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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Hi, Yes, that's the same thing and is fixed in the coming update. Thanks for reporting it! The consequence is one or two npcs will fail to spawn once in a while and, most likely, they'll respawn after a brief delay anyway. Worth fixing but nothing to worry about for now.
  2. Issue found and solved. Changes added to V1.0.7, coming soon. Thanks for taking the time @MooDDang
  3. I'd need to look into that but it's pretty unlikely in the short term. Not ruling it out but I have other things I'm planing to work on first.
  4. @Covfefe+ @Snivel Grenade tossing is in V1.0.7, which is more or less release ready.
  5. Steenamaroo

    Chat Icon Change?

    Hi Grimm, I'll take a look at that and get back to you. I don't set an icon at present - What you see is default but I could make it an option for you.
  6. Hi, I'll make a note and take a look at that next time I'm working on RustRewards. Thanks for the suggestion!
  7. Hi @Adam Lewis- That makes perfect sense. Can't see why I shouldn't be able to add that for you. Thanks for the suggestion.
  8. Hi @Leonardo, The plugin can be configured almost entirely by UI. Just do `/botrespawn` in console to bring up the UI and start customising event and default profiles, or do `/botrespawn add SomeNameHere` to create a new profile (at your current location) and auto-open the UI at that page. The minimum a profile needs to start spawning npcs is Autospawn:true, and a day and/or night spawn amount above 0, then just click 'Reload Profile'. Everything else is preference.
  9. Hi Steven, Thanks for asking. DM sent.
  10. Just to update, this issue was solved and the fix will be included in upcoming V1.0.7. Thanks for the help debugging it. Dr.D.Bug.
  11. Steenamaroo

    Spawn points

    Responded to DM.
  12. @pookins " `/chat group list cmd` - what command is this?" Never mind - I found it. This command lists BetterChat chat groups. That's not the same as oxide groups. Use `oxide.show groups` in console to list all oxide groups or, better yet, use PermissionsManager.
  13. @pookins- The attached file was directed at Chernov. Your issue was described as Permissions Manager showing players who never joined your server, but your example shows group names. Do you have an issue with listed players too? treasurehunter is a real group, created by DangerousTreasures. `/chat group list cmd` - what command is this? Try oxide.show groups in console - It should show treasurehunter and oxide.group remove treasurehunter should remove it although, as Jbird says, it's created by DangerousTreasures so you'd need to disable the option in its config otherwise the group will just be recreated next time you reload.
  14. Hi @MooDDang If reloading the profile causes all npcs to spawn properly then it would be worth making sure that nav_wait is set to true on your server. If nav_wait is false then the server goes ahead and starts up before navmesh generation is complete, which means BotReSpawn npcs wouldn't be able to spawn immediately after a server restart, but would be able to after a short delay - Say reloading a profile, or the plugin, a few minutes later. If nav_wait was already true, maybe we can chat on discord and get this figured out quickly.
  15. Steenamaroo

    Reward points

    Hi, Can you confirm other rewards are working within RustRewards, and that there are no applicable multipliers set to 0? Weapon multipliers, for example?
  16. @Chernov- Would you mind confirming if this solves your issue? PermissionsManager.cs
  17. In the All Players list, or as members of some group?
  18. It's meant to show awake and sleeping players - Did you know that?
  19. Hi, Weird one. I've never seen that happen before. PermissionsManager gets its names from BasePlayer.allPlayerList, which the server manages, so it's very strange to appear twice but, furthermore, the "was not found" error happens if the userID doesn't match any player in that very same list. I don't have an explanation - Do you have any unusual plugins that might be doing something weird?
  20. Hi, This sounds like expected behaviour. Structures made out of the user-available building blocks don't have navmesh, so the npcs can't spawn there unless stationary is set to true. Of course if stationary is true then they won't be able to move around. Your main options are to create custom spawn points inside the base and use Stationary: true, or let the npcs spawn around the base, outside on the terrain where they'll be able to move around.
  21. Hi Grimm, Is this at custom monuments or default ones? Are you on V1.0.6 or V1.0.7? Thanks.
  22. Hi @Chernov Thanks for the info. I'll see about fixing this for the next update.
  23. Steenamaroo

    Hurts me when shoot bots

    Glad to hear it. With peacekeeper set to true the npcs wont attack unless their target is marked hostile - a bit like the safe-zone npcs.
  24. Oh, ok. Fair enough. Dming you now.


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