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BLPVE's Wishlist

  1. More information about "Risk Factors"


    Risk Factors

    Just released an update that expands functionality to other lootable entities, as well as a gear damage reduction system still a WIP and a message system for the different effects still a WIP.

    Additional effects have also been added to make the damages feel more realistic, improvements to this will be made over time.

    Modifies the three loot barrels and crates to include additional risky effects upon breaking and looting.  Spawn chance is configurable for each entity type in the RiskFactors.json, the damage modifiers are based on a percentage of your health so no worries about dying easily. Permissions to enable or disable certain effects from the barrels. (Permission manager highly recommended).

    Configurable spawn effect chance and damage percentage based on players health amount.

    Modifies the three loot barrels to include additional risky effects upon breaking.

    Yellow - Has a configurable chance to spawn a Scarecrow or Bear Trap with damage adjustments

    Blue - Is the radioactive barrel of Rust, configurable chance to inflict radiation and reduce hunger and thirst if near.

    Red - Has a chance to break into flames or explode causing damage and bleeding if near.

    Loot Crates - Most all loot crates have been added with chances for splinters, nails, and cuts to happen

    Computer Stations - Chance to be shocked when attempting to mount.

    Elite Crates - Have a chance to cause radiation, some of their contents might have been affected.

    Food Crates - Have a chance for rotten food to be inside causing vomit and thirst and hunger reduction.

    Please provide suggestions and improvements! Currently will be working on adding other entities and more configurable options. Really excited about this plugin and what it will become!


    oxide.grant user <steamID/username> riskfactors.yellow oxide.grant user <steamID/username> riskfactors.blue oxide.grant user <steamID/username> riskfactors.red oxide.grant user <steamID/username> riskfactors.fireball oxide.grant user <steamID/username> riskfactors.c4 oxide.grant user <steamID/username> riskfactors.beartrap oxide.grant user <steamID/username> riskfactors.scarecrow oxide.grant user <steamID/username> riskfactors.hungerreduction oxide.grant user <steamID/username> riskfactors.thirstreduction oxide.grant user <steamID/username> riskfactors.cratesplinter oxide.grant user <steamID/username> riskfactors.toolscratecut oxide.grant user <steamID/username> riskfactors.crates2 oxide.grant user <steamID/username> riskfactors.crates3 oxide.grant user <steamID/username> riskfactors.hazmatreduction oxide.grant user <steamID/username> riskfactors.glovereduction oxide.grant user <steamID/username> riskfactors.bootsreduction oxide.grant user <steamID/username> riskfactors.electrical oxide.grant user <steamID/username> riskfactors.heavysuitreduction oxide.grant user <steamID/username> riskfactors.foodcrates oxide.grant group <groupname> riskfactors.yellow oxide.grant group <groupname> riskfactors.blue oxide.grant group <groupname> riskfactors.red oxide.grant group <groupname> riskfactors.fireball oxide.grant group <groupname> riskfactors.c4 oxide.grant group <groupname> riskfactors.beartrap oxide.grant group <groupname> riskfactors.scarecrow oxide.grant group <groupname> riskfactors.hungerreduction oxide.grant group <groupname> riskfactors.thirstreduction oxide.grant group <groupname> riskfactors.cratesplinter oxide.grant group <groupname> riskfactors.toolscratecut oxide.grant group <groupname> riskfactors.crates2 oxide.grant group <groupname> riskfactors.crates3 oxide.grant group <groupname> riskfactors.hazmatreduction oxide.grant group <groupname> riskfactors.glovereduction oxide.grant group <groupname> riskfactors.bootsreduction oxide.grant group <groupname> riskfactors.electrical oxide.grant group <groupname> riskfactors.heavysuitreduction oxide.grant group <groupname> riskfactors.foodcrates

