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Version 2.1.9
The purpose of this plugin is to restrict the entities that players can build. You can limit any entity based on its prefab. To get the full list of supported prefabs use limitentities.list console command. There are two types of limits available: global and building. For building limit checks, if a cupboard is placed, the limits of the cupboard owner will apply. If no cupboard is placed, the restrictions of the owner of the first block will apply. When you run the plugin for the first time, no players will be limited. To apply limits, you must assign one or more permissions from your config file to a player/group. The plugin also tracks permission changes, so you will not need to restart the plugin after giving a player new permission or adding them to a VIP group, etc. This plugin is designed to be efficient and performant even on highly loaded servers. All growables are fully excluded from the count, so you can't limit any growables with this plugin, and players are free to plant them. I was considering adding this as an option, but it can significantly reduce performance, so at this point, I decided to refrain from it. This plugin now supports `Entity Groups`, and group names are translatable. All newly created groups are added to the language files on plugin load. You are free to create as many groups as you want or remove them all. The only thing you should keep in mind is that if you added an entity to a group, you can't add the same entity to `Limits Entities`, you must use the `Group name`. Note: If you want to have "beautiful" names even on English only, please, install Rust Translation API plugin or you will have a short prefab names only. ## Permissions limitentities.immunity -- Allows player to not being limited by this plugin limitentities.admin -- Allows player to check other player limits and execute console command More permissions with limits are created in config file (see Configuration section below) ## Commands /limits <player name | steamid> (optional) -- Get current limits list for a player. If player doesn't have admin permission or player name/id is empty - current player limit will be shown limitentities.list (console only) - print all tracked prefabs list into log file. Requires admin rights (can be used in server console/RCON) ## Configuration You can remove unnecessary default permissions and also add as many permissions as you want. For cases where the player has more than one, the permission with the higher priority will be applied. Note: To improve performance grant permissions only to players you want to apply limits or use immunity permission to disable limits entirely Enable / disable notifications / logging Set SteamIDIcon steamid to set desired account icon in chat messages Set commands list (default are "limits", "limit") Set the % at which limit notifications appear. If set to 0 notification will appear only when limit is already reached Add entity prefab name to Excluded list and plugin will ignore that prefab completely Use Entity Groups to combine entities and set a common limit for the entire group The same entity cannot be in both Group Entities list and Limits Entities simultaneously Prevent excessive merging of buildings may impact performance, so enable it at your own risk ## Localization Plugins phrases are available on 3 languages out of the box: English, Ukrainian and Russian Plugin supports Rust Translation API which allows you to have entities names on any language Rust supports There is a free version on uMod, why do you even need this plugin? First of all, this plugin was designed to be efficient and performant. It uses unique caching system that should not consume no additional server resources Much more efficient building limit control system even without cupboard placed More accurate mechanism for notification messages Allows you to prevent entities placement if limit is set to 0 Supports Rust Translation API so you can have full support of any language Rust supports Supports Entity Groups ! Supports checks to prevent excessive merging of buildings Supports Abandoned Bases plugin$25.00 -
Version 0.1.6
What is it? Player Entity Remover gives player/admin with permission ability to remove all entities of any other player. You can also set in config to delete player's entities after he gets banned. Usage If someone spammed entities on the map, you can easily clean them like this OR if you have it set in config then just ban him and it will auto-delete his entities. Permissions playerentityremover.use -- Gives player permission to use the command. playerentityremover.bypass -- Gives you a protection when a one of these hooks get called: OnPlayerBanned, OnPlayerDeath Commands /entremove (playerName/playerID) - Chat command entremove (playerName/playerID) - Console command Localization { "NoPerms": "You don't have permission to use this command!", "Syntax": "Syntax: /entremove playerName", "NoPlayer": "Player not found!", "RemoveMessage": "Removing {0}'s entities...({1})", "NoEnts": "No entities found for this player." } Configuration { "Remove player's entities if banned": true, "Remove player's entities on death": false }Free -
