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Everything posted by Qube

  1. Qube

    Shop UI

    can you add this feature because i got used to alot now i cannot handle stuff in my server without this personalization
  2. Want to post a plugin or map on codefling but have no idea what logo you should use? I will create a logo based on info given to me of your next plugin or map or prefab. ( PNG , GIF , JPG ) Note: This is free of cost If you are interested I can do one in my free time DM me on Discord : Qube#9311
  3. Qube

    Looking for a job

    Update Regarding this post. I am getting lot of DMs about server management. Here are some details about the process 1) I can build a rust server based on ideas you give me [ You should be particular about it don't just say create a 10x server or create a server like Rust.gg 10x etc ] 2) I can create modded server or vanilla based on your requirements and can configure any plugin if you want me do it individually. [ Both Oxide and Carbon ] 3) I can also do a Server logo , Banner [ Static and Animated ] , Full discord Setup with Logs , Bots and Wipe announcements and all other Rust Discord Stuff 4) Server Management [ Discord Server Manager , Rust Wipes and Plugin Updates ] Monday - 2 Tuesday - 1 Wednesday - 0 Thursday - 3 [Full] Friday - 0 Saturday - 2 Sunday - 1 Here are the number of servers i will be wiping on the days. Make sure you check the list before asking me wipe on those days. 5) Can Optimize the server if its lagging and will teach you how to manage the server and what it takes to grow based on my experience. Bonus Perk : I will create your server logo , banner , discord based on your server theme [ Example : Server name is Beach Rust then the whole server will be based Beach and Coast Theme ( The colours , Images , and Animations etc..) ] I don't if I can post my test server IP here or no. So if you want to join my test server and see my work can DM me on Discord for IP. Discord : Qube#9311
  4. Can you add a preview of the explosion effect.
  5. Can you give me more info so that we can understand what's going on and work on it as soon as possible. Thank you
  6. Actually you should wipe the data file of DrugBusiness because you should add a dealer manually when you add a new map. The old map dealer location is stored which makes the dealer spawn in air or in ground. Don't worry we noted the point and in upcoming update dealer will be automatically spawned in outpost which makes it easier for admins to manage and you can still disable and enable the outpost dealer in config if you want to use custom map.
  7. Qube

    Unknown commands

    Can you post me what error you are getting or i am ready yo help, you can dm me on site or in discord : Qube#9311
  8. Qube

    Shop command?

    If you want to open buying seeds UI by command ,Thanks for your suggestion it will implemented in next update which will be coming out soon. If you want to add the seeds in Shop plugin [Like /shop] you can still do it by adding item name and Skin ID Correctly. If you need any help setting it up Direct Message on site. Thank you
  9. Qube

    no drone

    @smudge41try the latest version its working for me using server rewards and economics too. I suggest you to use economics plugin if you really want to implement money system in your server.
  10. Qube

    Another Info Panel

    Hello @Knockcree The author is not currently online i will Direct Message you on site tell me if its working or not. Edit : Fixed
  11. gib me this pocket base. lol nice job bmg
  12. great idea i will try that
  13. Qube

    Rust Server Tool

    Finally Carbon is here . Thanks @LosGranada
  14. Qube

    Shop UI

    And building block shop block too?
  15. Qube

    Shop UI

    Do this plugin have Search Option? If yes that would be great
  16. Qube

    Plugin Config Issue

    I fixed it for now . as it is changing to default values i have edited .cs default values to my values. @Raul-Sorin Sorban
  17. Qube

    Plugin Config Issue

    { "Prefix": "Portable Recycler", "OpenCommand": "recycler", "PlayOpenEffect": true, "ChatIconSteamId": 76561198866865300, "Rules": { "CanUseRecyclerWhileBuildingBlocked": false, "CanUseRecyclerWhileCombatBlocked": false, "CanUseRecyclerWhileRaidBlocked": false }, "Phrases": { "CooledDown": "You're in cooldown.\n<size=12><color=orange>{0}</color> seconds left.</size>", "BuildingBlocked": "You're building-blocked.", "CombatBlocked": "You're combat-blocked.", "RaidBlocked": "You're raid-blocked.", "CloseClear": "Your <color=orange>Portable Recycler</color> emptied as you cannot store items inside of it." }, "GroupCooldowns": { "default": 10.0 }, "GroupRate": { "default": 1.0 }, "GroupQuality": { "default": 1.0 } }
  18. Qube

    Plugin Config Issue

    hello Raul i have edited the config and restarted server which makes the config reset to default one, can you test it out once
  19. Qube

    Plugin Config Issue

    No matter how many times i edit the config when i restart the server the config is getting reset. and the recycler speed is vanilla. any help would be appreciated
  20. Discord Report from Umod does that . Check once
    I love how this plugin is made feels like the game had this by default and easy to configure and customer support is quick and precise.
  21. Wow will give it a try. All the best team
  22. may be use Skyfall by killyou and add custom loot spawns and best loottables possible with ammo and guns and meds. use supply signal plugin by mevent to make it cool. add team chat plugin and friends plugin to make teams and enable friendly fire. if you want to make a br server you can implement it like this but if you need a game mode that would cost so much time and money


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