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Everything posted by ThePitereq
It will, as any plugin but it will not be felt in the game. On my test server on meteor shower CPU goes 5-7% higher (from 10% to 15-17%) with 30 meteors falling and on main server noone reported any "lag spikes" for last 2-3 weeks. It will consume the same amount of resources when 30 players fire rockets at the same time. So it is as light as possible if you want to keep the meteorite effect.
all Nodes are landing in same spot on map
ThePitereq replied to MOnk3yM4st3r's Support Request in Support
Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.4 -
all Nodes are landing in same spot on map
ThePitereq replied to MOnk3yM4st3r's Support Request in Support
Hey! I'm so sorry! I was checking something and forgot to edit code back to normal. New version contains fix. Sorry again! -
Version 1.1.6
RUST Plugin Test Server TEST MY PLUGINS THERE! connect play.thepitereq.ovh:28050 Better Metabolism plugin allows you to surpass the limits of calories, hydration, and health. Adjust the maximum values for hunger, hydration, and health. Flexibility to modify respawn metabolism values. Configure the functionality of health tea when the health bonus is active. bettermetabolism.default - Permission for first default plugin configuration. Can be removed/modified. bettermetabolism.vip - Permission for second default plugin configuration. Can be removed/modified. { "Enable Max Health Option": true, "Increase health to tea level (true) or increase health by tea value (false)": false, "Metabolism Permissions": { "bettermetabolism.default": { "Health": 60.0, "Max Health": 100.0, "Max Calories": 500.0, "Calories": 250.0, "Max Hydration": 250.0, "Hydration": 100.0 }, "bettermetabolism.vip": { "Health": 100.0, "Max Health": 100.0, "Max Calories": 1000.0, "Calories": 600.0, "Max Hydration": 250.0, "Hydration": 100.0 } } }$5.00 -
would it be possible to add other types of expol to use on giant node?
ThePitereq replied to MOnk3yM4st3r's Support Request in Support
Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.2 -
would it be possible to add other types of expol to use on giant node?
ThePitereq replied to MOnk3yM4st3r's Support Request in Support
Added support for explosive ammo. If you generated your config already, you will get 2 new options: "Big Meteor - Explosive Ammo - Allow": true, "Big Meteor - Explosive Ammo - Max Distance From Rock": 50.0 If you want to use explosive ammo you also need to add value "ammo.rifle.explosive" into Explosive Config: "Big Meteor - Explosive Config": { "explosive.timed.deployed": { "Damage Dealt": 50.0, "Resource Multiplier": 1.0 }, "rocket_basic": { "Damage Dealt": 50.0, "Resource Multiplier": 1.0 }, "ammo.rifle.explosive": { "Damage Dealt": 50.0, "Resource Multiplier": 1.0 } }, If there will be any performance issues (new damage is made in tricky way) message me as fast as possible! Thank You for your idea, and have a wonderful day! -
would it be possible to add other types of expol to use on giant node?
ThePitereq replied to MOnk3yM4st3r's Support Request in Support
You can add any type of entity into the damage list. If you want to add like "incendiary rocket" just type in console "spawn rocket" and you should get entity list like: rocket_basic rocket_fire rocket_hv rocket_smoke etc. Then you can add "rocket_fire" into config and configure damage. About ammo damage. I didn't though about that. But i can investigate this and add that in next update. -
It can cause lags in large amounts (over 50) but after 1 week testing it seems harmless for 30-40 meteors per event. Players didn't occur any problems, but it can also depend on machine where you host your server. If there will be more questions about performance i can add video that shows my FPS, server FPS and server's CPU usage.
