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Everything posted by UserLeftRust

  1. tried it.... because of the way vehicle licence spawns it would just drop it on their head...
  2. UserLeftRust

    RustyBanger BUG

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  3. UserLeftRust

    RustyBanger BUG

    its because its designed to follow the command list.... because you have spaces the list order is off... i'll have a look at updating it this weekend to reflect this.
  4. Rustybangers is back available. As of testing today 29/7/23 it is fully functional. Reminder that the one dependancy this plugin has is Vehicle Licence on uMod, Please remember to update Vehicle Licence and reload RustyBangers before posting support requests.
  5. Theres been some confusion there.. Rustybans was removed as i took down the endpoint, Rustybangers is a UI for vehicle licence and should still work... The team have put it back up and i'm just booting Rust to make sure it still works...
  6. dl=1 is the direct download... you need to change the end of the url to say dl=1 instead of dl=0
  7. Good work @☜Марат☞ I added the following just for me to upgrade RP builds but thinking about it you could polish it up to upgrade prebuilt.. maybe add a radius check etc.... just food for thought. (requires using System.Linq;) [ChatCommand("cuntbuild")] void Cuntsbuild(BasePlayer player) { if (!permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, permissionName)) { PrintToChat(player, lang.GetMessage("Lang_NoPermissions", this, player.UserIDString)); return; } foreach (var Ent in UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType<BuildingBlock>().ToList()) { if (Ent.OwnerID == player.userID && Ent.grade == BuildingGrade.Enum.Stone) { NextTick(() => { Ent.skinID = 10220; Ent.UpdateSkin(true); Ent.currentSkin.Refresh(Ent); Ent.SendNetworkUpdate(BasePlayer.NetworkQueue.Update); player.SendNetworkUpdateImmediate(false); player.ClientRPC(null, "RefreshSkin"); }); } } }
  8. something killed the heli on spawn
  9. check the dll is running by typing the word rustedit in your server console, it should respond with a number of available functions.. thats my usual go to and usual issue..
  10. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  11. images and psd's are only included for you to be able to customise / make your own mate.. all you need is the .cs in your plugins folder, all the images are hosted on my imgur already
  12. Orange made a plugin to do this, I also have one thats been in and out of development. my version worked with clans and placed the player into a lobby or spectators spot after elimination... if this is something thats still wanted then i can continue work on it...
  13. UserLeftRust


    if you use the support tab then i normally see this, i will put it on my test machine and see if i've missed something over the weekend @KingSizeKevin
  14. Guys working through some updates to fix issues.. be patient. The road isn't always smooth to the destination we want
  15. UserLeftRust

    so basically

    Okay, i'll have a poke about, there are some bits i don't like as this wasnt created by me... i may end up just rewriting it to be honest.
  16. hmmm... what a bottom! I'm going to rewrite it anyway, theres a few things i don't like... Not Damo's fault.... just not a MikeHawke plugin
  17. UserLeftRust

    Weapon name changing

    not sure why its picking that up. i'll get on it
  18. UserLeftRust


    weird.. ill have a look shortly
  19. UserLeftRust

    plugin not work

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  20. UserLeftRust

    plugin not work

    Backpacks isnt mine, make sure you remove the other backpack plugin and try redownloading BackPackPro incase the file has goofed. Just dropped it onto a dev and shes loading... so its got to be something silly
  21. Static Lootables doesn't edit config files when calling the OnNewSave hook, I just checked it, So something else is effecting the config. May sound a bit stupid but lets go through it. When you wipe the server are you or your host deleing oxide/config or oxide/data files? How are you handing wipes? auto script, manual deletion, etc. if you go through your wipe procedure is there a config file before boot and then after boot how has it changed? Are you getting NULL in the config file? << That is a server error and usually due to space constraints or Oxide taking a poop. SL only handles Data file entries on a new save and thats just getting loot containers. E.g. private void OnNewSave ( string filename ) { DataFile.WriteObject ( Data = new RootData () ); }
  22. UserLeftRust

    so basically

    I cant recreate this, so just to make sure i'm not missing something, your opening the UI with the command, selecting a set of wings and then enabling them, then closing the UI and you'r stuck until you press escape... correct? Is this happening when you bring up the UI AND the /wing command?
  23. UserLeftRust

    so basically

    No need for attitude, but firstly, I didn't write the plugin hence the large green banner at the top of the plugin page.... so that said, it was for sale before i had anything to do with it and your the first to mention something being wrong. Secondly the F3 network render is different from the client side and not a true visual, that is also effected by the direction your player is looking. So what i was asking was if you have the ability to ask another player to take some screenshots then that would be grand and help completely in resolving this apparent issue.
  24. UserLeftRust

    so basically

    just in F3? get another player to have a look at you and take pics... just before i start chasing my tail... sometimes the F3 view is aids


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