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Heavy Excavator Event 1.0.4

   (1 review)

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About Heavy Excavator Event

Heavy Excavator Event is a configurable plugin that allows for a new type of random event. Randomly a message will appear letting players know that there is a heavy excavator being formed.

The excavator will then start mining resources. A heavy unit is stationed by each resource output pile. A heavy unit includes extra scientists, auto turrets,  and a bradley. You must fight your way through the heavy units to get the resources that are mined by the Excavator. There's also two hackable crates positioned in the core of the Excavator,  guarded by additional scientists and auto turrets. You must work to clear the heavy units and hold the Excavator until it finishes mining resources for maximum loot. That's if other players don't get to it first!

This is a great event to add to your server to give it a little more variety. It can be a fun PVP zone or a PVE event for non PVP servers. 



You can simple drop the plugin in as-is and it will start the random event every 1 to 2 hours OR you can modify the config to your specific needs.



Example - en

Admin Only Commands






void HeavyExcavatorEventStarted()

void HeavyExcavatorEventStopped()



Spawn locations as well as the total number of turrets, scientists, hackable crates,  & bradleys can be modified. Simply go to the location in game you want to place the new item and use the command /HePOS. It will message you the location. You can the add that location to the config in the appropriate section for want you want to modify. Reload the plugin and you're good to go!


Discord: cahnu

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