Version 2.0.10
RUST Plugin Test Server TEST MY PLUGINS THERE! connect play.thepitereq.ovh:28050 Meteor Event plugin allows you to create custom meteor shower events on your server. You can set up timed events that initiate a meteor shower, containing unlimited possible entities and the option to activate big rocks that require explosives to destroy. The resources from meteors can be multiplied and modified. Additionally, you can create custom global events with fully customized gathering sources. Set up custom timed events. Create an infinite number of meteor presets. Supports two types of meteors: normal and large meteors that require explosives. Configure various aspects such as meteor scale, yield, explosive damage, radiation, item output, and more. Run custom events, per-player events, and random player events. Number of meteors adjustable based on the online player count. Fully customize drops for any RUST entity and ambient events, and choose which tools are used to gather meteors. Players can call their own meteor showers, and you can configure random meteors to strike players while destroying regular rocks around the map. Features a highly configurable calling command. Configurable Discord webhook shower announcements Customizable falling angles for events. Set multiple different timed events. /ms - Opens the Meteor Event Control UI. msadmin run <profileName> <amount> - Starts a custom meteor shower of profile <profileName> with <amount> meteors. (Console Command) msadmin direct <profileName> [amount] [playerId] - Spawns [amount] meteors of profile <profileName> above [playerId]'s head. (Console Command) msadmin kill - Kills all meteors around the map. (Console Command) meteorevent.admin - Allows you to use admin features meteorevent.use - Allows use of the /ms command, if permission required. (Configurable) meteorevent.purchase.{profile.Key} - Allows to purchase & call certain meteor events. (Configurable) Configuration Hints Used Economy Plugin 0 - None 1 - Economics 2 - ServerRewards 3 - BankSystem 4 - ShoppyStock Explosive Config The key value - shortname of the damage entity, it's not an item shortname, it's an 3D model that's visible in-game. For explosive ammo use ammo.rifle.explosive. Config Walkthrough Global Meteor Config Configuration part for any type and any spawned meteor. Meteor Prefabs This is a full list of available meteors that can fall from the sky. Here is a default list of them: barrel - The Big Barrel Event Prefab. It's a very big barrel with a fully custom gather method that contains 2000 Scrap and 10,000 Metal by default. falling_star - The ambient event that runs sometimes in the sky but never falls onto the ground. All it does is spawn falling stars in the sky, so you can have a cool effects at night. metal_ore - Regular metal ore meteor prefab. stone_ore - Regular stone ore meteor prefab. sulfur_ore - Regular sulfur ore meteor prefab. toilet - Funny meteor that was made during plugin development. It also contains a fully custom gather that contains HQM and Metal. Meteor Profiles This part of the config is what's visible when you open the /ms command. If you want to make a working meteor event, you need to add a new section here. By default, there are 4 profiles: barrel - Runs Big Barrel Event that contains "barrel" prefabs. default - Runs regular Meteor Event that contains "metal_ore", "stone_ore" and "sulfur_ore" prefabs. falling_stars - Runs Falling Stars Event that contains "falling_star" prefabs. toilets - Runs Falling Stars Event that contains "toilet" prefabs. IMPORTANT! The keys in `Meteor Profiles And Spawn Weights (profile: spawn weight)` must be equal to the keys in the `Meteor Prefabs` section, or the plugin won't work correctly! The Angle in the Falling Angle Config represents how fast and in which direction the meteors are falling. X and Z are diagonal values, and Y is a vertical value. Making values higher will make meteors fall faster, and the opposite. Timed Events Random timed events for