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Everything posted by Imabro

  1. Imabro

    /em does not work

    I get the same thing. Once the server reboots, /em does not work until you reload the plugin.
  2. Imabro

    Better Teams

    This plugin is awesome and simple. It's a must have in my opinion. Not only does it add a better Team UI, it also adds authorization items for your teams. Great plugin and hats off to the developer who made it.
  3. Imabro

    Cant get Times lined up in HUD

    I can't sync my Hud with my desired times. I'd like to start raid times at 12pm Pacific and end at 10pm pacific. I guess I'm having issues with the time zone difference. Once I set my time zone difference, am I still setting raid times based on UTC or my time zone? Right now, with the time zone set in this config, the HUD displays raid time as 00:00 AM - 4:38 PM. I was hoping you might be able to point out my errors or what I'm doing wrong. Thanks. My Config: "Command for open Raid Time Managment UI": "rtm", "Timezone(Difference between UTC and your time)": -460, "Time format for UI(True - 24H format, False - 12H format)": false, "Display UI": true, "Enable Alerts": true, "Discord webhook [empty = not use]": "", "Time before the start of the raid in minutes when to send a discord notification": 120, "Allow players to close the UI": true, "[RaidableBases] Allow raiding RB bases in SafeTime": true, "[TruePVE] Safe Time RuleSet": "default", "[TruePVE] Raid Time RuleSet": "default", "[ZoneManager] The plugin will work on entities in the zones": "DISABLED", "[ZoneManager] Zone ID List": [], "UI Position": "LOWER_RIGHT", "NPP amount": 0, "Block only offline raids": false, "Allow bots raids in any time": false, "Offline defence activation time": 3600, "Add safe days after wipe": 1, "Commands to be executed when raid time starts": [], "Commands to be executed when safe time starts": [], "Forbidden actions during the blocking of the raid": { "Default Raid By Player": true, "Damage Own Buildings": false, "Raid By Patrol Helicopter": true, "Raid By MLRS": true, "Using Ladders In Building Block": true, "Damage By Fire": true, "Build Ceiling In Building Block": true, "Build Turrets & TC In 2x Building Block Radius": true, "Break down twig buildings": false }, "List of prefabs that can always be damaged": [], "Manage raids by day of the week (Used by default)": { "Monday": [ { "Start Raid Block(Hours)": 22, "Start Raid Block(Minutes)": 0, "Stop Raid Block(Hours)": 12, "Stop Raid Block(Minutes)": 0 } ], "Tuesday": [ { "Start Raid Block(Hours)": 22, "Start Raid Block(Minutes)": 0, "Stop Raid Block(Hours)": 12, "Stop Raid Block(Minutes)": 0 } ], "Wednesday": [ { "Start Raid Block(Hours)": 22, "Start Raid Block(Minutes)": 0, "Stop Raid Block(Hours)": 12, "Stop Raid Block(Minutes)": 0 } ], "Thursday": [ { "Start Raid Block(Hours)": 22, "Start Raid Block(Minutes)": 0, "Stop Raid Block(Hours)": 12, "Stop Raid Block(Minutes)": 0 } ], "Friday": [ { "Start Raid Block(Hours)": 22, "Start Raid Block(Minutes)": 0, "Stop Raid Block(Hours)": 12, "Stop Raid Block(Minutes)": 0 } ], "Saturday": [ { "Start Raid Block(Hours)": 22, "Start Raid Block(Minutes)": 0, "Stop Raid Block(Hours)": 12, "Stop Raid Block(Minutes)": 0 } ], "Sunday": [ { "Start Raid Block(Hours)": 22, "Start Raid Block(Minutes)": 0, "Stop Raid Block(Hours)": 12, "Stop Raid Block(Minutes)": 0 } ] }, "Raid management for specific days(Takes precedence over raid management by day of the week)": { "11/23/2024": [ { "Start Raid Block(Hours)": 0, "Start Raid Block(Minutes)": 0, "Stop Raid Block(Hours)": 16, "Stop Raid Block(Minutes)": 38 } ], "11/24/2024": [ { "Start Raid Block(Hours)": 16, "Start Raid Block(Minutes)": 38, "Stop Raid Block(Hours)": 24, "Stop Raid Block(Minutes)": 0 } ] } }
  4. It just displays "text" for other players in the list. It will show my name correctly, but not other players. I have, "Allow players to view other players' stats" set to true. Any suggestions?
  5. Imabro

    Server Hud

    Great and simple plugin. This thing just works unlike some of the other HUD plugins. This is probably one of the best plugins I've gotten. It's simple and has a lot of information you can display to your players. One thing I didn't know until I got this plugin is it has messages that ill display at timed intervals at the bottom of the screen. It's another nice little touch to display information to your players.
  6. Imabro

    Plugin won't load.

    Nothing spawns.
  7. Imabro

    Plugin won't load.

    The Vendor still won't Spawn: 05.11 04:01:08 [Server] INFO [Error] - NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object TravellingVendor.UpdateObstacleList (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] hits, UnityEngine.Vector3 forward, System.Single checkRadius) (at <5140c3ae259340dea9b46e84e10eafbd>:0) 05.11 04:01:08 [Server] INFO TravellingVendor.UpdateObstacles () (at <5140c3ae259340dea9b46e84e10eafbd>:0) 05.11 04:01:08 [Server] INFO InvokeHandlerBase`1[T].DoTick () (at <e98d49e75234427b881b6f96fa7031b3>:0) 05.11 04:01:08 [Server] INFO InvokeHandlerBase`1[T].LateUpdate () (at <e98d49e75234427b881b6f96fa7031b3>:0) 05.11 04:01:08 [Server] INFO NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object 05.11 04:01:08 [Server] INFO at TravellingVendor.UpdateObstacleList (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] hits, UnityEngine.Vector3 forward, System.Single checkRadius) [0x00000] in <5140c3ae259340dea9b46e84e10eafbd>:0 05.11 04:01:08 [Server] INFO at TravellingVendor.UpdateObstacles () [0x00012] in <5140c3ae259340dea9b46e84e10eafbd>:0 05.11 04:01:08 [Server] INFO at InvokeHandlerBase`1[T].DoTick () [0x00138] in <e98d49e75234427b881b6f96fa7031b3>:0 05.11 04:01:08 [Server] INFO at InvokeHandlerBase`1[T].LateUpdate () [0x0000c] in <e98d49e75234427b881b6f96fa7031b3>:0
  8. Imabro

    Plugin won't load.

    Thank you for that.
  9. Imabro

    Plugin won't load.

    3.11 20:52:07 [Server] INFO [Generic] - AnyMapVendor was compiled successfully in 1435ms 03.11 20:52:07 [Server] INFO Fallback handler could not load library /RustDedicated_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/x86_64/data-0x556f69f38b30.so 03.11 20:52:07 [Server] INFO [Warning] - [Any Map Vendor] There is a ring road on the map, the plugin will not spawn the vendor 03.11 20:52:07 [Server] INFO [Any Map Vendor] There is a ring road on the map, the plugin will not spawn the vendor 03.11 20:52:07 [Server] INFO Loaded plugin Any Map Vendor v1.0.0 by Adem 03.11 20:52:07 [Server] INFO [Generic] - Loaded plugin Any Map Vendor v1.0.0 by Adem 03.11 20:52:07 [Server] INFO Unloaded plugin Any Map Vendor v1.0.0 by Adem Issue with the map? Do we need to look for a specific map in order to use this plugin?


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