    { "YellowBarrel": { "SpawnChance": 50.0, "MeleeSpawnChance": 25.0, "BearTrapDamagePercentage": 25.0, "BearTrapBleedingPercentage": 15.0, "BootsDamageReduction": 50.0, "BootsBleedingReduction": 50.0, "ScarecrowHealth": 15.0 }, "BlueBarrel": { "SpawnChance": 50.0, "MeleeSpawnChance": 25.0, "EffectRange": 10.0, "RadiationDamagePercentage": 25.0, "HungerReductionPercentage": 30.0, "ThirstReductionPercentage": 20.0, "HazmatReductionFactor": 50.0 }, "RedBarrel": { "SpawnChance": 50.0, "MeleeSpawnChance": 25.0, "EffectRange": 10.0, "C4DamagePercentage": 25.0, "C4BleedingPercentage": 7.5, "HeavySuitReduction": 50.0 }, "Crate": { "SpawnChance": 30.0, "SplinterDamagePercentage": 10.0, "SplinterBleedingPercentage": 5.0, "GloveDamageReduction": 50.0, "GloveBleedingReduction": 50.0 }, "ToolsCrate": { "SpawnChance": 30.0, "CutDamagePercentage": 15.0, "CutBleedingPercentage": 5.0, "GloveDamageReduction": 50.0, "GloveBleedingReduction": 50.0 }, "Crates2": { "SpawnChance": 30.0, "NailDamagePercentage": 15.0, "NailBleedingPercentage": 10.0, "GloveDamageReduction": 50.0, "GloveBleedingReduction": 50.0 }, "Crates3": { "SpawnChance": 50.0, "RadiationDamagePercentage": 15.0, "HungerReductionPercentage": 5.0, "ThirstReductionPercentage": 5.0, "HazmatReductionFactor": 50.0 }, "Electrical": { "SpawnChance": 30.0, "ShockDamagePercentage": 25.0, "HazmatReductionFactor": 50.0 }, "FoodCrates": { "SpawnChance": 25.0, "ThirstReduction": 5.0, "HungerReduction": 5.0 }, "DisableChatMessages": false }  
  2. More information about "Ganja"



    This plugin allows players to gather weed from hemp plants and craft joints using a mixing table. There are different types of weed where each type can be found in a different biome. Joints can be crafted at a mixing table and will give the player configurable buffs and healing with each tier having different effects.
    Fully customizable Different types of weed Configurable effects for each type Custom crafting UI integrates in the mixing table UI Configurable recipes for mixing table Yield amount and chance configurable for each type Ideal for Roleplay Servers  
    New in v2.0.10: Give command
    Server owners can use this command to give weed or joints to themselves or a certain player. The identifier has to be specified in the config file for every type of weed or joint.
    ganja.give <weed|joint> <identifier> <amount> <player?>  
    ganja.give - Required to use ganja.give command  
    New in v2.0.0: Fully configurable crafting:
    With Version 2.0.0 the crafting system has been integrated in the mixing table. Joints can now be crafted by using the right ingredients in the right slot. The crafting recipes are fully configurable. New recipes can also be added.

    New in v1.0.8: Loot Table integration:
    This plugin now supports the custom item api of Loot Table and Stack Size GUI, so you can easily add weed to the loot table. When both plugins are installed on the server, the weed items will show up in the custom items tab of Loottable (right image):