your server. You don't need to put all Meteor Profiles here, just those that you want to make automatic. Enable Random Direct Falling Meteors On Mining Regular Ones and Random Direct Falling Meteor Options This option will mean that if a player breaks a regular meteor on the map, there will be a chance to call a direct meteor on him. The default config contains an annotation to the "default" meteor profile, but this event takes 30 seconds by default, so the meteor will fall in the next 30 seconds, not instantaneously. void OnMeteorShowerStart(int meteorAmount, string profile, bool isDirect, BasePlayer directPlayer) - When meteor event is starting. void OnFallingMeteorSpawned(string meteorPrefabKey, SphereEntity parentEntity, BaseEntity meteorEntity) - When falling meteor has been spawned. void OnMeteorLanded(BaseEntity meteorEntity, string meteorPrefabKey) - When meteor lands on the ground. void OnMeteorsKilled() - When all meteors are removed. void OnFallingMeteorsKilled() - Ran when last still falling meteor is destroyed. { "Commands": [ "ms", "meteor" ], "Command Require Permission": false, "Enable Logs": true, "Enable Plugin Hooks": false, "Global Meteor Config": { "Destroy Meteors Underwater": false, "Destroy Trees On Impact Radius (0 to disable)": 25.0, "Max Meteors On Map At One Time": 80, "Falling Meteor Ground Check Radius (increase might be required if meteors are falling slowly)": 25.0, "Kill Meteors On Roads": true, "Kill Meteors On Rail Tracks": true, "Kill Meteors On Monuments": false, "Fix For Meteor MeshCollider Message (console spam fix only, might have performance impact if enabled)": false, "Meteor Spread On Map (higher = smaller impact radius)": 2.5, "Explosive Ammo Max Shoot Distance": 50.0 }, "Meteor Prefabs": { "barrel": { "Meteor Prefab Path": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/loot_barrel_1.prefab", "Max Meteor Flight Time (0, to not destroy)": 0.0, "Meteor Lifetime (0, to not destroy)": 1800.0, "Minimum Scale": 12.0, "Maximum Scale": 12.0, "Yield Multiplier": 2.0, "Scale Yield By Size": true, "Meteor Radiation Chance (0-100)": 100.0, "Meteor Radiation Amount": 12.5, "Scale Radiation With Size": true, "Run Atmosphere Enter Sound": true, "Enable Meteor Flame": true, "Enable Meteor Smoke": true, "Falling - Randomize Meteor X Rotation": false, "Falling - Randomize Meteor Y Rotation": true, "Falling - Randomize Meteor Z Rotation": false, "Landed - Randomize Meteor X Rotation": false, "Landed - Randomize Meteor Y Rotation": true, "Landed - Randomize Meteor Z Rotation": false, "Landed Entity Offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Required Tool To Destroy - Whitelist (shortnames)": [], "Required Tool To Destroy - Blacklist (shortnames)": [], "Fully Custom Gather System Tools": { "Items Per Meteor": [ { "Shortname": "scrap", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount": 2000, "Display Name": "", "Only On Last Hit": false }, { "Shortname": "metal.fragments", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount": 10000, "Display Name": "", "Only On Last Hit": false } ], "Fully Custom Gather System Tools (key value is tool shortname)": { "hammer.salvaged": { "Require Exact Skin ID": false, "Tool Skin ID": 0, "Tool Damage Dealt Percentage": 3.0 } } }, "Additional Output Per Hit": [], "Big Meteor Config": { "Chance (0-100)": 0.0, "Minimum Scale": 5.0, "Maximum Scale": 7.0, "Output Per Hit": [], "Call OnDispenserGather hook": true, "Explosive Config (key value is explosive prefab shortname, see website for more info)": {}, "Crate Inside Chance (0-100)": 0.0, "Crates Spawned Inside (prefab names: spawn weight)": {} }, "Marker Config": { "Marker Type (None/Normal/Explosion)": "Normal", "Marker Alpha (normal only)": 0.75, "Marker Color #1 (normal only)": "#E0D5C30", "Marker Color #2 (normal only)": "#6E665A", "Marker Radius (normal only)": 0.15, "Map Marker Text (normal only, disabled if empty)": "Space Barrel" } }, "falling_star": { "Meteor Prefab