Version 1.0.5
Allows admins to spawn entities in different monuments. Setup your entities and positions once and you will have them spawn on every map no matter the seed or size in the desired monument! Commands: /getmonumentpos (Requires admin access) Use the command to get the proper position within the monument, rotation wise pick any value until you have the desired entity's position Configuration: { "Monument name & their entities": { "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/harbor/harbor_1.prefab": [ { "IsEnabled": false, "Prefab": "Example: assets/prefabs/misc/marketplace/marketplace.prefab (More at:", "Position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Rotation": 0.0 }, { "IsEnabled": false, "Prefab": "Example: assets/prefabs/misc/marketplace/marketplace.prefab (More at:", "Position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Rotation": 0.0 } ], "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/harbor/harbor_2.prefab": [ { "IsEnabled": false, "Prefab": "Example: assets/prefabs/misc/marketplace/marketplace.prefab (More at:", "Position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Rotation": 0.0 }, { "IsEnabled": false, "Prefab": "Example: assets/prefabs/misc/marketplace/marketplace.prefab (More at:", "Position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Rotation": 0.0 } ], "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/fishing_village/fishing_village_a.prefab": [ { "IsEnabled": false, "Prefab": "Example: assets/prefabs/misc/marketplace/marketplace.prefab (More at:", "Position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Rotation": 0.0 }, { "IsEnabled": false, "Prefab": "Example: assets/prefabs/misc/marketplace/marketplace.prefab (More at:", "Position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Rotation": 0.0 } ], "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/fishing_village/fishing_village_b.prefab": [ { "IsEnabled": false, "Prefab": "Example: assets/prefabs/misc/marketplace/marketplace.prefab (More at:", "Position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Rotation": 0.0 }, { "IsEnabled": false, "Prefab": "Example: assets/prefabs/misc/marketplace/marketplace.prefab (More at:", "Position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Rotation": 0.0 } ], "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/fishing_village/fishing_village_b.prefab": [ { "IsEnabled": false, "Prefab": "Example: assets/prefabs/misc/marketplace/marketplace.prefab (More at:", "Position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Rotation": 0.0 }, { "IsEnabled": false, "Prefab": "Example: assets/prefabs/misc/marketplace/marketplace.prefab (More at:", "Position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Rotation": 0.0 } ], "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/large/launch_site_1.prefab": [ { "IsEnabled": false, "Prefab": "Example: assets/prefabs/misc/marketplace/marketplace.prefab (More at:", "Position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Rotation": 0.0 }, { "IsEnabled": false, "Prefab": "Example: assets/prefabs/misc/marketplace/marketplace.prefab (More at:", "Position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Rotation": 0.0 } ], "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/large/excavator_1.prefab": [ { "IsEnabled": false, "Prefab": "Example: assets/prefabs/misc/marketplace/marketplace.prefab (More at:", "Position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Rotation": 0.0 }, { "IsEnabled": false, "Prefab": "Example: assets/prefabs/misc/marketplace/marketplace.prefab (More at:", "Position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Rotation": 0.0 } ], "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/large/powerplant_1.prefab": [ { "IsEnabled": true, "Prefab": "assets/prefabs/misc/marketplace/marketplace.prefab", "Position": { "x": -107.1058, "y": 0.319108, "z": -49.09481 }, "Rotation": 110.0 }, { "IsEnabled": false, "Prefab": "Example: assets/prefabs/misc/marketplace/marketplace.prefab (More at:", "Position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Rotation": 0.0 } ], "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/large/trainyard_1.prefab": [ { "IsEnabled": false, "Prefab": "Example: assets/prefabs/misc/marketplace/marketplace.prefab (More