    Different tiers:
    Depending on the biome, you will receive different tiers of weed, the biomes can also be changed in the config. By default, tier2 weed can be gathered in the snow biome, tier1 in the desert and tier0 everywhere else.
    Names, droprates, and boosts can also be configured individually for each tier.
    With a joint selected in the hot bar:
    Right click to ignite / extinguish a joint When joint is bruning: left click to use a joint  
    Permissions can be disabled in the config, making gathering and crafting accessible to everyone regardless of permissions.
    ganja.craft - Required to craft joints ganja.gather - Required to obtain weed  
    Biome masks:
    The biome mask is a simple 4-bit number that determines where a certain tier of weed can be found. Each biome has its own number; add these numbers together to select multiple biomes. The numbers for each biome are as follows:
    1 - Arid 2 - Temperate 4 - Tundra 8 - Arctic For example: Low Quality Weed has the biome mask 6 by default (see configuration below). That means it can be found in the Temperate and the Tundra biome.
    { "Weed configuration": [ { "Drop chance when harvesting (1 = 100%)": 0.4, "Drop amount when harvesting": { "min": 1, "max": 3 }, "Biome mask (see description for details)": 6, "Custom item name (null = default name)": "Low Quality Weed", "Item short name": "sticks", "Item skin id": 2661029427 }, { "Drop chance when harvesting (1 = 100%)": 0.3, "Drop amount when harvesting": { "min": 1, "max": 3 }, "Biome mask (see description for details)": 1, "Custom item name (null = default name)": "Medium Quality Weed", "Item short name": "sticks", "Item skin id": 2661031542 }, { "Drop chance when harvesting (1 = 100%)": 0.1, "Drop amount when harvesting": { "min": 1, "max": 2 }, "Biome mask (see description for details)": 8, "Custom item name (null = default name)": "High Quality Weed", "Item short name": "sticks", "Item skin id": 2660588149 } ], "Crafting Recipes": [ { "Ingredient Slots": { "0": { "Amount": 1, "Item short name": "note", "Item skin id": 0 }, "1": { "Amount": 1, "Item short name": "sticks", "Item skin id": 2661029427 }, "2": { "Amount": 1, "Item short name": "sticks", "Item skin id": 2661029427 } }, "Produced Item": { "Custom item name (null = default name)": "Low Quality Joint", "Item short name": "horse.shoes.basic", "Item skin id": 2894101592 }, "Is joint": true, "Boosts (only works for joints)": { "Wood boost percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.4, "Wood boost duration (seconds)": 20.0, "Ore boost percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.0, "Ore boost duration (seconds)": 0.0, "Scrap boost percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.0, "Scrap boost duration (seconds)": 0.0, "Max Health percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.0, "Max Health duration (seconds)": 0.0, "Healing per use": 1.0 } }, { "Ingredient Slots": { "0": { "Amount": 1, "Item short name": "note", "Item skin id": 0 }, "1": { "Amount": 1, "Item short name": "sticks", "Item skin id": 2661031542 }, "2": { "Amount": 1, "Item short name": "sticks", "Item skin id": 2661031542 } }, "Produced Item": { "Custom item name (null = default name)": "Medium Quality Joint", "Item short name": "horse.shoes.basic", "Item skin id": 2894101290 }, "Is joint": true, "Boosts (only works for joints)": { "Wood boost percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.0, "Wood boost duration (seconds)": 0.0, "Ore boost percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.8, "Ore boost duration (seconds)": 20.0, "Scrap boost percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.0, "Scrap boost duration (seconds)": 0.0, "Max Health percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.0, "Max Health duration (seconds)": 0.0, "Healing per use": 4.0 } }, { "Ingredient Slots": { "0": { "Amount": 1, "Item short name": "note", "Item skin id": 0 }, "1": { "Amount": 1, "Item short name": "sticks", "Item skin id": 2660588149 }, "2": { "Amount": 1, "Item short name": "sticks", "Item skin id": 2660588149 } }, "Produced Item": { "Custom item name (null = default name)": "High Quality Joint", "Item short name": "horse.shoes.basic", "Item skin id": 2893700325 }, "Is joint": true, "Boosts (only works for joints)": { "Wood boost percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.0, "Wood boost duration (seconds)": 0.0, "Ore boost percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.0, "Ore boost duration (seconds)": 0.0, "Scrap boost percentage (1 = 100%)": 1.0, "Scrap boost duration (seconds)": 30.0, "Max Health percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.3, "Max Health duration (seconds)": 30.0, "Healing per use": 8.0 } } ], "Require permission for crafting": true, "Require permission for gathering": true, "Disable built-in stack fix (set to true if you have problems with item stacking/splitting)": false }
  3. More information about "Boston: New Land"


