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About Me

Found 4 results

  1. Mercury


    Version 2.65.46


    IQChat - a comprehensive system for managing your server's chat. This plugin has proven itself since 2019 and remains a unique chat system plugin to this day. Extensive functionality in a beautiful design, with a large base of plugins that work seamlessly with it! The Choice of the Majority! This plugin is the choice of the majority of servers. I am grateful to everyone who has left and continues to leave reviews; you help and motivate to work better! List of Features: NEW! Gradient Support: You can now use gradients in various elements: prefixes, nickname colors, message colors, additional tag colors (plugins: Clans/XLevel/XPrison, etc.) How to use a gradient in the configuration? Let's go through an example of setting colors for a nickname: "List and customization of colors for a nickname": [ { "Permission": "iqchat.default", "Argument": "#FF0000, #FF3300, #FF6600, #FF9900, #FFCC00, #FFFF00, #CCFF00, #99FF00, #66FF00, #33FF00", "Block the player's ability to select this parameter in the plugin menu (true - yes/false - no)": false }, ], This works similarly for message colors and other settings where HEX is specified as the "Argument". Example with setting a prefix: you simply assign each letter its own color to create a gradient. "List of prefixes and their settings": [ { "Permission": "iqchat.vip", "Argument": "<color=#FF0000>[<color=#FF3300>V<color=#FF6600>I<color=#FF9900>P<color=#FFCC00>]</color></color></color></color></color>", "Block the player's ability to select this parameter in the plugin menu (true - yes/false - no)": false }, ] Multilingualism to the Max! Chat is a vital part of the gaming experience, allowing players to communicate, exchange messages, or gather in groups. However, there are players who don't communicate in the primary language of your server's audience. My plugin addresses this issue! With IQChat, your players can communicate in the language they know. All messages will be translated and delivered to other players in their language! This will unlock even more potential for your server, and the chat will come alive with new colors and greater activity! (To achieve this, an additional plugin - TranslationAPI - will be required.) Examples of how players will see messages depending on their selected game language. The plugin has built-in automatic chat messages, an autoresponder, notifications for player logins and logouts—all of which support multiple languages. You can customize the messages and their translations in the plugin configuration! Player Customization: Players can set and modify their prefixes, nickname colors, and message colors based on privileges. Additionally, there is automatic support for clan plugins, which will display the clan tag in the chat. All of this can be configured and customized as desired through the configuration settings. The plugin also supports ranks from the IQRankSystem Allowing you to adjust message, nickname, and default prefix sizes for non-privileged players, providing complete control over the chat appearance! Modern Neutral UI Design: The entire UI design is crafted in a neutral style, allowing it to seamlessly integrate with your other plugins. Despite its neutrality, the UI design is well-equipped and stands out perfectly. You have the flexibility to replace images and customize the UI according to your preferences. I provide all image files along with the plugin, giving you the freedom to tailor the UI to your liking! Mute System - Chat or Voice Blocking: The plugin comes with both manual and automatic chat blocking systems. You and your moderators can track offenders and block their chat or voice using the UI interface or commands! The built-in automatic blocking is configurable in the settings, freeing you from frequent disruptions. You just need to specify the "ban word," and the plugin will promptly respond, issuing a chat mute to the offender for the time and reason you set! Automatic Mute for "Ban Word" Anti-Spam System: Built-in anti-spam protection for players that you can configure to your liking. There are two types of protection: sending messages N times per second and automatic mute for repeated messages. Unwanted Text Controller: The plugin includes a built-in nickname controller that allows you to remove unwanted text or links from your players' nicknames. Built-in chat message controller that allows you to remove or hide unwanted text or advertisements. The plugin also includes the ability to hide messages about the server administrator giving or taking items through the F1 in-game menu. Automatic Messages: The plugin is equipped with a comprehensive system of automatic messages for players! You can configure multilingual messages with your advertisements or server information at specified intervals. Messages can be sent either randomly or sequentially! Notification upon joining the server. You can configure messages that will be sent to the player after joining the server. This way, you can inform them about something or announce a new feature. Player join/leave notifications. Upon connection, you have the option to