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  1. More information about "Fishing Treasure"


    Fishing Treasure

    Buried beneath the deep blue oceans of rust lay a trove of lost treasures. This plugin introduces a casket system for fishing that your players will absolutely love!

    FishingTreasure is a plugin that uses the newly introduced fishing mechanic in Rust, to provide your players with the chance to obtain a casket.
    When opened, the casket will roll on the loot table 3 times, rewarding the players with 3 random items of varying rarity.

    Fully customisable loot system that automatically adds all new items to the game (configurable). Items can also be manually added via the config or a chat command in game. Supports custom items with unique DisplayNames and skins. Includes 3 tiers of rarity – common, rare and elite. Each can have its drop chance configured to the desired rarity. Hotspot system that allows for areas to be added as a "hot spot", which increases the drop chance of a casket by a multiplier (configurable).  

    fishingtreasure.admin – allows users to spawn caskets, add items, force an update of items and remove items.

    { "General Settings": { "Base chance of obtaining a casket when catching a fish [%]": 3.0, "Permission based chance modifiers [1.0 = 100% increase to the base chance value]": {}, "Loot rolls per casket": 3, "Casket info": { "shortname": "halloween.lootbag.medium", "skin": 2560835553, "displayName": "casket" }, "Sounds when opened": { "Common": "assets/prefabs/misc/halloween/lootbag/effects/bronze_open.prefab", "Rare": "assets/prefabs/misc/halloween/lootbag/effects/silver_open.prefab", "Epic": "assets/prefabs/misc/halloween/lootbag/effects/gold_open.prefab" }, "Should this plugin handle the item splitting for caskets? [set to false if using a stacks plugin]": false }, "Hotspot Settings": { "Enable fishing treasure hotspots": false, "Name the hotspot shows when it appears on the map": "Fishing Treasure Hotspot", "Sphere darkness": 6, "Hotspot size": 50.0, "Minimum time a hotspot can be alive for [seconds]": 1600.0, "Maximum time a hotspot can be alive for [seconds]": 2000.0, "Delay between hotspot deployments [seconds]": 3600.0, "Minimum modifier that will be applied to a hotspot": 1.0, "Maximum modifier that will be applied to a hotspot": 4.0, "Should the hotspot check to see if players have entered/left the zone and notify them?": true, "If monitoring for players, how often should we check for players in the hotspot?": 1.0 }, "SkillTree settings": { "Set to true if you want to add the FishingTreasure buff to the skill tree": true, "Maximum level for the modifier buff": 5, "Chance increase per level for finding caskets [0.2 = 20%]": 0.2 }, "Loot Table": { "Common": { "enabled": true, "tableWeight": 100, "loot": [ // Loot here ] }, "Rare": { "enabled": true, "tableWeight": 25, "loot": [ // Loot here ] }, "Epic": { "enabled": true, "tableWeight": 10, "loot": [ // Loot here ] } } }  

    /casket - spawns a casket in the users inventory  
    object OnCalculateFishingTreasureChance(BasePlayer, float highestMod) - Used to override the default casket chance.  
  2. More information about "Balanced RaidableBases Loot Config - Fair & Optimized"


