Hello, sorry that you are having issues with the plugin. Since you are the only one currently reporting these issues with many others running the plugin I will need more detail from you in order to help you.
- Skin ids are not working, so no custom items can be added.
Please provide me your config file that you have modified so I can take a look if anything is incorrect in here.
- Vanilla loot after second crate start to appear. Custom loot not working.
Not sure what you mean by this. Do you mean disappear? You also say vanilla but then say custom loot not working? Please explain.
-Only spawns max 4 crates like default Cargo does. (config it is set to 8 )
Another I can see if your config is setup properly. You need to have spawn locations for each crate in there. Did you add those?
-There are no codes or extra scientists.
Do you have other plugins that manages NPC spawns and could be removing them?
Codes for disactivate the turrets is not working.
How were you able to try this if you couldn't get a code as mentioned in the above point? Please provide more detail.
Overall I would also recommended looking over what plugins you have that may be conflicting. What do you have that manages item loot, containers, etc? What about NPC spawns? Power management, turrets, etc..
Some of these points you mentioned when people have had issues in the past (loot being the most often) it's always come down to a conflicting plugin or not understanding how to setup the config. You can always test removing another plugin or disabling it temporarily to figure out if it's conflicting.