display in the chat that a player has joined the server, with support for showing their country. When a player leaves, you can display the reason for their exit. Server Assistant. The plugin is equipped with an autoresponder that sends a text notification with information to the player if they use a specific keyword. Autoresponder Example: Private Messaging System: Players can communicate with each other and have private conversations. The plugin has built-in support for player messages using the /pm and /r commands. A player can ignore another unwanted player, and they will no longer see private messages from them. Logging: Extensive logging capabilities that can be enabled separately. All logs are sent via WebHooks to your Discord channel. Supported Plugins: At the moment, the plugin already has a large base of supported plugins that work together! Supported plugins include the entire IQ plugin branch, XLevels, Clans, TranslationAPI, XPrison, Friends, and many others. This allows you to create a unified style of messages and notifications on your server. If you are a developer and want to integrate your plugin with mine, check the API tab. For any questions, feel free to contact me personally. Permissions : Permissions for prefixes, nickname color, and messages are configured manually in the configuration file! Permissions to set your nickname color in chat - iqchat.cnick Permissions to set your chat message color - iqchat.cmsg Permission to rename oneself in the chat - iqchat.renameuse Permission to use chat mute controls - iqchat.muteuse Permission for immunity to anti-spam is configured in the config - iqchat.antispamabuse Permission to create notifications - iqchat.alertuse Permission to hide oneself from the player list (/)online - iqchat.onlinehide Permission to hide the notification of a player connecting to the server - iqchat.hideconnection Permission to hide the notification of a player disconnecting from the server - iqchat.hidedisconnection Permission for the "Mute All Chat" and "Mute All Voice" buttons - iqchat.adminmuted ChatCommands : Note: Square brackets are used for convenient examples and should not be used when entering commands! /chat - open the chat control and settings menu (the chat mute control button is also located there; don't forget to grant permissions for it to appear) /cnick [HexColor (Single color or list separated by commas)] - allows you to set your own nickname color (permission required) /cmsg [HexColor (Single color or list separated by commas)] - allows you to set your own color for chat messages (permission required) /pm [Nickname] [Message] - send a player a message in private chat /r [Message] - send a message to a player participating in private chat with you /rename [New Nickname] [New SteamID (optional field, ID must exist, it will also affect opening the profile through chat and avatar)] - change your nickname, permission required, configurable in the configuration /rename.reset - resets the saved information about renaming the player (it is required to specify the Steam Api Key in the configuration) /alert [Message] - send a notification to the server, to all players /alertui [Message] - send a UI notification to all players /ignore [Nickname] - add or remove a player from the ignore list, also available in the UI interface /hmute [Nickname/STEAMID] [Reason] [Time] - set a hidden chat mute for the player for your reason (only you and the muted player will see it) /hunmute [Nickname/STEAMID] - secretly remove the chat mute /mute [Nickname/STEAMID] [Reason] [Time] - set a chat mute for the player for your reason /mutevoice [Nickname/STEAMID] [Reason] [Time] - sets a voice chat mute for the player for your specified reason /unmute [Nickname/STEAMID] - remove the chat mute /unmutevoice [Nickname/STEAMID] - remove the voice mute /unmutevoice Steam64ID - remove the voice chat mute /online - display the list of players in the chat Console Commands : Note: Square brackets are used for convenient examples and should not be used when entering commands! alertui [Message] - send a UI notification to all players alert [Message] - send a notification to the server, to all players alertuip [STEAMID] [Message] - send a UI notification to a specific player saybro [STEAMID] [Message] - send a private message to a player through the console hmute [Nickname/STEAMID] [Reason] [Time] - set a hidden chat mute for the player for your reason (only you and the muted player will see it) hunmute [Nickname/STEAMID] - secretly remove the chat mute mute [Nickname/STEAMID] [Reason] [Time] - set a chat mute for the player for your reason unmute [Nickname/STEAMID] - remove the chat mute unmutevoice [Nickname/STEAMID] - remove the voice mute mutevoice [Nickname/STEAMID] [Reason] [Time] - sets a voice chat mute for the player for your specified reason online - display the list of players in the console mutefull [Nickname/STEAMID] [Reason] [Time] - block both chat and voice chat for the player immediately set [STEAMID] prefix [Argument] - forcibly assign a prefix from the configuration Example: /set 76561198807822175 prefix vip set [STEAMID] nick [Argument] - forcibly assign a nickname color from the configuration Example: /set 76561198807822175 nick #fffff set [STEAMID] chat [Argument] - forcibly assign a chat color from the configuration Example: /set 76561198807822175 chat #fffff set [STEAMID] custom [Custom Prefix] - forcibly assign a custom prefix Example: /set 76561198807822175 custom <color=red>Sex-GIGANT</color> API : Object OnChatAlertDisconnected(BasePlayer player, String reason)- when returning null - displays a notification about the player's disconnection, otherwise - no notification. Returns the player and the reason for disconnection Object OnChatAlertConnected(BasePlayer player) - when returning null - displays a notification about the player's connection, otherwise - no notification. Returns the player void OnPlayerMuted(BasePlayer Target, BasePlayer Moderator, Int32 MuteTime, String Reason) /// - called after a player is muted void OnModeratorSendBadWords(BasePlayer Moderator, String Message) /// - called when a player with moderation rights uses a forbidden word void OnPlayerSendBadWords(BasePlayer player, String Message) /// - called when a player uses a forbidden word string API_GET_NICK_COLOR(ulong ID) ///- returns the nickname color (HEX) string API_GET_CHAT_COLOR(ulong ID) ///- returns the chat message color (HEX) string API_GET_PREFIX(ulong ID) ///- returns the player's prefix bool API_CHECK_VOICE_CHAT(ulong ID) ///- returns true/false, indicating whether the voice chat is muted bool API_CHECK_MUTE_CHAT(ulong ID) ///- returns true/false, indicating whether the chat is muted string API_GET_DEFAULT_PREFIX() ///- returns the default prefix string API_GET_DEFAULT_COLOR_NICK() ///- returns the default nickname color string API_GET_DEFAULT_COLOR_CHAT() ///- returns the default chat message color void API_SEND_PLAYER(BasePlayer player, string PlayerFormat, string Message, string Avatar, Chat.ChatChannel channel = Chat.ChatChannel.Global) ///- sends a message to a player with all formatting options void API_SEND_PLAYER_PM(BasePlayer player, string DisplayName, string userID, string Message) ///- sends a private message to a player from another player with the specified nickname void API_SEND_PLAYER_CONNECTED(string DisplayName, string country, string userID) ///- sends a "player connected" message to the global chat with the specified nickname, country, and ID; userID is used for the avatar void API_SEND_PLAYER_DISCONNECTED(string DisplayName, string reason, string userID) ///- sends a "player disconnected" message to the global chat with the specified reason, country, and ID; userID is used for the avatar void API_ALERT(string Message, Chat.ChatChannel channel = Chat.ChatChannel.Global, string CustomPrefix = "", string CustomAvatar = "") ///- sends an alert message from the plugin with all settings, allowing for a custom prefix and avatar by Steam64ID void API_ALERT_PLAYER(BasePlayer player, string Message, string CustomPrefix = "", string CustomAvatar = "") ///- sends an alert message to a single player from the system (with all chat settings). If CustomPrefix is not set, the default from the plugin configuration will be used; CustomAvatar sets your avatar by the specified Steam64ID, if left blank, the avatar from the configuration will be used void API_ALERT_PLAYER_UI(BasePlayer player, string Message) ///- sends a UI notification to the player with your message bool API_CHECK_MUTE_CHAT(ulong ID) ///- returns true/false with the status of the player's chat mute bool API_CHECK_VOICE_CHAT(ulong ID) ///- returns true/false with the status of the player's voice chat mute bool API_IS_IGNORED(ulong UserHas, ulong User) ///- returns true/false indicating whether one player is ignored by another int API_GET_DEFAULT_SIZE_MESSAGE() /// - returns the default message size from the configuration int API_GET_DEFAULT_SIZE_NICK() /// - returns the default nickname size from the configuration String OnChatReferenceTags(BasePlayer player) /// Called when adding additional tags to the nickname, returning a string will set it as the tag before the nickname /// Example usage: /// String OnChatReferenceTags(BasePlayer player) => "[{data[player].levelPlayer} lvl]"; Configuration : { "Setting up player information": { "Function switches": { "Set automatically a prefix to a player when he got the rights to it": true, "Set automatically the color of the nickname to the player when he got the rights to it": true, "Set the chat color automatically to the player when he got the rights to it": true, "Automatically reset the prefix when the player's rights to it expire": true, "Automatically reset the color of the nickname when the player's rights to it expire": true, "Automatically reset the color of the chat when the rights to it from the player expire": true }, "Setting Standard Values": { "This prefix will be set if the player entered the server for the first time or in case of expiration of the rights to the prefix that he had earlier": "<color=#CC99FF>[PLAYER]</color>", "This nickname color will be set if the player entered the server for the first time or in case of expiration of the rights to the nickname color that he had earlier": "#0099FF", "This chat color will be set if the player entered the server for the first time or in case of expiration