at:", "Position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Rotation": 0.0 }, { "IsEnabled": false, "Prefab": "Example: assets/prefabs/misc/marketplace/marketplace.prefab (More at:", "Position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Rotation": 0.0 } ], "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/large/junkyard_1.prefab": [ { "IsEnabled": false, "Prefab": "Example: assets/prefabs/misc/marketplace/marketplace.prefab (More at:", "Position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Rotation": 0.0 }, { "IsEnabled": false, "Prefab": "Example: assets/prefabs/misc/marketplace/marketplace.prefab (More at:", "Position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Rotation": 0.0 } ], "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/large/airfield_1.prefab": [ { "IsEnabled": false, "Prefab": "Example: assets/prefabs/misc/marketplace/marketplace.prefab (More at:", "Position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Rotation": 0.0 }, { "IsEnabled": false, "Prefab": "Example: assets/prefabs/misc/marketplace/marketplace.prefab (More at:", "Position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Rotation": 0.0 } ], "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/large/water_treatment_plant_1.prefab": [ { "IsEnabled": false, "Prefab": "Example: assets/prefabs/misc/marketplace/marketplace.prefab (More at:", "Position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Rotation": 0.0 }, { "IsEnabled": false, "Prefab": "Example: assets/prefabs/misc/marketplace/marketplace.prefab (More at:", "Position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Rotation": 0.0 } ], "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/medium/compound.prefab": [ { "IsEnabled": false, "Prefab": "Example: assets/prefabs/misc/marketplace/marketplace.prefab (More at:", "Position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Rotation": 0.0 }, { "IsEnabled": false, "Prefab": "Example: assets/prefabs/misc/marketplace/marketplace.prefab (More at:", "Position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Rotation": 0.0 } ], "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/medium/bandit_town.prefab": [ { "IsEnabled": false, "Prefab": "Example: assets/prefabs/misc/marketplace/marketplace.prefab (More at:", "Position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Rotation": 0.0 }, { "IsEnabled": false, "Prefab": "Example: assets/prefabs/misc/marketplace/marketplace.prefab (More at:", "Position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Rotation": 0.0 } ], "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/small/sphere_tank.prefab": [ { "IsEnabled": false, "Prefab": "Example: assets/prefabs/misc/marketplace/marketplace.prefab (More at:", "Position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Rotation": 0.0 }, { "IsEnabled": false, "Prefab": "Example: assets/prefabs/misc/marketplace/marketplace.prefab (More at:", "Position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Rotation": 0.0 } ] } }$10.00 -
Version 1.0.8
Terminator stops unwanted rust world spawns and kills rust events and entities via command. Features Ability to toggle config settings via console. One time Kill or continual kill. Item count. Sets server convars where available to lighten load. Commands There are 3 main console commands.. DoIt/DoItNow/Comeon. and 12 variables. Bradley/Plane/Heli/CH47/Mini/Scrap/Horse/Hab/Boats/Ores/Cols/Animals/Logs/Wood/ModCars Bradley is the tank found usually at launch site Plane is the Cargo plane that drops air drops Heli is the attack helicopter Ch47 is the chinook (this will break oil rig events if true) Mini is MiniCopters Scrap is Scrap Transport Helicopters Horse is both wild horse and ridable horse Hab is Hot Air Balloon Boats is Row and RHIB Boats Ores are all mineable Ore Cols are Collectable entities (Pumpkins, Hemp, Corn, Stone, Metal, Sulfur, Wood, Halloween Cross, Easter Eggs...etc Wood are Driftwood Logs Logs found in the floor of the woods Animals is all Animals (Bear, Bore, Stag, Wolf etc) ModCars is the new modular cars. DoIt followed by a variable will toggle the config property E.g. DoIt Mini [Terminator] Terminating Minicopters is set to True DoIt Mini [Terminator] Terminating Minicopters is set to False DoItNow followed by a variable will destroy all active entities of that type. (Also has the extra variable ALL) E.g. DoItNow Mini [Terminator] Terminating MiniCopters [Terminator] None Out ComeOn Will count active items on the map from all of the variable options. E.g. ComeOn [Terminator] There are 16 Minicopters Alive [Terminator] There are 7 Scrap Helis Alive [Terminator] There are 9 Horses Alive [Terminator] There are 9 HotAirBalloons Alive [Terminator] There are 900 Ores Alive [Terminator] There are 2152 Collectable