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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Thanks for the suggestion @KingSizeKevin That's already added for the next update. It has WaterWells, Substations, UndergroundCaves, UnderwaterLabs, and Oilrigs, and all of those categories have a global disable true/false option, to turn them off and remove them from the UI.
  2. Hi, Sounds like you're missing files from /server/cfg/ai BotReSpawn doesn't actually use the files from there so it *should* be inconsequential, but if scientist_roam is missing (as the error suggests), other npc or animal AI files might be missing too. Re-update your server, or grab a copy of that /server/cfg/ai folder from a backup or another install.
  3. Hi, Thanks for reporting. I think the content of PlayerRanksDelayedRewards.json is becoming null some how. Deleting that file then reloading the plugin should clear the error. Please let me know if that's the case ^ I'll try and find out what caused it and prevent it from happening in future versions.
  4. No trouble. Best of luck.
  5. No problem. ServerRewards and Economics store their own data. You can use many different plugins that can issue ServerRewards or Economics but, generally, those plugins aren't keeping their own records.
  6. I don't think Gather Rewards stores any data. Are you talking about the player's Economics or ServerRewards balance? Those are stored by the Economics and ServerRewards plugins.
  7. Hi, I'm not sure what you mean. From uMod "GatherRewards gives players money through Economics or ServerRewards when gathering wood from trees, ores from ore rocks, killing players, or killing animals." RustRewards does all this too ^.
  8. This ^. I've no idea why there is a 'compatible with Carbon' tickbox when Carbon's meant to be 100% oxide compatible anyway. People here are saying it works fine.
  9. Ok, Don't hesitate to let me know either way. Thanks!
  10. I don't use Carbon for writing or testing so so I don't tick the box to claim any of my plugins are Carbon compatible. My understanding is that Carbon is meant to be 100% oxide compatible, though, so, as far as I know, it should work fine.
  11. I use scientistnpc_roam
  12. When does the error you posted happen? Is it during startup only?
  13. Could there be an issue with your config file? Do you see any errors or messages to that effect when you reload the plugin?
  14. There's the answer. "Config file issue detected. Please delete file, or check syntax and fix." Delete your /config/PermissionsManager.json then reload the plugin.
  15. Hi, Everything you're saying suggests the plugin isn't loaded. Redownload the plugin from codefling and copy it in to your server's oxide or carbon plugins folder. Watch your server console while you're doing this - It should confirm that the plugin loaded. If there are any errors at this stage there's either something wrong with the plugin file or an existing config or language file. Paste the error here, in that case.
  16. Thanks folks. There will be an update. I've been lagging behind a bit lately but I'll try to get it done soon.
  17. Steenamaroo


    Also, it's a contains check rather than a match check, so all of your entries beginning with scientistnpc_full are presently handled as MilitaryTunnelScientist. The "Scientist" entry is removed for the next update. Thanks.
  18. Steenamaroo


    Hi, Weapon drop means drop on the ground. If you set weapon drop chance to zero then the weapon will be in the npc's belt instead. There are no controls that relate to ammo as the npcs don't need ammo. Whatever is preloaded into the weapon in the kit is what the npcs will fire, and they'll have infinite free reloads. I appreciate the info but you'll notice that my categories are by location for user friendliness, whereas what you've added is by prefab name. If I was to go by prefab name I'd make the settings automatically update and self populate so all would be covered. If the prefabs you've listed represent a particular location I'm not aware of, though, please do let me know and I'll add them.
  19. Steenamaroo

    Error Spam in Console

    Hi, Looks like a simple null check. Thanks for letting me know. I'm not going to do a public update tonight but I'll dm you a patched copy.
  20. Steenamaroo

    config file ?

    PlayerRanks will create config and data files in the oxide or carbon config + data folders, as soon as you install it. If those files don't exist then I'd say PlayerRanks isn't loaded - Perhaps your copy is corrupted or incomplete. Delete any copies in your downloads folder then re-download directly from Codefling, then install in your servers /plugins folder, and watch console for confirmation that it loaded. If you get that confirmation then you should have config and data files.
  21. Not that I'm aware of, no. Any chance Kits plugin is just unloaded, or recent changes to its config or data files has left it with issues? I suppose try redeeming one of the kits yourself as a first troubleshooting measure.
  22. Hi, Do you see an error when you reload the plugin? I'd guess, from the above, that there's an issue with your config file.
  23. Thanks for the update @laodu I've worked in a solution in the next update.
  24. Do you mean the big wheel? There are oxide hooks for BigWheelWin / BigWheelLoss
  25. Hi, Thanks. I'll be updating shortly for Wolf2. It shouldn't be in your config, though, unless you manually added it?


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