of the rights to the chat color that he had earlier": "#33CCCC" } }, "Setting options for the player": { "Setting the display of options for player selection": { "Player prefix selection display type - (0 - dropdown list, 1 - slider (Please note that if you have multi-prefix enabled, the dropdown list will be set))": 0, "Display type of player's nickname color selection - (0 - drop-down list, 1 - slider)": 1, "Display type of message color choice for the player - (0 - drop-down list, 1 - slider)": 0, "IQRankSystem : Player rank selection display type - (0 - drop-down list, 1 - slider)": 1 }, "List and customization of colors for a nickname": [ { "Permission": "iqchat.default", "Argument": "#CC99FF", "Block the player's ability to select this parameter in the plugin menu (true - yes/false - no)": false }, { "Permission": "iqchat.admin", "Argument": "#ffff99", "Block the player's ability to select this parameter in the plugin menu (true - yes/false - no)": false }, { "Permission": "iqchat.admin", "Argument": "#ff9999", "Block the player's ability to select this parameter in the plugin menu (true - yes/false - no)": false } ], "List and customize colors for chat messages": [ { "Permission": "iqchat.default", "Argument": "#CC99FF", "Block the player's ability to select this parameter in the plugin menu (true - yes/false - no)": false }, { "Permission": "iqchat.admin", "Argument": "#ffff99", "Block the player's ability to select this parameter in the plugin menu (true - yes/false - no)": false }, { "Permission": "iqchat.admin", "Argument": "#ff9999", "Block the player's ability to select this parameter in the plugin menu (true - yes/false - no)": false } ], "List and configuration of prefixes in chat": { "Enable support for multiple prefixes at once (true - multiple prefixes can be set/false - only 1 can be set to choose from)": false, "The maximum number of prefixes that can be set at a time (This option only works if setting multiple prefixes is enabled)": 5, "List of prefixes and their settings": [ { "Permission": "iqchat.default", "Argument": "<color=#CC99FF>[PLAYER]</color>", "Block the player's ability to select this parameter in the plugin menu (true - yes/false - no)": false }, { "Permission": "iqchat.admin", "Argument": "<color=#ffff99>[VIP]</color>", "Block the player's ability to select this parameter in the plugin menu (true - yes/false - no)": false }, { "Permission": "iqchat.admin", "Argument": "<color=#ff9999>[ADMIN]</color>", "Block the player's ability to select this parameter in the plugin menu (true - yes/false - no)": false } ] } }, "Plugin mute settings": { "Setting up automatic muting": { "Enable automatic muting for forbidden words (true - yes/false - no)": true, "Reason for automatic muting": { "Reason for blocking": "Automatic chat blocking", "Block time (in seconds)": 300 } }, "Additional setting for logging about mutes in discord": { "Support for logging the last N messages (Discord logging about mutes must be enabled)": false, "How many latest player messages to send in logging": 10 }, "Reasons to block chat": [ { "Reason for blocking": "Aggressive behavior", "Block time (in seconds)": 100 }, { "Reason for blocking": "Insults", "Block time (in seconds)": 300 }, { "Reason for blocking": "Insult (repeated violation)", "Block time (in seconds)": 1000 }, { "Reason for blocking": "Advertising", "Block time (in seconds)": 5000 }, { "Reason for blocking": "Humiliation", "Block time (in seconds)": 300 }, { "Reason for blocking": "Spam", "Block time (in seconds)": 60 } ], "Reasons to block your voice": [ { "Reason for blocking": "Aggressive behavior", "Block time (in seconds)": 100 }, { "Reason for blocking": "Insults", "Block time (in seconds)": 300 }, { "Reason for blocking": "Disruption of the event by shouting", "Block time (in seconds)": 300 } ] }, "Configuring Message Processing": { "Basic settings for chat messages from the plugin": { "Customizing the chat alert format": { "The name of the notification in the chat": "<color=#68cacd><b>[Alert]</b></color>", "Chat alert message color": "#efedee", "Steam64ID for chat avatar": "0" }, "Setting the mention format in the chat, via @": { "The color of the player mention message in the chat": "#efedee", "Sound when receiving and sending a mention via @": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/notice/item.select.fx.prefab" }, "Additional setting": { "Time after which the message will be deleted from the UI from the administrator": 5, "The size of the message from the player in the chat": 14, "Player nickname size in chat": 14, "The size of the player's prefix in the chat (will be used if <size=N></size> is not set in the prefix itself)": 14, "Nickname size according to privilege [permission] = size": { "iqchat.bigBoy": 16 }, "Chat message size according to privilege [permission] = size": { "iqchat.bigBoy": 16 } } }, "Configuring functionality switching in chat": { "Configuring spam protection": { "Enable spam protection (Anti-spam)": true, "Time after which a player can send a message (AntiSpam)": 10, "Additional Anti-Spam settings": { "Enable additional spam protection (Anti-duplicates, duplicate messages)": true, "How many duplicate messages does a player