    Balanced RaidableBases Loot Config - Fair & Optimized

    Discover our carefully crafted loot config for RaidableBases, striking the perfect balance between fair loot and non-overpowered (OP) rewards.
    This config is specifically designed to improve the gaming experience by removing unnecessary or outdated items from active gameplay.
    The config includes the following adjustments:
    Removal of all obsolete items no longer needed in active gameplay.
    Significant reduction of the frequency of OP items such as Autoturrets, C4, and Sulfur, maintaining game balance.
    Excellent addition to existing RaidableBases addons, like the complete packages from NIVEX, for adjusting loot and optimizing the player experience.
    Please note that this offer only includes the Loot Data Files and not the entire config of RaidableBases.
    Installation Instructions:
    Download the archive and extract its contents. Turn off the RaidableBases plugin on your server. Copy the contents of the extracted archive into the "/oxide/data/RaidableBases" folder. When prompted to overwrite existing files, confirm the action. Turn the RaidableBases plugin back on.  
    By integrating this config into your existing setup, you'll achieve a fair and balanced loot system that maintains challenge and enjoyment without dominating gameplay.
    We hope you enjoy using this optimized loot config and experience an improved and fair gaming experience on Rust Server!
    Wishing you lots of fun,
    Entdecken Sie unsere sorgfältig gestaltete Config für die Loot-Tabelle von RaidableBases, die ein ausgewogenes Verhältnis zwischen fairem Loot und nicht übermächtigem (OP) Loot bietet.
    Diese Config wurde speziell entwickelt, um das Spielerlebnis zu verbessern und unnötige oder veraltete Items aus dem aktiven Spiel zu entfernen.
    Die Config enthält folgende Anpassungen:
    Entfernung aller obsoleten Items, die im aktiven Spiel nicht mehr benötigt werden.
    Erhebliche Reduzierung der Häufigkeit von OP Gegenständen wie Autoturrets, C4 und Sulfur, um die Spielbalance zu wahren.
    Perfekte Ergänzung für bestehende RaidableBases Addons, wie die fertigen Pakete von NIVEX, um den Loot anzupassen und das Spielerlebnis zu optimieren.
    Bitte beachten Sie, dass es sich bei diesem Angebot lediglich um die Loot Data Files handelt und nicht um die gesamte Config von RaidableBases.
    Laden Sie das Archiv herunter und entpacken Sie es. Schalten Sie das RaidableBases Plugin auf Ihrem Server aus. Kopieren Sie den Inhalt des entpackten Archivs in den Ordner "/oxide/data/RaidableBases". Wenn Sie dazu aufgefordert werden, ob vorhandene Dateien überschrieben werden sollen, bestätigen Sie dies. Schalten Sie das RaidableBases Plugin wieder ein.  
    Durch die Integration dieser Config in Ihr bestehendes Setup erhalten Sie ein faires und ausgewogenes Loot-System, das die Herausforderung und den Spielspaß aufrecht erhält, ohne das Gameplay zu dominieren.
    Ich hoffe, dass Sie mit dieser optimierten Loot-Config viel Spaß haben und ein verbessertes sowie faires Spielerlebnis auf Ihren Server erleben!
    Viel Spaß wünscht Ihnen,
  3. More information about "Admin Map"


    Admin Map

    Admin Map is an innovative plugin for the game of Rust, designed to make server administration easier and improve the quality of the gaming experience. Focused on optimization and functionality, this plugin provides admins with the tools to effectively control players, minimizing the negative impact on the server and other participants.
    Main features:
    Interactive map with players: Admin Map provides server admins with a detailed and user-friendly map showing the positions of all players. This allows admins to easily monitor player activity and movements, and quickly detect suspicious activity. Large variety of different admin map layers:
    - Marker,
    - Text ,
    - Sleeper,
    - TC,
    - Stash,
    - Sleeping Bag Quick Commands on Players: The plugin allows admins to perform quick actions on players directly from the map. Send messages, punish or help players in real time, minimizing reaction time and increasing interaction efficiency. Minimal server load: One of the key features of Admin Map is its low server load. All processing takes place solely on the client side, which means that the plugin will not slow down the server or create additional delays for players. This makes it an ideal choice even for servers with high traffic. Ease of use: The plugin's intuitive user interface provides admins with easy access to functionality. Navigating the map, sending commands and monitoring players is done with minimal effort, making server administration easy. Customization: Admin Map provides admins with the option to customize the functionality to suit their needs. Scanning area, available commands,  buttons, permissions and other options. Hardcore bypass: Admins will be able to access the map on servers with the hardcore game mode installed.
    After permission is granted, it is necessary to rejoin the server Support in RUST+: You will be able to view players online on the map directly in your phone without going to the server! Admin Map is an innovative solution that combines convenience, functionality and optimization. It provides administrators with tools to effectively manage players without negatively impacting gameplay and other server participants. The Admin Map plugin is an essential asset for any Rust server administrator looking to create a comfortable and safe gaming environment.
    adminmap.allow - for use adminmap and hardcore bypass adminmap.<button perm> - any permissions specified in the button settings adminmap.teleport2marker - teleportation by marker via CTRL+RMB adminmap.invis - hide player from the player map adminmap.rust+ - enable rust+ admin map adminmap.rust+.invis - hide from rust+ admin map (recommended in case of giving the map to players)
    /amap - show sidebar /amap off - disable everything and hide the sidebar  
    Color designations on the cupboards map:

