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Raidable Bases Loot Table Editor 1.4.8

   (15 reviews)

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Il y a 1 heure, Bee a dit :

J'aime ça@Delltus, n'y ai pas pensé. L'outil à l'air plutôt cool aussi, qu'as-tu utilisé pour faire ça ?

ma discord delltus

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6 hours ago, BrettG said:

This is a life saver. Thanks for making this. My only suggestion is to add the ability to toggle off / bypass the delete confirmation warning to skip clicks when wanting to delete a lot of stuff.

Oh you're right, that must be annoying when deleting alot of items.

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On 7/25/2023 at 3:34 AM, beee said:

Oh you're right, that must be annoying when deleting alot of items.

In addition to this, Mass remove would be great too. For example, i use one of the pre-built loot tables, but it includes EVERY item, most being 0 to spawn, so having to go thru and delete each one individually is super annoying. 

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On 4/5/2023 at 7:50 AM, Thang Duong said:

can you help me to identify which folder should I use for editing ? I have quite many loot folder and everything started to get fuzzy here @@


You edit the lists in "Editable_Lists" and when happy with the result you move them to Base_Loot and Difficulty_Loot accordingly.

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Don't know if this has been suggested yet but I'd love to possibly view 2 different loot tables at a time. 
ie: Load Easy & Medium base loot and see them side by side and edit from there, then export separately. Don't know if this could even be done but would be nice to then refer back to my lower tiers and make sure my numbers coincide with levels and are progressive.

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19 hours ago, Country_Sass said:

Don't know if this has been suggested yet but I'd love to possibly view 2 different loot tables at a time. 
ie: Load Easy & Medium base loot and see them side by side and edit from there, then export separately. Don't know if this could even be done but would be nice to then refer back to my lower tiers and make sure my numbers coincide with levels and are progressive.

Will consider having a multi profile comparison view, but can't promise it would be anytime soon.

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6 hours ago, beee said:

Will consider having a multi profile comparison view, but can't promise it would be anytime soon.

Completely understand! Would be a great feature to have in the future! 🙂


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On 9/28/2023 at 11:35 PM, Country_Sass said:

Don't know if this has been suggested yet but I'd love to possibly view 2 different loot tables at a time. 
ie: Load Easy & Medium base loot and see them side by side and edit from there, then export separately. Don't know if this could even be done but would be nice to then refer back to my lower tiers and make sure my numbers coincide with levels and are progressive.

You can run multiple instances of the same app at once; shift + double click.

Edited by Fangs
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Feature Request:

If the item has been selected to be added to the loot table, don't show the icon as available to be selected or allow an option for this.  Will make finding things that have not been added to the loot table much easier.

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Feature Request:  Summary Screen.  

Select Base Loot file.

Select Difficulty Loot file.

Summaries probabilities and min/max amounts of entries.  Noting that double entries may exist in the loot tables.  For example, a loot table with the opportunity to have low amount of loot spawning and high amount of loot spawning in the same table like the example below.


Easy Base Loot Table

    "shortname": "grenade.beancan",
    "name": null,
    "amount": 3,
    "skin": 0,
    "amountMin": 1,
    "probability": 1.0,
    "stacksize": -1



Easy Difficulty Loot Table

    "shortname": "grenade.beancan",
    "name": null,
    "amount": 15,
    "skin": 0,
    "amountMin": 3,
    "probability": 0.8,
    "stacksize": -1
  },  {
    "shortname": "grenade.beancan",
    "name": null,
    "amount": 25,
    "skin": 0,
    "amountMin": 10,
    "probability": 0.05,
    "stacksize": -1


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Adding the Probability to the editor made a MASSIVE difference in how quickly these loot tables can be edited and reviewed.  And the color coding was a great idea!  Incredibly helpful!  Thank you!

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These recent updates are great: the performance difference is really noticeable and the color coding combined with workshop item support makes it incredibly easy to iterate on loot tables.  Thanks for supporting this tool!

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Thank you so much for this tool. My suggestion is to have shortcut or option under right click to quickly disable item instead of having to edit and set max amount to 0(I don't want to remove, just disable it)

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On 9/16/2023 at 10:35 PM, aimacak said:

@beee hello, may be u can add support prefabs? like crate.normal, bradley.crate and etc? thanks

@bee can, your answer, please? its will be very good function, no? or its difficult very much? ;(

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12 minutes ago, aimacak said:

@bee can, your answer, please? its will be very good function, no? or its difficult very much? ;(

If you mean you wanna change the server loot for crates/barrels etc., you need an ingame plugin like AlphaLoot or "Loot Table & Stacksize GUI" or Custom Loot.