need to make to be confused by the system": 3, "Setting up automatic muting for duplicates": { "Reason for blocking": "Duplicate messages (SPAM)", "Block time (in seconds)": 300 } } }, "Setting up a temporary chat block for newbies (who have just logged into the server)": { "Newbie protection in PM/R": { "Enable protection?": false, "Newbie Chat Lock Time": 1200 }, "Newbie protection in global and team chat": { "Enable protection?": false, "Newbie Chat Lock Time": 1200 } }, "Setting up private messages": { "Enable Private Messages": true, "Sound when receiving a private message": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/notice/stack.world.fx.prefab" }, "Enable PM ignore for players (/ignore nick or via interface)": true, "Hide the issue of items to the Admin from the chat": true, "Move mute to team chat (In case of a mute, the player will not be able to write even to the team chat)": true }, "Player message formatting settings": { "Enable message formatting [Will control caps, message format] (true - yes/false - no)": true, "Use a list of banned words (true - yes/false - no)": true, "The word that will replace the forbidden word": "***", "List of banned words": [ "fuckyou", "sucking", "fucking", "fuck" ], "Nickname controller setup": { "Enable player nickname formatting (message formatting must be enabled)": true, "The word that will replace the forbidden word (You can leave it blank and it will just delete)": "", "List of banned nicknames": [ "Admin", "Moderator", "Administrator", "Moder", "Owner", "Mercury Loh", "IQchat" ], "List of allowed links in nicknames": [ "mysite.com" ] } } }, "Setting up chat alerts": { "Setting up chat alerts": { "Enable automatic messages in chat (true - yes/false - no)": true, "Type of automatic messages : true - sequential / false - random": false, "List of automatic messages in chat": { "Setting up Multilingual Messages [Language Code] = Translation Variations": { "en": [ "Automatic message #1 (Edit in configuration)", "Automatic message #2 (Edit in configuration)", "Automatic message #3 (Edit in configuration)", "Automatic message #4 (Edit in configuration)", "Automatic message #5 (Edit in configuration)", "Automatic message #6 (Edit in configuration)" ], "ru": [ "Автоматическое сообщение #1 (Редактировать в конфигурации)", "Автоматическое сообщение #2 (Редактировать в конфигурации)", "Автоматическое сообщение #3 (Редактировать в конфигурации)", "Автоматическое сообщение #4 (Редактировать в конфигурации)", "Автоматическое сообщение #5 (Редактировать в конфигурации)", "Автоматическое сообщение #6 (Редактировать в конфигурации)" ] } }, "Interval for sending messages to chat (Broadcaster) (in seconds)": 60 }, "Setting notifications about the status of the player's session": { "When a player is notified about the entry / exit of the player, display his avatar opposite the nickname (true - yes / false - no)": true, "Notify in chat when a player enters (true - yes/false - no)": true, "Enable random notifications when a player from the list enters (true - yes / false - no)": false, "Show the country of the entered player (true - yes/false - no)": true, "Notify when a player enters the chat (selected from the list) (true - yes/false - no)": true, "Enable random player exit notifications (true - yes/false - no)": false, "Display reason for player exit (true - yes/false - no)": true, "Random player entry notifications({0} - player's nickname, {1} - country (if country display is enabled)": { "Setting up Multilingual Messages [Language Code] = Translation Variations": { "en": [ "{0} flew in from {1}", "{0} flew into the server from{1}", "{0} jumped on a server" ], "ru": [ "{0} влетел как дурачок из {1}", "{0} залетел на сервер из {1}, соболезнуем", "{0} прыгнул на сервачок" ] } }, "Random notifications about the exit of the player ({0} - player's nickname, {1} - the reason for the exit (if the reason is enabled)": { "Setting up Multilingual Messages [Language Code] = Translation Variations": { "en": [ "{0} gone to another world", "{0} left the server with a reason {1}", "{0} went to another server" ], "ru": [ "{0} ушел в мир иной", "{0} вылетел с сервера с причиной {1}", "{0} пошел на другой сервачок" ] } } }, "Configuring administrator session status alerts": { "Notify admin on the server in the chat (true - yes/false - no)": false, "Notify about admin leaving the server in chat (true - yes/false - no)": false }, "Setting up personal notifications to the player when connecting": { "Enable random message to the player who has logged in (true - yes/false - no)": true, "List of messages to the player when entering": { "Setting up Multilingual Messages [Language Code] = Translation Variations": { "en": [ "Welcome to the server SUPERSERVER\nWe are glad that you chose us!", "Welcome back to the server!\nWe wish you good luck", "Welcome to the server\nWe have the best plugins" ], "ru": [ "Добро пожаловать на сервер SUPERSERVER\nРады,что выбрал именно нас!", "С возвращением на сервер!