Version v1.2.5
This custom map has a story behind it, its a 1.5k Size custom map however there is plenty of building space for up to 50 - 100 people and 12 monuments with a Bradley path.
Map originally made by @Umer778
Cave Excavation:
Abandoned Tunnel:
Project Medusa:
Custom Monuments :
Information Hub (Mid Tier loot)
Project Medusa (High Tier loot)
Trader (Safe Zone)
Business Man (Safe Zone)
Cave Excavation (Low Tier Loot - Chinook Drop zone)
Abandoned Military Base (Mid Tier Loot - Chinook Drop zone)
Abandoned Tunnel (Low Tier Loot)
Customized Lighthouse (Mid Tier Loot)
Makeshift Harbor (Low Tier Loot)
Rust Monuments:
Dome (Mid Tier Loot)
Oxums Gas Station (Low Tier Loot - Chinook Drop zone)
Large Oil Rig (High Tier Loot)
Mining Outpost (Low Tier Loot)
Fishing Village (Safe Zone)
There is a Bradley setup that goes from Dome to the crossroads near Oxums gas station and then back again, this is for the story. If you don't want this then simply disable Bradley spawn in the rust config!
There are a few plugins that will enhance the experience of this map, the BradleyGuards Plugin and Plagued Murderers Plugin!
This map does require to work, as do all custom rust maps.