Entites Alive [Terminator] There are 45 Boat Entites Alive [Terminator] There are 143 Animals Entites Alive Configuration The settings and options for this plugin can be configured in the Terminator.json file under the oxide/config directory. The use of a JSON editor or validation site such as is recommended to avoid formatting issues and syntax errors. { "Kill BradleyAPC true/false": false, "Kill CargoPlane true/false": false, "Kill CargoShip true/false": false, "Kill Attack Heli true/false": false, "Kill Ch47 true/false": false, "Kill MiniCopters true/false": false, "Kill Scrap Helis true/false": false, "Kill Horses true/false": false, "Kill HotAirBalloons true/false": false, "Kill Ores true/false": false, "Kill Collectable Entites true/false": false, "Kill Boat Entites true/false": false, "Kill Animals true/false": false, "Kill Modular Cars true/false": false "Default Population Value For Scrap Transport Helis": 0, "Default Population Value For Minicopters": 0, "Default Population Value For Wild Horses": 1, "Default Population Value For Rideable Horses": 4, "Default Population Value For Hot Air Ballons": 1, "Default Population Value For Row Boats": 4, "Default Population Value For Rhibs": 1, "Default Population Value For Bears": 2, "Default Population Value For Chickens": 3, "Default Population Value For Stags": 3, "Default Population Value For Wolves": 2, "Default Population Value For Boars": 5, "Default Population Value For Modular Cars": 3 } Kill options are toggleable via the DoIt Command. Default Population Values are what the server expects as a default number when NOT terminating the item in question... This has been added as some servers (after the Vehicle update) have chosen to still have MiniCopters and Scrapcopters spawn in the wild... E.g. "Default Population Value For Minicopters": 1 << would be the default value before the update. (now 0) When the plugin is loaded it will set the server convars to the value in the config and when terminating is disabled. Example Setup In this example we want to remove Ores only... Dropping in the plugin will update Server Convars as per the rules set out in the config. [Terminator] Update Server Values scraptransporthelicopter.population: "1" minicopter.population: "1" horse.population: "1" ridablehorse.population: "4" hotairballoon.population: "1" cargoship.event_enabled: "True" [Terminator] Bradley Not Being Terminated [Terminator] Plane Not Being Terminated [Terminator] Heli Not Being Terminated [Terminator] Chinook Not Being Terminated [Terminator] Ores Not Being Terminated [Terminator] Collectables Not Being Terminated motorrowboat.population: "4" rhib.rhibpopulation: "1" bear.population: "2" chicken.population: "3" stag.population: "3" wolf.population: "2" boar.population: "5" By default the Config value for Terminating Ores is false.. so lets set it to true doit ores [Terminator] Terminating Ores is set to True And then lets kill any ores that have spawned on the map before the rule was set doitnow ores [Terminator] Terminating Ores [Terminator] Terminating Ores [Terminator] Terminating Ores [Terminator] Terminating Ores [Terminator] Terminating Ores [Terminator] None Out Now to confirm, if we run ComeOn we can see there are no longer any Ores on the map comeon [Terminator] There are 18 Minicopters Alive [Terminator] There are 9 Scrap Helis Alive [Terminator] There are 36 Horses Alive [Terminator] There are 9 HotAirBalloons Alive [Terminator] There are 3498 Collectable Entites Alive [Terminator] There are 45 Boat Entites Alive [Terminator] There are 143 Animals Entites Alive Lather, Rinse, Repeat for the Variables you want. Video FAQ. Horse When I Kill horses it says [Terminator] Terminating Horse Part1 but no part two... Part 1 is Rideable horses Part 2 is Wild horses. Its fine to see one without the other. Spam When I run a doitnow command there is a log of network spam. This is intentional to show that the plugin is working per variable. The doitnow all command does not do this. nothing out/ not out After running a doitnow command it says terminating and then nothing out or not out. Correct.. it validates that it has killed them all and reports that they are gone. If you have any questions or problems, join my discord$5.00 -
Version 3.1.0