\nЖелаем тебе удачи", "Добро пожаловать на сервер\nУ нас самые лучшие плагины" ] } } } }, "Settings Rust+": { "Use Rust+": true, "Title for notification Rust+": "SUPER SERVER" }, "Configuring support plugins": { "Settings XLevels": { "Use support XLevels": false, "Use full prefix with level from XLevel (true) otherwise only level (false)": false }, "Settings IQFakeActive": { "Use support IQFakeActive": true }, "Settings IQRankSystem": { "Rank display format in chat ( {0} is the user's rank, do not delete this value)": "[{0}]", "Time display format with IQRank System in chat ( {0} is the user's time, do not delete this value)": "[{0}]", "Use support IQRankSystem": false, "Show players their played time next to their rank": true }, "Settings Clans": { "Display a clan tag in the chat (if Clans are installed)": false }, "Settings TranslationAPI": { "To use automatic message translation using the TranslationAPI": false, "Translate team chat": false, "Translate chat in private messages.": true, "The code for the preferred language (leave it empty, and then the translation will be done in each player's language)": "" } }, "Setting up an answering machine": { "Enable auto-reply? (true - yes/false - no)": true, "Customize Messages [Keyword] = Reply": { "wipe": { "Setting up Multilingual Messages [Language Code] = Translation Variations": { "en": [ "Wipe will be 27.06" ], "ru": [ "Вайп будет 27.06" ] } }, "читер": { "Setting up Multilingual Messages [Language Code] = Translation Variations": { "en": [ "Found a cheater? Write /report and send a complaint" ], "ru": [ "Нашли читера?Напиши /report и отправь жалобу" ] } } } }, "Additional setting": { "Enable the /online command (true - yes / false - no)": false, "Use shortened format /online (will only display quantity)": true, "Compact logging of messages": { "Display Steam64ID in the log (true - yes/false - no)": false, "Setting up compact message logging": { "Setting up general chat logging": { "Enable logging (true - yes/false - no)": false, "Webhooks channel for logging": "" }, "Setting up team chat logging": { "Enable logging (true - yes/false - no)": false, "Webhooks channel for logging": "" } } }, "Setting up message logging": { "Setting up general chat logging": { "Enable logging (true - yes/false - no)": false, "Webhooks channel for logging": "" }, "Setting up team chat logging": { "Enable logging (true - yes/false - no)": false, "Webhooks channel for logging": "" } }, "Setting up logging of personal messages of players": { "Enable logging (true - yes/false - no)": false, "Webhooks channel for logging": "" }, "Setting up chat/voice lock/unlock logging": { "Enable logging (true - yes/false - no)": false, "Webhooks channel for logging": "" }, "Setting up logging of chat commands from players": { "Enable logging (true - yes/false - no)": false, "Webhooks channel for logging": "" } } }
  2. Version 1.0.0


    The plugin sends chat messages at specified intervals with support for colour, size, underlining and italics. This plugin features: - Option to send messages sequentially or randomly - Option to change the colour of the text <#EEB134>Message</color>. - Option to add a new line without sending another message /n - Ability to write in italics <i>Message</i> - Ability to underline the text <u>Message</u> - Possibility to change the size of the text <size=14>Message</size> Permissions: AutoChatMessage.Admin Commands: /acm.reload - Requires permission AutoChatMessage.Admin Config File: { "Interval": 60, "Messages": [ "<size=14><#03FCE7><u>Hello, player!</u></color> <#FCF403>Welcome to the server!</color></size>", "<size=14><#FCB103>Plugin By:</color></size>/n<size=10><#FCF403><u>Kalvi</u></color></size>", "<size=14><#A1FC03><i>Thank you for downloading the plugin</i></color></size>" ], "RandomMessage": false }
  3. Version 2.0.0


    RUST Plugin Test Server TEST MY PLUGINS THERE! connect play.thepitereq.ovh:28050 Chat Nations creates new connection between players on chat by splitting chat into more channels that can be assigned for languages, teams and more. It contains detailed RUST-like UI, private messages, huge chat customization tool, private channels and many other useful features. Split your chat into smaller language channels Add private chats for your teams, friends, admins and more Customize which channels you want to see Select which channels you want to follow and see messages Global chat for server-wide messages Local chat for players near you RUST-like UI design Channel selection based on your localization Customizable primary rank display on chat Toggleable clan tag visibility option (Clans plugin) Nickname and message color customization with gradient support Titles support (PlayerChallenges plugin) Customizable prefix option for each individual player, also with full color support Voice and chat mute with full UI support Different chat message sizes based on permission Highly customizable chat display Full language support Private messages to other players Secured chat formatting Nickname re-format with ads in nickname removal API for developers /ch - Main chat customization menu (Configurable) /pm <nick> <message> - Private message command (Configurable) /r - Respond to last private message (Configurable) /mute /unmute - Opens mute UI mute <c/v/b> <userId> <duration> <reason> - Console mute command (c - chat, v - voice, b - both) (duration in format: d h m s) Example: mute b 