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Everything posted by molokatan

    I wanted a simple plugin to show a status for our VIP group that has a kind of hardcore mode active (random raids etc.). All I had to do was that. Func<BasePlayer, bool> isVip = (basePlayer) => { if (basePlayer == null) { return false; } return basePlayer.IPlayer.BelongsToGroup("vip"); }; CustomStatusFramework?.Call("CreateStatus", "customstatus.vip", "0.7 0.4 0 1", "Hardcore", "1 1 1 1", "", "1 1 1 1", "hardcore", "1 1 1 1", isVip ); This is called `OnServerInitialized` and when unloading the plugin I call this: CustomStatusFramework?.Call("DeleteStatus","customstatus.vip"); I can recommend integrating this into other plugins. It keeps things simple and clean!
  1. molokatan

    Npc Random Raids

    Hi. We found an issue when players place a TC on raidable bases. The TC is a potential target for a random raid. i added this atm to the method `CanBeRaided` to fix it. if (Convert.ToBoolean(RaidableBases?.CallHook("EventTerritory", privLoc))) return false; would be nice to see this and my other change for the permission in the next update. -edit- same should be done for `CanBeRaidedFlair`...
    When I bought that plugin, I was not sure if it is worth to spend $14.99. I guess most of you will have those concerns when you look at the free plugin available and compare them. What convinced me, is the better user experience. I do not like if players need to know a lot of different commands or read a documentation to understand what is going on. Plugins should make it as easy as possible and integrate into the existing UI (if possible). The UI is quite easy to understand for players, and we had no trouble to integrate it into our current server. You can apply skins for an already placed wall/floor etc. with a hammer tool. You can also apply skins with a single click for the whole building at TC. Everything works exactly how you would expect it. All a player needs to know, is exactly 1 command. You can "hide" that command behind a button and no one will ever ask you how this works. Overall, you do nothing wrong if you buy this plugin.
    Our PVE server is meant to be beginner-friendly. That is why we wanted to have heli loot available for players that are quite new to the game. We run it with AutomatedEvents for about 20% of the time when a heli spawns. You can have NPC guards configured that make it not too easy. The event is running on our server for several months and players still love it.
  2. molokatan

    Armored Train

    Hi, i just added your plugin to our server. While setting it up, i had a bit trouble to get it running. For what ever reason it could not find any tracks. (seed: 262599322, size: 5000) So i decided to use custom spawn points. This has one huge disadvantage. The plugin will somehow not know if the spawn point is underground or not. Is there any chance that we can mark spawn points at being in the subway? Otherwise i cant use Helis OR underground spawn points, because it will spawn and fly somewhere under terrain in those situations. This means also under ocean surface in the water.
  3. molokatan

    Npc Random Raids

    i added for our server: private const string adminPerm = "randomraids.admin"; // this line to define permission name private const string usePerm = "randomraids.use"; private void Init() { _ = this; permission.RegisterPermission(adminPerm, this); // this line to enable permission on plugin init permission.RegisterPermission(usePerm, this); private void OnRaidableBaseCompleted(...) { // this 2 lines to block spawn on RB completion for users without permission if (!permission.UserHasPermission(owner.UserIDString, usePerm)) return; private void CallRaidOnNpcKills(BasePlayer p, string Rtype) { if (p != null) { // this 2 lines to block spawn on NPC kills if player has no permission if (!permission.UserHasPermission(p.UserIDString, usePerm)) return; would be nice if the plugin itself supports that. Note: This is a quickfix that works for me. It will not block raids for other players that got this permission. Any TC where players with permissions are authorized is still a potential target.
  4. Hi. nice plugin and easy to set up. Just got one small request for it. I am using a 32:9 screen and i know that a lot of players (on my server) are running that game with 21:9. When using such screens the whole UI gets stretched. When changing the UI scale, some buttons and icons get scrambled and overlap other parts. (f.e. when choosing items for the containers, or the code lock input screen) And the most important thing on that. When you change the scale of the UI, you expect that it is actually changing. But thats only the case for some parts of it. As your UI is not using full screen pages and is also not exploding on a 1080p screen.... Is it possible to rely less on AnchorMin/AnchorMax (relative positioning) for it and instead use OffsetMin/OffsetMax for the Containers on the screen? That would be awesome and gives a better UX for all. FYI: I already applied those changes for the UI that my players will see on the latest version. (Quick and dirty) took me about 1h. guess the admin screens will take around the same time to fix and some additional overhead for code cleaning. greetings
  5. molokatan

    Welcome Panel

    I think that removing the editor is the biggest pain point here. You actually removed one of your major features and selling points. Yesterday i fiddled around about 3-4 hours to set up my info screen and THIS was pretty handy to get a first impression without reloading the plugin all 30 seconds. While performance might be a case when the UI is settled and just kept running for a while, it doest matter that much when you create it from scratch. So would be awesome to get it back somehow. I also fear the next step into the new version, because i dont know what it might brick. But i guess i find out next weekend... hope i dont waste another 4 hours on that.
  6. can confirm that both Bradleys are spawning and driving around. Maybe nice to know: The Bradley on Launch Site cant be forced to spawn using Automated Events plugin. It cant find the Bradley spawn point for that. But vanilla works fine and i guess thats enough bradley-action for a server. we will now give it a shot on our test server and get it ready for next wipe. TY
  7. sorry that i did not add that to my post before ... a bit stupid to send someone looking for that when i actually know the positions -.- 1) go to center of AA9 and look east to AB9 -> a small gap 2) go to AA12/AA13 also look east -> a wider gap both spots are on the edge of the map and not critical. rest of the map should be fine.
  8. in the water area there are several places where you can dive under the terrain. Would be nice if you can fix that. Also had some issues on our test server where bradley is "camping" the entrance to the under water dome and not moving around. We plan to use that map on our server for one of the next wipes. looking great.
  9. molokatan

    Custom Buttons

    @David think the easierst way to do that is using your different types -> Panels, buttons. If you make it possible to assign components to a panel (panel gets the parent) instead of only adding everything to "Hud", "Overlay", and then add a command to toggle a ui by its name, it should be fairly easy to integrate it. As child components are also placed relative to its parent with CUI, positioning of buttons on panels should be way faster. What can be a little bit tricky, is to manage the ui state for different players as you need to store which panel is enabled. Overall that would be a huge improvement and makes more complex UI possible for everyone. what else to say: nice plugin for everyone who struggles using CUI or wants an easy solution to use ingame. love it


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