Path": "assets/bundled/prefabs/modding/cinematic/cinelights/cinelight_point_cool.prefab", "Max Meteor Flight Time (0, to not destroy)": 1.5, "Meteor Lifetime (0, to not destroy)": 30.0, "Minimum Scale": 2.0, "Maximum Scale": 5.0, "Yield Multiplier": 2.0, "Scale Yield By Size": true, "Meteor Radiation Chance (0-100)": 0.0, "Meteor Radiation Amount": 0.0, "Scale Radiation With Size": true, "Run Atmosphere Enter Sound": false, "Enable Meteor Flame": false, "Enable Meteor Smoke": false, "Falling - Randomize Meteor X Rotation": true, "Falling - Randomize Meteor Y Rotation": true, "Falling - Randomize Meteor Z Rotation": true, "Landed - Randomize Meteor X Rotation": false, "Landed - Randomize Meteor Y Rotation": true, "Landed - Randomize Meteor Z Rotation": false, "Landed Entity Offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Required Tool To Destroy - Whitelist (shortnames)": [], "Required Tool To Destroy - Blacklist (shortnames)": [], "Fully Custom Gather System Tools": { "Items Per Meteor": [], "Fully Custom Gather System Tools (key value is tool shortname)": {} }, "Additional Output Per Hit": [], "Big Meteor Config": { "Chance (0-100)": 0.0, "Minimum Scale": 5.0, "Maximum Scale": 7.0, "Output Per Hit": [], "Call OnDispenserGather hook": true, "Explosive Config (key value is explosive prefab shortname, see website for more info)": {}, "Crate Inside Chance (0-100)": 0.0, "Crates Spawned Inside (prefab names: spawn weight)": {} }, "Marker Config": { "Marker Type (None/Normal/Explosion)": "Explosion", "Marker Alpha (normal only)": 0.75, "Marker Color #1 (normal only)": "#E01300", "Marker Color #2 (normal only)": "#7D0B00", "Marker Radius (normal only)": 0.4, "Map Marker Text (normal only, disabled if empty)": "" } }, "metal_ore": { "Meteor Prefab Path": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/ores/metal-ore.prefab", "Max Meteor Flight Time (0, to not destroy)": 0.0, "Meteor Lifetime (0, to not destroy)": 1800.0, "Minimum Scale": 0.5, "Maximum Scale": 2.0, "Yield Multiplier": 2.0, "Scale Yield By Size": true, "Meteor Radiation Chance (0-100)": 0.0, "Meteor Radiation Amount": 0.0, "Scale Radiation With Size": true, "Run Atmosphere Enter Sound": true, "Enable Meteor Flame": true, "Enable Meteor Smoke": true, "Falling - Randomize Meteor X Rotation": true, "Falling - Randomize Meteor Y Rotation": true, "Falling - Randomize Meteor Z Rotation": true, "Landed - Randomize Meteor X Rotation": false, "Landed - Randomize Meteor Y Rotation": true, "Landed - Randomize Meteor Z Rotation": false, "Landed Entity Offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Required Tool To Destroy - Whitelist (shortnames)": [], "Required Tool To Destroy - Blacklist (shortnames)": [ "rock", "stone.pickaxe" ], "Fully Custom Gather System Tools": { "Items Per Meteor": [], "Fully Custom Gather System Tools (key value is tool shortname)": {} }, "Additional Output Per Hit": [ { "Required Gather Per Hit (0 to disable)": 20, "Shortname": "metal.ore", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount": 35, "Display Name": "", "Chance (0-100)": 35.0, "Only On Last Hit": false }, { "Required Gather Per Hit (0 to disable)": 20, "Shortname": "metal.refined", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount": 2, "Display Name": "", "Chance (0-100)": 2.0, "Only On Last Hit": false } ], "Big Meteor Config": { "Chance (0-100)": 5.0, "Minimum Scale": 5.0, "Maximum Scale": 7.0, "Output Per Hit": [ { "Shortname": "metal.ore", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount": 900, "Display Name": "", "Chance (0-100)": 100.0, "Only On Last Hit": false }, { "Shortname": "hq.metal.ore", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount": 20, "Display Name": "", "Chance (0-100)": 100.0, "Only On Last Hit": true } ], "Call OnDispenserGather hook": true, "Explosive Config (key value is explosive prefab shortname, see website for more info)": { "ammo.rifle.explosive": { "Damage Dealt": 5.0, "Resource Multiplier": 0.1 }, "explosive.timed.deployed": { "Damage Dealt": 50.0, "Resource