76561198083939668 3d Test Mute unmute <c/v/b> <userId> - Console unmute command (c - chat, v - voice, b - both) Example: mute b 76561198083939668 3d Test Mute Switchable (Requirement of them can be disabled/enabled in config file) chatnations.option.prefix - Allows user to change prefix chatnations.option.clantag - Allows user to change clan tag visibility chatnations.option.colorclantag.static - Allows user to change clan tag color to static color chatnations.option.colorclantag.custom - Allows user to change clan tag color to static custom color chatnations.option.colorclantag.gradient - Allows user to change clan tag color to gradient color chatnations.option.colornick.static - Allows user to change nickname color to static color chatnations.option.colornick.custom - Allows user to change nickname color to static custom color chatnations.option.colornick.gradient - Allows user to change nickname color to gradient color chatnations.option.colormessage.static - Allows user to change message color to static color chatnations.option.colormessage.custom - Allows user to change message color to static custom color chatnations.option.colormessage.gradient - Allows user to change message color to gradient color chatnations.option.titles - Allows user to change and select title (Requires PlayerLeaderboards or PlayerChallenges) chatnations.option.customprefix - Allows user to set custom chat prefix chatnations.option.customprefix.custom - Allows user to set custom chat prefix color Other permissions chatnations.mute - Allows to use the mute and unmute command Plugin fully support plugins like Clans and PlayerChallenges. If you need some plugin implementation, feel free to ask! WARNING! This plugin doesn't work with BetterChat! PlayerChallenges Set "Maximum tags to display (Requires BetterChat)" to high value like 30 so all player tags will be available in configuration section. Dictionary<string, int> API_GetPlayersInChannels() - Returns Dictionary<string, int> with channel code as Key and online player count as Value. List<ulong> API_GetChannelPlayers(string channel) - Returns list of playerIds from channel. List<BasePlayer> API_GetChannelPlayersFull(string channel) - Returns players that belong to channel. bool IsMuted(ulong userId, bool chat = true) - Returns if player is muted. object OnNationsChat(BasePlayer player, string modifiedMessage, int channel, string channelKey, bool global, bool isOfficial) - Ran on each chat message sent. If non null returned, cancels sending message. If you need anything more, message me! { "Commands": [ "chat", "ch" ], "Private Message Commands": [ "pm", "msg" ], "Private Message Respond Commands": [ "r", "respond" ], "PopUpAPI Profile Name": "ChatNations", "Message Start Symbol": "»", "Clan Tag Default Color": "#aaee32", "Clan Tag Format": "[{0}]", "Different Tags For Clan Stages": true, "Enable Local Chat": true, "Leader Clan Tag Format": "[**{0}]", "Council Clan Tag Format": "[**{0}]", "Mod Clan Tag Format": "[*{0}]", "Leader Title Default Color": "#f2db74", "Leader Title Format": "[{0}]", "Channel Format": "<color=#aaee32>[{0}]</color>", "Global Format": "<color=#aaee32>[Global]</color>", "Team Format": "<color=#aaee32>[Team]</color>", "Local Format": "<color=#aaee32>[Local]</color>", "Private Channel Format": "<color=#aaee32>[{0}]</color>", "Custom Prefix Format": "[{0}]", "Custom Prefix Default Color": "#55aaff", "Default Custom Prefix": "CUSTOM", "Check Custom Prefix For Formatting Abuse": true, "Require Permission For": { "Switch Prefix": false, "Switch Clan Tag Visibility": false, "Nickname Color - Gradient": true, "Nickname Color - Static": true, "Nickname Color - Static Custom": true, "Message Color - Gradient": true, "Message Color - Static": true, "Message Color - Static Custom": true, "Clan Tag Color - Gradient": true, "Clan Tag Color - Static": true, "Clan Tag Color - Static Custom": true, "Switch Title": false, "Custom Prefix - Text": true, "Custom Prefix - Color Input": true, "Custom Prefix - Color": true }, "Max Custom Channels Created Per Player": 1, "Max Custom Channel Name Length": 24, "Max Custom Prefix Length": 24, "Permission Chat Message Sizes": { "chatnations.fontsize.15": 15, "chatnations.fontsize.16": 16, "chatnations.fontsize.17": 17 }, "Max Private Channel Ownership Permissions": { "chatnations.privchannels.2": 2, "chatnations.privchannels.3": 3, "chatnations.privchannels.4": 4 }, "Remove Ads In Nicknames": true, "Nick Ads List": [ "hellcase.com", "rustypot.com", "Rustchance.com" ], "Options Display Order": [ "displayed_rank", "clan_tag_visibility", "clan_tag_color", "nickname_color", "message_color", "displayed_title", "custom_prefix" ], "Static Colors - Clan Tag": [ "#eb4d4d", "#ebae4d", "#bceb4d", "#72eb4d", "#4deb5f", "#4debc1", "#4dceeb", "#4d72eb", "#6d4deb", "#bc4deb", "#eb4de0", "#eb4d94", "#eb4d50", "#e8e8e8", "#a6a6a6", "#737373" ], "Static Colors - Nickname": [ "#eb4d4d", "#ebae4d", "#bceb4d", "#72eb4d", "#4deb5f", "#4debc1", "#4dceeb", "#4d72eb", "#6d4deb", "#bc4deb", "#eb4de0", "#eb4d94", "#eb4d50", "#e8e8e8", "#a6a6a6", "#737373" ], "Static Colors - Message": [ "#ffbaba", "#ffdaba", "#f2ffba", "#d1ffba", "#baffc8", "#baffed", "#bae7ff", "#bac4ff", "#c6baff", "#debaff", "#ffbafe", "#ffbae0", "#ffbacf" ], "Static