IMRG plugins are currently not for sale. Additionally the "IMR Tools Package" are (or soon to be) unlisted. Those who've already bought our plugins are welcome to still submit support request if necessary. Once we've more time to allocate to Codefling plugins will be relisted again as well as more added. Entity Control is a powerful all-in-one entity-controlling plugin offering virtually complete admin control over which entities players on the server can place, where they can place them, and how many they can place, with many advanced features. Because mass entities like bases with huge block counts or other unregulated entities like Large Furnaces, Wind Turbines, Disco items, Xmas Lights, and more, can greatly reduce both server frames and client frames (two different forms of FPS), it is especially critical to limit how many can be used in order to troubleshoot or optimize performance for your server and players. This plugin can also be used to allow or disallow specific groups of players access to or from specific entities or specific quantities of those entities, or used for special occasions like events and more; the sky is the limit, and this plugin gives admins the control they need. List of entity names for the config can be found here: Features • Gives server owners precise control over which entities can be deployed, where they can be deployed, and how many can be deployed • Saves admins having to beg players to limit their entity counts when admins can now dynamically enforce this themselves • Can target specific groups of players or everyone at once • Controlling entities can be critical for server and client frames and therefore all around performance for your server • VIP Ready to allow specific players or groups to bypass the blocks or have different quantity amounts • Zone Manager integration (optional) to allow or disallow specific entities in specific areas or specific amounts in or out of those areas • Optional warning message when players are nearing their limit • Great performance • Highly customizable with advanced features Depends On IMR Tools Package: Always make sure you have the IMR Tools Package installed first when running any plugins by IMR Games. Works With Zone Manager: Compatibility with Zone Manager If you want to use the zones feature of the plugin. Installation - Make sure you have the IMR Tools Package installed, as explained above. - If you want to use the zones feature of this plugin, make sure you also install the Zone Manager plugin, found above. - Put this plugin in your oxide plugins folder. - It will generate a config file. - Customize and enjoy! Console Commands imrgentitycontrol.cache - Goes through all entities on server and reloads amounts for accuracy. Suggested for use before using the logcounts command. imrgentitycontrol.logcounts steamid - Shows how many relevant entities as per the config a particular player has. imrgentitycontrol.logexcess - Highlights any excess deployables that players may have outside of the configured limits. imrgentitycontrol.deleteexcess - Deletes any excess deployables that players have outside of the configured limits. Good for making sure limits are enforced or if you like, enforcing limits on a wipe that is already active but you changed the config settings and want to enforce the new limits, and so on. Permissions All permissions in this plugin are completely customizable in the config file. There can be as little or as many group as you like depending on what you want to do. The only requirement is that the beginning of the permission use the plugin name which is imrgentitycontrol. This makes the potential use cases nearly endless! Included in the default config are the following permission group examples just to demonstrate a few things you can do: - Example 1: Players can place 500 foundations, and VIP players can place 5000 foundations (With an example of the warning message feature) - Example 2: Small Oil Refineries are blocked for everyone - Example 3: Only VIP players can place Christmas lights - Example 4: Players can place 2 Large Furnaces, and VIP players can place 6 - Example 5: Players with this specific permission cannot place Wind Turbines at all, without even a VIP option (this could be useful if just simply trying to improve performance period) - Example 6: Disco deployables cannot be placed where the user is trying to place them, with a permission to bypass the block - Example 7: Auto Turrets can only be placed in a special Auto Turret Zone These are just examples, the plugin can be used in countless ways by inputting whichever prefabs you want to block/limit in whichever ways you want to block/limit them in the config below. Config { "Prefab Groups": [ { "Limits (By Zone)": [], //Optional list of Zone Manager Zones where players can or can't place entities, or controls how many they can place there. "Default Limits": { "Limit (By Permission)": { "": 5000 //Permission to allow any players with the permission to override the default limit below. Setting this to -1 would mean unlimited amount. Setting this to 0 means anyone with this permission can't place any. }, "Default Limit": 500 //The amount that all players can place of the configured entities below. Setting this to -1 would mean an unlimited