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Everything posted by Death

  1. This is now fixed.
  2. Hmm, it's likely the lack of meta data that provided on links. We'll see what we can do on our end to sort that out.
  3. The only way to achieve something like this is to save entities as they're spawned and store in a database to recover from in the event of a crash. It doesn't seem worth it though as you can simply increase saving frequency instead. The only plugin I can think of that does something similar is :
  4. @The Friendly Chap Would be a bit more complicated than that. What if the player had an AK, but was also naked? Realistically you'd need to develop an item scoring system and set a threshold to announce in chat if the players item score was below it. Or more simply just exclude nakeds with weapons on their hotbar.
  5. Such an amazing show
  6. Death

    Reported issues

    Gave this to my admins for a bit so passing along the bug reports: Can't use ladders you can get on and off but is glitchy to travel up/down Also stops showing when you go in and out of vanish until you turn wings off then back on
  7. The two at the top are actually the slider. It's meant to be that big, though I have been playing with it a bit to make it fit better alongside everything else. As for the actual file rows, it shows 5, 4 fully with one slightly cut off to indicate there are more files to show if you interact with it. I'm not sure what you're seeing on your end as resolutions will differ, so if you could provide a screenshot that would help greatly to ensure everything lines up and looks right on your end.
  8. Death

    Shop UI

    Certified hood classic
  9. Death

    Meteor Plugin

  10. If @FastBurst does not respond to you within 48 hours please submit a support request at https://codefling.com/support and we'll get this sorted for you on our end.
  11. Wrap your keyword in quotes "like this" to search for titles only.
    Yeah, I can say for certain this is a lot more convenient than doing it manually.
  12. Improvements have been made to our search engine, which will now search both titles, descriptions, and tags to provide relative results based on the provided keywords. We also thought it would make more sense to display only files as default. This can be changed per user via the advanced search button or by clicking enter with your keywords. We've also filtered out comments, reviews, and support posts from the results to cut back on the pollution many users have complained about. This, of course, can be changed as mentioned above. If your searches are still not relevant enough, please let us know to continue improving our algorithm!
  13. @FastBurst
  14. Death

    Delete crate when looted?

  15. Death

    Custom Crate locations

  16. @FastBurst
  17. @Logan
  18. The OnEntityLeave hook isn't called for PatrolHelicopterAI but there is a similar hook called OnHelicopterRetire if you only want it to be called when it leaves on its own. That hook will not be called if it's destroyed or ent killed. If you want to trigger for that AND when it leaves then use OnEntityKill. Example: void OnHelicopterRetire(HelicopterAI helicopter) { // Do your thing. Change to object if you want to override internal method } Internal method: public void Retire() { if (this.isRetiring) { return; } if (Interface.CallHook("OnHelicopterRetire", this) != null) { return; } this.isRetiring = true; base.Invoke(new Action(this.DestroyMe), 240f); float size = TerrainMeta.Size.x; float single = 200f; Vector3 vector3 = Vector3Ex.Range(-1f, 1f); vector3.y = 0f; vector3.Normalize(); vector3 = vector3 * (size * 20f); vector3.y = single; this.ExitCurrentState(); this.State_Move_Enter(vector3); }
  19. Death

    Custom Map Name

    That's because they used it in a manner to mislead people. As long as you don't use it to mislead, as explained above, it's okay to use.
  20. Death

    Custom Map Name

    @Flammable @GamingHQ I've confirmed with Alistair that this is okay to use as long as it's not misleading.
  21. Death

    no oil crate

    Please read the description of the plugin.
  22. Yeah I'll have to agree. You should really consider putting more effort into your description to justify that price @cengizhanbucak
  23. Our new subscription service is finally here! Introducing Codefling+, or CF+ for short. This subscription is tailored to users who frequently use our platform and are interested in discounts and exciting new perks across our website and related services, such as Discord. For starters, Codefling+ subscribers will no longer be charged a processing fee on purchases made. This is valid on all purchases made without limitation! In addition, the subscription offers various perks such as buffs to storage space, upload size restrictions, flood bypass for searches and reactions, higher quality image uploads, and animated profile pictures! While these perks may be exciting to some, the purpose of this subscription is to introduce an opportunity to save money by eliminating processing fees. It's another step forward as we work to phase out fees altogether and instead offer optional paid services to those interested. A full list of perks can be found at https://codefling.com/plus What about Creators? While Codefling+ is tailored specifically towards users, we do plan to release a separate purpose-built subscription for creators later this year once we implement more monetization options for you to utilize. There will be an upgrade path should you decide to get Codefling+ and want to switch to the Creator+ subscription later this year. Creator+ will feature the same perks as Codefling+ with the addition of creator-specific perks and benefits. No info is available for said perks and benefits just yet. Renewals The subscription is billed monthly, however, if you're interested in longer renewal terms you can add credit to your CF wallet and have it withdrawn there automatically instead. Additional renewal terms will be added in the future. How to Signup To access and manage your subscription, click your name at the top of the site to open the dropdown menu and select Manage Subscriptions. Alternatively, you can access it at https://codefling.com/subscriptions or https://codefling.com/plus for Codefling+ specifically.
  24. This was a private commission if I recall. Sorry


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