    Boston: New Land

    In the near future, the planet decided to rid itself of a large population, a factory and other infrastructure that poses a danger to its environment. Gravity, water level and climate have changed. An epidemic broke out, which took the lives of the remnants of the population and turned them into mutants (NpcMovingControl plugin). Those who survived went into habitation under the water, sometimes swimming out for a breath of fresh air (the UnderwaterGuard plugin), they guard the flooded monuments very much, which contain excellent loot, but to get to it, you need to make great efforts. On this map you will find many beautiful monuments, in the air, on the ground, under water. Also on the map there are several custom places to build your base in the form of unusual rocks, terrain terrain, icebergs and caves, they are marked X. And now several decades have passed since the latest events on this island and it has become a New Land for new settlers in the form of players on your server, I hope everyone will survive, good luck playing on this map.
    Prefab Count: ~50к prefabs Size: 4000 A lot of interesting locations to explore Marketplaces and recycler have been added to fishing villages Railway Optimal FPS A large number of places for the construction of foundations in the form of unusual rocks, caves, landscape and icebergs Custom plugin NpcMovingControl, who disguises scientists and zombies, as well as controls them in his radius (by Adem) Custom plugin UnderwaterGuard (by Adem) This map is constantly supported and updated for the current version of the game with all updates! How can I view the map?
    You can do this in our Discord server by submitting a request for an invitation to our servers. There you will be given the rights of an “administrator” and without any difficulties you will be able to fly around the map and fully familiarize yourself with it.
    Custom Monuments:
    Boston City Valley of Bridges Quarantine Zone Frozen Research Base Buttsville City Falcom Prisone The ISS Crash International Space Station Bills Farm Hydroelectric Power Station Graveyard of Ships Sunken Oil Rig Roadside Market Ore Deposits Bridge Many interesting places to build a base marked X Monument Facepunch:
    Launch Site Missile Silo  Junkyard Harbor 1 and 2 Arctic Research Base Satellite Dish Airfield Bandit Camp Outpost Giant Excavator Pit Train Yard Water Treatment Power Plant Military Tunnel The Dome Sewer Branch Ranch Fishing Village 1,2,3 (Modified version) Lighthouse Underwater Lab Railway HQM, Sulfur, Stone Quarry Roadside Monument Radtown Water Well
  4. More information about "Dreamland"



    This map is not new, but an old map converted from scratch, which was sold only on one site for a long time. Now, after all the updates, I decided to reshoot the video and release it on other sites for general review. It is optimized and has an interesting landscape and fantasy concept.
    “Dreamland” is a real island, which has absolutely everything for an unforgettable holiday for players, as well as it has everything for the battles in a fantasy world! The largest custom locations for collecting loot and research are located here. On its territory you will find five large fantastic locations, several unique places where you can build your own base, various small custom monuments and the exchange of all roadside monuments for custom ones! All these places are united by a well-maintained landscape with zones for the construction of bases and farms. Here you can do your favourite things and have fun, e.g. relax with teammates, build a farm, or even relax near the cool waterfall. “Dreamland” is a land of great emotions!
    Map Size - 4000
    Prefab Count - 28281 prefabs
    Custom monuments:
    Waterfall Dreams; Luminous Lake; Lost Portal; Dungeon of Fantasy; Fantasy Cave; Blockpost; Garage; Warehouse; Wild Gas Station; Cannibal House; Abandoned Supermarket; Diner; Custom places for building bases. Monuments Facepunch:
    Launch Site RadTown Outpost Nuclear Silo Ferry Terminal Train Yard Sewer Branch Water Treatment Snow Bandit camp Sphere Airfield Quarry Harbor Military tunnels OilRig Fishing Village Ranch Lighthouse Arctic Research Base Water Well
  5. More information about "GREENHOUSE"



    A medium sized greenhouse that can fit anywhere on your map. Its appearance will fit into any harsh and not very biome. Perfectly fits into style of rust game. Despite the good elaboration and all sorts of small details, the greenhouse is very optimized.

    Getting inside this greenhouse won't be so easy, the player will need to solve a puzzle, but it is not difficult. The player will need some fuel, fuse and wait about a minute, then the door will open. There are many electrical pieces inside, the greenhouse itself illuminates and irrigates the plantations, as well as heats the entire room with electric heaters. All the player needs to revive the greenhouse is to power a small fuel generator (consumption is very low).

    This is the middle part of the entire greenhouse, the largest part of the underground. Under the upper part of the greenhouse there is a small basement with a homemade sauna, a swimming pool, and a generator that provides electricity to the entire greenhouse.
    Behind the crates in the basement is a slightly hidden passage to a huge shaft leading to a frozen cave where the player can build a house, the largest part of this greenhouse.

    What are the dimensions of the place that can be built up?
     - Don't worry, you can very easily adjust the available building space by moving the icebergs.

    Is it possible to make so only the one who built the cave could open the entrance to the plantations?
     - Yes, there are 2 versions of the greenhouse:
        1  - Everyone can open through the puzzle.
        2 - Triangular space for 1 cupboard. Other players will need to break it first in order to use the puzzle and get inside.


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