Multiplier": 1.0 }, "rocket_basic": { "Damage Dealt": 35.0, "Resource Multiplier": 0.7 } }, "Crate Inside Chance (0-100)": 5.0, "Crates Spawned Inside (prefab names: spawn weight)": { "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab": 3, "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2.prefab": 5, "assets/prefabs/misc/supply drop/supply_drop.prefab": 1 } }, "Marker Config": { "Marker Type (None/Normal/Explosion)": "Normal", "Marker Alpha (normal only)": 0.75, "Marker Color #1 (normal only)": "#E01300", "Marker Color #2 (normal only)": "#7D0B00", "Marker Radius (normal only)": 0.15, "Map Marker Text (normal only, disabled if empty)": "" } }, "stone_ore": { "Meteor Prefab Path": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/ores/stone-ore.prefab", "Max Meteor Flight Time (0, to not destroy)": 0.0, "Meteor Lifetime (0, to not destroy)": 1800.0, "Minimum Scale": 0.5, "Maximum Scale": 2.0, "Yield Multiplier": 2.0, "Scale Yield By Size": true, "Meteor Radiation Chance (0-100)": 0.0, "Meteor Radiation Amount": 0.0, "Scale Radiation With Size": true, "Run Atmosphere Enter Sound": true, "Enable Meteor Flame": true, "Enable Meteor Smoke": true, "Falling - Randomize Meteor X Rotation": true, "Falling - Randomize Meteor Y Rotation": true, "Falling - Randomize Meteor Z Rotation": true, "Landed - Randomize Meteor X Rotation": false, "Landed - Randomize Meteor Y Rotation": true, "Landed - Randomize Meteor Z Rotation": false, "Landed Entity Offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Required Tool To Destroy - Whitelist (shortnames)": [], "Required Tool To Destroy - Blacklist (shortnames)": [ "rock", "stone.pickaxe" ], "Fully Custom Gather System Tools": { "Items Per Meteor": [], "Fully Custom Gather System Tools (key value is tool shortname)": {} }, "Additional Output Per Hit": [ { "Required Gather Per Hit (0 to disable)": 20, "Shortname": "stones", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount": 50, "Display Name": "", "Chance (0-100)": 35.0, "Only On Last Hit": false }, { "Required Gather Per Hit (0 to disable)": 20, "Shortname": "metal.refined", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount": 2, "Display Name": "", "Chance (0-100)": 2.0, "Only On Last Hit": false } ], "Big Meteor Config": { "Chance (0-100)": 5.0, "Minimum Scale": 5.0, "Maximum Scale": 7.0, "Output Per Hit": [ { "Shortname": "stones", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount": 1500, "Display Name": "", "Chance (0-100)": 100.0, "Only On Last Hit": false } ], "Call OnDispenserGather hook": true, "Explosive Config (key value is explosive prefab shortname, see website for more info)": { "ammo.rifle.explosive": { "Damage Dealt": 5.0, "Resource Multiplier": 0.1 }, "explosive.timed.deployed": { "Damage Dealt": 50.0, "Resource Multiplier": 1.0 }, "rocket_basic": { "Damage Dealt": 35.0, "Resource Multiplier": 0.7 } }, "Crate Inside Chance (0-100)": 5.0, "Crates Spawned Inside (prefab names: spawn weight)": { "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab": 3, "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2.prefab": 5, "assets/prefabs/misc/supply drop/supply_drop.prefab": 1 } }, "Marker Config": { "Marker Type (None/Normal/Explosion)": "Normal", "Marker Alpha (normal only)": 0.75, "Marker Color #1 (normal only)": "#E01300", "Marker Color #2 (normal only)": "#7D0B00", "Marker Radius (normal only)": 0.15, "Map Marker Text (normal only, disabled if empty)": "" } }, "sulfur_ore": { "Meteor Prefab Path": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/ores/sulfur-ore.prefab", "Max Meteor Flight Time (0, to not destroy)": 0.0, "Meteor Lifetime (0, to not destroy)": 1800.0, "Minimum Scale": 0.5, "Maximum Scale": 2.0, "Yield Multiplier": 2.0, "Scale Yield By Size": true, "Meteor Radiation Chance (0-100)": 0.0, "Meteor Radiation Amount": 0.0, "Scale Radiation With Size": true, "Run Atmosphere Enter Sound": true, "Enable Meteor Flame": true, "Enable Meteor Smoke": true, "Falling - Randomize Meteor X Rotation": true, "Falling - Randomize Meteor Y Rotation": true, "Falling - Randomize Meteor Z Rotation": true, "Landed - Randomize Meteor X Rotation": false, "Landed - Randomize Meteor Y Rotation": true, "Landed - Randomize Meteor Z Rotation": false, "Landed Entity Offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Required Tool To Destroy - Whitelist (shortnames)": [], "Required Tool To Destroy - Blacklist (shortnames)": [ "rock", "stone.pickaxe" ], "Fully Custom Gather System Tools": { "Items Per Meteor": [], "Fully Custom Gather System Tools (key value is tool shortname)": {} }, "Additional Output Per Hit": [ { "Required Gather Per Hit (0 to disable)": 20, "Shortname": "sulfur.ore", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount": 20, "Display Name": "", "Chance (0-100)": 35.0, "Only On Last Hit": false }, { "Required Gather Per Hit (0 to disable)": 20, "Shortname": "metal.refined", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount": 2, "Display Name": "", "Chance (0-100)": 2.0, "Only On Last Hit": false } ], "Big Meteor Config": { "Chance (0-100)": 5.0, "Minimum Scale": 5.0, "Maximum Scale": 7.0, "Output Per Hit": [ { "Shortname": "sulfur.ore", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount": 450, "Display Name": "", "Chance (0-100)": 100.0, "Only On Last Hit": false } ], "Call OnDispenserGather hook": true, "Explosive Config (key value is explosive prefab shortname, see website for more info)": { "ammo.rifle.explosive": { "Damage Dealt": 5.0, "Resource Multiplier": 0.1 }, "explosive.timed.deployed": { "Damage Dealt": 50.0, "Resource Multiplier": 1.0 }, "rocket_basic": { "Damage Dealt": 35.0, "Resource Multiplier": 0.7 } }, "Crate Inside Chance (0-100)": 5.0, "Crates Spawned Inside (prefab names: spawn weight)": { "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab": 3, "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2.prefab": 5, "assets/prefabs/misc/supply drop/supply_drop.prefab": 1 } }, "Marker Config": { "Marker Type (None/Normal/Explosion)": "Normal", "Marker Alpha (normal only)": 0.75, "Marker Color #1 (normal only)": "#E01300", "Marker Color #2 (normal only)": "#7D0B00", "Marker Radius (normal only)": 0.15, "Map Marker Text (normal only, disabled if empty)": "" } }, "toilet": { "Meteor Prefab Path": "assets/bundled/prefabs/static/toilet_b.static.prefab", "Max Meteor Flight Time (0, to not destroy)": 0.0, "Meteor Lifetime (0, to not destroy)": 1800.0, "Minimum Scale": 1.2, "Maximum Scale": 3.0, "Yield Multiplier": 2.0, "Scale Yield By Size": true, "Meteor Radiation Chance (0-100)": 100.0, "Meteor Radiation Amount": 12.5, "Scale Radiation With Size": true, "Run Atmosphere Enter Sound": true, "Enable Meteor Flame": true, "Enable Meteor Smoke": true, "Falling - Randomize Meteor X Rotation": true, "Falling - Randomize Meteor Y Rotation": true, "Falling - Randomize Meteor Z Rotation": true, "Landed - Randomize Meteor X Rotation": false, "Landed - Randomize Meteor Y Rotation": true, "Landed - Randomize Meteor Z Rotation": false, "Landed Entity Offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Required Tool To Destroy - Whitelist (shortnames)": [], "Required Tool To Destroy - Blacklist (shortnames)": [], "Fully Custom Gather System Tools": { "Items Per Meteor": [ { "Shortname": "metal.refined", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount": 300, "Display Name": "", "Only On Last Hit": false }, { "Shortname": "metal.fragments", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount": 5000, "Display Name": "", "Only On Last Hit": false } ], "Fully Custom Gather System Tools (key value is tool shortname)": { "hammer.salvaged": { "Require Exact Skin ID": false, "Tool Skin ID": 0, "Tool Damage Dealt Percentage": 3.0 }, "paddle": { "Require Exact Skin ID": false, "Tool Skin ID": 0, "Tool Damage Dealt Percentage": 2.5 } } }, "Additional Output Per Hit": [], "Big Meteor Config": { "Chance (0-100)": 5.0, "Minimum Scale": 5.0, "Maximum Scale": 7.0, "Output Per Hit": [ { "Shortname": "metal.refined", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount": 50, "Display Name": "", "Chance (0-100)": 100.0, "Only On Last Hit": false } ], "Call OnDispenserGather hook": true, "Explosive Config (key value is explosive prefab shortname, see website for more info)": { "ammo.rifle.explosive": { "Damage Dealt": 5.0, "Resource Multiplier": 0.1 }, "explosive.timed.deployed": { "Damage Dealt": 50.0, "Resource Multiplier": 1.0 }, "rocket_basic": { "Damage Dealt": 35.0, "Resource Multiplier": 0.7 } }, "Crate Inside Chance (0-100)": 0.0, "Crates Spawned Inside (prefab names: spawn weight)": {} }, "Marker Config": { "Marker Type (None/Normal/Explosion)": "Normal", "Marker Alpha (normal only)": 0.75, "Marker Color #1 (normal only)": "#E0D5C30", "Marker Color #2 (normal only)": "#6E665A", "Marker Radius (normal only)": 0.15, "Map Marker Text (normal only, disabled if empty)": "Space Toilet" } } }, "Meteor Profiles": { "barrel": { "Randomized Impact Radius (if direct meteor)": 10.0, "Direct Meteor Falling Angle": { "x": 0.0, "y": -2.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Meteor Event Length (in seconds)": 10.0, "Incoming Shower Sound Effect Prefab (disabled if empty)": "assets/prefabs/tools/pager/effects/beep.prefab", "Send Message About Meteor Event On Chat": true, "Spawn Height": 500.0, "Falling Angle Config": [ { "Appear Weight": 1, "Angle": { "x": 0.0, "y": -0.6, "z": 0.0 }, "Falling Radius Offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } } ], "Meteor Profiles And Spawn Weights (profile: spawn weight)": { "barrel": 1 }, "Purchase Config": { "Allow Purchasing": false, "Used Economy Plugin (see website for reference)": 0, "Used Economy Currency (if ShoppyStock used)": "rp", "Required Permission": true, "Direct Meteor Shower (on player)": false, "Allow To Spawn Large Meteors": false, "Meteors Amount": 10, "Item Shortname Required To Purchase Meteor Shower (empty if currency)": "scrap", "Item Skin ID Required To Purchase Meteor Shower (empty if currency)": 0, "Item/Currency Amount Required To Purchase Meteor Shower": 1000, "Cooldown After Purchasing Meteor Shower (in seconds)": 3600 } }, "default": { "Randomized Impact Radius (if direct meteor)": 10.0, "Direct Meteor Falling Angle": { "x": 0.0, "y": -9.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Meteor Event Length (in seconds)": 30.0, "Incoming Shower Sound Effect Prefab (disabled if empty)": "assets/prefabs/tools/pager/effects/beep.prefab", "Send Message About Meteor Event On Chat": true, "Spawn Height": 500.0, "Falling Angle Config": [ { "Appear Weight": 1, "Angle": { "x": 3.5, "y": -4.6, "z": 0.0 }, "Falling Radius Offset": { "x": -300.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } }, { "Appear Weight": 1, "Angle": { "x": -3.5, "y": -4.6, "z": 1.2 }, "Falling Radius Offset": { "x": 300.0, "y": 0.0, "z": -100.0 } } ], "Meteor Profiles And Spawn Weights (profile: spawn weight)": { "metal_ore": 1, "stone_ore": 1, "sulfur_ore": 1 }, "Purchase Config": { "Allow Purchasing": true, "Used Economy Plugin (see website for reference)": 0, "Used Economy Currency (if ShoppyStock used)": "rp", "Required Permission": true, "Direct Meteor Shower (on player)": true, "Allow To Spawn Large Meteors": false, "Meteors Amount": 3, "Item Shortname Required To Purchase Meteor Shower (empty if currency)": "scrap", "Item Skin ID Required To Purchase Meteor Shower (empty if currency)": 0, "Item/Currency Amount Required To Purchase Meteor Shower": 1000, "Cooldown After Purchasing Meteor Shower (in seconds)": 3600 } }, "falling_stars": { "Randomized Impact Radius (if direct meteor)": 10.0, "Direct Meteor Falling Angle": { "x": 0.0, "y": -9.