amount. Setting this to 0 means they can't place any unless they have a permission bypass. }, "Shared Prefab Count": true, //If set to true, the count of prefabs below is shared. For example, if the default limit is set to 4, you can place 2 of each or 3 of one and 1 of another (using the sample prefab list below). If set to false, players can place 4 of each of those since the prefab count is NOT shared. "Warning Percentage": 0.75, // Percentage for when the warning message starts. So in this example players will start reciving warnings when they have placed 375 foundations (3750 for vips) "Limited Prefabs": [ //List of prefabs that all the above configs work with. "assets/prefabs/building core/foundation/foundation.prefab", "assets/prefabs/building core/foundation.triangle/foundation.triangle.prefab" ], "Block Chat Message": "Players can only place 500 foundations. VIP players can place 5000.", //Message players receive if trying to place an entity that is above their personal or global limit. "Warning Chat Message": "You are nearing your foundation limit. ({0} out of {1})" //Message players recive when being warning for nearing their limit. Or null to disable the warning }, { "Limits (By Zone)": [], "Default Limits": { "Limit (By Permission)": {}, "Default Limit": 0 }, "Shared Prefab Count": false, "Warning Percentage": 0.75, "Limited Prefabs": [ "assets/prefabs/deployable/oil refinery/refinery_small_deployed.prefab" ], "Block Chat Message": "Small Oil Refineries are blocked on this server", "Warning Chat Message": null }, { "Limits (By Zone)": [], "Default Limits": { "Limit (By Permission)": { "": -1 }, "Default Limit": 0 }, "Shared Prefab Count": false, "Warning Percentage": 0.75, "Limited Prefabs": [ "assets/prefabs/misc/xmas/poweredlights/xmas.advanced.lights.deployed.prefab", "assets/prefabs/misc/xmas/christmas_lights/xmas.lightstring.deployed.prefab" ], "Block Chat Message": "You must be a VIP player to place Christmas Lights", "Warning Chat Message": null }, { "Limits (By Zone)": [], "Default Limits": { "Limit (By Permission)": { "": 6 }, "Default Limit": 2 }, "Shared Prefab Count": false, "Warning Percentage": 0.75, "Limited Prefabs": [ "assets/prefabs/deployable/furnace.large/furnace.large.prefab" ], "Block Chat Message": "You can only place {1} Large Furnaces (you have already placed {0})\nVIP players can place up to 6", "Warning Chat Message": null }, { "Limits (By Zone)": [], "Default Limits": { "Limit (By Permission)": { "imrgentitycontrol.windmillblocked": 0 }, "Default Limit": -1 }, "Shared Prefab Count": false, "Warning Percentage": 0.75, "Limited Prefabs": [ "assets/prefabs/deployable/windmill/windmillsmall/electric.windmill.small.prefab" ], "Block Chat Message": "You are not allowed to place Wind Turbines", "Warning Chat Message": null }, { "Limits (By Zone)": [ { "Limit (By Permission)": { "imrgentitycontrol.discoallowed": -1 }, "Default Limit": 0, "Zone": [ "No Disco Zone" ] } ], "Default Limits": { "Limit (By Permission)": {}, "Default Limit": -1 }, "Shared Prefab Count": false, "Warning Percentage": 0.75, "Limited Prefabs": [ "assets/prefabs/voiceaudio/discofloor/discofloor.deployed.prefab", "assets/prefabs/voiceaudio/discoball/discoball.deployed.prefab", "assets/prefabs/voiceaudio/discofloor/skins/discofloor.largetiles.deployed.prefab" ], "Block Chat Message": "Disco Deployables may not be used in this Zone unless you have a special permission", "Warning Chat Message": null }, { "Limits (By Zone)": [ { "Limit (By Permission)": {}, "Default Limit": -1, "Zone": [ "Auto Turret Zone" ] } ], "Default Limits": { "Limit (By Permission)": {}, "Default Limit": 0 }, "Shared Prefab Count": false, "Warning Percentage": 0.75, "Limited Prefabs": [ "assets/prefabs/npc/autoturret/autoturret_deployed.prefab" ], "Block Chat Message": "Auto Turrets may only be placed in the Auto Turret Zone", "Warning Chat Message": null }, { "Limits (By Zone)": [], "Default Limits": { "Limit (By Permission)": {}, "Default Limit": 3 }, "Shared Prefab Count": true, "Warning Percentage": 0.75, "Limited Prefabs": [ "assets/prefabs/deployable/tier 1 workbench/workbench1.deployed.prefab", "assets/prefabs/deployable/tier 2 workbench/workbench2.deployed.prefab", "assets/prefabs/deployable/tier 3 workbench/workbench3.deployed.prefab" ], "Block Chat Message": "You can only have {1} Workbenches in total", "Warning Chat Message": null } ] } Lang All messages players receive related to prefab blocks or allowances are in the config file per group. They can be customized for the exact purpose you need them. Notes - If a prefab is not covered in the config, it is simply not limited/controlled/affected by permissions in any way. It is simply untouched and unaffected by this plugin and works like normal.$6.99- 9 comments