Colors - Custom Prefix": [ "#eb4d4d", "#ebae4d", "#bceb4d", "#72eb4d", "#4deb5f", "#4debc1", "#4dceeb", "#4d72eb", "#6d4deb", "#bc4deb", "#eb4de0", "#eb4d94", "#eb4d50", "#e8e8e8", "#a6a6a6", "#737373" ], "Valid Title Keys": [ "treesCut", "rocksDestroyed", "barrelsDestroyed", "botsKilled", "animalKills", "boxesLooted", "plantsGathered", "fishesCaught", "levelUps", "headshots", "helicopterKills", "bradleyKills", "dungeonsRan", "giftsOpened", "airDropsThrown", "collectiblesGathered", "rocketsFired", "explosivesThrown", "longestKill", "ammoUsed", "customCrafts", "craftedItems", "structuresBuilt", "structuresRepaired" ], "Default Channels": { "en": { "Default Follow": true, "Default Quick Code": "en", "Channel Format": "<color=#aaee32>[EN]</color>" }, "de": { "Default Follow": false, "Default Quick Code": "de", "Channel Format": "<color=#aaee32>[DE]</color>" }, "es": { "Default Follow": false, "Default Quick Code": "es", "Channel Format": "<color=#aaee32>[ES]</color>" }, "ru": { "Default Follow": false, "Default Quick Code": "ru", "Channel Format": "<color=#aaee32>[RU]</color>" }, "pl": { "Default Follow": false, "Default Quick Code": "pl", "Channel Format": "<color=#aaee32>[PL]</color>" } }, "Group Chat Formatting": { "admin": { "Is Enabled": true, "Prefix": "<color=#00e0e8>[ADMIN]</color>", "Nickname Color": "#55aaff", "Message Color": "white" }, "mod": { "Is Enabled": true, "Prefix": "<color=#00e0e8>[MOD]</color>", "Nickname Color": "#55aaff", "Message Color": "white" }, "helper": { "Is Enabled": true, "Prefix": "<color=#00e0e8>[HELPER]</color>", "Nickname Color": "#55aaff", "Message Color": "white" }, "vip": { "Is Enabled": true, "Prefix": "<color=#00e0e8>[VIP]</color>", "Nickname Color": "#55aaff", "Message Color": "white" }, "default": { "Is Enabled": true, "Prefix": "", "Nickname Color": "#55aaff", "Message Color": "white" } }, "Channel Country Assign": { "en": [ "United Kingdom", "Australia", "New Zealand", "United States", "India", "Pakistan", "Nigeria", "Philippines", "South Africa", "Tanzania", "Kenya", "Sudan", "Canada", "Ghana", "Cameroon", "Malawi", "Zambia", "Zimbabwe", "South Sudan", "Burundi", "Papua New Guinea", "Sierra Leone", "Singapore", "Ireland", "Liberia", "Jamaica", "Cyprus" ], "ru": [ "Russian Federation", "Russia", "Belarus", "Kazakhstan", "Kyrgyzstan", "Tajikistan", "Ukraine", "Moldova", "Uzbekistan" ], "de": [ "Germany", "Belgium", "Austria", "Switzerland", "Luxemburg", "Liechtenstein" ], "es": [ "Spain", "Mexico", "Colombia", "Argentina", "Peru", "Venezuela", "Chile", "Guatemala", "Ecuador", "Bolivia", "Cuba", "Dominican Republic", "Honduras", "Paraguay", "El Salvador", "Nicaragua", "Costa Rica", "Panama", "Uruguay", "Puerto Rico" ], "pl": [ "Poland" ] } }
  4. Sukor

    Admin Anon

    Version 1.0.5


    Enables administrators to perform administrative actions anonymously, hiding their profile when they use in-game chat as well as within the game environment, displaying 'ADMIN' instead of their nickname above their character. Commands /aa - Admin Anon Enable /aa - Admin Anon Disable Permissions adminanon.use - Enables anonymity in the game. Permission Recommendation: We recommend adding the permission to the individual user rather than to a group. For example, grant the permission to John Doe directly, not to the "admin" group (even if John Doe belongs to that group). Change Color This plugin allows Rust admins to hide their identity in the chat. To change the username color for the "ADMIN" group, configure the "admin" group in BetterChat. Changes in BetterChat will automatically reflect in the plugin. Steps: 1. Open BetterChat Configuration: Locate and edit BetterChat.json. 2. Edit the "admin" group: Change the username color for the "admin" group. 3. Save and Apply Changes: Save and reload BetterChat & AdminAnon (Just in case) Change avatar admin ? Changing the admin's avatar is unnecessary for this plugin, as its purpose is to hide the admin's identity, not to impersonate another player. Configuration { "Stay Anonymous After Reconnecting": false, "Properties": [ { "Name": "ADMIN", "Better Chat Group": "admin", "Required Permission": "adminanon.use" } ] } Data (example) { "PlayerData": { "76561198196941415": { "Groups": [ "admin", "default" ], "Name": "ADMIN", "Better Chat Group": "admin", "Required Permission": "adminanon.use" } } } Language (EN) { "No Permission": "<size=12>You don't have permission to use this command</size>", "No Profile Permission": "<size=12>You don't have permission to use this profile</size>", "Admin Anon Enabled": "<size=12>Admin Anon has been <color=#00fa9a>ENABLED</color></size>", "Admin Anon Disabled": "<size=12>Admin Anon has been <color=#00fa9a>DISABLED</color></size>", "Admin Anon Changed": "<size=12>Fake identity has changed to <color=#00fa9a>{0}</color></size>", "Requested Fake Identify Not Found": "<size=12>Requested fake identity is not found</size>", "No Fake Identities Available": "<size=12>No fake identities available</size></size>", "Fake Identify Not Found": "<size=12>Fake identity is not found</size>", "Data Corrupted Up": "<size=12>Data is corrupt</size>" }


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