enabled?": false, "Chat icon": 0, "Event Locked crates hack time": 900.0, "Autoturret setting Easy difficult": { "Health": 200.0, "Weapon ShortName": "smg.2", "Ammo ShortName": "ammo.pistol", "Number of ammo": 5000 }, "Autoturret setting Medium difficult": { "Health": 300.0, "Weapon ShortName": "rifle.lr300", "Ammo ShortName": "ammo.rifle", "Number of ammo": 5000 }, "Autoturret setting Hard difficult": { "Health": 400.0, "Weapon ShortName": "rifle.ak", "Ammo ShortName": "ammo.rifle", "Number of ammo": 5000 }, "Medium difficult door setting.": { "Door SkinID (0 - default, TugBoat and Medium difficult only use Sheet Metal Door skinID, Hard difficult only use Armored Door skinID! )": 1443957299, "Door Health": 250.0 }, "Hard difficult door setting.": { "Door SkinID (0 - default, TugBoat and Medium difficult only use Sheet Metal Door skinID, Hard difficult only use Armored Door skinID! )": 1130245250, "Door Health": 1000.0 }, "TugBoat door setting.": { "Door SkinID (0 - default, TugBoat and Medium difficult only use Sheet Metal Door skinID, Hard difficult only use Armored Door skinID! )": 1447958101, "Door Health": 250.0 }, "Elit crates setting on Easy difficult": { "Delete the Rust loottable loot?": false, "Add custom loot?": false, "CustomLoot": { "Minimum items": 1, "Maximum items": 1, "Use minimum - maxium?": false, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "xmas.present.small", "Minimum": 3, "Maximum": 6, "Chance": 100.0, "Give blueprint?": false, "SkinID": 0, "Displayname": "" } ] } }, "Elit crates setting on Medium difficult": { "Delete the Rust loottable loot?": false, "Add custom loot?": false, "CustomLoot": { "Minimum items": 1, "Maximum items": 1, "Use minimum - maxium?": false, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "xmas.present.small", "Minimum": 3, "Maximum": 6, "Chance": 100.0, "Give blueprint?": false, "SkinID": 0, "Displayname": "" } ] } }, "Locked crates setting on Medium difficult": { "Delete the Rust loottable loot?": false, "Add custom loot?": false, "CustomLoot": { "Minimum items": 1, "Maximum items": 1, "Use minimum - maxium?": false, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "xmas.present.small", "Minimum": 3, "Maximum": 6, "Chance": 100.0, "Give blueprint?": false, "SkinID": 0, "Displayname": "" } ] } }, "Elit crates setting on Hard difficult": { "Delete the Rust loottable loot?": false, "Add custom loot?": false, "CustomLoot": { "Minimum items": 1, "Maximum items": 1, "Use minimum - maxium?": false, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "xmas.present.small", "Minimum": 3, "Maximum": 6, "Chance": 100.0, "Give blueprint?": false, "SkinID": 0, "Displayname": "" } ] } }, "Locked crates setting on Hard difficult": { "Delete the Rust loottable loot?": false, "Add custom loot?": false, "CustomLoot": { "Minimum items": 1, "Maximum items": 1, "Use minimum - maxium?": false, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "xmas.present.small", "Minimum": 3, "Maximum": 6, "Chance": 100.0, "Give blueprint?": false, "SkinID": 0, "Displayname": "" } ] } }, "Elit crates setting on TugBoats": { "Delete the Rust loottable loot?": false, "Use custom loot?": false, "CustomLoot": { "Minimum items": 1, "Maximum items": 1, "Use minimum - maxium?": false, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "xmas.present.small", "Minimum": 3, "Maximum": 6, "Chance": 100.0, "Give blueprint?": false, "SkinID": 0, "Displayname": "" } ] } }, "Setting the Captains": { "Name": "Captain", "Health": 300.0, "Attack Range Multiplier": 1.0, "Target Memory Duration [sec.]": 20.0, "Scale damage": 0.7, "Aim Cone Scale": 1.5, "Sense Range": 0.0, "Wear items": [ { "ShortName": "shoes.boots", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2454376365 }, { "ShortName": "burlap.trousers", "SkinID (0 - default)": 3027295270 }, { "ShortName": "burlap.shirt", "SkinID (0 - default)": 3027301658 }, { "ShortName": "burlap.gloves", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2454377972 }, { "ShortName": "hat.boonie", "SkinID (0 - default)": 3112171056 } ], "Belt items": [ { "ShortName": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 3, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" } ] }, "Setting the EASY Npc's": { "Name": "Cargo Soldier", "Health": 125.0, "Attack Range Multiplier": 4.0, "Target Memory Duration [sec.]": 20.0, "Scale damage": 0.7, "Aim Cone Scale": 1.5, "Sense Range": 150.0, "Wear items": [ { "ShortName": "shoes.boots", "SkinID (0 - default)": 800967386 }, { "ShortName": "pants", "SkinID (0 - default)": 681804489 }, { "ShortName": "hoodie", "SkinID (0 - default)": 963496340 }, { "ShortName": "burlap.gloves", "SkinID (0 - default)": 0 }, { "ShortName": "wood.armor.pants", "SkinID (0 - default)": 0 }, { "ShortName": "wood.armor.jacket", "SkinID (0 - default)": 0 }, { "ShortName": "bucket.helmet", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2929522461 } ], "Belt items": [ { "ShortName": "smg.thompson", "Amount": 1, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [ "weapon.mod.flashlight", "weapon.mod.holosight" ], "Ammo": "" }, { "ShortName": "pistol.m92", "Amount": 1, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" }, { "ShortName": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 3, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" } ] }, "Setting the MEDIUM Npc's": { "Name": "Cargo Soldier", "Health": 200.0, "Attack Range Multiplier": 4.0, "Target Memory Duration [sec.]": 20.0, "Scale damage": 0.7, "Aim Cone Scale": 1.5, "Sense Range": 150.0, "Wear items": [ { "ShortName": "shoes.boots", "SkinID (0 - default)": 3251246600 }, { "ShortName": "pants", "SkinID (0 - default)": 3246192739 }, { "ShortName": "hoodie", "SkinID (0 - default)": 3246191692 }, { "ShortName": "burlap.gloves", "SkinID (0 - default)": 0 }, { "ShortName": "roadsign.kilt", "SkinID (0 - default)": 3260691772 }, { "ShortName": "roadsign.jacket", "SkinID (0 - default)": 3260693328 }, { "ShortName": "coffeecan.helmet", "SkinID (0 - default)": 3260694842 } ], "Belt items": [ { "ShortName": "smg.mp5", "Amount": 1, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [ "weapon.mod.flashlight", "weapon.mod.holosight" ], "Ammo": "" }, { "ShortName": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 3, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" } ] }, "Setting the HARD Npc's": { "Name": "Cargo Soldier", "Health": 350.0, "Attack Range Multiplier": 4.0, "Target Memory Duration [sec.]": 20.0, "Scale damage": 0.7, "Aim Cone Scale": 1.5, "Sense Range": 180.0, "Wear items": [ { "ShortName": "shoes.boots", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2936561559 }, { "ShortName": "pants", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2933205831 }, { "ShortName": "hoodie", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2933205232 }, { "ShortName": "burlap.gloves", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2936561057 }, { "ShortName": "roadsign.kilt", "SkinID (0 - default)": 1624102935 }, { "ShortName": "metal.plate.torso", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2601631390 }, { "ShortName": "metal.facemask", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2601630796 } ], "Belt items": [ { "ShortName": "rifle.lr300", "Amount": 1, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [ "weapon.mod.flashlight", "weapon.mod.holosight" ], "Ammo": "" }, { "ShortName": "rocket.launcher", "Amount": 1, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" }, { "ShortName": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 3, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" } ] }, "NPC Turret Damage Multiplier": 1.0, "Messages setting": { "GameTip message": "Cargo Convoy Inbound", "Message before the event starts.": "<color=#ff0000>Cargo Convoy</color> will start soon", "Message before the event stop.": "Cargo Convoy will end soon!!", "Message when someone stopped Cargo Convoy": "Someone stopped the Cargo Convoy", "Start message": "Cargo Convoy Event start! Kill the <color=#2296ff>Cargo Captain</color> to stop the cargo convoy and you will be the event owner", "Stop message": "Cargo Convoy Event end!", "Map marker name": "Cargo Convoy", "Map marker radius": 0.6, "Color": { "r": 1.0, "g": 0.0, "b": 0.0 } }, "PVE Mode Setting (only for users PveMode plugin)": { "Use PveMode plugin?": false, "Non owner can loot the crates?": false, "Non owner can loot the Npc's?": false, "Non owner can damage Npc's?": false, "Non owner can be attacked by Npc's?": false, "Non owner, can you enter the event zone?": false, "Allow a player who has an active cooldown of the Event Owner to enter the event zone?": true, "The time that the Event Owner may not be inside the event zone.": 300, "The time until the event owner can return to the event zone.": 60, "Block the RestoreUponDeath plugin in the event zone.": true, "After all this time, an event owner can be an event owner again.": 86400.0, "Darkening the sphere.": 15 } }  


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