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Meteor Event Length (in seconds)": 60.0, "Incoming Shower Sound Effect Prefab (disabled if empty)": "", "Send Message About Meteor Event On Chat": false, "Spawn Height": 500.0, "Falling Angle Config": [ { "Appear Weight": 1, "Angle": { "x": 45.5, "y": -4.2, "z": 12.7 }, "Falling Radius Offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } }, { "Appear Weight": 1, "Angle": { "x": -56.5, "y": -3.2, "z": -14.2 }, "Falling Radius Offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } } ], "Meteor Profiles And Spawn Weights (profile: spawn weight)": { "falling_star": 1 }, "Purchase Config": { "Allow Purchasing": false, "Used Economy Plugin (see website for reference)": 0, "Used Economy Currency (if ShoppyStock used)": "rp", "Required Permission": true, "Direct Meteor Shower (on player)": false, "Allow To Spawn Large Meteors": false, "Meteors Amount": 10, "Item Shortname Required To Purchase Meteor Shower (empty if currency)": "scrap", "Item Skin ID Required To Purchase Meteor Shower (empty if currency)": 0, "Item/Currency Amount Required To Purchase Meteor Shower": 1000, "Cooldown After Purchasing Meteor Shower (in seconds)": 3600 } }, "toilets": { "Randomized Impact Radius (if direct meteor)": 10.0, "Direct Meteor Falling Angle": { "x": 0.0, "y": -9.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Meteor Event Length (in seconds)": 60.0, "Incoming Shower Sound Effect Prefab (disabled if empty)": "assets/prefabs/tools/pager/effects/beep.prefab", "Send Message About Meteor Event On Chat": true, "Spawn Height": 500.0, "Falling Angle Config": [ { "Appear Weight": 1, "Angle": { "x": 3.5, "y": -4.6, "z": 0.0 }, "Falling Radius Offset": { "x": -300.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } }, { "Appear Weight": 1, "Angle": { "x": -3.5, "y": -4.6, "z": 1.2 }, "Falling Radius Offset": { "x": 300.0, "y": 0.0, "z": -100.0 } } ], "Meteor Profiles And Spawn Weights (profile: spawn weight)": { "toilet": 1 }, "Purchase Config": { "Allow Purchasing": false, "Used Economy Plugin (see website for reference)": 0, "Used Economy Currency (if ShoppyStock used)": "rp", "Required Permission": true, "Direct Meteor Shower (on player)": false, "Allow To Spawn Large Meteors": false, "Meteors Amount": 10, "Item Shortname Required To Purchase Meteor Shower (empty if currency)": "scrap", "Item Skin ID Required To Purchase Meteor Shower (empty if currency)": 0, "Item/Currency Amount Required To Purchase Meteor Shower": 1000, "Cooldown After Purchasing Meteor Shower (in seconds)": 3600 } } }, "Timed Events": { "default": { "Event Every X Seconds (minimal time, in seconds)": 1200, "Event Every X Seconds (maximal time, in seconds)": 2400, "Used Meteor Config Keys (profile: spawn weight)": { "default": 10, "falling_stars": 1 }, "Direct Meteors To Players": false, "Meteor Amount Based On Player Count": true, "Meteor Count (if based on player count - per player)": 4.0, "Max Meteor Count": 40, "Chance To Start Event (0-100)": 100.0, "Commands Ran On Start": [], "Webhook Message": { "Enabled": false, "Embed": true, "Webhook": "", "Inline": true, "Color": 0, "Title": "Meteor Shower", "Message": "Meteor Shower with {0} meteors is incoming!" } }, "toilets": { "Event Every X Seconds (minimal time, in seconds)": 28800, "Event Every X Seconds (maximal time, in seconds)": 50400, "Used Meteor Config Keys (profile: spawn weight)": { "toilets": 1 }, "Direct Meteors To Players": true, "Meteor Amount Based On Player Count": false, "Meteor Count (if based on player count - per player)": 10.0, "Max Meteor Count": 10, "Chance To Start Event (0-100)": 5.0, "Commands Ran On Start": [ "say There is {meteorCount} falling toilets in the sky!" ], "Webhook Message": { "Enabled": false, "Embed": true, "Webhook": "", "Inline": true, "Color": 0, "Title": "Meteor Shower", "Message": "Meteor Shower with {0} meteors is incoming!" } } }, "Enable Random Direct Falling Meteors On Mining Regular Ones": true, "Random Direct Falling Meteor Options": [ { "Spawn Chance (0-100)": 1.0, "Meteor Profile Name (not prefab key)": "default", "Meteor Min Amount": 1, "Meteor Max Amount": 3, "Allow To Spawn Large Meteors": false }, { "Spawn Chance (0-100)": 0.0, "Meteor Profile Name (not prefab key)": "toilets", "Meteor Min Amount": 1, "Meteor Max Amount": 3, "Allow To Spawn Large Meteors": false } ] }$15.00