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Everything posted by garycz28

  1. Awesome!!! I am going to go ahead and buy the plugin and try it on my test server!! Thank you. If there is any way I can donate some extra to you for your support let me know!
  2. Is this enough FLAK for you to do it? https://makeagif.com/i/l-2M8s There is more where that came from! haha.
  3. Let me see if I can better explain. I understand what you are saying. maybe a total limit server wide is not a good idea. However, limiting players per wipe instead of only daily would be good, For example: With 10 teams/players if it is just a daily limit of 1 per team and wipe is 2 weeks that is 140 offline raids possible per wipe. If you could limit it per wipe or change the frequency of the offline raid "block/filter/cooldown" whatever you want to call it, to (daily, every 3 days, weekly, per wipe etc) It would still allow players to offline raid but better limit the amount of people getting offline'd and stop them from offlining every day. Ex: you could set 2 or 3 offline's per team per wipe this would still allow them to offline but there will only be 20 or 30 offline raids possible per wipe instead of 140. This would scale up of course and be useful for higher pop server's but would be very helpful for those of us with small population servers that can't get the server to grow because everyone constantly gets offline raided. This would be very helpful when you have a player that offline's constantly, every day they exist only to offline raid!once those player's / teams have used their 3 raids they can't harass other players with offline raids for the rest of the wipe. It would also cause players to use strategy with the amount of offline's more carefully, choosing their target base more carefully instead of hitting anything and everythiing that they can find. Player's would also know that once they have been offline'd that it wont keep happening every day and make them more likely to rebuild and continue playing on the server. It would allow Admin's to have full control of offline raids in their server, Allowing them to customize the settings for different server needs. I want to buy this plugin for my server as I think this is what my players are looking for but I need it to have that functionality to better control the amount of offline raids per server population and player needs. I hope I explained it well, some days words are hard haha. Thanks for your time and support!
  4. I have a question. Instead of having a daily limit can it be done different like only allow x amount of offline raids per week, per 2 weeks, per month.... etc or maybe even have a daily limit as well as a wipe limit? Last question Can it limit the amount of offline raids on the server as a whole? example. If you could do a server wide daily limit of 4 and when the 5th player/team tries to offline raid their damage is blocked saying server offline raid limit reached or something.
  5. garycz28

    Oil Rig Drilling

    I don't know it was a few months ago. Is there anywhere else that I can get this mod? I can't find it with google.
  6. garycz28

    Oil Rig Drilling

    I thought I bought this but now can't download it. Is there a way I can get this plugin?
  7. I apoligize I posted on the wrong plugin. I purchased this along with another plugin at the same time sorry,.
  8. I am trying to use this pluging so that farmers can bring their clones between wipes to accomplish this I will have to blacklist every item in the game except clones. Is there a way to use a whitelist instead of a blacklist only allowing what is in the whitelist?
  9. garycz28

    Oil Rig Drilling

    Why is it not available for purchase? is it no longer supported?
  10. Already did put in a good word on SRTBull's video on Raidable bases too.
    I posted this on SRTBULLS YouTube video I am just commenting to give kudos to Nivex!! What a awesome developer! I purchased the mod from him on code fling. I had problems with raidable bases and both times he was quick to answer my questions even sending him my config file so he can review and point out my mistakes and not only that but he did this quick, sometimes within like 18 minutes of me posting 0.o Amazing! Makes me feel so much petter about paying for mods when the developer's actually support their mod's like that!! Because of his help I now have a much better understanding of how this mod works!!! He not only helped me to fix the mod but answered all of my questions explaining how it worked. He is A++++++
  11. I corrected that error and it is working as hoped and I now have a much better understanding of how this plugin works! thank you so much for your help and support! Thanks you for adding so much to the Rust community! I want to give you a extra donation for your time how can I do that?
  12. Thanks again. I verified that the bases listed in the config are in the copy/paste folder the spelling and everything is exact. when I type the command it lists the other level of bases but does not list Hard bases at all, I included a screenshot. I also included the bases config in the profile folder. thanks again for your help. Hard Bases.json Medium Bases.json Easy Bases.json
  13. I appreciate your help. this is my config. RaidableBases.json
  14. Hi I have raidable bases configured to maintain 2 raid bases at all times and only allow 1 per difficulty level to spawn at a time. currently I am using easy, Medium, and Hard difficulty raids with other levels planned to be added in the future. right now only easy and medium bases are spawning when hard bases used to spawn too. I noticed lines 91-97 in the config file about base spawn probability, currently i have it set to the default -1 and True for cumulative probability. Since I am only allowing 2 bases to spawn I am guessing it just picks the first 2 levels easy, and medium. Do I need to set probabilities for each base level? if so how does the probability system work are the numbers 0-100 percent for example? and what does cumulative probability do exactly? thanks. Gary.
  15. Hey I am just letting you know I finally found a option in the config that said allow Alphaloot , i set it to false and it works now!! I don't know how that got changed. thanks for your help!
  16. garycz28

    Not loading

    I dont know if this is the same thing but I just downloaded the update and now it is not loading for me either. I get this error. Failed compiling 'RaidableBases.cs': 1. 'RFManager' does not contain a definition for 'GetListenerSet' [CS0117] (RaidableBases 49 line 14949)
  17. Thank you for your reply!!! I unloaded AlphaLoot and the guards receive all of the items. I reloaded alpha loot and It only gives 1-4 items. So It is definitely AlphaLoot. What should I do now?
  18. I had BotReSpawn configured with Kits I had components and misc items in their inventory when they were kiled it would wipe their clothing bar and items bar but keep all of the inventory. I updated kits to the paid version and BotReSpawn to the latest version and my kit info was wiped. I made new kits for the botrespawn plugin to use and reconfigured BotRespawn to use them and now it uses the kits, bots have skinned armor and weapons that I applied to the kit but when a player kills them it only gives 1-4 items out of the inventory of about 15 items that I have saved in the kit inventory. What is wrong? how do I get it to give the whole Inventory? I have use rust loot set to 0 and It is giving Items with the correct quantities of items from the inventory of the kit it just isn't giving all of the items to the players.


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