    Default Config:
    { "Auto show sidebar panel": true, "Open the admin menu instead of the action menu": false, "Text Map Settings": { "Font size": 8.0, "Use color generation for teams?": true, "Color for team": "ffaf4d", "Color for solo player": "9bd92f", "Color for sleeper": "404040" }, "Command Buttons": [ { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "TP", "Command": "teleport {steamid}", "Color": "1 1 1 1" }, { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "TP2ME", "Command": "teleport {steamid} {admin.steamid}", "Color": "1 1 1 1" }, { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "INV", "Command": "/viewinv {username}", "Color": "1 1 1 1" }, { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "SPECTATE", "Command": "spectate {steamid}", "Color": "1 1 1 1" }, { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "KILL", "Command": "kill {steamid}", "Color": "0.9 0.1 0.25 1" }, { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "KICK", "Command": "kick {steamid}", "Color": "0.9 0.1 0.25 1" }, { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "SHOW\nTEAMMATES", "Command": "adminmap.cmd show_player_teammates {steamid}", "Color": "1 1 1 1" }, { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "SHOW\nPRIVLIDGES", "Command": "adminmap.cmd show_player_privlidges {steamid}", "Color": "1 1 1 1" }, { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "SHOW\nSLEEPING\nBAGS", "Command": "adminmap.cmd show_player_sleepingbags {steamid}", "Color": "1 1 1 1" }, { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "SHOW\nSTASHES", "Command": "adminmap.cmd show_player_stashes {steamid}", "Color": "1 1 1 1" } ] }  
    Button Library:
    Give item to player for AdminMenu by  k1lly0u  | Minimum required version 1.0.1 { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "GIVE", "Command": "adminmenu.callback {steamid}.4;adminmenu.callback {steamid}.4", "Color": "1 1 1 1" } Permanent ban
    { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "BAN", "Command": "ban {steamid}", "Color": "1 0 0 1" } View backpack (for Backpack Pro)
    { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "Backpack", "Command": "/b {steamid}", "Color": "1 1 1 1" } View backpack (for Backpacks plugin from uMod)
    { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "Backpack", "Command": "viewbackpack {steamid}", "Color": "1 1 1 1" }  Spectate
    { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "SPECTATE", "Command": "spectate {steamid}", "Color": "1 1 1 1" }  
    If you want to add buttons here, message me on my discord server
  4. More information about "Paraplane"



    I introduce to you a brand new plugin to make custom and configurable use of the new addition of parachutes to the game of Rust! This plugin will add the ability for players on your server to use a Paraplane! Paragliders have the ability to gain altitude with the help of an engine on the player's back, as well as gain more speed in comparison with a parachute.
    You can create a great number of paraglider presets that can differ in HP, Speed, Drag, Fuel Consumption, and more! This plugin will give you the opportunity to create countless presets, your imagination is one of the only limitations! You can create parachute presets without an engine, where you can also configure and customize the default and additional parachutes that can appear in your loot tables.
    Paraplanes and Custom Parachutes can be given to yourself or players with the use of commands, or you can add them to any of your existing loot tables! The plugin comes with configuration options to place them in whatever loot tables you decide.

    Paraglider control
    The control of the paraglider completely coincides with the control of the parachute. To climb, hold down the [S] key and the engine key [SHIFT].
    By default, to turn on the engine, the player needs to have fuel in the inventory.
    Chat commands (only for administrators)
    - /giveparaplane <paraplanePresetName>
    Console commands (RCON only)
    - giveparaplane  <paraplanePresetName> <userid> <amount>
    - plugin_en – example of plugin configuration in English
    - plugin_ru – example of plugin configuration in Russian
    My Discord: Adem#9554
    Join the Mad Mappers Discord here!
    Check out more of my work here!
  5. More information about "Biplane"



    This plugin will add a biplane to your server! You can configure its spawn on any monuments, give it as an item, and also put it up for sale in a custom AirWolf store, which is included in the plugin.
    The biplane can shoot rockets and drop bombs!
    In the plugin, you can create various configurations of biplanes, in which you can change their speed and power, set the number of slots in the box, allow or prohibit firing rockets and bombing, etc. The biplane can be placed on a standard carlift, in which the engine can be replaced or the aircraft repaired.

    W – thrust; Mouse – direction; A/D – cren axis; Left mouse button – rocket shot; Right mouse button – dropping the bomb;  
    Chat commands:
    /biplanemonument – adds the monument you are on in the plugin config; /biplanemonumentpoint – adds a random spawn point to the monument you are on; /biplaneseller – sets the spawn point of the seller on the monument you are on; /biplanesellerpoint – sets the spawn point of the biplane after purchase on the monument you are on; /givebiplane <itempresetname> – give yourself a biplane item. /biplanecustomspawnpoint - adds a custom biplane spawn point in your position  
    Console commands
    givebiplane <itempresetname> – give yourself a biplane item; givebiplane <itempresetname> <userid> –  give a biplane to player.  
    Plugin Config
    en – example of plugin configuration in English ru – example of plugin configuration in Russian  
    My Discord: Adem#9554
    Join the Mad Mappers Discord here!
    Check out more of my work here!


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