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2 minutes ago, beee said:

If you mean you wanna change the server loot for crates/barrels etc., you need an ingame plugin like AlphaLoot or "Loot Table & Stacksize GUI" or Custom Loot.

no, I mean that I will specify, for example, bradley_crate, and the loot will be automatically generated, for example, from rustlabs, or from game files, if possible

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39 minutes ago, aimacak said:

no, I mean that I will specify, for example, bradley_crate, and the loot will be automatically generated, for example, from rustlabs, or from game files, if possible

Ah you mean you want to put in raidable bases loot similar to drops from crates? If so I can look into it later but can't promise that will be added as i doubt there are reliable/accessible sources + it will be too much work for the general need. 

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5 minutes ago, beee said:

Ah you mean you want to put in raidable bases loot similar to drops from crates? If so I can look into it later but can't promise that will be added as i doubt there are reliable/accessible sources + it will be too much work for the general need. 

I did something similar in a Google Sheet, but it's not perfect 😉

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Thanks for this - it's super helpful! Here are some thoughts/ideas I captured while using this to make initial loot tables for my server:

  1. Left and right views using the same category order would be helpful, even if that means reordering the categories in the profile file.
  2. Navigating tables would be quicker if the left and right views were combined into one big one, with stuff in the database but not in the profile just greyed out or hidden via a toggle (may address items #1 & #8).
  3. Nivex says there's no functional difference between "disabled" and not in profile, so an option to just remove those might be useful.
  4. Adding a multiple selection of items to the loot table would benefit from "yes to all" and "no to all" options for the "already contains" popup.
  5. I keep forgetting to activate the checkboxes when bulk editing multiple-selected items, so it would be helpful for them to auto-enable when modifying the related data field.
  6. Water jug, mushroom, drone icons look wrong/outdated.
  7. When saving the current table as a different filename, the active filename doesn't change to match.
  8. Adding an item from the left list to the loot table often causes the latter to jump, such that I have to scroll back to where I was (could be related to differing category orders?).
  9. A "test" button that uses similar logic to RB to roll up sets of example loot would be useful for getting an idea of what results to expect from the current table.
  10. When editing a min/max amount, trying to backspace and re-enter a digit often erases multiple digits for some reason.
  11. RB rewrites loot table files on load, and stores the fields in a different order than the editor does. This makes it hard to compare things in a diff tool. Matching the field order would avoid this.
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2 hours ago, HunterZ said:

Thanks for this - it's super helpful! Here are some thoughts/ideas I captured while using this to make initial loot tables for my server:

  1. Left and right views using the same category order would be helpful, even if that means reordering the categories in the profile file.
  2. Navigating tables would be quicker if the left and right views were combined into one big one, with stuff in the database but not in the profile just greyed out or hidden via a toggle (may address items #1 & #8).
  3. Nivex says there's no functional difference between "disabled" and not in profile, so an option to just remove those might be useful.
  4. Adding a multiple selection of items to the loot table would benefit from "yes to all" and "no to all" options for the "already contains" popup.
  5. I keep forgetting to activate the checkboxes when bulk editing multiple-selected items, so it would be helpful for them to auto-enable when modifying the related data field.
  6. Water jug, mushroom, drone icons look wrong/outdated.
  7. When saving the current table as a different filename, the active filename doesn't change to match.
  8. Adding an item from the left list to the loot table often causes the latter to jump, such that I have to scroll back to where I was (could be related to differing category orders?).
  9. A "test" button that uses similar logic to RB to roll up sets of example loot would be useful for getting an idea of what results to expect from the current table.
  10. When editing a min/max amount, trying to backspace and re-enter a digit often erases multiple digits for some reason.
  11. RB rewrites loot table files on load, and stores the fields in a different order than the editor does. This makes it hard to compare things in a diff tool. Matching the field order would avoid this.
  1. Will look into that.
  2. That could cause an issue of not being able to add Custom Items easily, you might want to have many items that are based on the same shortname. It would need rework of the UI which I doubt I will do but will keep in mind.
  3. Will include a remove disabled option next update.
  4. Will look into that.
  5. Will look into that.
  6. If you have Rust client installed on same machine, you can delete the images from the Assets folder and it will grab up to date images from steam folder.
  7. Will fix next update.
  8. Will look into that.
  9. Due to several other variables that define how much loot will show up (Profile settings, Bases boxes) + me having to use a chunk of the paid plugin code to generate, I doubt that will be added at this time.
  10. Couldn't replicate.
  11. Will look into that.
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Hello, after the raidbase plugin was divided into several languages, the editor stopped working with tables in another language, is it possible to support these languages?

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